
Innovation Driving Cancer's Solid Tumors Market

Innovation Driving Cancer's Solid Tumors Market

newsfile ·  09/17 19:30

Vancouver, Kelowna, and Delta, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - September 17, 2024) -, a go-to investing platform, releases the first of a two-part series looking at news and developments for the treatment of cancer and solid tumors featuring Aethlon Medical, Inc. (NASDAQ: AEMD), a medical therapeutic company focused on developing products to treat cancer and life-threatening viral infections.

不列顛哥倫比亞省的溫哥華、基洛納和三角洲--(新聞稿公司-2024年9月17日) -,一家投資平台,發佈了一個由兩部分組成的系列報道,關注癌症和實體瘤治療的新聞和進展,重點介紹了Aethlon Medical, Inc.(納斯達克:AEMD), 一家致力於開發用於治療癌症和威脅生命的病毒感染的醫療療法公司。

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According to "The solid tumors market size reached a value of US$ 170.3 Billion in 2023. Looking forward, the market is expected to reach US$ 375.4 Billion by 2034, exhibiting a growth rate (CAGR) of 7.45% during 2024-2034. The market is driven by advancements in targeted therapies, immunotherapies, as well as personalized medicine."


Taking a unique approach to cancer treatment, Aethlon Medical, Inc. (NASDAQ: AEMD) just announced that the Cancer Clinical Trial Unit at Royal Adelaide Hospital was activated on September 10, 2024 to begin screening and enrolling patients in its safety, feasibility and dose-finding clinical trial of the Hemopurifier in patients with solid tumors who have stable or progressive disease during anti-PD-1 monotherapy treatment, such as Keytruda (pembrolizumab) or Opdivo (nivolumab) (AEMD-2022-06 Hemopurifier Study). The trial will be conducted by Prof. Michael Brown and his staff at the Cancer Clinical Trials Unit, CALHN, Royal Adelaide Hospital in Australia.

Aethlon Medical, Inc.(納斯達克:AEMD)對癌症治療採用了一種獨特的方法,該公司剛剛宣佈2024年9月10日啓動了阿德萊德皇家醫院的癌症臨床試驗部門,以開始篩選和招募具有穩定或進展性疾病的實體瘤患者進行Hemopurifier安全性、可行性和劑量尋找臨床試驗,這些患者在進行抗PD-1單藥治療(如Keytruda(pembrolizumab)或Opdivo(nivolumab)(AEMD-2022-06 Hemopurifier研究)期間。此次試驗將由邁克爾·布朗教授及其在澳大利亞阿德萊德皇家醫院的臨床試驗部門CALHN的工作人員進行。

The Hemopurifier is a clinical stage immunotherapeutic device which is designed to combat cancer and life-threatening viral infections and for use in organ transplantation.


The activation follows the previously announced approval by the Human Research Ethics Committee at Central Adelaide Local Health Network on June 13, 2024, and the Research Governance office at Royal Adelaide Hospital, on September, 3 2024, as well as the notification of the Therapeutic Good Administration (TGA) and completion of a Site Initiation Visit on September 9, 2024.


"The activation of the investigative site at the Royal Adelaide Hospital marks a significant milestone for Aethlon, allowing the site to screen and enroll patients in this important clinical trial," stated Steven LaRosa, MD, Chief Medical Officer of Aethlon Medical. "We look forward to working closely with Prof. Brown and his staff, and with our Contract Research Organizations (CROs), NAMSA and ReSQ Clinical Research, to begin enrollment and data collection. Going forward, we plan to activate a second site in Australia and also expect to receive an Ethics Committee approval for a clinical site in India."

阿德萊德皇家醫院的調查點的啓動對於aethlon medical來說是一個重要的里程碑,允許該站點篩選並招募重要臨床試驗的患者,Steven LaRosa醫學博士,aethlon medical的首席醫療官表示。"我們期待與Brown教授及其員工以及我們的合同研究機構(CROs),NAMSA和ReSQ臨床研究,密切合作以開始招募和數據收集。未來,我們計劃在澳大利亞激活第二個站點,並預計獲得印度臨床站點的倫理委員會批准。"

Currently, only approximately 30% of patients who receive Merck & Co., Inc.'s Keytruda (pembrolizumab) or Bristol Myers Squibb's Opdivo (nivolumab) will have lasting clinical responses to these agents. Extracellular vesicles (EVs) produced by tumors have been implicated in the spread of cancers as well as the resistance to anti-PD-1 therapies. The Aethlon Hemopurifier has been designed to bind and remove these EVs from the bloodstream, which may improve therapeutic response rates to anti-PD-1 antibodies. In preclinical studies, the Hemopurifier has been shown to reduce the number of exosomes from the plasma of cancer patient samples.

