Baselode Reports Eighteen Drill Holes With Near-Surface Radioactivity on Its ACKIO Uranium Prospect
Baselode Reports Eighteen Drill Holes With Near-Surface Radioactivity on Its ACKIO Uranium Prospect
- Eighteen drill holes encountered anomalous radioactivity starting at depths of less than 100 metres from surface, with nine of these starting within 50 metres
- Highlight drill hole AK24-137 intersected four separate zones of radioactivity with greater than 5,000 counts per second ("cps")
- Seven drill holes intersected radioactivity with greater than 5,000 cps
- Thirteen drill holes reported composite intervals of anomalous radioactivity between 11 and 42 metres in thickness, spanning five distinct areas
- 十八個鑽孔在距離地表不到100米的深度遇到異常放射性,其中九個在50米以內開始出現異常放射性。
- 重點鑽孔AK24-137相交了四個獨立的放射性區域,每秒計數超過5,000個("cps")。
- 七個鑽孔相交了每秒計數超過5,000個的放射性。
- 十三個鑽孔報告了厚度在11到42米之間的異常放射性複合間隔,涵蓋了五個不同的區域。
Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - September 16, 2024) - Baselode Energy Corp. (TSXV: FIND) (OTCQB: BSENF) ("Baselode" or the "Company") is pleased to provide radioactivity drilling results from the ACKIO uranium prospect ("ACKIO") in the Athabasca Basin area of northern Saskatchewan (Figure 1, Table 1).
多倫多, 安大略省--(新聞稿-公司新聞-新聞稿-2024年9月16日) - Baselode Energy Corp. (tsxv: FIND) (OTCQB: BSENF)("Baselode"或"公司")很高興地宣佈來自北薩斯喀徹溫盆地地區的ACKIO鈾前景("ACKIO")的放射性鑽探結果(圖1,表1)。
"ACKIO continues to demonstrate significant growth, with broad intersections of anomalous radioactivity, including zones of high radioactivity across multiple Pods. Overall, this has been a successful drill program, expanding the footprint of known near-surface mineralization around Pods 1 and 7, intersecting new zones of higher radioactivity in Pods 6 and 7, and improving our confidence in the continuity of mineralization at ACKIO as a whole," commented James Sykes, CEO, President, and Director of Baselode.
"ACKIO繼續顯示出顯著增長,包括穿越多個Pods的異常放射性廣泛交叉。總體來說,這是一個成功的鑽井計劃,擴大了Pod 1和Pod 7周圍已知的近地表礦化區的範圍,在Pod 6和Pod 7中相交了新的較高放射性的區域,並增強了我們對ACKIO全體礦化連續性的信心," Baselode的首席執行官,總裁兼董事詹姆斯·賽克斯評論道。
ACKIO Drill Hole Details (Figure 2)
Pod 1 (Figure 3)
Drill holes AK24-134 to AK24-137 were collared along the western margin of Pod 1 with the specific focus of intersecting mineralization in Pod 7. Drill holes AK24-134 and AK24-137 intersected near-surface anomalous radioactivity (i.e., greater than 300 cps) outside of the modeled extents of Pod 1, expanding the near-surface radioactive footprint of Pod 1 in the southwest. Radioactivity in these drill holes started at shallow depths, between 32 and 42 metres beneath the surface.
Pod 1 (圖3)
Drill holes AK24-143 and AK24-144 were collared to pierce the northern extents of Pod 1 while continuing to depth and investigating the northwest strike extension of Pod 7. These drill holes both intersected greater than 10 metres of continuous anomalous radioactivity, confirming the thickness of Pod 1 mineralization to the north., Both drill holes intersected anomalous radioactivity starting as shallow as 36 and 38 metres from surface, respectively.
Pod 6 (Figure 3)
Drill holes AK24-117 to AK24-119, previously released on July 2, 2024, intersected thick, continuous, and exceptional radioactivity results within the centre and near the modelled edges of Pod 6 mineralization. These results have increased the size of Pod 6 and will help improve our understanding of Pod 6, which until now had four drill holes from previous years defining its extents. Drill holes AK24-118 and AK24-119 have intersected the best radioactivity results from all Pod 6 drill holes. The main zones of mineralization were intersected between 124 and 141 metres beneath the surface.
6號礦體 (圖3)
Pod 7 (Figure 3)
Previous drilling in 2023 had doubled the width of the Pod 7 mineralization envelope. Drill holes AK24-134 to AK24-139 were designed to improve our understanding of the mineralization potential that exists at Pod 7. These drill holes intersected between 12 and 39 metres thick composite anomalous radioactivity, and all drill holes (excluding AK24-139) returned intervals with elevated radioactivity (i.e., greater than 5,000 cps), spanning a strike length of approximately 85 metres. In particular, AK24-137 intersected three separate zones of continuous anomalous radioactivity ranging from 1.5 to 13.3 metres thick, each of which intersected radioactivity levels ranging from 5,000 to 10,000 cps. The radioactivity results for AK24-135B, AK24-137 and AK24-138 rank them as the best for Pod 7. The start of radioactivity in these holes were intersected between 44 and 90 metres below the surface.
