
Apple Wants You To Pay More For iPhone 16 Battery Replacement: Here's How Much It Will Cost

Apple Wants You To Pay More For iPhone 16 Battery Replacement: Here's How Much It Will Cost

蘋果希望您爲iPhone 16的電池更換付更多費用:以下是費用詳情
Benzinga ·  09/16 10:53

Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) has announced a price increase for its battery replacement service for the iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max.

蘋果公司(納斯達克:AAPL)宣佈將iPhone 16 Pro和iPhone 16 Pro Max的電池更換服務價格提高。

What Happened: The tech giant has upped the battery repair cost for these models by $20, making the new price $119. The cost for battery replacement in the standard and "Plus" models remains the same.



This news was first reported by MacRumors.


Apple has not yet increased the price for other battery replacements, but such a move wouldn't be surprising.


In 2022, the company increased the iPhone 14 battery service cost by $30 to $99.

2022年,該公司將iPhone 14電池維護服務費用提高了30美元至99美元。

Defective batteries are still covered under Apple's one-year warranty, and replacements are free under AppleCare+ plans if the battery has less than 80% of its original capacity.


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Why It Matters: Last year in March, Apple increased the battery replacement price for out-of-warranty devices, including iPhones, iPads, and Macs. Later in September, the company raised the battery replacement cost for certain Apple Watch models.

爲什麼重要:去年三月,蘋果提高了過保設備,包括iPhone、iPad和Mac的電池更換價格。而後在九月,蘋果提高了某些Apple Watch型號的電池更換成本。

The tech giant has also stopped covering hairline cracks on iPhone and Apple Watch displays under its standard warranty, requiring customers to pay for repairs.

這家科技巨頭還停止在iPhone和Apple Watch的標準保修範圍內修復發生在顯示屏上的細微裂痕,要求顧客支付維修費用。

The iPhone 16 Pro starts at $999 for the 128GB model, while the iPhone 16 Pro Max begins at $1,199 for the 256GB version.

iPhone 16 Pro的起價爲128G型號的999美元,而iPhone 16 Pro Max的起價爲256G版本的1199美元。

Pre-orders for all four models are already underway, with official sales starting on Sept. 20.


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