
Ericsson Unveils IoT and In-Vehicle Solutions to Advance Enterprise AI and Next-gen Applications

Ericsson Unveils IoT and In-Vehicle Solutions to Advance Enterprise AI and Next-gen Applications

愛立信 ·  09/12 12:00
  • New routers address increasing demand for secure and reliable Wireless WAN, as enterprises expand advanced technology across IoT and vehicles.
  • NetCloud Manager simplifies and accelerates the deployment, security, and management of large-scale IoT and in-vehicle networks.
  • 新的路由器解決了對安全可靠的無線廣域網的需求,隨着企業將先進技術擴展到物聯網和車輛。
  • NetCloud Manager簡化並加速了大規模物聯網和車載網絡的部署、安全和管理。

Ericsson (NASDAQ: ERIC) today announced the launch of two innovative routers—the Ericsson Cradlepoint R980 and S400 —designed to provide enterprises with seamless, secure, and scalable connectivity for enabling AI, computer vision, data analysis, and other advanced applications across IoT environments and vehicle networks. Integrated with Ericsson's NetCloud platform, including NetCloud SASE Secure Connect, these routers offer seamless deployment, management, and robust, zero-trust security across large-scale IoT and vehicle endpoints.

愛立信(納斯達克:愛立信)今天宣佈推出兩款創新的路由器——愛立信 Cradlepoint R980和S400 —專爲企業提供無縫、安全和可擴展的連接,以實現物聯網環境和車載網絡中的人工智能、計算機視覺、數據分析和其他高級應用。這些路由器集成了愛立信的NetCloud平台,包括NetCloud SASE Secure Connect,爲大規模物聯網和車載終端提供了無縫部署、管理和強大的零信任安全性。

The Ericsson Cradlepoint R980 is a ruggedized 5G router that delivers high-performance connectivity to vehicles, enabling the deployment of advanced applications such as AI-driven video recognition and real-time data analysis. With the increased use of these technologies in public safety and smart cities, 5G is providing reliable and agile connectivity. Designed for first responders, near-shore vessels, and school buses, the compact R980 delivers secure and persistent 5G connectivity, even in the most demanding conditions. It can also be leveraged in IoT deployments where video and mission critical applications may require higher performance and lower latency. With its 3rd generation 5G architecture, the R980 is 3GPP Release 16 compatible, ensuring readiness for standalone (SA) networks and network slicing, including public safety slices and low latency network slices for IoT. The router's new, embedded e-SIM will enable over-the-air carrier switching in future NetCloud releases, adding deployment flexibility and operational efficiency. This forward-looking design makes the R980 an ideal solution for organizations readying to leverage 5G's full potential in their vehicle fleets.

愛立信 Cradlepoint R980是一款適用於車輛的強化型5G路由器,可提供高性能的連接,實現AI驅動的視頻識別和實時數據分析等高級應用的部署。隨着這些技術在公共安全和智能城市中的廣泛使用,5G正在提供可靠、靈活的連接。R980採用緊湊設計,適用於一線響應人員、近岸船隻和校車,在最苛刻的條件下提供安全、持續的5G連接。它還可以在物聯網部署中利用,其中視頻和關鍵任務應用可能需要更高的性能和更低的延遲。R980採用第三代5G架構,兼容3GPP Release 16,確保準備好用於獨立(SA)網絡和網絡切片,包括面向公共安全的切片和麪向物聯網的低延遲網絡切片。該路由器的新嵌入式e-SIm將在未來NetCloud版本中實現無線運營商切換,增加部署靈活性和運營效率。該先進設計使R980成爲準備在車輛車隊中充分利用5G潛力的理想解決方案。

Pankaj Malhotra, Head of Enterprise Networking and Cybersecurity Business Line, Enterprise Wireless Solutions, Ericsson says: "As AI and advanced applications continue to transform industries and daily operations, the demand for secure and resilient connectivity beyond traditional branch environments is becoming increasingly critical. With the capabilities of the R980 combined with NetCloud Manager, we've integrated security, SD-WAN, and deep visibility into a unified, easily managed system. This industry-first approach is empowering our customers to seamlessly deploy networks that provide enterprise-grade network reliability and security, all while aligning with their unique innovation and business goals."