7號礦體 (圖3)
2023年的前期鑽探工作使Pod 7的礦化範圍擴大了一倍。AK24-134到AK24-139號鑽孔的設計旨在提高我們對Pod 7存在的礦化潛力的理解。這些鑽孔穿過了12到39米厚的複合異常放射性礦化,除AK24-139號鑽孔外,所有鑽孔都返回了具有提高放射性的時間間隔(即大於5,000 cps),橫跨約85米的長度。特別是,AK24-137號鑽孔穿過了三個不同的連續異常放射性區域,每個區域的厚度從1.5到13.3米不等,每個區域的放射性水平從5,000到10,000 cps不等。這些鑽孔的放射性結果使其成爲Pod 7的最佳選項。這些鑽孔的放射性開始於離地表下44到90米之間。
Pod 8
The mineralization extents of Pod 8 were defined with only three drill holes from previous years. Drill holes AK24-131 to AK24-133 were designed to improve our understanding of this Pod. AK24-133 successfully intersected 11 metres of anomalous radioactivity, confirming continuity of mineralization within the centre of Pod 8. Mineralization starts as shallow as 97 metres beneath the surface.
Pod 8
Pod 8的礦化範圍僅通過幾個以前的鑽孔進行了定義。AK24-131到AK24-133號鑽孔的設計旨在提高我們對此Pod的理解。AK24-133號鑽孔成功地穿過了11米的異常放射性,確認了Pod 8中心的礦化連續性。礦化從地表下97米淺的地方開始。
Pod 9
Similar to Pod 8, Pod 9 was defined with only three drill holes from previous years. Pod 9 is the deepest modeled Pod of mineralization at ACKIO. Drill holes AK24-140 to AK24-142 were not successful identifying mineralization in Pod 9, however, each drill hole identified previously unknown radioactivity at shallow depths, ranging from 66 to 89 metres beneath the surface, respectfully. The Company believes the shallow radioactivity from these drill holes is an extension of Pod 1 mineralization.
Pod 9
與Pod 8類似,Pod 9僅通過幾個以前的鑽孔進行了定義。Pod 9是ACKIO中模擬的礦化Pod中最深的一個。AK24-140到AK24-142號鑽孔未能在Pod 9中識別出礦化,然而,每個鑽孔都在淺層深度(分別爲66到89米)處識別出了先前未知的放射性。公司認爲這些鑽孔中的淺層放射性是Pod 1礦化的延伸。
ACKIO Exploration Drill Hole Details
Exploration drilling within the immediate ACKIO area (i.e., within 200 m of ACKIO mineralization) was designed to test for additional mineralization; 1) at depth, 2) along strike to the northwest and southest, and 3) at the unconformity.
Depth Exploration
Drill holes AK24-120 to AK24-122 were designed to test the deeper structural controls of mineralization at ACKIO, targeting areas with a combination of uranium and alteration projected from previous years drill holes. Although each drill hole did not intersect anomalous radioactivity, it is noted that drill hole AK24-121 did intersect above-background levels of radioactivity and significantly thick hematite-clay hydrothermal alteration zones underneath ACKIO, suggesting the uranium-fertile hydrothermal fluid system remains open at depth.
Along Strike Exploration
Drill holes AK24-128, AK24-143 and AK24-144 were designed to test for mineralization continuity at depth in the northwest strike direction of Pod 7. Although the drill holes did not intersect their intended targets, they did define new occurrences of radioactivity starting at shallow depths ranging from 36 to 41 metres beneath the surface.
鑽孔AK24-128、AK24-143和AK24-144旨在測試Pod 7西北方向的深處礦化連續性。雖然鑽孔並沒有遇到預定目標,但它們確實在離地表36到41米的淺處定義了新的放射性出現。
Drill holes AK24-123 and AK24-130 were designed to test for mineralization continuity in the southeast strike direction of ACKIO, following up results from previous years of drilling that suggested the mineralization and alteration system could be open in that direction. These drill holes did not intersect alteration systems of interest.
Unconformity Exploration
Drill holes AK24-124 to AK24-127 were designed to test for the potential of unconformity mineralization along structures penetrating the sandstone to the east of ACKIO. These drill holes are the eastern-most exploration drill holes in the ACKIO system to date. Although they did not intersect mineralization at the unconformity, AK24-127 did intersect anomalous radioactivity within the sandstone, 3.1 and 5.6 metres above the unconformity (i.e., between 52 and 55 metres beneath the surface). Further investigation is required to assess follow-up drilling potential of this drill target.
Drill hole AK24-129 was designed to test for unconformity mineralization potential with the immediate ACKIO area where previous drilling intersected mineralization 10 metres beneath the unconformity. Although the drill hole did not intersect mineralization within the sandstone or at the unconformity, it did intersect anomalous radioactivity in hydrothermal hematite and clay alteration 25 metres beneath the unconformity.
- cps* = "counts-per-second", as measured with a handheld RS-125 Gamma-Ray Spectrometer/Scintillometer ("RS-125"). The reader is cautioned that Baselode uses scintillometer readings as a preliminary indication for the presence of radioactive materials (uranium, thorium and/or potassium), and that scintillometer results may not be used directly to quantify or qualify uranium concentrations of the rock samples measured.
- The Company defines RS-125 radioactivity results as i) background radioactivity (50 to 200 cps), ii) above-background radioactivity (200 to 300 cps), iii) anomalous radioactivity (300 to 1,000 cps), and iv) elevated radioactivity (>1,000 cps).
- "Radioactivity (>300 cps)" in Table 1 is defined as drill core length with no greater than 2.0 m of consecutive drill hole length measuring less than 300 cps.
- All reported lengths are drill hole lengths and do not represent true thicknesses which have yet to be determined. All reported "beneath surface" measurements are true vertical depths from surface.
