
Creator Marketing Platform Humanz Expands Into the U.S. and Introduces Valeria Lipovetsky as Chief Creator Officer, Supporting Brands and Empowering Creators

Creator Marketing Platform Humanz Expands Into the U.S. and Introduces Valeria Lipovetsky as Chief Creator Officer, Supporting Brands and Empowering Creators

創建者營銷平台Humanz進軍美國,並引入Valeria Lipovetsky擔任首席創作者官,爲品牌提供支持,賦能創作者
PR Newswire ·  09/12 21:00

The innovative platform—designed by creators for creators—facilitates genuine, long-term connections and offers transparent data and insights into campaign performance for both brands and creators


MIAMI, Sept. 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Humanz, a collaborative AI-powered creator marketing platform for creators and brands, is entering the U.S. market alongside a partnership with Valeria Lipovetsky, a leading creator with +6M followers across channels and a top five global influencer in beauty and fashion. Lipovetsky, who hosts the "Not Alone" podcast and founded Creator Method, a community and academy for creators, was chosen due to her alignment with Humanz's philosophy that creators should be valued business partners with brands. With its expansion, Humanz can now facilitate authentic partnerships between U.S. creators and brands, helping them grow together.

邁阿密,2024年9月12日 /PRNewswire/ — 面向創作者和品牌的人工智能合作創作者營銷平台Humanz正在進入美國市場,同時與瓦萊裏婭·利波維茨基建立了合作伙伴關係。瓦萊裏婭·利波維茨基是一位擁有超過600萬粉絲的領先創作者,也是美容和時尚領域排名前五的全球影響者。主持 「Not Alone」 播客並創立了創作者社區和學院Creator Method的利波維茨基之所以被選中,是因爲她與Humanz的理念一致,即創作者應該成爲品牌的重要商業夥伴。通過擴張,Humanz現在可以促進美國創作者和品牌之間真正的合作伙伴關係,幫助他們共同成長。

The influencer marketing industry is experiencing unprecedented growth, with more creators entering the market and major brands turning to them to reach their intended audiences. In fact, more than 90% of marketers now incorporate influencer marketing into their strategies. These significant shifts, underscored by the recent acquisition of Influential by Publicis, showcase the growing demand for creator-driven campaigns and the substantial, untapped opportunities within the influencer marketing space.

網紅營銷行業正在經歷前所未有的增長,越來越多的創作者進入市場,主要品牌轉向他們來吸引目標受衆。實際上,現在有超過90%的營銷人員將網紅營銷納入其策略。這些重大轉變體現在最近收購Infortum by Publicis上,凸顯了對創作者驅動的活動的需求不斷增長,以及網紅營銷領域尚未開發的大量機遇。

Humanz is at the helm of this transformation, working with more than 300,000 global content creators and collaborating with the world's largest companies including Google, McDonald's, Zara, P&G, L'Oréal, Nestlé and Unilever. Over the past seven years, Humanz launched more than 15 million creator collaborations driving close to $500 million in sales across global markets like Europe, Latin America, South Africa and the Middle East. By providing a transparent, data-driven platform that gives real-time insight into a campaign's ROI, Humanz empowers creators to make informed decisions, optimize their content and become valuable business partners to brands.

Humanz 領導了這一轉型,與全球超過 300,000 名內容創作者合作,並與谷歌、麥當勞、Zara、寶潔、歐萊雅、雀巢和聯合利華等全球最大的公司合作。在過去的七年中,Humanz啓動了超過1500萬的創作者合作,推動了歐洲、拉丁美洲、南非和中東等全球市場的銷售額接近5億美元。通過提供透明、數據驅動的平台來實時了解活動的投資回報率,Humanz使創作者能夠做出明智的決策,優化其內容併成爲品牌的寶貴業務合作伙伴。

"The U.S. is a critical hub for the creator economy, and our platform is uniquely positioned to address the evolving needs of this dynamic industry by driving greater outcomes for both brands and creators," said Roee Zelcer, CEO of Humanz US. "By focusing on transparency, trust and data-driven insights, Humanz solves the fundamental pain points in influencer marketing, making it easier for brands and creators to build meaningful, long-term partnerships."

