
Zedge Marketplace Data Reveals Strong Consumer Preference for AI-Generated Content

Zedge Marketplace Data Reveals Strong Consumer Preference for AI-Generated Content

Accesswire ·  09/12 18:30

NEW YORK, NY / ACCESSWIRE / September 12, 2024 / Zedge, Inc. (NYSE AMERICAN:ZDGE), a leader in building digital marketplaces and friendly competitive games around content that people use to express themselves, today unveiled compelling new data showing a significant consumer preference for AI-generated content in the Zedge Marketplace. Contrary to recent findings from the University of Washington, Zedge's data reveal that its users are increasingly drawn to AI-created art over human-made images.

紐約州紐約/ACCESSWIRE/2024年9月12日/圍繞人們用來表達自己的內容建設數字市場和友好競爭遊戲的領導者Zedge, Inc.(紐約證券交易所美國股票代碼:ZDGE)今天公佈了引人入勝的新數據,顯示Zedge市場中消費者非常偏愛人工智能生成的內容。與華盛頓大學最近的發現相反,Zedge的數據顯示,其用戶越來越多地被人工智能創作的藝術所吸引,而不是人造圖像。

Since August 2022, when generative artificial intelligence (Gen AI) models that produce unique photorealistic images from text and image prompts first became widely available, the Zedge Marketplace has experienced a remarkable 673% increase in image uploads, underscoring a growing interest in AI-generated content. This trend highlights a clear shift towards digital art created by artificial intelligence.

自2022年8月通過文字和圖像提示生成獨特的逼真圖像的生成式人工智能(Gen AI)模型首次廣泛使用以來,Zedge Marketplace的圖像上傳量顯著增長了673%,這凸顯了人們對人工智能生成內容的興趣與日俱增。這種趨勢凸顯了向人工智能創造的數字藝術的明顯轉變。

Tim Quirk, Zedge's Senior Vice President of Product, remarked, "We were testing the potential for a wallpaper app devoid of any AI-generated items, and I confess, I assumed the human-made collections would beat the robots. It's not like anybody ever roots for the steam-powered drill to beat John Henry. But the data tell us that many Zedge users not only don't mind AI images, they seem to prefer them. Additionally, Zedge Premium's highest-earning artists tend to use AI generators as a starting point for images, and they refine further by hand, so it's not always an either/or choice."

Zedge產品高級副總裁蒂姆·奎克表示:「我們正在測試一款沒有任何人工智能生成物品的牆紙應用程序的可能性,我承認,我認爲人造系列會擊敗機器人。從來沒有人爲蒸汽動力鑽機加油打敗約翰·亨利。但是數據告訴我們,許多Zedge用戶不僅不介意人工智能圖像,而且似乎更喜歡它們。此外,Zedge Premium收入最高的藝術家傾向於使用人工智能生成器作爲圖像的起點,他們會通過手工進一步完善,因此這並不總是一個非此即彼的選擇。」

In-depth experiments were conducted to measure user engagement with AI-generated versus human-created wallpapers. Collections labeled as "AI Art" or "Non-Human Art" were featured alongside those marked "Human Art" on Zedge's Android and iOS apps. The results were striking: AI-generated collections consistently outperformed their human-made counterparts in clicks and downloads, even when behind ad gates or paywalls.

進行了深入實驗,以衡量用戶對人工智能生成的牆紙和人工創建的牆紙的參與度。在Zedge的安卓和iOS應用程序中,標有 「人工智能藝術」 或 「非人類藝術」 的藏品與標有 「人類藝術」 的藏品一起展出。結果令人震驚:即使在廣告門或付費專區之後,人工智能生成的館藏在點擊量和下載量方面也始終優於人工合集。

In the initial experiment, AI-generated art saw 73% more clicks and 338% more downloads compared to human-made collections. Subsequent tests with labels such as "Man-Made Art" versus "AI Art" showed AI collections receiving 36% more clicks and 176% more downloads. These results were consistent over several months, ruling out the novelty effect of AI.

在最初的實驗中,與人工合集相比,人工智能生成的藝術品的點擊量增加了73%,下載量增加了338%。隨後使用 「人造藝術」 與 「人工智能藝術」 等標籤進行的測試顯示,人工智能館藏的點擊量增加了36%,下載量增加了176%。這些結果在幾個月內保持一致,排除了人工智能的新穎效應。

These data challenge a recent potential notion that consumers are skeptical of AI-generated content. Zedge's findings suggest a strong and growing appetite for AI-generated wallpapers, indicating a nuanced consumer perspective on artificial intelligence. While discussions about AI's impact on various industries continue, Zedge's data point to a promising future for AI-generated content in mobile phone personalization.


For further details, Tim Quirk's Zedge blog post elaborates on these findings and their implications here.

欲了解更多詳情,Tim Quirk的Zedge博客文章在此詳細闡述了這些發現及其含義。

About Zedge
Zedge builds digital marketplaces and friendly competitive games around content people use to express themselves. Our leading products include Zedge Ringtones and Wallpapers, a freemium digital content marketplace offering mobile phone wallpapers, video wallpapers, ringtones, notification sounds, and pAInt, a generative AI image creation platform; GuruShots, a skill-based photo challenge game; and Emojipedia, the #1 trusted source for 'all things emoji'. Our vision is to enable and connect creators who enjoy friendly competitions with a community of prospective consumers in order to drive commerce. We serve 10's of millions of active users across our offerings every month. For more information, visit

關於 Zedge
Zedge 圍繞人們用來表達自己的內容構建數字市場和友好的競技遊戲。我們的領先產品包括Zedge鈴聲和牆紙,這是一個提供手機壁紙、視頻壁紙、鈴聲、通知聲音的免費增值數字內容市場,以及生成式人工智能圖像創作平台Paint;基於技能的照片挑戰遊戲GuruShots;以及Emojipedia,「所有表情符號」 的 #1 可信來源。我們的願景是讓享受友好比賽的創作者與潛在消費者社區聯繫起來,以推動商業發展。我們每月通過我們的產品爲數千萬活躍用戶提供服務。欲了解更多信息,請訪問

Forward-Looking Statements
All statements above that are not purely about historical facts, including, but not limited to, those in which we use the words "believe," "anticipate," "expect," "plan," "intend," "estimate," "target" and similar expressions, are forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. While these forward-looking statements represent our current judgment of what may happen in the future, actual results may differ materially from the results expressed or implied by these statements due to numerous important factors. Our filings with the SEC provide detailed information on such statements and risks and should be consulted along with this release. To the extent permitted under applicable law, we assume no obligation to update any forward-looking statements.

以上所有不純粹關於歷史事實的陳述,包括但不限於我們在其中使用 「相信」、「預期」、「期望」、「計劃」、「打算」、「估計」、「目標」 等詞語的陳述,均爲1995年《私人證券訴訟改革法》所指的前瞻性陳述。儘管這些前瞻性陳述代表了我們目前對未來可能發生的事情的判斷,但由於許多重要因素,實際結果可能與這些陳述所表達或暗示的結果存在重大差異。我們向美國證券交易委員會提交的文件提供了有關此類陳述和風險的詳細信息,應在本新聞稿中查閱。在適用法律允許的範圍內,我們沒有義務更新任何前瞻性陳述。

Brian Siegel, IRC, MBA
Senior Managing Director
Hayden IR
(346) 396-8696

Hayden IR
(346) 396-8696

SOURCE: Zedge, Inc.

來源:Zedge, Inc.