- cps* =「每秒計數」,由手持式RS-125伽馬射線光譜儀/閃爍計數器(「RS-125」)測量。讀者請注意,Baselode使用閃爍計數儀讀數作爲放射性物質(鈾,釷和/或鉀)存在的初步指示,並且閃爍計數儀結果不能直接用於量化或分類岩石樣品中的鈾濃度。
- 公司將RS-125放射性結果定義爲:i)背景放射性(50到200 cps),ii)超出背景放射性(200到300 cps),iii)異常放射性(300到1,000 cps),以及iv)升高放射性(> 1,000 cps)。
- 在表1中,「放射性(> 300 cps)」被定義爲長度小於300 cps的連續鑽孔長度不超過200萬。
- 所有報告長度均爲鑽孔長度,並不代表尚未確定的真實厚度。所有報告的「地表以下」測量均爲真實垂直深度。
About Baselode Energy Corp.
Baselode controls 100% of approximately 238,930 hectares for exploration in the Athabasca Basin area of northern Saskatchewan, Canada. The land package is free of any option agreements or underlying royalties.
關於Baselode Energy Corp。
Baselode在加拿大薩斯喀徹溫北部Athabasca Basin地區擁有約238,930公頃的勘探權。該土地包不包括任何期權協議或底層專利。
The Company discovered the ACKIO near-surface, uranium prospect in September 2021. ACKIO measures greater than 375 m along strike, greater than 150 m wide, comprised of at least 9 separate uranium Pods, with mineralization starting as shallow as 28 m and 32 m beneath the surface in Pods 1 and 7, respectively, and down to approximately 300 m depth beneath the surface with the bulk of mineralization occurring in the upper 120 m. ACKIO remains open at depth, and to the north, south and east.
Baselode's Athabasca 2.0 exploration thesis focuses on discovering near-surface, basement-hosted, high-grade uranium orebodies outside the Athabasca Basin. The exploration thesis is further complemented by the Company's preferred use of innovative and well-understood geophysical methods to map deep structural controls to identify shallow targets for diamond drilling.
Baselode的Athabasca 2.0勘探論文專注於在Athabasca盆地之外發現近表層、基岩寄主、高品位鈾礦體。該勘探論文進一步通過公司首選的創新和被理解的地球物理方法來描繪深層構造控制,並識別用於金剛石鑽探的淺層目標。
QP Statement
The technical information contained in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Cameron MacKay, P.Geo., Vice-President, Exploration & Development for Baselode Energy Corp., who is considered to be a Qualified Person as defined in "National Instrument 43-101, Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects."
本新聞稿中包含的技術信息已由Cameron MacKay,P.Geo.(Baselode Energy Corp.的副總裁,勘探和開發)審查和批准,他被認爲是符合"國家43-101號法令,礦產項目披露標準"中定義的合格人員。
For further information, please contact:
James Sykes, CEO, President and Director
Baselode Energy Corp.
Baselode Energy Corp.
Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the TSX Venture Exchange policies) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
TSX Venture Exchange及其監管服務提供方(如TSX Venture Exchange政策中定義的術語)對本公告的充分性或準確性不承擔責任。
Certain information in this press release may contain forward-looking statements. This information is based on current expectations that are subject to significant risks and uncertainties that are difficult to predict. Actual results might differ materially from results suggested in any forward-looking statements. Baselode Energy Corp. assumes no obligation to update the forward-looking statements, or to update the reasons why actual results could differ from those reflected in the forward looking-statements unless and until required by securities laws applicable to Baselode Energy Corp. Additional information identifying risks and uncertainties is contained in the Company's filings with Canadian securities regulators, which filings are available under Baselode Energy Corp. profile at .
This news release does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any of the securities in the United States. The securities have not been and will not be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "U.S. Securities Act") or any state securities laws and may not be offered or sold within the United States or to, or for the account or benefit of, U.S. Persons unless registered under the U.S. Securities Act and applicable state securities laws, unless an exemption from such registration is available.
Figure 1 - Baselode projects location map. ACKIO uranium prospect identified with yellow circle
圖1 - 巴澤洛德項目位置圖。ACKIO鈾遠景用黃色圓圈標示
TABLE 1 - ACKIO diamond drill hole radioactivity results
表1 - ACKIO鑽孔放射性結果
DDH | Target Area | Intended Target | East | North | Elevation | Az. | Dip | EOH | Radioactivity (>300 cps) | Assay Results (>0.05 wt% U3O8) | |
AK24-117* | ACKIO | Pod 6 | 526142 | 6372902 | 465 | 90 | -75 | 227 | 368 cps over 0.45 m at 74.4 m | Assay results pending | |
Pod 6 | 301 cps over 1.8 m at 108.3 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Pod 6 | 409 cps over 6.25 m at 117.25 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Pod 6 | 426 cps over 12.55 m at 128.1 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Pod 6 | 327 cps over 6.4 m at 145.2 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Pod 6 | 399 cps over 0.65 m at 160.95 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
AK24-118* | ACKIO | Pod 6 | 526142 | 6372902 | 465 | 118 | -71 | 257 | 456 cps over 0.8 m at 89.3 m | Assay results pending | |
