
Comic Relief US Harnesses the Power of Music to Inspire Change in First-of-its-Kind Roblox Music Festival for Next Gen Leaders, Beginning Today

Comic Relief US Harnesses the Power of Music to Inspire Change in First-of-its-Kind Roblox Music Festival for Next Gen Leaders, Beginning Today

Comic Relief美國利用音樂的力量,在首個類似於roblox音樂節上激勵下一代領袖,活動從今天開始
PR Newswire ·  09/13 12:01

Immersive Concerts from Imagine Dragons, Conan Gray, d4vd, Poppy and Alexander Stewart Inspire Social Good Through Gaming as Part of the 2nd Annual Kids Relief Campaign by Comic Relief US and Nickelodeon

作爲 Comic Relief US 和 Nickelodeon 舉辦的第二屆年度兒童救濟活動的一部分,來自 Imagine Dragons、Conan Gray、d4vd、Poppy 和 Alexander Stewart 的沉浸式音樂會通過遊戲激發社交公益

NEW YORK, Sept. 13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Starting today, Roblox users can experience songs from Imagine Dragons, Conan Gray, d4vd, Poppy and Alexander Stewart like never before in a first-of-its-kind, immersive music festival, created by Comic Relief US and Wonder Works Studio. Users will play their way through a series of dream-like concert experiences, inspired by artists' lives, music and signature visuals, to collect "good karma" and reinforce the power of helping others.

紐約,2024年9月13日 /PRNewswire/ — 從今天開始,Roblox用戶可以在美國動漫救濟和Wonder Works Studio創作的首個沉浸式音樂節中以前所未有的方式體驗Imagine Dragons、柯南·格雷、d4vd、Poppy和亞歷山大·斯圖爾特的歌曲。用戶將體驗一系列夢幻般的音樂會體驗,靈感來自藝術家的生活、音樂和標誌性視覺效果,以收集 「良好的業力」 並增強幫助他人的力量。

Comic Relief US hosts an immersive Roblox music festival to inspire social good through gaming as part of the 2nd annual Kids Relief campaign. (PRNewsfoto/Comic Relief US)
作爲第二屆年度兒童救濟活動的一部分,美國動漫救濟組織舉辦了身臨其境的Roblox音樂節,通過遊戲激發社會公益。(PRNewsFoto/Comic Relief 美國)

As part of Comic Relief US' 2nd annual Kids Relief campaign, "Game to Change the World," – launched in partnership with Nickelodeon – the star-studded, weekend-long event taps into the joy and excitement of music and gaming to inspire kids young and old to help make the world a better place.

作爲的一部分 Comic Relief 美國第二屆年度兒童救濟活動,與 Nickelodeon 合作推出的 「改變世界的遊戲」,這項星光閃耀、爲期一週的活動利用音樂和遊戲的歡樂和刺激,激勵老少咸宜的孩子們幫助世界變得更美好。

Special guest Tony Hale ("Veep," "Inside Out 2"), joins the show as a benevolent wizard who guides Roblox users to and from the concert which will be available in the Kids Relief Simulator game. Users can also access the festival through Nickelodeon's SpongeBob Simulator and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Battle Tycoon, which are also part of the Kids Relief Roblox scavenger hunt leading up to the show.

特邀嘉賓託尼·黑爾(「Veep」,「Inside Out 2」)以仁慈巫師的身份加入該節目,他引導 Roblox 用戶往返音樂會,音樂會將在音樂會上播出 兒童救濟模擬器 遊戲。用戶還可以通過 Nickelodeon 訪問音樂節 海綿寶寶模擬器忍者神龜之戰大亨,它們也是節目開始前的 Kids Relief Roblox 尋寶遊戲的一部分。

"I've been a huge Roblox fan for a while now, and I'm excited to get in the game and support the Kids Relief community to bring some kindness to the world," said d4vd,19-year-old genre-bending visionary artist. "Bringing happiness through music and gaming is all of my worlds colliding."


