
Centrus and KHNP Sign Long-Term Supply Commitment

Centrus and KHNP Sign Long-Term Supply Commitment

Centrus Energy ·  09/11 12:00

Contingent Commitment from KHNP and Other Customers Now Total $1.8 Billion to Support New, American Uranium Enrichment


BETHESDA, Md., Sept. 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Centrus Energy Corp. (NYSE American: LEU) and Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power (KHNP) announced today that they have entered into a contingent supply commitment to support construction of new uranium enrichment capacity at Centrus' American Centrifuge Plant in Piketon, Ohio. The purchase commitment from KHNP covers a decade of deliveries of Low-Enriched Uranium (LEU) to help fuel Korea's large fleet of reactors.

馬里蘭州貝塞斯達,2024年9月11日 /PRNewswire/ — Centrus Energy Corp.(紐約證券交易所美國股票代碼:LEU)和韓國水電與核電公司(KHNP)今天宣佈,他們已簽訂一項應急供應承諾,以支持俄亥俄州派克頓的森特拉斯美國離心機廠建設新的鈾濃縮能力。KHNP的收購承諾涵蓋了十年來交付的低濃縮鈾(LEU),以幫助爲韓國的大型反應堆艦隊提供燃料。

Centrus has now secured a total of $1.8 billion in contingent sales commitments to date, including KHNP and, as previously disclosed, other customers, to support deployment of new capacity. These commitments, including KHNP's, are contingent upon the parties entering into definitive agreements and also upon Centrus securing the substantial public and private investment necessary to build the new capacity.


"This supply commitment is a key building block as we work toward the public-private partnership that will enable us to re-establish a large-scale, U.S.-owned uranium enrichment capability," said Amir Vexler, President and CEO of Centrus. "We are honored to have the support of KHNP in this critical endeavor and strongly committed to meeting their long-term requirements for assured, affordable, supplies of enriched uranium to fuel their reactors. This commitment, along with our previously announced commitments from our customers further demonstrates the private sector's willingness to support the establishment of an alternate LEU supply source."


"KHNP welcomes the opportunity to deepen our partnership with Centrus and the United States," said Whang Jooho, President and CEO of KHNP. "New production from Centrus will help bring greater stability, supply diversity and price competition to global nuclear fuel market, supporting the long-term growth of carbon-free nuclear energy in Korea and around the world."

KHNP總裁兼首席執行官Whang Jooho表示:「KHNP很高興有機會深化我們與Centrus和美國的夥伴關係。」「Centrus的新產品將有助於爲全球核燃料市場帶來更大的穩定性、供應多樣性和價格競爭,支持韓國和世界各地無碳核能的長期增長。」

The Path to New, American Enrichment Capacity


Under contract with the U.S. Department of Energy, Centrus has deployed a cascade of 16 advanced centrifuges at the American Centrifuge Plant in Piketon, Ohio. In late 2023, the plant began producing High-Assay, Low-Enriched Uranium (HALEU), becoming the first U.S.-owned, U.S.-technology uranium enrichment plant to start production in 70 years.


Subject to securing sufficient funding and purchase agreements, Centrus plans to scale up the plant with additional centrifuges for large-scale production of LEU for existing reactors as well as HALEU for the next generation of advanced reactors.


Deployment of new domestic uranium enrichment will require a public-private partnership that combines robust federal investment with private capital and commercial purchase agreements.


Centrus is competing for federal funding under a series of Requests for Proposals issued the by the U.S. Department of Energy aimed at jump-starting U.S. production of LEU and HALEU. To date, the U.S. Congress has provided more than $3.4 billion for this effort.


A photo of a recent visit to Centrus' American Centrifuge Plant in Ohio by Whang Jooho, President and CEO of KHNP, is available here.

KHNP總裁兼首席執行官Whang Jooho最近訪問位於俄亥俄州的Centrus美國離心機廠的照片可在此處獲得。

About Centrus Energy Corp.


Centrus Energy is a trusted supplier of nuclear fuel and services for the nuclear power industry. Centrus provides value to its utility customers through the reliability and diversity of its supply sources – helping them meet the growing need for clean, affordable, carbon-free electricity. Since 1998, the Company has provided its utility customers with more than 1,750 reactor years of fuel, which is equivalent to 7 billion tons of coal. With world-class technical and engineering capabilities, Centrus is also advancing the next generation of centrifuge technologies so that America can restore its domestic uranium enrichment capability. Find out more at .