目前,只有大約30%接受默沙東和Co. Inc.的Keytruda(pembrolizumab)或Bristol Myers Squibb的Opdivo(nivolumab)的患者,對這些藥物會產生持久的臨床反應。腫瘤產生的胞外囊泡(EVs)被認爲參與了癌症的擴散以及耐受抗PD-1療法。aethlon醫療血液淨化器的設計目的是從血液中結合並清除這些EVs,這可能會提高對抗PD-1抗體的治療反應率。在臨床前的研究中,血液淨化器已被證明能夠減少癌症患者樣本的血漿中的外泌體數量。

The primary endpoint of the approximately 18-patient, safety, feasibility and dose-finding trial is the incidence of adverse events and clinically significant changes in safety lab tests of Hemopurifier treated patients with solid tumors with stable or progressive disease at different treatment intervals, after a two-month run in period of PD-1 antibody, Keytruda or Opdivo monotherapy. Patients who do not respond to the therapy will be eligible to enter the Hemopurifier period of the study where sequential cohorts will receive 1, 2 or 3 Hemopurifier treatments during a one-week period. In addition to monitoring safety, the study is designed to examine the number of Hemopurifier treatments needed to decrease the concentration of EVs and whether these changes in EV concentrations improve the body's own natural ability to attack tumor cells. These exploratory central laboratory analyses are expected to inform the design of a subsequent efficacy and safety, Premarket Approval (PMA), study required by regulatory agencies.

約18名患有穩定或進行性腫瘤的Hemopurifier治療患者的安全性、可行性和劑量查找試驗的主要終點是治療間隔的不同時間點的Hemopurifier治療患者的不良事件發生率和安全實驗室檢測結果的臨床意義的變化。PD-1抗體Keytruda或Opdivo單藥療程的兩個月試運行期後,對於對療法不產生反應的患者,將有資格進入研究的Hemopurifier階段,序貫隊列將在一個星期內分別接受1、2或3次Hemopurifier治療。除了監測安全性以外,研究旨在檢驗降低EV濃度所需的Hemopurifier治療次數以及這些EV濃度的變化是否會改善機體自身攻擊腫瘤細胞的能力。這些探索性中心實驗室分析有望爲監管機構要求的隨後的有效性和安全性的Premarket Approval(PMA)研究的設計提供信息。

Immuneering is a clinical-stage oncology company seeking to develop and commercialize universal-RAS/RAF medicines for broad populations of cancer patients with an initial aim to develop a universal-RAS therapy. The Company aims to achieve universal activity through Deep Cyclic Inhibition of the MAPK pathway, impacting cancer cells while sparing healthy cells. Immuneering's lead product candidate, IMM-1-104, is an oral, once-daily Deep Cyclic Inhibitor currently in a Phase 1/2a trial in patients with advanced solid tumors harboring RAS mutations. IMM-6-415 is an oral, twice-daily Deep Cyclic Inhibitor currently in a Phase 1/2a trial in patients with advanced solid tumors harboring RAS or RAF mutations.


The stock made big moves following news September 12th. Immuneering announced positive initial response data from the first five patients treated with IMM-1-104 in combination with modified gemcitabine/nab-paclitaxel in first line pancreatic cancer as part of its ongoing Phase 2a clinical trial.


"We are delighted to share today's initial data on IMM-1-104 in combination with modified gemcitabine/nab-paclitaxel. While the initial ORR of 40% and Disease Control Rate of 80% are very encouraging - and both more than would be expected for gemcitabine/nab-paclitaxel alone- we are still in the early stages of this trial, with more scans for all five of these initial patients and for additional patients planned to come. Nevertheless, it was encouraging to see a complete response in the very first pancreatic cancer patient treated with IMM-1-104 in this combination, with the patient now on treatment for over six months," said Ben Zeskind, Ph.D., Co-Founder and CEO of Immuneering. "Looking at the bigger picture, our Phase 2a trial aims to evaluate the efficacy of IMM-1-104 in multiple settings across various tumor types, to identify the highest priority opportunities for future development. If the early trends with IMM-1-104 in combination with modified gemcitabine/nab-paclitaxel continue, we will have an exciting direction for potential future development of IMM-1-104, which could greatly improve the prognosis for a drastically underserved patient population."

「我們很高興與大家分享今天有關IMm-1-104與改良過的吉西他濱/納爾-紫杉醇聯合治療的初步數據。雖然40%的初步總體反應率和80%的疾病控制率非常令人鼓舞-這兩個數值都超過了單獨使用吉西他濱/納爾-紫杉醇的預期-但我們仍處於試驗的早期階段,還有更多掃描結果在這五名初步患者和其他患者身上等待確認。儘管如此,第一個胰腺癌患者在這種聯合治療中接受IMm-1-104後出現了完全緩解,該患者目前已接受治療超過六個月,」Immuneering的聯合創始人兼首席執行官Ben Zeskind博士說道。「從更大的視角來看,我們的2a期臨床試驗旨在評估IMm-1-104在不同腫瘤類型的多種治療方案中的療效,以確定未來發展的最優先機會。如果IMm-1-104與改良過的吉西他濱/納爾-紫杉醇聯合治療的早期趨勢持續下去,我們將迎來IMm-1-104未來發展的令人激動的方向,這將極大改善那些嚴重受到忽視的患者群體的預後。」

Looking at what is currently out there for patients with solid tumors, according to, "The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved three new immunotherapy options for people with advanced endometrial cancer. The approvals are for drugs called immune checkpoint inhibitors."