Pod 6 | 350 cps over 0.5 m at 92.7 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Pod 6 | 392 cps over 2.6 m at 119.1 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Pod 6 | 315 cps over 3.1 m at 131.8 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Pod 6 | 1,115 cps over 13.3 m at 149.3 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
AK24-119* | ACKIO | Pod 6 | 526133 | 6372907 | 463 | 65 | -75 | 230 | 300 cps over 8.5 m at 109.5 m | Assay results pending | |
Pod 6 | 907 cps over 34.05 m at 131.1 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Pod 6 | Includes | 9,173 cps over 0.4 m at 144.6 m | Assay results pending | ||||||||
AK24-120 | ACKIO | Exploration - Depth | 526210 | 6373081 | 464 | 270 | -70 | 512 | No significant results | ||
AK24-121 | ACKIO | Exploration - Depth | 526317 | 6372980 | 465 | 270 | -70 | 452 | No significant results | ||
AK24-122 | ACKIO | Exploration - Depth | 526420 | 6372880 | 467 | 270 | -70 | 446 | No significant results | ||
AK24-123 | ACKIO | Exploration - SE Strike | 526450 | 6372680 | 467 | 270 | -65 | 369 | No significant results | ||
AK24-124 | ACKIO | Exploration - UC | 526335 | 6372730 | 466 | 90 | -90 | 200 | No significant results | ||
AK24-125 | ACKIO | Exploration - UC | 526335 | 6372730 | 466 | 90 | -60 | 331.65 | 495 cps over 0.3 m at 132.75 m | Assay results pending | |
AK24-126 | ACKIO | Exploration - UC | 526342 | 6372830 | 466 | 90 | -70 | 269 | No significant results | ||
AK24-127 | ACKIO | Exploration - UC | 526362 | 6372928 | 467 | 90 | -80 | 215 | 330 cps over 0.15 m at 53.4 m | Assay results pending | |
Exploration - UC | 330 cps over 0.1 m at 55.9 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Exploration - UC | 320 cps over 0.25 m at 115.75 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
AK24-128 | ACKIO | Exploration - NW Strike | 526062 | 6373080 | 466 | 270 | -60 | 200 | 302 cps over 1.85 m at 47.7 m | Assay results pending | |
Exploration - NW Strike | 370 cps over 0.1 m at 50.0 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Exploration - NW Strike | 300 cps over 0.6 m at 50.65 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Exploration - NW Strike | 310 cps over 0.15 m at 58.6 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Exploration - NW Strike | 460 cps over 0.1 m at 59.1 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Exploration - NW Strike | 300 cps over 0.2 m at 62.9 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Exploration - NW Strike | 418 cps over 0.9 m at 109.05 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
AK24-129 | ACKIO | Exploration - UC | 526231 | 6372800 | 467 | 270 | -90 | 188 | 324 cps over 0.65 m at 80.65 m | Assay results pending | |
AK24-130 | ACKIO | Exploration - SE Strike | 526453 | 6372383 | 468 | 250 | -60 | 281 | No significant results | ||
AK24-131 | ACKIO | Pod 8 | 526135 | 6372836 | 464 | 76 | -65 | 242 | No significant results | ||
AK24-132 | ACKIO | Pod 8 | 526135 | 6372836 | 464 | 76 | -59 | 218 | No significant results | ||
AK24-133 | ACKIO | Pod 8 | 526124 | 6372879 | 465 | 90 | -60 | 224 | 397 cps over 1.10 m at 112.4 m | Assay results pending | |
Pod 8 | 341 cps over 0.55 m at 116.7 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Pod 8 | 350 cps over 0.8 m at 120.3 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Pod 8 | 396 cps over 11.65 m at 128.95 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Pod 8 | 444 cps over 1.2 m at 155.5 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
AK24-134 | ACKIO | Pod 1 | 526091 | 6372932 | 463 | 267 | -50 | 191 | 386 cps over 6.05 m at 53.2 m | Assay results pending | |
Between Pods 1 & 7 | 400 cps over 0.5 m at 74.0 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Pod 7 | 1,035 cps over 11.0 m at 101.3 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Pod 7 | includes | 6,621 cps over 0.7 m at 103.9 m | Assay results pending | ||||||||
Pod 7 | 400 cps over 0.05 m at 128.2 m | Not sampled | |||||||||
Pod 7 | 500 cps over 4.75 m at 131.9 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Pod 7 | 6,344 cps over 0.3 m at 138.9 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
AK24-135B | ACKIO | Pod 1 | 526091 | 6372932 | 463 | 267 | -50 | 185 | 410 cps over 0.6 m at 41.6 m | Assay results pending | |
Pod 1 | 478 cps over 0.4 m at 44.0 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Pod 1 | 417 cps over 1.55 m at 47.0 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Pod 1 | 442 cps over 0.6 m at 53.3 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Pod 1 | 465 cps over 0.2 m at 55.9 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Pod 7 | 438 cps over 1.25 m at 89.45 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Pod 7 | 983 cps over 28.65 m at 98.2 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Pod 7 | includes | 5,920 cps over 0.15 m at 123.1 m | Assay results pending | ||||||||
Pod 7 | 623 cps over 0.6 m at 156.3 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
AK24-136 | ACKIO | Pod 1 | 526091 | 6372932 | 463 | 245 | -55 | 208.45 | 380 cps over 0.2 m at 52.4 m | Assay results pending | |