Centrus Energy是值得信賴的核燃料和核電行業服務供應商。Centrus 通過其供應來源的可靠性和多樣性爲其公用事業客戶提供價值,幫助他們滿足對清潔、實惠、無碳電力日益增長的需求。自1998年以來,該公司已向其公用事業客戶提供了超過1,750年的反應堆燃料,相當於70噸煤炭。憑藉世界一流的技術和工程能力,Centrus還在推進下一代離心機技術,以便美國能夠恢復其國內的鈾濃縮能力。要了解更多信息,請訪問。

Forward Looking Statements


This news release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. In this context, forward-looking statements mean statements related to future events, which may impact our expected future business and financial performance, and often contain words such as "expects", "anticipates", "intends", "plans", "believes", "will", "should", "could", "would" or "may" and other words of similar meaning. These forward-looking statements are based on information available to us as of the date of this news release and represent management's current views and assumptions with respect to future events and operational, economic and financial performance. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance, events or results and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, which may be beyond our control.

本新聞稿包含經修訂的1934年《證券交易法》第21E條和1995年《私人證券訴訟改革法》所指的 「前瞻性陳述」。在這種情況下,前瞻性陳述是指與未來事件相關的陳述,這些陳述可能會影響我們預期的未來業務和財務業績,通常包含 「期望」、「預期」、「打算」、「計劃」、「相信」、「將」、「應該」、「可能」、「將」 或 「可能」 等詞語以及其他具有類似含義的詞語。這些前瞻性陳述基於截至本新聞發佈之日我們獲得的信息,代表管理層當前對未來事件以及運營、經濟和財務業績的看法和假設。前瞻性陳述不能保證未來的業績、事件或結果,涉及已知和未知的風險、不確定性和其他可能超出我們控制範圍的因素。

