
Stellantis Pro One Inaugurates Global Commercial Vehicles Hub at Mirafiori Automotive Park 2030 in Turin, Italy

Stellantis Pro One Inaugurates Global Commercial Vehicles Hub at Mirafiori Automotive Park 2030 in Turin, Italy

Stellantis Pro One在意大利都靈Mirafiori汽車園2030年開設全球商用車樞紐
Stellantis NV ·  09/17 12:00
  • Stellantis' global commercial vehicles hub symbolizes the Company's commitment to business customers
  • New hub harmonizes the strategy of the commercial vehicles business, consolidates competencies and cross-brand functions and coordinates competence centers around the world
  • Stellantis Pro One's commercial vehicles business accounts for one-third of Stellantis' total Net revenue
  • Stellantis的全球商用車中心象徵着公司對企業客戶的承諾
  • 新中心協調了商用車業務的戰略,整合了能力和跨品牌職能,並協調了世界各地的能力中心
  • Stellantis Pro One的商用車業務佔Stellantis總淨收入的三分之一

TURIN – Stellantis Pro One celebrated a major milestone today, inaugurating its new global commercial vehicles hub at the Mirafiori Automotive Park 2030 in Turin, Italy. The hub brings together all functions that align the strategy and guidelines of the business unit to increase efficiency and speed in decision-making.

都靈——Stellantis Pro One今天慶祝了一個重要的里程碑,在意大利都靈的米拉菲奧裏汽車園2030年爲其新的全球商用車中心揭幕。該中心彙集了所有職能,這些職能使業務部門的戰略和指導方針保持一致,以提高決策的效率和速度。

The new hub, made of more than 80 experts, will integrate multiple cross-brand functions including engineering, marketing, product development, sales, logistics, communication, finance, human resources, purchasing, recreational vehicles, manufacturing and other customer-focused activities. Also, it will act as a "steering center" for all employees involved in the global commercial vehicle business. These teams will coordinate with competence centers and production facilities worldwide, supporting Stellantis Pro One's mission to strengthen its global leadership in commercial vehicles.

新中心由80多位專家組成,將整合多個跨品牌職能,包括工程、營銷、產品開發、銷售、物流、溝通、財務、人力資源、採購、休閒車、製造和其他以客戶爲中心的活動。此外,它將充當參與全球商用車業務的所有員工的 「指導中心」。這些團隊將與全球能力中心和生產設施進行協調,以支持Stellantis Pro One的使命,即加強其在商用車領域的全球領導地位。

"The Stellantis Pro One global commercial vehicles hub is all about taking the best of our dedicated teams, based across our regions, to achieve our ambition on a very profitable segment that represents one-third of our revenues," said Stellantis CEO Carlos Tavares. "The decision to set this hub in Mirafiori is another testament to our deep commitment to Italy."

Stellantis首席執行官卡洛斯·塔瓦雷斯表示:「Stellantis Pro One全球商用車中心旨在充分利用我們遍佈各地區的專業團隊,在佔我們收入三分之一的利潤豐厚的細分市場上實現我們的目標。」「在米拉菲奧裏設立這個中心的決定再次證明了我們對意大利的堅定承諾。」

This year, Stellantis Pro One marked other significant milestones:

今年,Stellantis Pro One標誌着其他重要的里程碑:

In the first half of 2024, Stellantis Pro One secured the top position in three regions: Europe 30, South America, and the Middle East & Africa. These impressive results highlight Stellantis Pro One's strong global market presence with six brands, which will enable the achievement of Stellantis' Dare Forward 2030 strategic plan with the commercial vehicles business accounting for one-third of Stellantis Net revenues, plus delivering €5 billion in connected services revenue as a 360-degree preferred business partner.

在2024年上半年,Stellantis Pro One在三個地區名列前茅:歐洲 30、南美以及中東和非洲。這些令人印象深刻的業績凸顯了Stellantis Pro One擁有六個品牌的強大全球市場影響力,這將使Stellantis的Dare Forward 2030戰略計劃得以實現,商用車業務佔Stellantis淨收入的三分之一,另外作爲360度的首選業務合作伙伴提供50億歐元的互聯服務收入。

Stellantis Pro One also renewed its entire van lineup, launching 12 new models simultaneously from Citroën, FIAT Professional, Opel, Peugeot and Vauxhall across all segments with second-generation electrification (battery-electric and fuel cell-electric vehicles) and full connectivity for vans and pickups. The product offensive continues with the new Ram ProMaster EV Delivery van in North America and the New Fiat Titano, a 1-ton pickup in South America. The commercial vehicles business also strengthened the offer of low-impact vehicles by introducing innovative solutions such as hydrogen.

Stellantis Pro One還更新了其整個貨車陣容,在所有細分市場中同時推出了來自雪鐵龍、菲亞特專業版、歐寶、標緻和沃克斯豪爾的12款新車型,採用第二代電氣化(電池電動和燃料電池電動汽車)以及貨車和皮卡的全面連接。產品攻勢仍在繼續,在北美推出了新的Ram ProMaster EV Delivery貨車和在南美推出的1噸皮卡的新款菲亞特Titano。商用車業務還通過引入氫氣等創新解決方案,加強了低衝擊車輛的供應。

Working closely with its customers to meet diverse transformation and customization requests, Stellantis Pro One recently introduced "Stellantis CustomFit", a new conversion and customization program, which guarantees the highest standards of quality, safety and seamless integration between technological features of the base model vehicle and the specific modifications requested by the client. These in-house transformations are complemented by solutions developed in collaboration with a global network of over 400 certified partners. This strengthens the ever-growing range of products, from tipper vans to optimized cargo space vans and recreational vehicles, all designed specifically to meet the needs of private customers, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and large fleets.

