
State Street Global Advisors Launches Global Alternative Beta Fund

State Street Global Advisors Launches Global Alternative Beta Fund

道富銀行 ·  09/12 12:00

State Street Global Advisors launches Global Alternative Beta fund


London September 12, 2024State Street Global Advisors, the asset management business of State Street Corporation (NYSE: STT) has announced the launch of the State Street Global Alternative Beta Fund, which seeks to approximate the returns of hedge funds as a broad asset class.


The State Street Global Alternative Beta Fund is managed in reference to the HFRX Global Hedge Fund Index ("the Index"), provided by HFR. The Index represents a broad range of hedge fund strategies including equity hedge, event driven, macro/commodity trading advisor and relative value arbitrage. It is a widely recognized benchmark for hedge funds and is representative of the asset class.


The State Street Global Alternative Beta Fund aims to approximate hedge funds' beta returns driven, to a large extent, by various market exposures and approximate the risk-return profile of the asset class through a dynamic, factor-based investment process. The strategy aims to determine which market factors have been driving hedge fund returns recently and dynamically replicates those exposures. This strategy increases liquidity relative to directly investing in hedge funds, and by replicating hedge fund beta returns through a systematic process, costs are reduced.


The fund, which is registered in the UK, Ireland, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Sweden, Finland, Norway and Denmark, has been seeded with an initial £123m investment from Quilter Investors.

這隻基金已在英國、愛爾蘭、荷蘭、盧森堡、瑞典、芬蘭、挪威和丹麥註冊,並從Quilter Investors獲得了1.23億英鎊的首次投資。

State Street Global Advisors has over eight years of experience in hedge fund replication and the launch of the fund will allow investors across EMEA to access the strategy more easily. The aim is to make the asset class more accessible to a wider range of investors, in a cost-efficient, liquid and transparent manner.


Sacha Chorley, Portfolio Manager at Quilter Investors, commented:

Quilter Investors投資組合經理Sacha Chorley評論說:

"We're pleased to partner with SSGA to offer our passive fund of fund clients access to the diversification benefits of alternatives. Alternatives are a key component of our portfolio construction, as they complement more traditional risk diversifiers of cash and bonds and have proven to reduce the drawdown risk of multi-asset investments in volatile markets."


"Historically, there has been a lack of availability of passive exposures of the alternatives universe, and SSGA has developed a unique replication methodology that captures the essence of the alternatives universe with minimal complexity. We are excited to work with SSGA to bring this innovative solution to our clients."


Frédéric Dodard, EMEA Head of Multi-Asset Portfolio Management at State Street Global Advisors, commented:

State Street Global Advisors的多資產組合管理EMEA負責人Frédéric Dodard表示:

"This new fund launch gives investors exposure to a diversified set of hedge fund returns through a repeatable investment process and daily liquidity. This allows our clients to access this asset class in a scalable way and without the traditional constraints typically associated with hedge fund investing, such as high costs or illiquidity."


Kenneth Heinz, President at HFR, commented:

HFR總裁Kenneth Heinz表示:

"As both geopolitical and macroeconomic uncertainty have increased over the past 12 months, the portfolio significance of hedge funds has increased due to multiple factors, with many institutional investors increasing their exposure to alternatives both in response to these increasing risks and as a portfolio hedging mechanism against unprecedented generational geopolitical risk. The Global Alternative Beta Fund presents institutions with a portfolio tool to implement their alternatives portfolio allocations, offering hedge fund performance replication, capacity and liquidity, which can be implemented either for core alternatives exposure or as a tactical portfolio complement or exposure replacement tool."




About State Street Global Advisors

四十年來,State Street Global Advisors 一直爲世界政府、機構和金融顧問服務。我們採用嚴謹、風險意識的方法,建立在研究、分析和市場測試經驗的基礎上,從衆多指數和主動策略中選擇建立成本有效的解決方案。作爲指數和 ETF 投資的先驅,我們不斷創新投資方式。結果,我們已成爲全球第四大資產管理公司*,管理着四萬三千四百億美元的資產。

For four decades, State Street Global Advisors has served the world's governments, institutions, and financial advisors. With a rigorous, risk-aware approach built on research, analysis, and market-tested experience, we build from a breadth of index and active strategies to create cost-effective solutions. As pioneers in index and ETF investing, we are always inventing new ways to invest. As a result, we have become the world's fourth-largest asset manager* with US $4.37 trillion† under our care.

憑藉研究、分析和經過市場測試的嚴謹、風險意識的方法,State Street Global Advisors已爲全球政府、機構和財務顧問提供服務四十年。我們從多樣的指數和主動策略中積累經驗,創建了成本效益的解決方案。作爲指數和ETF投資的先驅,我們一直在創新投資方式。因此,我們已經成爲全球第四大資產管理公司*,在我們的管理下有4.37萬億美元†。

*Pensions & Investments Research Center, as of 12/31/23.

*Pensions & Investments 研究中心,截至2023年12月31日。

†This figure is presented as of June 30, 2024 and includes ETF AUM of $1,393.92 billion USD of which approximately $69.35 billion USD is in gold assets with respect to SPDR products for which State Street Global Advisors Funds Distributors, LLC (SSGA FD) acts solely as the marketing agent. SSGA FD and State Street Global Advisors are affiliated. Please note all AUM is unaudited.