For Centrus Energy Corp., particular risks and uncertainties (hereinafter "risks") that could cause our actual future results to differ materially from those expressed in our forward-looking statements and which are, and may be, exacerbated by any worsening of the global business and economic environment include but are not limited to the following: risks related to our potential inability to secure additional waivers or other exceptions from the ban or sanction in a timely manner or at all in order to allow us to continue importing Russian LEU under the TENEX Supply Contract or otherwise doing business with TENEX or implementing the TENEX Supply Contract; risks related to TENEX's refusal or inability to deliver LEU to us for any reason including because (i) U.S. or foreign government sanctions or bans are imposed on LEU from Russia or on TENEX, (ii) TENEX is unable or unwilling to deliver LEU, receive payments, receive the return of natural uranium hexafluoride, or conduct other activities related to the TENEX Supply Contract, or (iii) TENEX elects, or is directed (including by its owner or the Russian government ), to limit or stop transactions with us or with the United States or other countries; risks related to the war in Ukraine and geopolitical conflicts and the imposition of sanctions or other measures, including bans or tariffs by (i) the U.S. or foreign governments and institutions such as the European Union, (ii) organizations (including the United Nations or other international organizations), or (iii) entities (including private entities or persons), that could directly or indirectly impact our ability to obtain, deliver, transport or sell low enriched uranium ("LEU") or the Separative Work Units ("SWU") and natural uranium hexafluoride components of LEU delivered to us under our existing supply contract with the Russian government-owned entity, TENEX, Joint-Stock Company ("TENEX") ("TENEX Supply Contract"), or make related payments or deliveries of natural uranium hexafluoride to TENEX; risks related to laws that ban (i) imports of Russian LEU into the United States, including the "Prohibiting Russian Uranium Imports Act" ("Import Ban Act") or (ii) transactions with the Russian State Atomic Energy Corporation ("Rosatom") or its subsidiaries, which includes TENEX; risks related to the increasing quantities of LEU being imported into the U.S. from China and the impact on our ability to make future LEU or SWU sales or ability to finance any buildout of our enrichment capacities; risks related to disputes with third parties, including contractual counterparties, that could result if we cannot receive, or otherwise are unable to receive timely deliveries of LEU under the TENEX Supply Contract; risks related to our dependence on others, such as TENEX, under the TENEX Supply Contract, a subsidiary of Orano Cycle ("Orano"), under our long-term commercial supply agreement with Orano, and other suppliers (including, but not limited to, transporters) who provide, or deliver, us the goods and services we need to conduct our business and any resulting negative impact on our liquidity; risks related to our ability to sell or deliver the LEU we procure pursuant to our purchase obligations under our supply agreements and the impacts of sanctions or limitations on imports of such LEU, including those imposed under the 1992 Russian Suspension Agreement as amended, international trade legislation and other international trade restrictions or the Import Ban Act; risks related to whether or when government funding or demand for high-assay low-enriched uranium ("HALEU") for government or commercial uses will materialize and at what level; risks regarding funding for continuation and deployment of the American Centrifuge technology; risks related to (i) our ability to perform and absorb costs under our agreement with the U.S. Department of Energy ("DOE") to deploy and operate a cascade of centrifuges to demonstrate production of HALEU for advanced reactors (the "HALEU Operation Contract"), (ii) our ability to obtain new contracts and funding to be able to continue operations and (iii) our ability to obtain and/or perform under other agreements; risks that (i) we may not obtain the full benefit of the HALEU Operation Contract and may not be able or allowed to operate the HALEU enrichment facility to produce HALEU after the completion of the HALEU Operation Contract or (ii) the output from the HALEU enrichment facility may not be available to us as a future source of supply; risks related to existing or new trade barriers and to contract terms that limit our ability to procure LEU for, or deliver LEU to, customers; risks related to natural and other disasters, including the continued impact of the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan on the nuclear industry and on our business, results of operations and prospects; risks related to financial difficulties experienced by customers or suppliers, including possible bankruptcies, insolvencies, or any other situation, event or occurrence that affect the ability of others to pay for our products or services in a timely manner or at all; risks related to pandemics, endemics, and other health crises; risks related to the impact and potential extended duration of a supply/demand imbalance in the market for LEU; risks related to pricing trends and demand in the uranium and enrichment markets and their impact on our profitability; risks related to the movement and timing of customer orders; risks related to the fact that we face significant competition from major LEU producers who may be less cost sensitive or are wholly or partially government owned; risks that our ability to compete in foreign markets may be limited for various reasons, including policies that favor indigenous suppliers over foreign suppliers of goods and services; risks related to the fact that our revenue is largely dependent on our largest customers; risks related to our backlog, including uncertainty concerning customer actions under current contracts and in future contracting due to market conditions, global events or other factors, including