Pod 1 | 414 cps over 0.75 m at 56.7 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Between Pods 1 & 7 | 366 cps over 4.6 m at 74.0 m1 | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Pod 7 | 328 cps over 6.3 m at 103.8 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Pod 7 | 800 cps over 5.15 m at 113.5 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Pod 7 | includes | 10,455 cps over 0.2 m at 118.45 m | Assay results pending | ||||||||
Pod 7 | 320 cps over 0.05 m at 125.9 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Pod 7 | 471 cps over 0.45 m at 129.4 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
AK24-137 | ACKIO | Pod 1 | 526091 | 6372932 | 463 | 241 | -69 | 191 | 1,236 cps over 8.95 m at 37.35 m2 | Assay results pending | |
Pod 1 | includes | 5,827 cps over 0.2 m at 39.35 m | Assay results pending | ||||||||
Pod 1 | 325 cps over 3.4 m at 50.5 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Pod 1 | 330 cps over 0.15 m at 58.85 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Pod 7 | 302 cps over 4.4 m at 96.55 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Pod 7 | 365 cps over 3.4 m at 105.25 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Pod 7 | 380 cps over 0.1 m at 120.35 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Pod 7 | 684 cps over 0.3 m at 124.7 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Pod 7 | 1,272 cps over 13.3 m at 127.5 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Pod 7 | includes | 5,000 cps over 0.2 m at 130.1 m | Assay results pending | ||||||||
Pod 7 | and includes | 7,000 cps over 0.05 m at 132.1 m | Assay results pending | ||||||||
Pod 7 | and includes | 5,600 cps over 0.85 m at 132.7 m | Assay results pending | ||||||||
Pod 7 | and includes | 10,600 cps over 0.1 m at 134.55 m | Assay results pending | ||||||||
Pod 7 | 1,122 cps over 4.85 m at 142.9 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Pod 7 | includes | 5,600 cps over 0.25 m at 143.15 m | Assay results pending | ||||||||
Pod 7 | and includes | 6,500 cps over 0.1 m at 146.15 m | Assay results pending | ||||||||
Pod 7 | 1,063 cps over 1.45 m at 150.65 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Pod 7 | includes | 10,000 cps over 0.1 m at 150.65 m | Assay results pending | ||||||||
AK24-138 | ACKIO | Pod 7 | 526060 | 6372968 | 462 | 251 | -60 | 152 | 388 cps over 11.2 m at 64.85 m3 | Assay results pending | |
Pod 7 | 905 cps over 26.5 m at 79.55 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Pod 7 | includes | 7,000 cps over 0.1 m at 89.05 m | Assay results pending | ||||||||
Pod 7 | and includes | 6,300 cps over 0.1 m at 96.4 m | Assay results pending | ||||||||
Pod 7 | and includes | 5,500 cps over 0.1 m at 97.55 m | Assay results pending | ||||||||
Pod 7 | and includes | 5,290 cps over 0.6 m at 101.5 m | Assay results pending | ||||||||
Pod 7 | 454 cps over 0.75 m at 108.35 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Pod 7 | 738 cps over 0.8 m at 111.95 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
AK24-139 | ACKIO | Pod 7 | 526060 | 6372968 | 462 | 281 | -45 | 179 | 369 cps over 0.85 m at 62.15 m | Assay results pending | |
Pod 7 | 300 cps over 0.4 m at 65.0 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Pod 7 | 664 cps over 24.7 m at 68.45 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Pod 7 | 305 cps over 0.05 m at 96.35 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Pod 7 | 495 cps over 0.1 m at 98.25 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Pod 7 | 388 cps over 0.2 m at 101.45 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Pod 7 | 360 cps over 0.1 m at 134.45 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Pod 7 | 380 cps over 0.15 m at 137.9 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
AK24-140 | ACKIO | Pod 9 | 525979 | 6373079 | 461 | 80 | -65 | 275 | 360 cps over 0.4 m at 82.3 m | Assay results pending | |
Pod 9 | 320 cps over 1.6 m at 88.9 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Pod 9 | 350 cps over 0.25 m at 92.75 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Pod 9 | 300 cps over 0.6 m at 99.9 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
AK24-141 | ACKIO | Pod 9 | 525979 | 6373079 | 461 | 93 | -76 | 365 | 988 cps over 1.65 m at 91.8 m | Assay results pending | |
Pod 9 | 340 cps over 0.1 m at 180.7 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Pod 9 | 300 cps over 0.2 m at 271.4 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Pod 9 | 360 cps over 0.2 m at 272.95 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Pod 9 | 310 cps over 0.15 m at 274.3 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
AK24-142 | ACKIO | Pod 9 | 525979 | 6373091 | 462 | 85 | -78 | 343.3 | 300 cps over 0.15 m at 68.0 m | Assay results pending | |
