
CAMARA, the Global Telco API Alliance, Delivers First Major Release With Innovative APIs for Seamless Access to Network Functions

CAMARA, the Global Telco API Alliance, Delivers First Major Release With Innovative APIs for Seamless Access to Network Functions

全球貨幣Telco API聯盟CAMARA發佈首個重大版本,爲無縫訪問網絡功能提供創新的API
PR Newswire ·  09/16 15:00
  • Meta release delivers a consistent set of 25 quality APIs, to fuel innovation and downstream adoption, that have been vetted and tested through rigorous release management processes
  • Released APIs include popular functions such as SIM Swap, Number Verification, Edge Discovery,and Quality on Demand, among others
  • 396 companies and 1100+ contributors dedicated to collaboratively define interfaces providing customers with access to telecom industry network capabilities
  • Meta發佈了一套25個質量API,以推動創新和下游採用,並經過嚴格的發佈管理流程的審查和測試。
  • 發佈的API包括SIm Swap、Number Verification、Edge Discovery和Quality on Demand等受歡迎的功能。
  • 396家公司和1100多個貢獻者致力於共同定義接口,爲客戶提供訪問電信行業網絡能力。

VIENNA, Austria, Sept. 16, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Open Source Summit Europe -- The Linux Foundation's CAMARA project, an open source community addressing telco industry API interoperability, today announced the availability of its first official release, CAMARA "Meta-Release Fall24." The release contains 25 APIs across 13 sub projects that have been vetted for quality, consistency, and stability through rigorous release management processes.

奧地利維也納,2024年9月16日/新華社/ - 開源峯會歐洲 - Linux FoundationCAMARA 項目,一個面向電信行業API互操作性的開源社區,今天宣佈了其首個正式發佈 CAMARA 「Meta-Release Fall24」 。該發佈包含13個子項目的25個API,經過嚴格的發佈管理流程的質量、一致性和穩定性的審查。

The Telco Global API Alliance

Initiated in 2021 by a small number of telco operators, vendors and hyperscalers, CAMARA officially launched in February 2022 with 22 initial partners and graduated to a funded model in September 2023, with 250 participating organizations and over 750 contributors. Since then, the project has grown to 1100+ contributors and 396 organizations, along with more 26+ API families and sub-projects, and growing.


"CAMARA's rapid growth is testament to the need for telco network APIs to become more open, more accessible and easier to monetize," said Arpit Joshipura, General Manager, Networking, Edge and IoT, at the Linux Foundation. "The community's first official, milestone release further enables active, open collaboration in the development and availability of more connected solutions. We encourage operators, cloud providers, application developers, hyperscalers, and aggregators, and technology vendors to partner with CAMARA in making these solutions even more accessible."

「CAMARA的快速增長證明了電信網絡API需要更加開放、易於訪問和易於變現,」Linux基金會網絡、邊緣和物聯網總經理Arpit Joshipura表示。「社區的首個官方里程碑版本進一步促進了在更多連接解決方案的開發和可用性方面的積極、開放的協作。我們鼓勵運營商、雲服務提供商、應用開發者、超大規模雲平台、聚合商和技術供應商與CAMARA合作,使這些解決方案變得更加易於訪問。」

The Meta-Release consists of 13 sub-projects which bring 25 APIs to the ecosystem. The APIs included in the release represent a consistent set of aligned, quality APIs that have met rigorous release management and design guidelines. The Meta-Release represents a foundation for CAMARA APIs moving forward in development, also for APIs in production; the community has committed to delivering twice-yearly updates to vetted APIs so network operators can plan the deployment in their networks. API users can be confident to get the latest and most stable versions from their network operators and API providers.


The Meta-Release is also coming with a Security and Interoperability Profile based on OAuth 2.0 and OpenID standards, ensuring the secure, privacy-friendly and seamless access for developers to network information and capabilities. These, the guidelines and the API definitions and documentation can all be found on

元發佈還配備了基於OAuth 2.0和OpenID標準的安全性和互操作性配置文件,確保開發人員安全、隱私友好、無縫地訪問網絡信息和功能。這些指南、API定義和文檔都可以在上找到。

APIs included in the Meta release:


