
Universal Pictures Partners With Pixelworks to Bring TrueCut Motion to 'The Wild Robot' and Future Titles

Universal Pictures Partners With Pixelworks to Bring TrueCut Motion to 'The Wild Robot' and Future Titles

環球影業與美國像素合作,將TrueCut Motion技術引入《野生機器人》及未來影片。
Benzinga ·  09/17 19:09

Universal Pictures and Pixelworks jointly announced today an agreement to bring the advanced TrueCut Motion technology to multiple Universal titles, starting with DreamWorks Animation's "The Wild Robot" (in theaters from September 27). This and planned future Universal titles will feature Pixelworks' unique motion grading that naturally enhances the look and the feel of the world of film to deliver the ultimate theatrical experience.

環球影業和美國像素今天聯合宣佈,他們達成了一項協議,將先進的TrueCut Motion技術帶到多個環球影業的作品中,首部採用該技術的影片是夢工廠動畫的《野生機器人》(9月27日上映)。未來計劃中的環球影業作品都將採用Pixelworks獨特的動作調色,自然地增強電影的外觀和感覺,帶來終極的影院觀影體驗。

TrueCut Motion is an award-winning technology breakthrough that provides filmmakers with an extended palette of motion looks that has never been possible before. The powerful TrueCut Motion platform allows filmmakers to fine-tune or enhance the motion look of all the action, shot by shot, in post-production, while keeping the intended cinematic look and feel intact. The TrueCut Motion platform then ensures that these creative choices are delivered consistently across every screen and optimized on any viewing device — spanning theaters, televisions, mobile and next-generation headsets — in both 3D and standard 2D environments.

TrueCut Motion是一項屢獲殊榮的技術突破,爲電影製作人提供了前所未有的運動效果調整選擇。強大的TrueCut Motion平台使電影製作人能夠在後期製作中逐鏡頭精細調整或增強所有鏡頭的運動效果,同時保持原始的電影感和外觀。TrueCut Motion平台確保這些創意選擇在所有屏幕上保持一致,並在任何觀影設備上進行優化——包括影院、電視、移動設備和下一代頭戴設備——無論是3D還是標準的2D環境。

