
Behind the Scenes of Unity Software's Latest Options Trends

Behind the Scenes of Unity Software's Latest Options Trends

探尋Unity Software最新期權趨勢的幕後故事
Benzinga ·  09/13 01:35

Investors with a lot of money to spend have taken a bearish stance on Unity Software (NYSE:U).

有大量資金可以花的投資者對Unity Software(紐約證券交易所代碼:U)採取了看跌立場。

And retail traders should know.


We noticed this today when the trades showed up on publicly available options history that we track here at Benzinga.


Whether these are institutions or just wealthy individuals, we don't know. But when something this big happens with U, it often means somebody knows something is about to happen.


So how do we know what these investors just did?


Today, Benzinga's options scanner spotted 8 uncommon options trades for Unity Software.

今天,Benzinga的期權掃描儀發現了Unity Software的8種不常見的期權交易。

This isn't normal.


The overall sentiment of these big-money traders is split between 37% bullish and 50%, bearish.


Out of all of the special options we uncovered, 3 are puts, for a total amount of $136,728, and 5 are calls, for a total amount of $180,209.


Predicted Price Range


Based on the trading activity, it appears that the significant investors are aiming for a price territory stretching from $13.0 to $24.0 for Unity Software over the recent three months.

根據交易活動,看來主要投資者的目標是在最近三個月中將Unity Software的價格區間從13.0美元擴大到24.0美元。

Analyzing Volume & Open Interest


Looking at the volume and open interest is a powerful move while trading options. This data can help you track the liquidity and interest for Unity Software's options for a given strike price. Below, we can observe the evolution of the volume and open interest of calls and puts, respectively, for all of Unity Software's whale trades within a strike price range from $13.0 to $24.0 in the last 30 days.

交易期權時,查看交易量和未平倉合約是一個強有力的舉動。這些數據可以幫助您跟蹤給定行使價下Unity Software期權的流動性和利息。下面,我們可以分別觀察過去30天內Unity Software所有鯨魚交易的看漲和看跌期權交易量和未平倉合約的變化,其行使價在13.0美元至24.0美元之間。

Unity Software 30-Day Option Volume & Interest Snapshot

Unity Software 30 天期權交易量和利息


Biggest Options Spotted:


Symbol PUT/CALL Trade Type Sentiment Exp. Date Ask Bid Price Strike Price Total Trade Price Open Interest Volume
U PUT SWEEP NEUTRAL 01/16/26 $5.9 $5.8 $5.9 $20.00 $59.0K 1.7K 100
U CALL TRADE BULLISH 01/17/25 $3.45 $3.4 $3.45 $17.50 $51.7K 4.5K 1.3K
U PUT SWEEP BEARISH 09/13/24 $1.02 $0.88 $1.02 $20.00 $50.8K 106 1.0K
U CALL SWEEP BEARISH 09/13/24 $0.32 $0.3 $0.3 $17.50 $38.9K 2.0K 1.6K
U CALL TRADE BEARISH 09/13/24 $1.28 $1.11 $1.11 $18.00 $33.3K 2.2K 6.1K
符號 看跌/看漲 交易類型 情緒 Exp。日期 出價 價格 行使價 總交易價格 未平倉合約 音量
U 中立 01/16/26 5.9 美元 5.8 美元 5.9 美元 20.00 美元 59.0 萬美元 1.7K 100
U 打電話 貿易 看漲 01/17/25 3.45 美元 3.4 美元 3.45 美元 17.50 美元 51.7 萬美元 4.5K 1.3K
U 粗魯的 09/13/24 1.02 0.88 美元 1.02 20.00 美元 50.8 萬美元 106 1.0K
U 打電話 粗魯的 09/13/24 0.32 美元 0.3 美元 0.3 美元 17.50 美元 38.9 萬美元 2.0K 1.6K
U 打電話 貿易 粗魯的 09/13/24 1.28 美元 1.11 美元 1.11 美元 18.00 美元 33.3 萬美元 2.2K 6.1K

About Unity Software

關於 Unity 軟件

Unity Software Inc provides a software platform for creating and operating interactive, real-time 3D content. The platform can be used to create, run, and monetize interactive, real-time 2D and 3D content for mobile phones, tablets, PCs, consoles, and augmented and virtual reality devices. The business is spread across the United States, Greater China, EMEA, APAC, and Other Americas, of which key revenue is derived from the EMEA region. The products are used in the gaming industry, architecture and construction sector, animation industry, and designing sector.

Unity Software Inc 爲創建和操作交互式實時 3D 內容提供了一個軟件平台。該平台可用於爲手機、平板電腦、PC、遊戲機以及增強現實和虛擬現實設備創建、運行交互式、實時 2D 和 3D 內容並從中獲利。該業務分佈在美國、大中華區、歐洲、中東和非洲、亞太地區和其他美洲,其中主要收入來自歐洲、中東和非洲地區。這些產品用於遊戲行業、建築和建築行業、動畫行業和設計領域。

After a thorough review of the options trading surrounding Unity Software, we move to examine the company in more detail. This includes an assessment of its current market status and performance.

在對圍繞Unity Software的期權交易進行了全面審查之後,我們將對該公司進行更詳細的審查。這包括評估其當前的市場狀況和表現。

Where Is Unity Software Standing Right Now?

Unity Software 現在處於什麼位置?

  • Currently trading with a volume of 16,919,503, the U's price is up by 10.69%, now at $19.06.
  • RSI readings suggest the stock is currently may be approaching overbought.
  • Anticipated earnings release is in 56 days.
  • 美國目前的交易量爲16,919,503美元,上漲了10.69%,目前爲19.06美元。
  • RSI讀數表明,該股目前可能接近超買。
  • 預計業績將在56天后發佈。

Professional Analyst Ratings for Unity Software

Unity 軟件的專業分析師評級

A total of 1 professional analysts have given their take on this stock in the last 30 days, setting an average price target of $22.0.


  • Showing optimism, an analyst from Morgan Stanley upgrades its rating to Overweight with a revised price target of $22.
  • 摩根士丹利的一位分析師表現出樂觀的態度,將其評級上調至增持,目標股價爲22美元。

Options are a riskier asset compared to just trading the stock, but they have higher profit potential. Serious options traders manage this risk by educating themselves daily, scaling in and out of trades, following more than one indicator, and following the markets closely.