Guided by a soundtrack of new and chart-topping music, users will collect Karma as they run, fly, drive, and bounce their way through fantastical environments, including:

在全新音樂和排行榜榜首的音樂配樂的指導下,用戶將在夢幻環境中奔跑、飛行、駕駛和彈跳時收集 Karma,包括:

  • Running through the woods and floating past the bucolic mountains and lakes inspired by Alexander Stewart's childhood
  • Speeding toward a mysterious keyhole with Poppy
  • Journeying on a vine of d4vd's signature roses
  • Taking a road trip to Conan Gray's world tour
  • Falling through a dream with Imagine Dragons
  • 穿過樹林,漂浮經過田園般的山脈和湖泊,靈感來自亞歷山大·斯圖爾特的童年
  • 和 Poppy 一起加速駛向一個神祕的鑰匙孔
  • 在 d4vd 的招牌玫瑰的葡萄樹上旅行
  • 前往柯南·格雷的世界巡迴演唱會進行公路旅行
  • 與 Imagine Dragons 一起實現夢想

Before the concert, attendees will have the opportunity to learn more about three young changemakers from the Nickelodeon Our World community who are making their mark on the world:

音樂會開始前,與會者將有機會進一步了解三位年輕的變革者 Nickelodeon 我們的世界 在世界上留下自己的印記的社區:

  • Arianna, a 9-year-old from California who collects community donations for "celebration crates" and delivers them to food banks so that families can have cake and decorations to celebrate special occasions
  • Michael, a 9-year-old from Texas who founded "Black Boys Meditate" with his brothers to spread calm, confidence and mindfulness to all kids
  • Riley, a 10-year-old from Iowa who runs a Free Library with his family allowing kids to access banned books
  • Arianna,來自加利福尼亞的9歲,她爲 「慶祝箱」 籌集社區捐款,並將其運送到食物銀行,這樣家庭就可以有蛋糕和裝飾品來慶祝特殊場合
  • 邁克爾來自得克薩斯州的9歲,他與兄弟們一起創立了 「Black Boys Meditate」,旨在向所有孩子傳播冷靜、自信和正念
  • 萊利,來自愛荷華州的10歲,他和家人一起經營一個免費圖書館,允許孩子們閱讀禁書

"Young people are the catalysts of change in this society. By building a space just for them, we create a dynamic community where they can learn about the journeys and challenges of other young people and join in to help make a difference," said Alison Moore, CEO of Comic Relief US. "This festival isn't just about music. It's a launchpad for their creativity and compassion, sparking a movement where they can unleash their potential, connect with one another, and ignite a wave of positive change that echoes far beyond the virtual world."

「年輕人是這個社會變革的催化劑。通過爲他們建造一個專屬空間,我們創建了一個充滿活力的社區,他們可以在其中了解其他年輕人的旅程和挑戰,並參與進來幫助有所作爲。」 美國動漫救濟首席執行官艾莉森·摩爾說。「這個音樂節不僅僅是音樂。這是他們發揮創造力和同情心的發射臺,激發了一場運動,使他們可以釋放自己的潛力,彼此建立聯繫,並點燃一波積極的變革浪潮,迴盪在虛擬世界之外。」

Gaming for Good


In support of Kids Relief's mission to raise critical funds for programs that foster youth empowerment, access to education, and economic growth opportunities, top Roblox Content Creators Leah Ashe and MeganPlays will promote Kids Relief and raise funds among their communities during the campaign. d4vd will go live on his Twitch channel to raise funds and bring awareness to the cause.

爲了支持Kids Relief的使命,即爲促進青年賦權、受教育機會和經濟增長機會的計劃籌集關鍵資金,頂級Roblox內容創作者 莉亞·阿什MeganPlays 將在活動期間推廣兒童救濟基金並在社區中籌集資金。d4vd 將上線 他的 Twitch 頻道 籌集資金並提高人們對這項事業的認識。

e.l.f. Cosmetics will add its support to digital fundraising efforts, providing two bundles of their holy grail products as part of a sweepstakes. They also hosted their own live stream fundraiser on their e.l.f. You! channel on Twitch, with resident e.l.f You! makeup artist and gamer-in-chief, Anna Bynum, where donors had the chance to score free e.l.f. Cosmetics fan favorites as a thank you for their support of the campaign.

e.l.f. Cosmetics將增加對數字籌款活動的支持,作爲抽獎活動的一部分,提供兩捆聖盃產品。他們還舉辦了自己的直播籌款活動 e.l.f. 你!Twitch 上的頻道,還有常駐的 e.l.f You!化妝師兼首席玩家安娜·拜納姆(Anna Bynum),捐贈者有機會免費獲得e.l.f. Cosmetics粉絲的最愛,以感謝他們對該活動的支持。

There are even more surprises to say thank you to donors of Kids Relief, with Overtime, leading brand for the next generation sports fans, providing two prize packages of their limited-edition SpongeBob merchandise, one for adults and one for kids.

