
CVRx Announces New Publication Reinforcing the Long-term Quality of Life Benefits of Barostim

CVRx Announces New Publication Reinforcing the Long-term Quality of Life Benefits of Barostim

GlobeNewswire ·  09/12 20:00

New data published in JACC: Heart Failure demonstrate durable benefits in MLWHF and EQ-5D quality of life measures in heart failure patients with reduced ejection fraction

在 JACC 上發佈的新數據:心力衰竭表明,射血分數降低的 MLWHF 和 EQ-5D 生活質量衡量標準對心力衰竭患者具有持久的益處

MINNEAPOLIS, Sept. 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- CVRx, Inc. (NASDAQ: CVRX) ("CVRx"), a commercial-stage medical device company, announced today the publication of new data in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology: Heart Failure. The data detail the durable improvements out to 24-months in the individual components of the Minnesota Living with Heart Failure (MLWHF) and EuroQual-5D (EQ-5D) quality of life measures. The publication builds on the data from the BeAT-HF trial (NCT02627196) published in 2024 in the European Journal of Heart Failure demonstrating the long-term sustained symptomatic benefits of Barostim in heart failure patients with reduced ejection fraction.

明尼阿波利斯,2024 年 9 月 12 日(環球新聞專線)— cvRx, Inc。納斯達克股票代碼:CVRX)(「CVRx」)是一家處於商業階段的醫療器械公司,今天宣佈在《美國心臟病學會雜誌:心力衰竭》上發佈新數據。這些數據詳細說明了明尼蘇達州心力衰竭患者(MLWHF)和Euroqual-5D(EQ-5D)生活質量衡量標準中各個組成部分在24個月內持續改善的情況。該出版物建立在2024年發表在《歐洲心力衰竭雜誌》上的Beat-HF試驗(NCT02627196)的數據基礎上,該數據表明,Barostim對射血分數降低的心力衰竭患者具有長期持續的症狀益處。

"We know that many heart failure patients struggle with physical symptoms despite treatment with guideline-directed medical therapy (GDMT). As a result, patients' reduced daily activity levels often adversely impact their emotional state and quality of life," said Samuel F. Sears, PhD, Professor of Psychology at East Carolina University, and lead author of the publication. "While we know Barostim plus GDMT demonstrates long-term symptomatic benefits, we now have data demonstrating sustained improvement in specific symptoms and quality of life measures benefiting patients receiving the therapy."

「我們知道,儘管使用指導性藥物療法(GDMT)進行治療,但許多心力衰竭患者仍會出現身體症狀。因此,患者日常活動水平的降低往往會對他們的情緒狀態和生活質量產生不利影響。」 該出版物的主要作者、東卡羅來納大學心理學教授塞繆爾·西爾斯博士說。「雖然我們知道Barostim plus gDMT具有長期的症狀益處,但我們現在有數據表明,受益於治療患者的特定症狀和生活質量指標持續改善。」

Patients in the trial with Barostim plus GDMT reported feeling significantly better in a variety of physical and psychosocial measures as compared to patients who received GDMT alone. This included significant improvement in their ability to work around the house, sleep, and engage in activities with friends and family. Patients receiving Barostim reported less depression and feeling they were less of a burden on friends and family. Physically, they reported less shortness of breath, less fatigue and pain, and increased mobility and ability to perform usual activities.


"Congratulations to Dr. Samuel Sears and colleagues for their detailed description of the ways Barostim alleviates the burden of heart failure and improves patients' quality of life. The durable functional and psychological improvements associated with Barostim are unique to this therapy and superior to medical management alone. To see quality of life results that remain this significant in long-term data are rare," said Dr. Philip Adamson, Chief Medical Officer of CVRx. "We believe this analysis of the long-term BeAT-HF data will support the shared decision making of patients and physicians when considering Barostim therapy."


About CVRx, Inc.
CVRx is focused on the development and commercialization of the Barostim System, the first medical technology approved by FDA that uses neuromodulation to improve the symptoms of heart failure. Barostim is an implantable device that delivers electrical pulses to baroreceptors located in the wall of the carotid artery. Baroreceptors activate the body's baroreflex, which in turn triggers an autonomic response to the heart. The therapy is designed to restore balance to the autonomic nervous system and thereby reduce the symptoms of heart failure. Barostim received the FDA Breakthrough Device designation and is FDA-approved for use in heart failure patients in the U.S. It has also received the CE Mark for heart failure and resistant hypertension in the European Economic Area. To learn more about Barostim, visit .

關於 cvRx, Inc.
cvRx專注於Barostim系統的開發和商業化,這是美國食品藥品管理局批准的第一項使用神經調節來改善心力衰竭症狀的醫療技術。Barostim 是一種可植入的設備,可向位於頸動脈壁的氣壓感受器傳遞電脈衝。壓力感受器激活人體的壓力反射,這反過來又會觸發對心臟的自主反應。該療法旨在恢復自主神經系統的平衡,從而減輕心力衰竭的症狀。Barostim 獲得了 FDA 突破性設備稱號,並獲得 FDA 批准,可用於美國心力衰竭患者。它還獲得了歐洲經濟區心力衰竭和耐藥性高血壓的 CE 標誌。要了解有關 Barostim 的更多信息,請訪問。

Media Contact:
Laura O'Neill
Finn Partners


Investor Contact:


Mark Klausner or Mike Vallie
ICR Westwicke

ICR Westwicke

