
ScaleReady and Bio-Techne Announce Optimal Closed System Cytokine Packaged for Single Step Use in Closed System G-Rex Manufacture of CAR-T and TCR Therapies

ScaleReady and Bio-Techne Announce Optimal Closed System Cytokine Packaged for Single Step Use in Closed System G-Rex Manufacture of CAR-T and TCR Therapies

PR Newswire ·  09/16 19:00

ST. PAUL, Minn., Sept. 16, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- ScaleReady and Bio-Techne Corporation (NASDAQ: TECH) today announced the launch of the G-Rex optimized ProPakTM GMP Cytokines, ideally tailored to high efficiency closed system cell and gene-modified cell therapy (CGT) manufacturing.

2024年9月16日,在明尼蘇達州聖保羅,獨角獸龍頭 ScaleReady 和卓越的生命科學公司Bio-Techne (NASDAQ: TECH) 今天宣佈推出 G-Rex 優化的 ProPakTm GMP 細胞因子,專爲高效封閉式系統的細胞和基因改造細胞療法 (CGT) 製造而設計。

The ProPakTM GMP Cytokine product consists of a weldable bag filled with liquid formulated GMP-grade cytokines, specifically interleukin-7 (IL-7) or interleukin-15 (IL-15), commonly used in the ex vivo manufacturing of CAR-T and TCR-T cells. The quantity of IL-7 and IL-15 contained in each ProPakTM is sufficient to dose a one (1) liter G-Rex bioreactor at the recommended 10ng/mL concentration. The use of ProPak GMP cytokines will enable manufacturers of CAR-T and TCR-T cell therapies to reduce operating costs and complexity by dramatically simplifying the process of acquiring, storing, preparing, and administering these critical reagents for use in cGMP manufacturing.

ProPakTm GMP 細胞因子產品由一個可焊接袋裝有經 GMP 級細胞因子配製而成的液體組成,其中包括特異的白細胞介素-7 (IL-7) 或白細胞介素-15 (IL-15),常用於體外製造 CAR-t 細胞和 TCR-t 細胞。每個 ProPakTm 中的 IL-7 和 IL-15 的數量足以按推薦的濃度 10ng/mL 給一 (1) 升 G-Rex 生物反應器添加劑量。使用 ProPak GMP 細胞因子將能夠使 CAR-t 和 TCR-t 細胞療法的製造商通過大大簡化獲得、儲存、準備和使用這些重要試劑的過程來降低運營成本和複雜性。

"Bio-Techne is deeply committed to highly efficient manufacture of lifesaving cell and gene-modified cell therapies," said Will Geist, President (Protein Sciences) at Bio-Techne Corporation. "ProPakTM GMP Cytokines were optimized for use with the leading G-Rex platform by providing the precise quantity of cytokines needed for highly simplified closed system expansion of CAR-T and TCR-T cell drug products with excellent cell characteristics."

Bio-Techne 公司蛋白質科學部總裁威爾·蓋斯特表示:「Bio-Techne 公司致力於高效製造挽救生命的細胞和基因改造細胞療法。ProPakTm GMP 細胞因子經過優化,可與領先的 G-Rex 平台配合使用,提供了高度簡化封閉式系統中 CAR-t 和 TCR-t 細胞擴增所需的準確數量的細胞因子,獲得優秀的細胞特性。」

"The G-Rex optimized ProPakTM GMP Cytokine is a differentiated product as it is uniquely designed to enable users of G-Rex to manufacture CAR-T and TCR-T drug products with far more simplicity than is possible with any other cytokine vendor," said Josh Ludwig, Global Commercial Director at ScaleReady. "It eliminates the need for cytokine reconstitution and all of the related headaches in favor of a hands-off ballroom style G-Rex manufacturing approach.

ScaleReady 全球商業總監喬什·路德維希表示:「G-Rex 優化的 ProPakTm GMP 細胞因子是一種與其他細胞因子供應商無法比擬的差異化產品,因其獨特的設計使 G-Rex 使用者能夠以更簡單的方式製造 CAR-t 和 TCR-t 藥物產品,無需細胞因子重溶和相關的一切麻煩,而採用一種無監護的舞廳式 G-Rex 製造方法。」

"With the incredible response to our G-Rex Grant Program moving G-Rex into the majority of CGT clinical trials, the G-Rex optimized ProPak is the perfect next step in G-Rex manufacturing simplicity. Grant applicant or not, we will help every G-Rex user cost effectively perform comparability studies to integrate the ProPak GMP Cytokines," concluded Josh Ludwig.

喬什·路德維希總結道:「隨着 G-Rex 計劃進入大部分 CGt 臨床試驗並取得了令人難以置信的回應,G-Rex 優化的 ProPak 成爲了 G-Rex 製造簡易化的完美下一步。無論是否是 Grant Program 的申請人,我們都將幫助每個 G-Rex 使用者以成本效益的方式進行相似性研究,以整合 ProPak GMP 細胞因子。」

Parties interested in learning more and/or evaluating the ProPakTM GMP Cytokines can reach out to [email protected] .

有興趣了解並評估ProPakTm GMP細胞因子的各方可聯繫[email protected]。

About ScaleReady
ScaleReady provides the field of cell and gene-modified cell therapy (CGT) with a G-Rex centric manufacturing platform that enables the world's most practical, flexible, scalable, and affordable CGT drug product development and manufacturing.

關於 ScaleReady

CGT entities that rely on the breadth and scope of ScaleReady's expertise can expect to save years of time and millions of dollars on the path to CGT commercialization.


The G-Rex manufacturing platform is now used in 50% of clinical trials and by over 800 organizations producing drug products expected to move well into the majority of clinical trials as a result of the ScaleReady G-Rex Grant Program. G-Rex is also currently used to make 4 commercially approved CGT drugs; 3 autologous and 1 allogeneic.

G-Rex製造平台目前用於50%的臨床試驗,並被800多個組織使用來生產預計將移至大多數臨床試驗的藥物產品,這是ScaleReady G-Rex Grant Program的結果。G-Rex目前還用於生產4種商業上批准的CGt藥物;其中3種是自體的,1種是異體的。

For more information about the ScaleReady G-Rex Grant Program, please contact [email protected].

有關 ScaleReady G-Rex 授予計劃的更多信息,請聯繫 [email protected]。

About Bio-Techne Corporation
Bio-Techne Corporation (NASDAQ: TECH) is a global life sciences company providing innovative tools and bioactive reagents for the research and clinical diagnostic communities. Bio-Techne, in partnership with Wilson Wolf, is creating products such as media and cytokines that are specifically tailored to G-Rex Bioreactors, including right-sized reagent quantities in containers that are tailored to high throughput closed-system manufacturing. For more information on Bio-Techne and its brands, please visit or follow the Company on social media at: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter or YouTube.

Bio-Techne Corporation(納斯達克代碼: TECH)是一家全球生命科學公司,爲研究和臨床診斷社區提供創新工具和生物活性試劑。Bio-Techne 與 Wilson Wolf 合作,爲 G-Rex 生物反應器定製產品,包括適合高通量封閉式製造的合適試劑數量和容器。有關 Bio-Techne 及其品牌的更多信息,請訪問 或在社交媒體上關注公司: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter 或 YouTube。

Contact: David Clair, Vice President, Investor Relations & Corporate Development
[email protected]

聯繫人:David Clair,副總裁,投資者關係和企業發展
[email protected]

SOURCE Bio-Techne Corporation





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