還有更多驚喜要對兒童救濟的捐贈者說聲謝謝, 加班,面向下一代體育迷的領先品牌,爲其限量版海綿寶寶商品提供兩份獎品套餐,一個給成人,一個給孩子。

For more information on Kids Relief and the Game to Change the World campaign, visit .

有關 「兒童救濟」 和 「改變世界的遊戲」 活動的更多信息,請訪問 。

About Comic Relief US

關於 Comic Relief US

Comic Relief US is a nonprofit committed to breaking the cycle of intergenerational poverty. It harnesses the power of entertainment to drive positive social change. To date, the nonprofit has raised over $436 million by mobilizing donors of all ages to engage with causes through powerful content-driven campaigns and new digital platforms. Since 2015, Red Nose Day, Comic Relief US' signature campaign to end poverty, has raised over $370 million and positively impacted more than 35 million children and young people in the US and around the world. Donations are invested in grantee partners and social impact programs that ensure children are safe, healthy, educated, and empowered and that address the root causes of poverty in the most impacted communities. Comic Relief US, also known as Comic Relief,Inc., is a registered U.S. 501(c)(3) public charity. For more information about Comic Relief US and its impact, visit . Follow @ComicReliefUS on LinkedIn, X, Instagram, and Facebook.

Comic Relief US是一家非營利組織,致力於打破代際貧困的循環。它利用娛樂的力量推動積極的社會變革。迄今爲止,該非營利組織通過強大的內容驅動型活動和新的數字平台動員所有年齡段的捐贈者參與公益事業,已籌集了超過4.36億美元的資金。自2015年以來,美國動漫救濟組織旨在消除貧困的標誌性活動 「紅鼻子日」 已籌集了超過3.7億美元的資金,並對美國和世界各地超過3500萬名兒童和年輕人產生了積極影響。捐款投資於受贈方合作伙伴和社會影響力計劃,確保兒童安全、健康、受教育和賦權,並解決受影響最大的社區的貧困根源。Comic Relief US,又名Comic Relief, Inc.,是一家在美國註冊的501(c)(3)公共慈善機構。有關 Comic Relief US 及其影響的更多信息,請訪問 。在 LinkedIn、X、Instagram 和臉書上關注 @ComicReliefUS。

About Nickelodeon

關於 Nickelodeon

Nickelodeon, now in its 45th year, is the number-one entertainment brand for kids. It has built a diverse, global business by putting kids first in everything it does. The brand includes television programming and production in the United States and around the world, plus consumer products, digital, location-based experiences, publishing and feature films. For more information or artwork, visit . Nickelodeon is a part of Paramount's (Nasdaq: PARA, PARAA) global portfolio of multimedia entertainment brands.

Nickelodeon現已進入第45個年頭,是排名第一的兒童娛樂品牌。它在所做的一切中都把孩子放在第一位,從而建立了多元化的全球業務。該品牌包括美國和世界各地的電視節目和製作,以及消費品、數字、定位體驗、出版和故事片。欲了解更多信息或藝術品,請訪問 。Nickelodeon是派拉蒙(納斯達克股票代碼:PARA,PARAA)全球多媒體娛樂品牌組合的一部分。

About Paramount Consumer Products


Paramount Consumer Products oversees all licensing and merchandising for Paramount (Nasdaq: PARA, PARAA), a leading global media and entertainment company that creates premium content and experiences for audiences worldwide. Driven by a diverse slate of consumer brands, Paramount Consumer Products' portfolio is based on content from platforms including Paramount+, CBS (including CBS Television Studios and CBS Television Distribution), cable networks (including MTV, Nickelodeon and Showtime), and Paramount Pictures. Additionally, the division operates Paramount Game Studios. With properties spanning animation, live-action, preschool, youth and adult, Paramount Consumer Products is committed to creating the highest quality product for some of the world's most beloved, iconic franchises. To view our range of consumer products and Paramount branded apparel, visit


Keita Jones, [email protected]
Tiffanie Thomas, [email protected]


SOURCE Comic Relief US

來源 Comic Relief 美國


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