  • Stable APIs with v1.0.0 versions (previous API versions have been implemented by network operators): Location Verification, Number Verification, One-time Password SMS, Simple Edge Discovery, and SIM Swap
  • Further APIs which have been previously implemented by network operators, with updated versions: Carrier Billing, Device Reachability Status, Device Roaming Status, Home Devices QoD, KYC Fill-In, KYC Match, Location Retrieval, Quality-on-Demand (with qos-profiles)
  • Initial versions of new APIs, ready to be implemented by network operators:
    Call Forwarding Signal, Carrier bBilling Refund, Connectivity Insights (with application profiles), Population Density Data, QoD Provisioning
  • New APIs to subscribe for event notifications in CloudEvents format: Connectivity Insights Subscriptions, Device Reachability Status Subscriptions, Device Roaming Status Subscriptions, Geofencing Subscriptions, SIM Swap Subscriptions
  • 穩定的API,版本號爲v1.0.0(之前的API版本已由網絡運營商實施):位置驗證、號碼驗證、一次性密碼短信、簡單邊緣發現和SIM卡更換
  • 之前由網絡運營商實施的進一步API,更新版本包括:運營商計費、設備可達狀態、設備漫遊狀態、家庭設備QoD、KYC填寫、KYC匹配、位置檢索、按需質量(具有QoS配置文件)
  • 新API的初始版本,可以由網絡運營商進行實施:
  • 以CloudEvents格式訂閱事件通知的新API:連接洞察訂閱、設備可達狀態訂閱、設備漫遊狀態訂閱、地理圍欄訂閱、SIM卡交換訂閱

"I am incredibly proud of the entire CAMARA ecosystem—from developers to members and partners—for achieving our community's first Meta Release," said Nathan Rader, Board Chair of CAMARA and VP, Service and Capability Exposure at Deutsche Telekom. "This milestone is a significant step forward in our mission to enable seamless access to telecom network capabilities through open APIs. The global support we've received underscores the industry's focus on / commitment to simplifying API availability across telecom networks and countries."

「我爲CAMARA生態系統的整體感到非常自豪——從開發人員到成員和合作夥伴,爲我們社區取得的首個Meta發佈成就感到自豪,」德國電信(adr)的CAMARA董事會主席、服務與能力展示副總裁Nathan Rader表示。「這個里程碑是我們使電信網絡能力通過開放API實現無縫訪問使命的重要一步。我們得到的全球支持強調了行業對簡化電信網絡和國家之間API可用性的關注和承諾。」

CAMARA offers new opportunities for collaboration between network operators, marketplaces, aggregators and API customers. CAMARA is pleased to be selected as the Network API specification location for the recently-announced venture amongst leading global telecoms. A critical success factor is also the established alignment with GSMA Open Gateway and TMForum about forming an open, global, accessible API ecosystem. The benefit for customers and developers comes in the form of consistent and user-friendly access to network capabilities, thus enabling developers to seamlessly deploy applications to run consistently across telco networks and countries. This prevents fragmentation and empowers faster, more versatile advancement of global application portability and broad industry adoption of new features and capabilities.

CAMARA爲網絡運營商、市場集成商和API客戶之間的協作提供新機會。CAMARA很榮幸被選爲最近宣佈的全球領先電信公司之間合作的網絡API規範地點。與GSMA Open Gateway和TMForum建立對齊的關鍵成功因素是形成一個開放的、全球的、可訪問的API生態系統。客戶和開發人員的好處在於一致且用戶友好地訪問網絡能力,從而使開發人員能夠無縫部署應用程序,使其在電信網絡和國家之間一致運行。這可以避免碎片化,推動全球應用程序可移植性和新功能、能力的廣泛行業採用,加快發展速度。 最近宣佈的創業公司 在全球領先的電信公司之間提供了新的合作機會。重要的成功因素還包括與GSMA Open Gateway和TMForum的建立的對齊,形成一個開放的、全球的、可訪問的API生態系統。客戶和開發人員的好處在於一致且用戶友好地訪問網絡能力,從而使開發人員能夠無縫部署應用程序,使其在電信網絡和國家之間一致運行。這可以避免碎片化,推動全球應用程序可移植性和新功能、能力的廣泛行業採用,加快發展速度。

In addition to its broad portfolio of participating organizations, the CAMARA fund is composed of 10 Premium sponsors (including Accenture, Deutsche Telekom, Ericsson, Microsoft, Nokia, Orange, Telefonica, Verizon, Vodafone, T-Mobile), 7 General sponsors (including AlphaZero, CableLabs, Centillion, Charter Communications, INVIA, Scenera, Shabodi), and one Associate sponsor (OpenID Foundation).


Meet CAMARA at Open Source Summit EU - Join today


The CAMARA community will host a booth onsite at Open Source Summit EU, 16-19 September, where attendees can learn more about the community and how to get involved in the open telco API ecosystem. Operators, vendors, hyperscalers , aggregators, enterprises, and developers are encouraged to stop by and learn more about the benefits of open APIs.

CAMARA社區將在現場設立展位 開源峯會歐洲9月16日至19日,參會者可以了解更多關於社區以及如何參與開放電信API生態系統的信息。運營商、供應商、超級規模商、聚合商、企業和開發人員均被鼓勵前來了解開放API的好處。

CAMARA project invites all interested parties to help build the best APIs for all telecom customers by joining as a Premium sponsor, General sponsor, associating organization, participating organization, or individual. More details on the project, as well as how to join, are available at .

