
Nio Onvo L60 Review: Will It Eat Tesla Model Y's Lunch?

Nio Onvo L60 Review: Will It Eat Tesla Model Y's Lunch?

Nio Onvo L60評測:它能吃掉特斯拉Model Y的午餐嗎?
CnEVPost ·  09:41

While we await Tesla to very gently update the Model Y, Nio has put everything it can into the Onvo L60, while keeping the price reasonable.

在特斯拉輕柔更新模特Y之際,蔚來致力於推出Onvo L60,並保持合理的價格。

This review is done by ChinaDriven, which creates content about Chinese EVs on YouTube & X.


Some predict the EV price war in China is coming to an end, but I think it's just morphed a little. Instead of straight price cuts, 2024 has been the year when more OEMs are stuffing high-end features, before reserved for premium models, into more budget friendly EVs.


And Nio's answer is, its new sub-brand Onvo. Their first model, the Onvo L60, was benchmarked against the sales king of EV SUVs, the Tesla Model Y. But Nio is actually debuting some high-tech features in its mainstream Onvo L60 before they even put it into a Nio branded EV!

蔚來的答案是他們的新子品牌Onvo。他們的首款車型Onvo L60在與銷量皇冠特斯拉模特Y進行基準測試之後推出,不過蔚來實際上是在他們的主流車型Onvo L60中首次發佈了一些高科技功能,甚至在將其投入到蔚來品牌的電動車中之前!



We won't know the full pricing before the Onvo L60 has its official launch. We know the "pre-sale" price is 219,900 RMB.

在Onvo L60正式發佈之前,我們不會知道其完整的定價。我們只知道「預售」價格爲219,900元人民幣。

Normally pre-sale prices are a little higher than starting prices as they offer options as standard. Onvo dropped some hints that those "extras" could come in the form of battery swapping incentives.


We know that the Onvo L60 will available with BaaS, Battery as a Service, which allows the owner to pay a fixed monthly rental price to lower initial purchase price.

我們知道Onvo L60可以提供BaaS(按使用支付電池費用)服務,允許車主以固定月租價格支付以降低初始購買價格。

The pricing for Onvo's BaaS will also come at launch, but we can guess we might see up to 60,000 RMB for the smaller 60-kWh battery bringing the purchase price down to around 160,000 RMB. But that's just speculation at this point.


Battery, Range, Charging


The two battery options for Onvo L60, a 60kWh and an 85kWh. Both are new LFP (Lithium Iron Phosphate) packs that are thinner than the current 75 &100-kWh NCM (Nickel Magnesium Cobalt) batteries used by Nio.

Onvo L60有兩個電池選項,一個是60kWh,一個是85kWh。都是新的LFP(磷酸鐵鋰)電池組,比Nio目前使用的75 100kWh NCm(鎳鎂鈷)電池要薄。

However, charging still remains an area where Nio and Onvo are still very average amongst competitors.


Onvo claims the 60-kWh battery can be charged 10-80 percent in 25 mins, while the larger 85-kWH is quicker at 20 mins. These times are more than acceptable, but are not near the leaders in charging speeds.


Of course many will argue this is irrelevant, because Onvo will be blessed with perhaps the biggest advantage Nio have. Battery Swapping.


The Onvo L60 will be able to take advantage of Nio's battery swapping network, being able to swap batteries at 4th generation stations, and modified generation 3 stations. On launch, the L60 will have access to at least 1,000 swap stations throughout China.

Onvo L60將能夠利用Nio的電池更換網絡,在第四代站點和改造的第三代站點更換電池。在上市時,L60將在中國至少有1,000個更換站點可供選擇。

Onvo also hasn't given a full run down of ranges for the L60. We know the base rear wheel drive with a 60-kWh battery has a claimed range of 555 km, and a consumption of just 12.1 kWh/100 km.


We also know that the same 60-kWh battery in the dual motor version won't result in huge range loss, with Onvo claiming it falls short of the single motor's range by just 30 km, for a total range of 525 km. Consumption for the dual motor is slightly higher at 12.7 kWh/100km.


For comparison a Tesla Model Y rear motor is 12.5 kWh/100 km, whilst the dual motor Long Range version is higher at 13.4k Wh/100 km.