From the article :The first approval, announced on June 14, is for AstraZeneca's (LSE:AZN) durvalumab (Imfinzi) given in combination with chemotherapy to treat people with advanced endometrial cancer whose tumors have certain genetic changes that cause them to have a characteristic known as mismatch repair deficiency (dMMR). Tumors that are dMMR are particularly susceptible to immunotherapy.

根據文章: 首個批准,於6月14日宣佈,是阿斯利康的(LSE:AZN)的durvalumab (Imfinzi)與化療聯合給予給予晚期子宮內膜癌患者,這些患者的腫瘤具有導致它們具有失配修復缺陷(dMMR)特徵的某些遺傳變化。具有dMMR的腫瘤特別容易對免疫療法產生反應。

Continued: The second approval, announced on June 17, is for Merck & Co., Inc.'s pembrolizumab (Keytruda) given along with chemotherapy, regardless of whether tumors are dMMR. And on August 1, FDA approved dostarlimab (Jemperli) plus chemotherapy for people with advanced endometrial cancers regardless of dMMR status. Dostarlimab had previously been approved, in 2023, for advanced endometrial cancers that are dMMR.

接下來的批准,於6月17日宣佈,是Merck & Co., Inc.的pembrolizumab (Keytruda),與化療一同給予,無論腫瘤是否具有dMMR。而在8月1日,FDA批准了dostarlimab (Jemperli)與化療聯合用於晚期子宮內膜癌患者,無論其dMMR的狀況。早在2023年,dostarlimab曾被批准用於具有dMMR的晚期子宮內膜癌。

Under the approvals, the combinations can be used as an initial therapy or as treatment for cancer that has come back after certain previous treatments.


In large clinical trials, the addition of these immunotherapy drugs to chemotherapy led to improvements in progression-free survival, which is how long people live without their cancer growing.

在大型臨床試驗中,將這些免疫療法藥物與化療聯合使用導致了進展生存期的改善,即人們不受癌症增長影響的時間有所提升。 also reported, On August 5, the agency gave an accelerated approval for Roche Holding's trastuzumab deruxtecan-often called T-DXd-to treat anyone with any advanced solid cancer if their tumors produce high levels of the protein HER2, or HER2-positive. To receive the drug, a patient must already have received at least one prior treatment.

cancer.gov同樣報道,8月5日,該機構加速批准Roche Holding的trastuzumab deruxtecan-通常稱爲t-DXd-用於治療任何患有任何類型實體腫瘤的患者,如果他們的腫瘤產生高水平的HER2蛋白,或爲HER2陽性。要接受該藥物,患者必須至少已接受過一項先前治療。

The approval makes T-DXd the first cancer therapy of its type, an antibody─drug conjugate, that can be used in such a "tumor agnostic" manner. T-DXd is already approved to treat people with several specific cancers, including breast and stomach.


Based on the current options and availability for patients with solid tumors, innovation is key to advancements and alternatives to traditional big pharma.


Aethlon Medical, Inc. (Nasdaq: AEMD) says it initiated its tumor-derived exosome research at a time when the medical community believed exosomes were merely cellular debris with no biological function. Today, a therapeutic to address tumor-derived exosomes represents a significant unmet need in cancer care. Aethlon has demonstrated that the affinity mechanism of the Hemopurifier can capture tumor-derived exosomes and exosomal particles underlying several forms of cancer, including breast, ovarian and metastatic melanoma.

aethlon medical公司(納斯達克:AEMD)表示,其在醫療界認爲外泌體僅爲細胞碎片而無生物功能時,啓動了腫瘤衍生外泌體研究。如今,針對腫瘤衍生外泌體的治療代表了癌症護理領域的重大未滿足需求。aethlon展示了Hemopurifier的親和機制可以捕獲腫瘤衍生外泌體和導致多種癌症的外泌體微粒,包括乳腺癌、卵巢癌和轉移性黑色素瘤。

Also in the future, AI may play a key role according to Biospace. "The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and digital health is revolutionizing the solid tumors market by enhancing diagnostics, treatment planning, and patient management. AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of medical data, including imaging, pathology slides, and genomic information, to identify patterns and provide insights that might be missed by human clinicians. For instance, AI-powered imaging tools can detect early signs of tumors with high accuracy, improving early diagnosis and treatment outcomes."

未來,AI也可能根據Biospace的說法發揮關鍵作用。「人工智能(AI)與數字健康的融合通過增強診斷、治療規劃和患者管理而正在革新實體腫瘤市場。 AI算法可以分析海量醫療數據,包括影像學、病理學切片和基因組信息,以識別模式並提供可能被醫生遺漏的見解。例如,AI驅動的影像工具可以高準確度地檢測腫瘤的早期跡象,改善早期診斷和治療結果。」

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