CAMARA項目邀請所有感興趣的各方通過成爲優秀贊助商、一般贊助商、關聯組織、參與組織或個人來共同構建最好的電信客戶API。有關該項目以及如何加入的更多詳細信息,請訪問 .

Community Support


"The CAMARA Meta-Release solidifies a new era where developers and companies no longer have to guess what's inside the network—the network now talks back. By connecting historically siloed industries, we unlock unprecedented insights and capabilities, driving innovation and enhancing products across business sectors. This foundational shift empowers developers and businesses to create transformative solutions and generate value throughout network ecosystems. At, we are profoundly grateful to the engineers and trade organizations (GSMA and Linux Foundation) that made this remarkable achievement possible," said Nick "Data Nick" Venezia, founder, Centillion.Ai.

"CAMARA技術發佈奠定了一個新時代,在這個時代,開發人員和公司不再需要猜測網絡內部是什麼——網絡現在能夠回應。通過連接過去獨立的行業,我們揭示了前所未有的見解和能力,推動創新並提升商業領域的產品。這種根本性的改變賦予開發人員和企業創造變革性解決方案和在網絡生態系統中產生價值的能力。在,我們對那些使這一非凡成就成爲可能的工程師和貿易組織(GSMA和Linux Foundation)深表感激,"Data Nick"Venezia先生,Centillion.Ai的創始人說。

"The CAMARA Meta-Release is not only a remarkable milestone for the telco industry, but a testament to the significance of establishing common standards to unlock innovation," said Bob Everson, Sr. Director, Mobile Architecture and Ecosystem, Cisco. "Cisco works with service provider partners to enable API capabilities which empower customers and developers in our ecosystem. The CAMARA initiative is a major step towards delivering new and innovative capabilities at a global scale."

"CAMARA技術發佈不僅是電信行業的一個重要里程碑,也證明建立共同標準以釋放創新的重要性,"Cisco移動架構與生態系統高級總監Bob Everson說。"思科與服務提供商合作,爲我們的生態系統賦能API功能。CAMARA計劃是向全球範圍內交付新的創新能力邁出的重要一步。"

"Ericsson (including Vonage) are committed to making CAMARA successful, and we are key contributors to the upcoming CAMARA-Meta Release. This release brings the first set of stable APIs to the market, in parallel to new and updated beta-level APIs for market validation. Together with our customers, partners and the CAMRA community, we are excited about the continuing journey of unleashing the innovation potential of open Network APIs enabling the digital transformation of society," said Per Beming, Chief Standardization Officer, Ericsson.

"愛立信(包括Vonage)致力於使CAMARA項目取得成功,並且我們是即將推出的CAMARA-Meta發佈的重要貢獻者。這個發佈爲市場帶來了第一套穩定的API,同時還有新的、更新的測試版API進行市場驗證。與我們的客戶、合作伙伴和CAMRA社區一起,我們對釋放開放網絡API的創新潛力並實現社會數字化轉型的持續旅程感到興奮,"愛立信首席標準化官Per Beming說。

"We've come a long way in just a few years, with leading technology firms and telecoms operators representing more than two-thirds of the world's mobile connections now supporting this approach to open, universal network APIs through CAMARA, GSMA Open Gateway and TM Forum," said Henry Calvert, Head of Networks at GSMA. "This new API release by CAMARA marks a major landmark in our collective goal of helping developers and the industry design and launch new services, utilising the rich functionality mobile networks can unleash."

"我們已經走過了很長的路,多家領先的技術企業和電信運營商已經支持CAMARA、GSMA Open Gateway和Tm Forum等開放、通用網絡API的方法,這些單位已經代表世界上超過三分之二的移動連接,"GSMA網絡主管Henry Calvert說。"CAMARA發佈的這個新API標誌着我們共同目標的重大里程碑,即協助開發人員和行業設計並推出利用移動網絡豐富功能的新服務。"

"Consistency and simplicity of APIs are the foundation of network innovation. Through the creation and adoption of CAMARA standards, and new cross-industry partnerships, Vodafone will make new network APIs more accessible, cheaper to implement and easier to scale for customers and third-party companies. The power of our 5G network, coupled with CAMARA's first full release, are the drivers of growth."


"At Telefónica, we are committed to advancing the digital transformation of networks through our participation in the CAMARA project. The standardization of essential APIs, including Number Verification, Device Location, and SIM Swap, represents a major breakthrough for anti- fraud solutions. Moreover, the availability of APIs like Population Density Data opens the door to innovative new use cases, which we are excited to explore in close collaboration with our customers," said David del Val, Global Director of Telefónica Open Gateway.

「在西班牙電信,我們致力於通過參與CAMARA項目來推動網絡的數字化轉型。包括號碼驗證、設備定位和SIM卡交換在內的基本API的標準化是反欺詐解決方案的重大突破。此外,人口密度數據等API的可用性爲創新的新用例打開了大門,我們很高興與顧客密切合作探索。」西班牙電信開放網關的全球總監David del Val表示。

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