our lack of current production capability; risks related to reliance on the only firm that has the necessary permits and capability to transport LEU from Russia to the United States and that firm's ability to maintain those permits and capabilities or secure additional permits; risks related to uncertainty regarding our ability to commercially deploy competitive enrichment technology; risks related to the potential for demobilization or termination of the HALEU Operation Contract; risks that we will not be able to timely complete the work that we are obligated to perform; risks related to the government's inability to satisfy its obligations, including supplying government furnished equipment necessary for us to produce and deliver HALEU under the HALEU Operation Contract and processing security clearance applications due to a government shutdown or other reasons; risks related to our ability to obtain the government's approval to extend the term of, or the scope of permitted activities under, our lease with the DOE in Piketon, Ohio; risks related to cybersecurity incidents that may impact our business operations; risks related to our ability to perform fixed-price and cost-share contracts such as the HALEU Operation Contract, including the risk that costs that we must bear could be higher than expected and the risk related to complying with stringent government contractual requirements; risks related to a government shutdown or lack of funding that could result in program cancellations, disruptions and/or stop work orders and could limit the U.S. government's ability to make timely payments, and our ability to perform our U.S. government contracts and successfully compete for work; risks related to changes to the U.S. government's appropriated funding levels for HALEU Operation Contract due to the upcoming November elections or other reasons; risks related to attracting qualified employees necessary for the potential expansion of our operations; risks related to our long-term liabilities, including material unfunded defined benefit pension plan obligations and postretirement health and life benefit obligations; risks related to our 8.25% Notes maturing in February 2027; risks of revenue and operating results fluctuating significantly from quarter to quarter, and in some cases, year to year; risks related to the impact of financial market conditions on our business, liquidity, prospects, pension assets and insurance facilities; risks related to the Company's capital concentration; risks related to the value of our intangible assets related to LEU's backlog and customer relationships; risks related to the limited trading markets in our securities; risks related to decisions made by our Class B Common Stock stockholders regarding their investment in the Company, including decisions based upon factors that are unrelated to the Company's performance; risks that a small number of holders of our Class A Common Stock (whose interests may not be aligned with other holders of our Class A Common Stock) may exert significant influence over the direction of the Company and may be motivated by interests that are not aligned with the Company's other Class A stockholders; risks related to (i) the use of our net operating losses ("NOLs") carryforwards and net unrealized built-in losses ("NUBILs") to offset future taxable income and the use of the Rights Agreement, dated as of April 6, 2016 to prevent an "ownership change" as defined in Section 382 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code") and (ii) our ability to generate taxable income to utilize all or a portion of the NOLs prior to the expiration thereof and NUBILs; risks related to failures or security breaches of our information technology systems; risks related to our ability to attract and retain key personnel; risks related to actions, including reviews or audits, that may be taken by the U.S. government, the Russian government, or other governments that could affect our ability to perform under our contractual obligations or the ability of our sources of supply to perform under their contractual obligations to us; risks related to our ability to perform and receive timely payment under our agreements with the DOE or other government agencies, including risks related to the ongoing funding by the government and potential audits; risks related to changes or termination of our agreements with the U.S. government or other counterparties, or the exercise of contract remedies by such counterparties; risks related to the competitive environment for our products and services; risks related to changes in the nuclear energy industry; risks related to the competitive bidding process associated with obtaining contracts, including government contracts; risks that we will be unable to obtain new business opportunities or achieve market acceptance of our products and services or that products or services provided by others will render our products or services obsolete or noncompetitive; risks related to potential strategic transactions that could be difficult to implement, that could disrupt our business or that could change our business profile significantly; risks related to the outcome of legal proceedings and other contingencies (including lawsuits and government investigations or audits); risks related to the impact of government regulation and policies or interpretation of laws or regulations, including by the DOE, the U.S. Department of Commerce and the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission; risks of accidents during the transportation, handling, or processing of toxic hazardous or radioactive material that may pose a health risk to humans or animals, cause property or environmental damage, or result in precautionary evacuations, and lead to claims against the Company; risks associated with claims and litigation arising from past activities at sites we currently operate or past activities at sites we no longer operate, including the Paducah, Kentucky, and Portsmouth, Ohio, gaseous diffusion plants; and other risks discussed in this news release and in our filings with the SEC.