相比之下,特斯拉Model Y後置電機爲12.5千瓦時/100公里,而雙電機Long Range版本更高,爲1.34萬瓦時/100公里。

When we drove the Onvo L60 they were still waiting for official verification of the 85-kWh range, but they said it should easily achieve over 700 km in both single and dual motor versions.

當我們駕駛Onvo L60時,他們仍在等待85千瓦時續航的官方驗證,但他們表示它在單電機和雙電機版本中應該輕鬆實現700公里以上的續航里程。

The whole platform under the Onvo L60 is a 900V architecture, with 900V batteries and motors. Technically the Onvo L60 is the first Nio product to ride on its new NT 3.0 platform, even before Nio's big flagship, ET9, emerges.

Onvo L60底盤採用了900V架構,配備了900V電池和電機。從技術上講,Onvo L60是第一個搭載Nt 3.0平台的Nio產品,甚至先於Nio的旗艦ET9問世。



Our Onvo L60 review unit was in the fantastic Coastal Blue. By far my absolute favorite color for this car. Stunning.

我們的Onvo L60評測單位採用了迷人的海岸藍色。這絕對是我對這輛車最喜愛的顏色。令人驚歎。

The design language for the Onvo L60 is called "Way Up," which is from the Chinese saying "蒸蒸日上," meaning flourishing day by day.

Onvo L60的設計語言被稱爲"Way Up",源自中國成語"蒸蒸日上",意爲日漸興旺。

Onvo says it's a wish to their users. But cutting through the marketing, the Onvo L60 is a coupish SUV, designed with low drag and interior space in mind.

Onvo表示這是對用戶的一種祝願。但拋開市場營銷不談,Onvo L60是一款設計注重低空氣阻力和內部空間的轎跑型SUV。

It's not the most sensational hunk of metal to ever see the light of day, but it looks quite sleek, and definitively makes the Tesla Model Y look dated in comparison. The Onvo L60's signature styling is probably its split headlight cluster, with boomerang like daytime running lights.

雖然不是有史以來最轟動的金屬塊,但看起來相當時尚,絕對讓特斯拉Model Y顯得陳舊。Onvo L60的標誌性造型可能是它的分割式大燈組,帶有銀行狀的日間行車燈。

I'll repeat what I said when I first saw pictures of the L60, it's really good looking from the rear three quarter angle...but it also has a strong reminder of the BMW X4 back there.




There is no instrument panel, a new trend in China which I hope dies, but you do at least get a 13-inch heads up display. I can live with that. That HUD is very similar to Nio's HUD, so while I appreciate it being there, it doesn't feel like a full instrument panel replacement like a Li Auto HUD.


FINALLY! A Nio product with a horizontal screen, and boy does it feel big. it's a 17.2-inch 3K touchscreen, and when most rivals have 15-16inch screens, the extra inch of real estate really does make an impression.


It's using a snapdragon 8295P, and is powered by Coconut NT OS. The home screen layout will feel familiar to Tesla owners, but this is all based on SkyOS, built ground up for Nio's smart EVs.

它使用的是驍龍8295P處理器,並由椰子Nt OS提供動力。主屏佈局對特斯拉車主來說會感到非常熟悉,但這一切都是基於SkyOS構建的,專爲蔚來的智能電動汽車量身定製。

Once again, the Onvo L60 is the first full feature implementation of SkyOS, and I found it silky smooth and responsive. I also found it easy to navigate the menus, but they were very similar to the menu system in my Nio ET7, so that probably helped.

再次提到,Onvo L60是SkyOS的首次全功能實施,我發現它非常流暢和響應快。我也發現導航菜單很容易操作,但它們與我在Nio ET7中使用的菜單系統非常相似,所以這可能有所幫助。

You get a 50W wireless phone charger, a 1,000W 18 speaker surround sound system with Dolby spatial audio, Heated and ventilated front seats with SPA massage function, and a four zone i voice assistant called "Little Happy."


No Nomi-like head in the Onvo L60, but the voice assistant is using the same tech as Nomi, so functionality is very similar.

Onvo L60中沒有Nomi式的頭,但語音助手使用了與Nomi相同的技術,因此功能非常相似。

In the rear, you get electric reclining bench, plenty of leg, foot and head room, even though the L60 is a coupish SUV standing at only 1,616 mm tall. The roominess inside is thanks to the newer smaller motors and thinner batteries that have allowed better interior packaging.


