
Why Analyst Says Rare Disease-Focused Inozyme Pharma Stock 'Could Be Worth A Look'

Why Analyst Says Rare Disease-Focused Inozyme Pharma Stock 'Could Be Worth A Look'

爲什麼分析師稱罕見疾病專注的Inozyme Pharma股票「值得一看」
Benzinga ·  02:35

Stifel initiated coverage on Inozyme Pharma Inc. (NASDAQ:INZY), saying, "This under-the-radar stock could be worth a look ahead of it."

Stifel開始對Inozyme Pharma Inc.(納斯達克股票代碼:INZY)進行報道,他說:「這只不爲人知的股票可能值得一看。」

The company's lead candidate, INZ-701, is an ENPP1 Fc fusion protein enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) designed to increase PPi and adenosine, enabling the potential treatment of multiple diseases caused by deficiencies in these molecules.

該公司的主要候選藥物 INZ-701 是一種 ENPP1 Fc 融合蛋白酶替代療法 (ERT),旨在提高 pPI 和腺苷,從而有可能治療由這些分子缺乏引起的多種疾病。

It is currently in clinical development for ENPP1 Deficiency, ABCC6 Deficiency and calciphylaxis.

目前,它正在 ENPP1 缺乏症、ABCC6 缺乏症和鈣預防反應的臨床開發中。

In July, the FDA granted fast track designation to INZ-701 for ABCC6 Deficiency.

7 月,美國食品藥品管理局批准了 INZ-701 的 ABCC6 缺乏症快速通道。

In ABCC6 Deficiency, the body develops mineral build-up in elastic tissue in the eyes, skin and vasculature due to low levels of PPi. Low adenosine levels may also cause blood vessel narrowing and difficulty maintaining blood vessel health.

在 ABCC6 缺乏症中,由於 PPI 水平低,人體會在眼睛、皮膚和血管系統的彈性組織中積聚礦物質。腺苷水平低還可能導致血管變窄,難以維持血管健康。

The company expects to reach an agreement on a pivotal study in pediatric patients with ABCC6 Deficiency by year-end 2024.

該公司預計將在2024年年底之前就一項針對 ABCC6 缺乏症的兒科患者的關鍵研究達成協議。

Stifel says that, although lead indications are rare, INZ-701 has pipeline-in-a-product potential.

斯蒂菲爾說,儘管先導適應症很少見,但 INZ-701 具有進入產品管道的潛力。

Stifel initiated with a Buy rating with a price target of $16.


"Based on early PK/PD data, INZ-701 has a clearer development path in ENPP1 deficiency with ABCC6 deficiency development right behind; calciphylaxis is earlier in development but presents an attractive life-cycle management (LCM) strategy," the Stifel analyst wrote.

Stifel分析師寫道:「根據早期的PK/PD數據,INZ-701 在 ENPP1 缺乏症方面有更明確的發展路徑,ABCC6 缺乏症的發展緊隨其後;鈣預防療法開發得較早,但提出了有吸引力的生命週期管理(LCM)策略。」

The analyst said as with many rare diseases, ENPP1 and ABCC6 deficiencies are not widely known among the public or investors. As a result, the analyst anticipated the primary challenge for investors would be the clinical trial and regulatory risks.

這位分析師表示,與許多罕見疾病一樣,ENPP1 和 ABCC6 的缺陷在公衆或投資者中並不廣爲人知。因此,分析師預計,投資者面臨的主要挑戰將是臨床試驗和監管風險。

Stifel added, "By YE24, interim data from both Phase 1b ENERGY-1 (ENPP1 deficiency; infants) and Phase 1 SEAPORT-1 (calciphylaxis) studies have a chance to instill investor confidence prior to additional catalysts in 2025."

斯蒂菲爾補充說:「到YE24時,來自第10期 ENERGY-1(ENPP1 缺乏症;嬰兒)和第一階段 Seaport-1(鈣化反應)研究的中期數據都有機會在2025年推出更多催化劑之前灌輸投資者的信心。」

INZY Price Action: Inozyme Pharma stock is up 8.06% at $5.63 at publication Thursday.

INZY價格走勢:週四公佈時,Inozyme Pharma股價上漲8.06%,至5.63美元。

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