Pod 9 | 458 cps over 1.35 m at 77.25 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Pod 9 | 550 cps over 0.1 m at 102.1 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Pod 9 | 440 cps over 0.1 m at 112.25 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Pod 9 | 757 cps over 0.2 m at 114.1 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Pod 9 | 500 cps over 0.15 m at 116.45 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Pod 9 | 374 cps over 0.45 m at 184.0 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Pod 9 | 380 cps over 0.2 m at 184.8 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Pod 9 | 400 cps over 0.1 m at 185.4 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Pod 9 | 347 cps over 0.45 m at 276.2 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
AK24-143 | ACKIO | Pod 1 | 526101 | 6373029 | 463 | 265 | -55 | 221 | 330 cps over 0.45 m at 46.9 m | Assay results pending | |
Pod 1 | 397 cps over 21.25 m at 59.5 m4 | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Exploration - NW Strike | 300 cps over 0.1 m at 90.3 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Exploration - NW Strike | 360 cps over 0.3 m at 97.7 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Exploration - NW Strike | 300 cps over 0.15 m at 101.0 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Exploration - NW Strike | 453 cps over 0.3 m at 123.6 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Exploration - NW Strike | 330 cps over 2.1 m at 125.7 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Exploration - NW Strike | 450 cps over 0.5 m at 130.75 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Exploration - NW Strike | 344 cps over 4.35 m at 136.1 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Exploration - NW Strike | 300 cps over 0.2 m at 152.6 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Exploration - NW Strike | 380 cps over 0.25 m at 153.65 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Exploration - NW Strike | 388 cps over 3.35 m at 155.65 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
AK24-144 | ACKIO | Pod 1 | 526080 | 6373029 | 463 | 265 | -55 | 200 | 500 cps over 0.25 m at 44.5 m | Assay results pending | |
Pod 1 | 375 cps over 10.45 m at 50.0 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Pod 1 | 300 cps over 0.1 m at 64.4 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Pod 1 | 300 cps over 0.1 m at 65.3 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Exploration - NW Strike | 800 cps over 0.3 m at 98.75 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
Exploration - NW Strike | 350 cps over 0.55 m at 142.3 m | Assay results pending | |||||||||
28 DDH | 7,372.4 | 19 DDH | 0 DDH |
DDH | 目標區域 | 預期目標 | 東方 | 北 | 海拔高度(masl) | 方位角 | 傾角 | EOH | 放射性(>300cps) | 化驗結果(>0.05 wt% U3O8) | |
AK24-117* | ACKIO | Pod 6 | 526142 | 6372902 | 465 | 90 | -75 | 227 | 74.4m處0.45m大約368cps | 化驗結果待定。 | |
Pod 6 | 108.3m處1.8m大約301cps | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
Pod 6 | 117.25m處6.25m大約409cps | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
Pod 6 | 128.1m處12.55m大約426cps | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
Pod 6 | 145.2m處6.4m大約327cps | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
Pod 6 | 160.95m處0.65m內399個計數率 | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
AK24-118* | ACKIO | Pod 6 | 526142 | 6372902 | 465 | 118 | -71 | 257 | 89.3m處0.8m內456個計數率 | 化驗結果待定。 | |
Pod 6 | 92.7m處0.5m內350個計數率 | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
Pod 6 | 119.1m處2.6m內392個計數率 | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
第六號艙 | 131.8m處3.1m內315個計數率 | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
第六號艙 | 149.3m處13.3m內1115個計數率 | 化驗結果待定 | |||||||||
AK24-119* | ACKIO | Pod 6 | 526133 | 6372907 | 463 | 65 | -75 | 230 | 109.5m處8.5m內300個計數率 | 化驗結果待定。 | |
Pod 6 | 在131.1米處,34.05米內測得907個計數。 | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
Pod 6 | 包括 | 在144.6米處,0.4米內測得9173個計數。 | 化驗結果待定。 | ||||||||
AK24-120 | ACKIO | 勘探 - 深度 | 526210 | 6373081 | 464 | 270 | 1495 | 512 | 沒有顯著的結果 | ||
AK24-121 | ACKIO | 勘探 - 深度 | 526317 | 6372980 | 465 | 270 | 1495 | 452 | 沒有顯著的結果 | ||
AK24-122 | ACKIO | 勘探 - 深度 | 526420 | 6372880 | 467 | 270 | 1495 | 446 | 沒有顯著的結果 | ||
AK24-123 | ACKIO | 勘探 - 東南打擊 | 526450 | 6372680 | 467 | 270 | -65 | 369 | 沒有顯著的結果 | ||
AK24-124 | ACKIO | 勘探 - UC | 526335 | 6372730 | 466 | 90 | -90 | 200 | 沒有顯著的結果 | ||
AK24-125 | ACKIO | 勘探 - UC | 526335 | 6372730 | 466 | 90 | -60 | 331.65 | 在132.75M的價格下,30萬份股票每秒收益495 CPS。 | 化驗結果待定。 | |
AK24-126 | ACKIO | 勘探 - UC | 526342 | 6372830 | 466 | 90 | 1495 | 269 | 沒有顯著的結果 | ||
AK24-127 | ACKIO | 勘探 - UC | 526362 | 6372928 | 467 | 90 | -80 | 215 | 330cps在15萬上的53.4m | 化驗結果待定。 | |
勘探 - UC | 330cps在10萬上的55.9m | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
勘探 - UC | 320 cps over 25萬 at 115.75 m | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
AK24-128 | ACKIO | Exploration - NW Strike | 526062 | 6373080 | 466 | 270 | -60 | 200 | 302 cps超過185萬,價格爲47.7m | 化驗結果待定。 | |
勘探- 西北方向 | 370 cps超過10萬,價格爲50.0m | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
勘探 - 西北方向走向 | 在50.65米處的60萬 cps | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