Humanz US首席執行官Roee Zelcer表示:「美國是創作者經濟的關鍵中心,我們的平台具有獨特的優勢,可以通過爲品牌和創作者帶來更大的成果,來滿足這個充滿活力的行業不斷變化的需求。」「通過專注於透明度、信任和數據驅動的見解,Humanz解決了網紅營銷的根本痛點,使品牌和創作者更容易建立有意義的長期合作伙伴關係。」

Humanz's entry into the U.S. market is a significant milestone, reflecting its rapid growth and strong demand for more effective creator marketing tools. The partnership with Valeria Lipovetsky, who will assume the role of Chief Creator Officer, not only strengthens the Humanz brand, but also sets a new standard for collaborations built on mutual respect, trust and transparency. As the creator economy continues to grow, Humanz is committed to being at the forefront, providing necessary tools and support to help creators with smaller audiences become successful business partners with brands. The platform is shaped by insights and feedback of creators who actively use it. This deep involvement ensures Humanz remains attuned to the evolving landscape and empowers creators at every stage of their journey.


"I'm thrilled to join Humanz, a platform that is truly redefining authenticity and transparency in the creator space," said Lipovetsky. "Traditionally, creators had limited visibility into campaign performance, but with Humanz, they have direct access to real-time data and insights right within the app. This empowers aspiring creators to monetize their passion immediately and craft content that resonates. Humanz is not just a platform; it's a catalyst for growth, enabling creators to thrive and forge meaningful, long-term partnerships with brands they love. We're shaping the future of the creator economy, one insight at a time."

利波維茨基說:「我很高興加入Humanz,這是一個真正重新定義創作者空間真實性和透明度的平台。」「傳統上,創作者對廣告效果的可見性有限,但是有了Humanz,他們可以在應用程序中直接訪問實時數據和見解。這使有抱負的創作者能夠立即將他們的激情貨幣化,並製作能引起共鳴的內容。Humanz 不僅僅是一個平台;它是增長的催化劑,使創作者能夠蓬勃發展,並與他們喜愛的品牌建立有意義的長期合作伙伴關係。我們正在塑造創作者經濟的未來,一個接一個的見解。」

The platform addresses common challenges such as information asymmetry, fragmented communication, and lack of transparency and trust, which lead to transactional relationships. As the creator economy grows, Humanz is committed to leading this change with a platform that brings creators and brands together, helping both be data-driven and results-oriented.


"Humanz has set a new standard for influencer marketing, providing us with the tools, data and insights needed to execute impactful campaigns across all our brands," said Or Ellencweig, Senior Director, Procter & Gamble. "The growth we've achieved through this partnership is truly remarkable."

寶潔高級董事Or Ellencweig表示:「Humanz爲網紅營銷設定了新的標準,爲我們提供了在所有品牌上開展有影響力的活動所需的工具、數據和見解。」「我們通過這種夥伴關係實現的增長確實非常了不起。」

"Working with Humanz feels like having our own team within Humanz," said Kerem Yosuntaş, Advocacy Lead at L'Oréal. "What stands out most is that they genuinely care about the overall success of our brands."


The company's headquarters will be in Miami, Florida, with additional offices in New York. Humanz's global clientele includes multinational brands such as Google, McDonald's, Kimberly-Clark, Zara, P&G, L'Oréal, Nestlé, Unilever, Group M, Omnicom and Universal McCann.


For more information about Humanz and its services, please visit .

有關 Humanz 及其服務的更多信息,請訪問。

About Humanz:

關於 Humanz:

Founded in 2017, Humanz is a collaborative AI-powered creator marketing platform that connects content creators with brands. Operating globally with eight local offices spanning across the US, Europe, Latin America, South Africa and the Middle East, Humanz has quickly become a trusted global partner in the creator economy. Its AI-powered platform maximizes campaign impact through authentic partnerships, delivering clear value and consistent engagement. Experience the Humanz difference: Book a demo for marketers or download the app for creators today.

Humanz 成立於 2017 年,是一個由人工智能驅動的合作創作者營銷平台,旨在將內容創作者與品牌聯繫起來。Humanz在全球範圍內運營,在美國、歐洲、拉丁美洲、南非和中東設有八個當地辦事處,已迅速成爲創作者經濟中值得信賴的全球合作伙伴。其人工智能平台通過真正的合作伙伴關係最大限度地提高活動影響力,提供明確的價值和持續的參與度。體驗 Humanz 的不同之處:立即爲營銷人員預訂演示版或爲創作者下載應用程序。

Media Contact: Rachel Sharpe, [email protected]

媒體聯繫人:瑞秋·夏普,[email protected]


來源 Humanz


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