†此數字截至2024年6月30日,其中包括1,393.92億美元的ETF資產,其中約有693.5億美元是與道富銀行基金分銷商,LLC(SSGA FD)作爲營銷代理商一起管理的黃金資產。 SSGA FD和State Street Global Advisors是關聯公司。請注意,所有資產管理規模未經審計。

Important Disclosures:


Marketing Communication.


For press use only.


Investing involves risk including the risk of loss of principal.


The whole or any part of this work may not be reproduced, copied or transmitted or any of its contents disclosed to third parties without SSGA's express written consent.


All information is from SSGA unless otherwise noted and has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but its accuracy is not guaranteed. There is no representation or warranty as to the current accuracy, reliability or completeness of, nor liability for, decisions based on such information and it should not be relied on as such.


Investments in emerging or developing markets may be more volatile and less liquid than investing in developed markets and may involve exposure to economic structures that are generally less diverse and mature and to political systems which have less stability than those of more developed countries.


Bonds generally present less short-term risk and volatility than stocks, but contain interest rate risk (as interest rates raise, bond prices usually fall); issuer default risk; issuer credit risk; liquidity risk; and inflation risk. These effects are usually pronounced for longer-term securities. Any fixed income security sold or redeemed prior to maturity may be subject to a substantial gain or loss.


The HFRX Global Hedge Fund Index and HFR are financial indexes of and/or the trademarks and service marks of HFR Index. ("HFR") and are used under license from HFR. HFR is not in any way related or connected to or affiliated with State Street Global Advisors any of its related or affiliated companies or their financial products and funds. HFR has not participated in the creation or formation of any financial product of State Street Global Advisors does not endorse, approve or recommend investing in any such financial products, and is not liable for any damages of any kind or nature relating to the financial products or funds.

HFRX全球對沖基金指數和HFR是HFR Index的財務指數和/或商標和服務標誌。 ("HFR") 並且在HFR的許可下使用。 HFR與道富銀行或其關聯公司或其金融產品和基金無任何關係、聯繫或隸屬。 HFR沒有參與道富銀行任何金融產品的創建或形成,不支持、贊成或推薦投資於任何此類金融產品,對於與金融產品或基金有關的任何形式或性質的損害不承擔任何責任。

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Please refer to the Fund's latest Key Information Document (KID)/Key Investor Information Document (KIID) and Prospectus before making any final investment decision. The latest English version of the prospectus and the KID/KIID can be found at . A summary of investor rights can be found here:


Note that the Management Company may decide to terminate the arrangements made for marketing and proceed with de-notification in compliance with Article 93a of Directive 2009/65/EC.


Ireland: State Street Global Advisors Europe Limited is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. Registered office address 78 Sir John Rogerson's Quay, Dublin 2. Registered Number: 49934. T: +353 (0)1 776 3000. F: +353 (0)1 776 3300.

愛爾蘭:State Street Global Advisors Europe Limited受愛爾蘭中央銀行監管。註冊辦公地址:愛爾蘭都柏林Sir John Rogerson大道78號。註冊號碼:49934。電話:+353 (0)1 776 3000。傳真:+353 (0)1 776 3300。

Netherlands: State Street Global Advisors Netherlands, Apollo Building 7th floor, Herikerbergweg 29, 1101 CN Amsterdam, Netherlands. T: +31 20 7181 000. State Street Global Advisors Netherlands is a branch office of State Street Global Advisors Europe Limited, registered in Ireland with company number 49934, authorised and regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland, and whose registered office is at 78 Sir John Rogerson's Quay, Dublin 2.

荷蘭:State Street Global Advisors Netherlands,阿姆斯特丹Herikerbergweg 29,Apollo Building 7層。電話:+31 20 7181 000。State Street Global Advisors Netherlands是State Street Global Advisors Europe Limited在愛爾蘭註冊的分公司,受愛爾蘭中央銀行授權和監管,其註冊辦公地址位於愛爾蘭都柏林Sir John Rogerson大道78號。

United Kingdom: State Street Global Advisors Limited. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered in England. Registered No. 2509928. VAT No. 5776591 81. Registered office: 20 Churchill Place, Canary Wharf, London, E14 5HJ. T: 020 3395 6000. F: 020 3395 6350.

英國:State Street Global Advisors Limited。受英國金融行爲監管機構授權和監管。註冊於英格蘭。註冊號碼:2509928。增值稅號碼:5776591 81。註冊辦公地址:英國倫敦Canary Wharf,Churchill Place 20號。電話:020 3395 6000。傳真:020 3395 6350。

For Investors in Switzerland: The collective investment scheme referred to herein is a collective investment scheme under Irish law. Prospective investors may obtain the current sales prospectus, the articles of incorporation, the simplified prospectuses as well as the latest annual and semi-annual report free of charge from the Swiss Representative and Paying agent, State Street Bank GmbH Munich, Zurich Branch, Beethovenstrasse 19, 8027 Zurich as well as from the main distributor in Switzerland, State Street Global Advisors AG, Beethovenstrasse 19, 8027 Zurich. Before investing please read the prospectus and the KID, copies of which can be obtained from the Swiss representative, or at or .

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