勘探 - 西北方向走向 | 在58.6米處的15萬 cps | 檢測結果待定 | |||||||||
勘探 - 西北方向走向 | 在59.1米處的10萬 cps | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
勘探 - 西北走向 | 20萬下300cps,深度62.9 m | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
勘探 - 西北走向 | 90萬下418cps,深度109.05 m | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
AK24-129 | ACKIO | 探索 - UC | 526231 | 6372800 | 467 | 270 | -90 | 188 | 在80.65 m的地方65萬插頭率是324 cps | 化驗結果待定。 | |
AK24-130 | ACKIO | 勘探-東南走向 | 526453 | 6372383 | 468 | 250 | -60 | 281 | 沒有顯著的結果 | ||
AK24-131 | ACKIO | Pod 8 | 526135 | 6372836 | 464 | 76 | -65 | 242 | 沒有顯著的結果 | ||
AK24-132 | ACKIO | Pod 8 | 526135 | 6372836 | 464 | 76 | -59 | 218 | 沒有顯著的結果 | ||
AK24-133 | ACKIO | Pod 8 | 526124 | 6372879 | 465 | 90 | -60 | 224 | 397箇中等每秒以上110萬,價格爲112.4米 | 化驗結果待定。 | |
Pod 8 | 341箇中等每秒以上55萬,價格爲116.7米 | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
Pod 8 | 350箇中等每秒以上80萬,價格爲120.3米 | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
Pod 8 | 396 cps超過1165萬,價格爲128.95m | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
Pod 8 | 444 cps超過120萬,價格爲155.5m | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
AK24-134 | ACKIO | Pod 1 | 526091 | 6372932 | 463 | 267 | -50 | 191 | 386 每秒超過605萬,站點總數爲53.2 m | 化驗結果待定。 | |
在Pods 1和7之間 | 400 每秒超過50萬,站點總數爲74.0 m | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
Pod 7 | 1,035 每秒超過1100萬,站點總數爲101.3 m | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
Pod 7 | 包括 | 6,621 cps超過70萬,位於103.9 m | 化驗結果待定。 | ||||||||
Pod 7 | 400 cps超過5萬,位於128.2 m | 未採樣 | |||||||||
Pod 7 | 500股超過475萬,每股131.9米 | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
Pod 7 | 6,344股超過30萬,每股138.9米 | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
AK24-135B | ACKIO | Pod 1 | 526091 | 6372932 | 463 | 267 | -50 | 185 | 410 CPS超過60萬,市值爲41.6億美元 | 化驗結果待定。 | |
1號脈 | 40萬處的478個計數每秒,高達44.0米 | 化驗結果待定 | |||||||||
1號脈 | 155萬處的417個計數每秒,高達47.0米 | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
1號脈 | 60萬處的442個計數每秒,高達53.3米 | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
Pod 1 | 465 cps 在20萬的時候以55.9 m賣出 | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
Pod 7 | 438 cps 在125萬的時候以89.45 m賣出 | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
Pod 7 | 983個cps超過2865萬,以98.2米爲單位 | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
第7個Pod | 包括 | 5920個cps超過15萬,以123.1米爲單位 | 化驗結果待定。 | ||||||||
第7個Pod | 623個cps超過60萬,以156.3米爲單位 | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
AK24-136 | ACKIO | Pod 1 | 526091 | 6372932 | 463 | 245 | -55 | 208.45 | 380 cps超過20萬,52.4米 | 化驗結果待定。 | |
Pod 1 | 414 cps超過75萬,56.7米 | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
Pod 1與Pod 7之間 | 460萬對應的cps爲366,價格爲74.0 | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
Pod 7 | 630萬對應的cps爲328,價格爲103.8 | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
Pod 7 | 515萬對應的cps爲800,價格爲113.5 | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
Pod 7 | 包括 | 10,455 cps over 20萬 at 118.45 m | 化驗結果待定。 | ||||||||
Pod 7 | 320 cps over 5萬 at 125.9 m | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
Pod 7 | 471個經路口數超過45萬個的總數爲129.4億。 | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
AK24-137 | ACKIO | Pod 1 | 526091 | 6372932 | 463 | 241 | -69 | 191 | 1,236 cps超過895萬,面積37.35平方米 | 化驗結果待定。 | |
Pod 1 | 包括 | 5,827 cps超過20萬,面積39.35平方米 | 化驗結果待定。 | ||||||||
Pod 1 | 325 cps超過340萬,價格爲50.5個百萬 | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
Pod 1 | 330 cps超過15萬,價格爲58.85個百萬 | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
Pod 7 | 302個cps超過440萬個,價格爲96.55美元。 | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
Pod 7 | 365個cps超過340萬個,價格爲105.25美元。 | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
Pod 7 | 380個cps超過10萬個,價格爲120.35美元。 | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
Pod 7 | 684 cps超過30萬,價格爲124.7米 | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
Pod 7 | 1,272 cps超過1330萬,價格爲127.5米 | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
Pod 7 | 包括 | 在130.1 m處,20萬股的價格是5,000 cps。 | 化驗結果待定。 | ||||||||
Pod 7 | 包括 | 在132.1 m處,5萬股的價格是7,000 cps。 | 化驗結果待定。 | ||||||||
Pod 7 | 包括 | 5,600 cps超過85萬,位於132.7 m | 化驗結果待定。 | ||||||||
Pod 7 | 幷包括 | 10,600 cps超過10萬,位於134.55 m | 化驗結果待定。 | ||||||||
Pod 7 | 1,122 cps超過485萬,位於142.9 m | 化驗結果待定 | |||||||||
第7號鑽孔 | 包括 | 25萬處放射出5,600個計數,深度爲143.15米 | 化驗結果待定。 | ||||||||
第7號鑽孔 | 幷包含 | 10萬處放射出6,500個計數,深度爲146.15米 | 化驗結果待定。 | ||||||||
第7個啤酒花提取物 | 在150.65米處超過145萬份的每秒1,063份 | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
第7個啤酒花提取物 | 包括 | 在150.65米處超過10萬份的每秒10,000份 | 化驗結果待定。 | ||||||||
AK24-138 | ACKIO | Pod 7 | 526060 | 6372968 | 462 | 251 | -60 | 152 | 每秒388cps超過1120萬,佔64.85m3 | 化驗結果待定。 | |
Pod 7 | 每秒905cps超過2650萬,佔79.55m | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
Pod 7 | 包括 | 7,000 cps超過10萬,價格爲89.05m | 化驗結果待定。 | ||||||||
Pod 7 | 包括 | 6,300 cps超過10萬,價格爲96.4m | 化驗結果待定。 | ||||||||
Pod 7 | 包括 | 10萬以上的5500股以97.55加元/每股交易 | 化驗結果待定。 | ||||||||
第7個Pod | 幷包括 | 60萬以上的5290股以101.5加元/每股交易 | 化驗結果待定。 | ||||||||