愛文思控股負責企業網絡和網絡安全業務線的負責人Pankaj Malhotra表示:「隨着人工智能和先進應用繼續改變行業和日常運營,對安全和具有彈性的連接的需求已經變得越來越關鍵。通過R980的功能和NetCloud Manager的結合,我們將安全、SD-WAN和深度可見性整合到一個統一、易於管理的系統中。這種行業首創的方法使我們的客戶能夠無縫部署提供企業級網絡可靠性和安全性的網絡,同時與他們獨特的創新和業務目標保持一致。」

Emerging AI applications also rely on gathering data from distributed, widespread IoT devices. As one of the first zero-trust IoT appliances, Ericsson's Cradlepoint S400 enables secure connectivity for diverse IoT use cases, including light industrial, digital signage, and building controls. As a semi-ruggedized, compact IoT device, its innovative design offers field-expandable interface options such as additional Ethernet ports, a serial port, and a GPIO switch. This adaptability allows IT specialists to tailor the device to specific deployment needs.

新興的人工智能應用還依賴於從分佈廣泛的物聯網設備中收集數據。作爲首批零信任物聯網設備之一,愛文思控股的Cradlepoint S400爲各種物聯網用例提供安全連接,包括輕工業、數字標牌和樓宇控制等。作爲一種半堅固化、緊湊型的物聯網設備,其創新設計提供了可擴展的接口選項,如附加以太網端口、串行端口和GPIO開關。這種適應性使得IT專員可以根據特定的部署需求來定製設備。

To ensure that even small, vulnerable IoT devices, which cannot support traditional security methods, remain secure, the S400 includes NetCloud SASE Secure Connect as a part of its subscription license. Secure Connect enables the deployment of a zero-trust network instantly, providing easy to deploy, comprehensive security for large-scale deployments such as IoT devices and vehicle networks.

爲了確保即使是無法支持傳統安全方法的小型、脆弱的物聯網設備也能保持安全,S400包含NetCloud SASE Secure Connect作爲其訂閱許可的一部分。Secure Connect能夠立即部署零信任網絡,爲物聯網設備和車輛網絡等大規模部署提供易於部署的全面安全性。

In very large vehicle and IoT deployments, IT staff require highly efficient installation and need to resolve performance issues quickly. New Cellular Intelligence features in NetCloud deliver automated processes for deployment and troubleshooting to simplify installation and speed up time to repair. These features include:


  • Carrier Selection Intelligence (CSI): Automates the process of selecting the best-performing wireless carrier based on criteria like performance, jitter, and latency, optimizing network performance and reducing the need for on-site testing.
  • Cellular Health Events Monitoring: Delivers deep insights into cellular network performance, helping enterprises troubleshoot issues more effectively by correlating signal trends with changes in carrier tower and bands.
  • 運營商選擇智能(CSI):根據性能、抖動和延遲等指標自動選擇最佳無線運營商的過程,優化網絡性能,減少現場測試的需求。
  • 蜂窩健康事件監測:通過將信號趨勢與載波塔和頻段的變化相關聯,提供對蜂窩網絡性能的深入洞察,幫助企業更有效地解決問題。

These NetCloud features are available across the Ericsson Cradlepoint portfolio, including the R980 and S400.

這些NetCloud功能適用於Ericsson Cradlepoint系列產品,包括R980和S400。

"Our customers are increasingly demanding the speed, reliability, and security that 5G and LTE Wireless WAN offer," says Ed Walton, CEO of STEP, a partner for Ericsson Wireless WAN and Enterprise 5G. "Both the R980 and S400 address our customers' need for mass-deployment, ensuring optimal performance and security in demanding environments. At STEP, we are always impressed with how NetCloud features continue to evolve to help us to scale our services efficiently, so customers can focus on their core business."

"我們的客戶越來越需要5G和LTE無線廣域網提供的速度、可靠性和安全性,"說道Ericsson Wireless WAN和Enterprise 5G的合作伙伴STEP的CEO Ed Walton。"R980和S400都滿足了我們客戶對大規模部署的需求,以確保在苛刻環境中實現最佳性能和安全性。在STEP,我們一直對NetCloud功能如何不斷演進以幫助我們高效擴展我們的服務印象深刻,這樣客戶就可以專注於他們的核心業務。"

In a separate announcement, Ericsson also revealed a new coverage extension solution for reliable connectivity where wired networking is unavailable or ineffective.


