
"Florida Discourages Use Of MRNA Covid Vaccines In Older Adults; In Updated Guidance To Health Care Providers, Florida Health Officials Advise That "Non-mRNA Covid-19 Vaccines And Treatment" Should Be Prioritized" - NBC News

"Florida Discourages Use Of MRNA Covid Vaccines In Older Adults; In Updated Guidance To Health Care Providers, Florida Health Officials Advise That "Non-mRNA Covid-19 Vaccines And Treatment" Should Be Prioritized" - NBC News

Benzinga ·  01:21
Even as the Covid wave in Florida continues, Gov. Ron DeSantis' administration is once again advising against the mRNA vaccines: this time in the most vulnerable residents.
儘管佛羅里達州的Covid疫情持續,但州長Ron DeSantis的政府再次建議對mRNA疫苗採取保守態度:這次是針對最脆弱的居民。
In updated guidance for health care providers released Thursday, the Florida Health Department and state Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo questioned the safety and effectiveness of the mRNA Covid vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna, including for older adults and people with underlying health problems. "Any provider concerned about the health risks associated with Covid-19 for patients over the age of 65 or with underlying health conditions should prioritize patient access to non-mRNA Covid-19 vaccines...
在週四發佈的醫療保健提供者更新指南中,佛羅里達州衛生部和州衛生廳長Joseph Ladapo質疑了輝瑞和moderna的mRNA Covid疫苗的...