The biggest highlight in the rear is the 8-inch screen at the rear of the center console, and although only 720p, due to its smallish size the picture looks sharp. You can use it to watch movies or control different car functions, like the rear heated seats, moving the front passenger seat out of the way, as well as access the A/C and media controls.


The interior has no leather, and we couldn't get an answer if this will be an option or not. But the fake leather, named CareTex but Onvo, is supple, soft and won't have you feeling you're missing out without leather. There's also a panoramic roof, nearly 2 square meters of glass, but there is no cover, so be warned when it's sat out in the summer sun!




OSD, Onvo Self Driving, is the branded name for Onvo's ADAS suite. It's a departure from Nio's NAD in terms of sensors. There is no lidar, instead relying on a 4D milliwave radar.


The seven 8-megapixel cameras, and four 5-megapixel cameras are in line with Nio's sensor suite. With roof mounted cameras just like a Nio, without the central Lidar.


Onvo say on launch the Onvo L60 will come with OSD City and Highway. How? They are leveraging the data from Nio and Nio users who are already using Nio NOP+ City and highway, giving them a running start.

Onvo在發佈時稱Onvo L60將配備OSD城市版和高速版。他們如何實現的?他們正在利用來自Nio和已經在使用Nio NOP+城市版和高速版的Nio用戶的數據,讓他們的運行更加順利。

However, OSD City wasn't ready on the media drive, and my gut tells me it will probably be a little behind Nio's NOP+.

然而,OSD City在媒體驅動器上還沒有準備好,我內心告訴我它可能會比Nio的NOP+略有落後。

The Onvo L60 also has auto parking solutions, 360 cameras with transparent chassis, and a basic level 2 LCC like Nio Pilot. Again, no word on subscription costs or exemptions for early buyers, but I expect there to be discounts for those buying at launch.

Onvo L60也擁有自動停車解決方案、透明底盤的360度攝像頭和類似Nio Pilot的基本級別LCC。關於訂閱費用或早期購買者的豁免情況還沒有消息,但我預計在發佈時將會有折扣。



Two-tiered performance for the Onvo L60, neither on paper are neck snapping. But on road the single rear motor version seems to have more than enough power and acceleration.

Onvo L60的性能分爲兩個層次,在紙上都不會讓人眼前一亮。但在路上,後驅版本似乎有足夠的動力和加速度。

The rear wheel drive has 240 kW, and sprints 0-100kph in 5.9s. The dual motor adds a second 100 kW motor on the front axle for a total of 340 kW, dropping that sprint to 4.6s. Family friendly acceleration.


There is no fancy suspension tech being brought over from Nio. No air suspension or continuous dampening control. Instead, the Onvo L60 is equipped with FSD suspension, similar to what you'll find in the Tesla model Y, but it offers a more cushioned ride.

沒有從Nio帶過來的花哨懸掛技術。沒有空氣懸掛或連續阻尼控制。相反,Onvo L60配備了FSD懸掛,類似於你在特斯拉Model Y車型上找到的,但它提供了更柔和的行駛感受。

Combined with a McPherson strut up front and 5-link independent suspension in the rear, the Onvo L60 does a much better job riding the line between comfort and handling dynamics.

與前面的麥弗遜懸掛和後面的5連桿獨立懸掛相結合,Onvo L60在舒適性和操控動力之間的平衡做得更好。

The Onvo L60 is a family car, and expectations of corner carving is not something to expect, but it will go around a corner decently, it's not overly soft, there's no egregious body roll.

Onvo L60是一款家用車,不應期望它能像散發速度一樣靈活,但它可以不錯地繞過一個彎角,沒有過度柔軟,也沒有明顯的車身側傾。

It has more than enough power and handling to put a smile on your face on a twisty road, and then commute to work in the morning. It's also got quite a tight turning circle which is always welcomed.




So, while we await Tesla to very gently update the Model Y, Nio has put everything it can into the Onvo L60, while keeping the price reasonable.

因此,當我們等待特斯拉輕微更新Model Y時,理想汽車已經盡其所能投入到Onvo L60中,同時保持了合理的價格。

Nio is hoping this will catapult them to dizzying sales heights, and as a product, it's got everything it needs.


So, I just have one question. If you can buy an Onvo L60, would you buy a Tesla, (wh)Y?

那麼,我只有一個問題。如果你能買到Onvo L60,你會買特斯拉嗎?爲什麼?

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