
Jamie Dimon's Bitcoin Comments, Trump's DeFi Vision, Bitcoin's Election Impact And More: Top Crypto Updates This Week

Jamie Dimon's Bitcoin Comments, Trump's DeFi Vision, Bitcoin's Election Impact And More: Top Crypto Updates This Week

Benzinga ·  09/15 20:04

The past weekend was packed with significant developments in the world of cryptocurrencies. From the controversial remarks of JPMorgan Chase & Co (NYSE:JPM) CEO Jamie Dimon on Bitcoin to the political implications of the upcoming U.S. elections on crypto, and the Trump family's foray into DeFi, the crypto sphere was anything but dull. Here's a recap of the top stories.


Jamie Dimon's Bitcoin Comments
Seven years ago, Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan Chase & Co, made headlines for his scathing remarks on Bitcoin, even threatening to fire any JPMorgan trader caught dealing in the cryptocurrency. Fast forward to today, the bank holds positions in ETFs tracking Bitcoin. Quite a turnaround, isn't it? Read the full article here.

7年前,摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase & Co)首席執行官傑米·戴蒙因對比特幣的尖銳言論而登上頭條新聞,甚至威脅要解僱任何涉足加密貨幣的摩根大通交易員。現在,該銀行持有跟蹤比特幣的ETF頭寸。這是一次非常大的轉變,不是嗎?請閱讀完整文章。

Scaramucci's Crypto Politics
As the 2024 U.S. presidential election looms, Anthony Scaramucci, founder of SkyBridge, offered his insights on the potential impact of the election outcome on the crypto industry. He predicts a more open-minded approach to crypto if Kamala Harris wins the election. Read the full article here.

隨着2024年美國總統選舉的臨近,天空之橋(SkyBridge)的創始人安東尼·斯卡拉蒙奇(Anthony Scaramucci)對選舉結果對加密貨幣行業可能產生的影響提供了他的見解。他預計,如果賀錦麗(Kamala Harris)贏得選舉,對加密貨幣的態度將更加開放。請閱讀完整文章。

Trump's DeFi Vision
The Trump family is gearing up to launch a cryptocurrency project called World Liberty Financial. The announcement, made on Donald Trump's social media platform, signals a significant shift from his previous stance on digital currencies. Read the full article here.

特朗普家族正準備推出一個名爲「世界自由金融」(World Liberty Financial)的加密貨幣項目。這一宣佈是在唐納德·特朗普的社交媒體平台上進行的,標誌着他對數字貨幣之前立場的重大轉變。請閱讀完整文章。

Bitcoin's Election Impact
A Bernstein report suggests that the 2024 election outcome could significantly impact Bitcoin's price. A Trump victory could propel Bitcoin (CRYPTO: BTC) to $90K, while a Harris win could see Bitcoin retreating to $40K. Read the full article here.


Scaramucci's Bitcoin Predictions
Anthony Scaramucci recently expressed gratitude to Michael Saylor, co-founder of MicroStrategy (NASDAQ:MSTR), for contributing to his latest book on Bitcoin. Last week, Scaramucci predicted that Bitcoin could touch up to $200K. Read the full article here.


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This story was generated using Benzinga Neuro and edited by Anan Ashraf.

此故事由Benzinga Neuro生成,並由Anan Ashraf編輯。