第7個Pod | 75萬以上的454股以108.35加元/每股交易 | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
Pod 7 | 738 cps over 80萬 at 111.95 m | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
AK24-139 | ACKIO | Pod 7 | 526060 | 6372968 | 462 | 281 | -45 | 179 | 369個cps超過85萬,價格爲62.15萬 | 化驗結果待定。 | |
Pod 7 | 300個cps超過40萬個,價格爲65.0米 | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
Pod 7 | 664個cps超過2470萬個,價格爲68.45米 | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
Pod 7 | 305個cps超過5萬個,價格爲96.35米 | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
第7組 | 在98.25米處以每秒495厘帕的速度超過100,000 | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
第7組 | 在101.45米處以每秒388厘帕的速度超過200,000 | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
第7組 | 在134.45米處以每秒360厘帕的速度超過100,000 | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
Pod 7 | 380 cps over 15萬 at 137.9 m | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
AK24-140 | ACKIO | Pod 9 | 525979 | 6373079 | 461 | 80 | -65 | 275 | 360 cps超過40萬股,價格爲82.3元 | 化驗結果待定。 | |
Pod 9 | 320 cps 較160萬,價格爲88.9 m | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
Pod 9 | 350 cps 較25萬,價格爲92.75 m | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
Pod 9 | 300 cps 較60萬,價格爲99.9 m | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
AK24-141 | ACKIO | Pod 9 | 525979 | 6373079 | 461 | 93 | -76 | 365 | 988個探測計數率超過165萬個探測計數率,達到91.8米 | 化驗結果待定 | |
採樣點9 | 340個探測計數率超過10萬個探測計數率,達到180.7米 | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
採樣點9 | 300個探測計數率超過20萬個探測計數率,達到271.4米 | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
Pod 9 | 360 cps超過20萬,價格爲272.95美元 | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
Pod 9 | 310 cps超過15萬,價格爲274.3美元 | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
AK24-142 | ACKIO | Pod 9 | 525979 | 6373091 | 462 | 85 | -78 | 343.3 | 300 cps超過15萬,價格爲68.0m | 化驗結果待定。 | |
Pod 9 | 458 cps超過135萬,價格爲77.25m | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
Pod 9 | 550 cps超過10萬,價格爲102.1m | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
Pod 9 | 440 cps超過10萬,價格爲112.25 m | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
Pod 9 | 757 cps超過20萬,價格爲114.1 m | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
Pod 9 | 500 cps超過15萬,價格爲116.45 m | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
Pod 9 | 184.0米處的45萬上升到374 cps | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
Pod 9 | 184.8米處的20萬上升到380 cps | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
Pod 9 | 400 cps超過10萬爲185.4m | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
Pod 9 | 347 cps超過45萬爲276.2m | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
AK24-143 | ACKIO | Pod 1 | 526101 | 6373029 | 463 | 265 | -55 | 221 | 330 cps over 45萬 at 46.9 m | 化驗結果待定。 | |
Pod 1 | 397 cps over 2125萬 at 59.5 m4 | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
Exploration - NW Strike | 300 cps over 10萬 at 90.3 m | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
Exploration - NW Strike | 360 cps over 30萬 at 97.7 m | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
探索-西北方向衝擊 | 101.0米處超過15萬的300個cps | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
探索-西北方向衝擊 | 123.6米處超過30萬的453個cps | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
探索-西北方向衝擊 | 330 cps超過210萬,價格爲125.7米 | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
勘探-西北方向 | 450 cps超過50萬,價格爲130.75米 | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
勘探-西北方向 | 344 cps超過435萬,價格爲136.1米 | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
勘探-西北方向 | 152.6米處20萬超過每秒300個計數 | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
勘探-西北方向 | 153.65米處25萬超過每秒380個計數 | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
勘探-西北方向 | 155.65米處335萬超過每秒388個計數 | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
AK24-144 | ACKIO | Pod 1 | 526080 | 6373029 | 463 | 265 | -55 | 200 | 500份股票超過25萬份,價格爲44.5美元 | 化驗結果待定。 | |
Pod 1 | 375份股票超過1045萬份,價格爲50.0美元 | 測定結果待定 | |||||||||
Pod 1 | 300個開盤價比10萬好64.4分 | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
Pod 1 | 300個開盤價比10萬好65.3分 | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
探索-西北方向 | 800個開盤價比30萬好98.75分 | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
勘探-西北方向突破 | 142.3米處超過55萬的350探查點 | 化驗結果待定。 | |||||||||
28 鑽孔 | 7,372.4 | 19 鑽孔 | 0個鑽探孔。 |
NOTES: East and North units are metres using NAD83 datum, UTM Zone 13N
Elevation is recorded as "metres above sea level"
Az. = Azimuth, EOH = End of hole (measured in metres)
Composite radioactivity results use 300 cps cut-off and do not contain greater than 2.0 m consecutive dilution
Composite radioactivity results for "Includes/And Includes" use 5,000 cps cut-off and do not contain greater than 2.0 m consecutive dilution
* - previously released results (July 2, 2024)
1 - includes 1.05 m lost core over interval length
2 - includes 0.9 m lost core over interval length
3 - includes 2.75 m lost core over interval length
4 - includes 4.2 m lost core over interval length
* - 先前公佈的結果(2024年7月2日)
1 - 包括105萬個丟失的核心長度間隔
2 - 包括90萬個丟失的核心長度間隔
3 - 包括275萬個丟失的核心長度間隔
4- 包括在區間長度上損失了420萬個核心