
Could Gordon Ramsay, Billie Eilish, Kevin Hart, And Shaq Sweating Over Hot Wings Ignite Netflix's Live TV Dreams?

Could Gordon Ramsay, Billie Eilish, Kevin Hart, And Shaq Sweating Over Hot Wings Ignite Netflix's Live TV Dreams?

Gordon Ramsay、Billie Eilish、凱文·哈特和沙克在熱辣雞翅上流汗,能點燃奈飛的直播電視夢想嗎?
Benzinga ·  04:36
Streaming giant Netflix Inc (NASDAQ:NFLX) could add a hot wings eating competition that features celebrities to its growing slate of live media content, which includes two NFL games for the 2024 season.
網絡流媒體巨頭Netflix Inc(納斯達克代碼:NFLX)可能會爲其不斷增長的現場媒體內容系列節目中增加一項名人炸雞翅比賽,其中包括2024賽季的兩場美式橄欖球比賽。
What Happened: Shares of BuzzFeed Inc (NASDAQ:BZFD) have been on a wild ride in 2024, getting a boost earlier in the year when former presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy revealed he had taken a stake and was pushing for changes.
發生了什麼:BuzzFeed Inc(納斯達克代碼:BZFD)的股票在2024年經歷了一次驚險的過山車之旅,年初時受到前總統候選人維韋克·拉瑪斯瓦米(Vivek Ramaswamy)參投並推動改革的推動而獲得提速。
The diversified media company saw shares spike on Friday with a report that Netflix could be eyeing one of the company's assets.
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