Stellantis Pro One與客戶密切合作,以滿足不同的改造和定製需求,最近推出了 「Stellantis CustomFit」,這是一項新的轉換和定製計劃,它保證了最高的質量、安全標準以及基本模型車輛的技術特徵與客戶要求的特定修改之間的無縫集成。這些內部轉型與由400多個認證合作伙伴組成的全球網絡合作開發的解決方案是對這些內部轉型的補充。這增強了不斷增長的產品範圍,從自卸車到經過優化的載貨車和休閒車,所有這些產品都是專門爲滿足私人客戶、中小型企業(SME)和大型車隊的需求而設計的。

With the launch of the new "Stellantis CustomFit" program, the expansion of its hydrogen fuel cell vehicle production capacity, and the renewal of its entire range of compact, medium, and large vans (12 vehicles in total), Stellantis Pro One's global offensive is moving forward at a rapid pace.

隨着新的 「Stellantis CustomFit」 計劃的啓動,氫燃料電池汽車產能的擴大以及其所有緊湊型、中型和大型貨車(共12輛)的更新,Stellantis Pro One的全球攻勢正在快速向前推進。

About Stellantis Pro One

關於 Stellantis Pro One

Stellantis Pro One is dedicated to leading the global commercial vehicle market with the most efficient portfolio of products, 20,000 dedicated touchpoints and competitive services, bringing exceptional solutions from the Citroën, FIAT Professional, Opel, Peugeot, Ram and Vauxhall brands to professional customers. One of seven accretive businesses in the Dare Forward 2030 strategic plan, Stellantis Pro One targets a doubling of revenues, a 40% electric vehicle mix with battery, hydrogen fuel-cell and range-extending propulsion technologies, over-the-air update capabilities for each new vehicle from 2026, a suite of connected services dedicated to improving business customer efficiency, and innovative autonomous solutions. As such, Stellantis Pro One will strongly contribute to achievement of the Dare Forward 2030 objectives to reach a 100% passenger car BEV sales mix in Europe and 50% passenger car and light-duty truck BEV sales mix in the United States by 2030. Stellantis Pro One is fully part of the company ambition to become a carbon net zero corporation by 2038, all scopes included, with single-digit percentage compensation of remaining emissions.

Stellantis Pro One致力於通過最高效的產品組合、20,000個專用接觸點和有競爭力的服務引領全球商用車市場,爲專業客戶提供雪鐵龍、菲亞特專業版、歐寶、標緻、拉姆和沃克斯豪爾品牌的卓越解決方案。作爲Dare Forward 2030戰略計劃中的七項增值業務之一,Stellantis Pro One的目標是收入翻一番,40%的電動汽車組合,包括電池、氫燃料電池和續航里程延伸技術,自2026年起爲每輛新車提供空中更新能力,一套致力於提高企業客戶效率的互聯服務,以及創新的自動駕駛解決方案。因此,Stellantis Pro One將爲實現2030年的Dare Forward 2030目標做出巨大貢獻,即到2030年在歐洲實現100%的乘用車純電動汽車銷售結構,在美國實現50%的乘用車和輕型卡車BEV銷售組合。Stellantis Pro One完全是該公司目標的一部分,即到2038年成爲一家碳淨零公司,包括所有範圍,剩餘排放量補償個位數百分比。

About Stellantis

關於 Stellantis

Stellantis N.V. (NYSE: STLA / Euronext Milan: STLAM / Euronext Paris: STLAP) is one of the world's leading automakers aiming to provide clean, safe and affordable freedom of mobility to all. It's best known for its unique portfolio of iconic and innovative brands including Abarth, Alfa Romeo, Chrysler, Citroën, Dodge, DS Automobiles, FIAT, Jeep, Lancia, Maserati, Opel, Peugeot, Ram, Vauxhall, Free2move and Leasys. Stellantis is executing its Dare Forward 2030, a bold strategic plan that paves the way to achieve the ambitious target of becoming a carbon net zero mobility tech company by 2038, with single-digit percentage compensation of the remaining emissions, while creating added value for all stakeholders. For more information, visit .

Stellantis N.V.(紐約證券交易所代碼:STLA /米蘭泛歐交易所:STLAM /巴黎泛歐交易所:STLAM)是全球領先的汽車製造商之一,旨在爲所有人提供清潔、安全和負擔得起的出行自由。它最出名的是其獨特的標誌性和創新品牌組合,包括阿巴斯、阿爾法羅密歐、克萊斯勒、雪鐵龍、道奇、DS汽車、菲亞特、吉普、藍旗亞、瑪莎拉蒂、歐寶、標緻、拉姆、沃克斯豪爾、Free2Move和Leasys。Stellantis正在執行其Dare Forward 2030,這是一項大膽的戰略計劃,爲實現雄心勃勃的目標鋪平了道路,即到2038年成爲一家碳淨零出行科技公司,對剩餘排放進行個位數百分比的補償,同時爲所有利益相關者創造附加值。欲了解更多信息,請訪問。