對於Centrus Energy Corp. 而言,可能導致我們的未來實際業績與前瞻性陳述中表達的業績存在重大差異,並且可能因全球商業和經濟環境惡化而加劇的特定風險和不確定性(以下簡稱 「風險」)包括但不限於以下風險:與我們可能無法及時或根本無法獲得禁令或制裁的額外豁免或其他例外情況有關的風險繼續在TENEX下進口俄羅斯低濃縮鈾供應合同或以其他方式與TENEX開展業務或執行TENEX供應合同;與TENEX出於任何原因拒絕或無法向我們交付低濃縮鈾相關的風險,包括因爲(i)美國或外國政府對來自俄羅斯或TENEX的低濃縮鈾實施制裁或禁令,(ii)TENEX無法或不願交付低濃縮鈾、接收付款、接收六氟化鈾的退貨或開展與TENEX供應合同相關的其他活動,或 (iii) TENEX 選擇或受其指示(包括由其所有者或俄羅斯政府)限制或停止與我們或與美國或其他國家的交易;與烏克蘭戰爭和地緣政治衝突以及實施的制裁或其他措施相關的風險,包括 (i) 美國或歐盟等外國政府和機構,(ii) 組織(包括聯合國或其他國際組織),或(iii)實體(包括私人實體或個人)實施的禁令或關稅,這些措施可能直接或間接影響我們的獲取能力,交付、運輸或出售低濃縮鈾(「LEU」))或根據我們與俄羅斯國有實體TENEX股份公司(「TENEX」)簽訂的現有供應合同(「TENEX」)向我們交付的低濃鈾的分離工作單元(「SWU」)和六氟化鈾天然成分,或向TENEX支付相關款項或交付天然六氟化鈾;與禁止(i)向美國進口俄羅斯低濃縮鈾的法律相關的風險,包括 「禁止俄羅斯鈾進口法」(「禁止進口法」)或(ii)與俄羅斯國家原子能公司(「Rosatom」)的交易,或其子公司,包括TENEX;與從中國進口到美國的低濃縮鈾數量不斷增加相關的風險,以及對我們未來銷售低濃縮鈾或SWU的能力或爲擴建濃縮能力提供資金的能力的影響所產生的風險;如果我們無法根據TENEX供應合同接收或以其他方式無法及時收到低濃縮鈾可能產生的與第三方(包括合同對手)的爭議相關的風險;與我們依賴他人相關的風險,例如TENEX供應合同下的TENEX,a根據我們與歐拉諾簽訂的長期商業供應協議,Orano Cycle(「Orano」)的子公司以及向我們提供或交付我們開展業務所需的商品和服務的其他供應商(包括但不限於運輸商)以及由此對我們的流動性產生的任何負面影響;與我們根據供應協議下的購買義務出售或交付低濃縮鈾的能力相關的風險以及制裁或限制對進口的影響此類低濃縮鈾,包括根據1992年俄羅斯暫停協議實施的低濃縮鈾修訂後的國際貿易立法和其他國際貿易限制或《進口禁令法》;與政府是否或何時爲政府或商業用途提供資金或需求以及達到何種水平相關的風險;爲繼續和部署美國離心機技術提供資金的風險;與 (i) 我們在與美國達成的協議下履行和承擔成本的能力相關的風險美國政府及時付款的能力,以及我們履行美國政府合同和成功競爭工作的能力;由於即將到來的11月選舉或其他原因,美國政府爲HALEU運營合同撥款水平發生變化相關的風險;與吸引潛在業務擴張所需的合格員工相關的風險;與我們的長期負債相關的風險,包括重大無準備金的固定福利養老金計劃債務以及退休後的健康和人壽福利債務;與2027年2月到期的8.25%票據相關的風險;收入和經營業績每季度,在某些情況下甚至逐年大幅波動的風險;與金融市場狀況對我們的業務、流動性、前景、養老金資產和保險設施的影響相關的風險;與公司資本集中相關的風險;與低收入的積壓和客戶關係相關的無形資產價值的風險;與有限交易相關的風險我們證券的市場;風險與我們的B類普通股股東就其對公司的投資做出的決策有關,包括基於與公司業績無關的因素的決定;少數A類普通股持有人(其利益可能與我們的A類普通股的其他持有人不一致)可能對公司的方向產生重大影響,其動機可能是與公司其他A類股東不一致的利益;相關風險至 (i) 使用我們的網絡業務虧損(「NOL」)結轉和淨未實現的內在虧損(「NUBIL」),以抵消未來的應納稅所得額,以及使用截至2016年4月6日的權利協議來防止經修訂的1986年《美國國稅法》(「守則」)第382條所定義的 「所有權變更」,以及(ii)我們產生應納稅收入以使用全部或部分NOL的能力在其到期之前和 NUBIL;與我們的信息技術系統故障或安全漏洞相關的風險;與我們吸引和保留密鑰的能力相關的風險人員;與美國政府、俄羅斯政府或其他政府可能採取的行動(包括審查或審計)相關的風險,這些行動可能影響我們履行合同義務的能力或供應來源履行對我們的合同義務的能力;與我們在與美國能源部或其他政府機構達成的協議下履行和及時獲得付款的能力相關的風險,包括與政府持續資助和潛在審計相關的風險;與以下各項相關的風險:更改或終止我們與美國政府或其他交易對手的協議,或此類交易對手行使合同補救措施;與我們的產品和服務的競爭環境相關的風險;與核能行業變化相關的風險;與獲得合同(包括政府合同)相關的競標過程的風險;我們無法獲得新的商機或我們的產品和服務獲得市場接受的風險,或者他人提供的產品或服務將無法獲得市場接受的風險使我們的產品或服務過時或失去競爭力;與可能難以實施、可能干擾我們的業務或可能顯著改變我們的業務狀況的潛在戰略交易相關的風險;與法律訴訟和其他突發事件(包括訴訟和政府調查或審計)結果相關的風險;與政府監管和政策的影響或法律或法規解釋相關的風險,包括美國能源部、美國商務部和美國核監管機構的法律或法規解釋佣金;在運輸、處理或加工有毒危險或放射性材料的過程中發生的事故風險,可能對人類或動物構成健康風險,造成財產或環境損害,或導致預防性疏散,並導致對公司提出索賠;與我們目前運營的場所過去的活動或過去在我們不再運營的地點(包括肯塔基州帕迪尤卡和俄亥俄州朴茨茅斯的氣體擴散工廠)的活動引起的索賠和訴訟相關的風險;以及本新聞中討論的其他風險發佈並在我們向美國證券交易委員會提交的文件中。

Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which apply only as of the date of this news release. These factors may not constitute all factors that could cause actual results to differ from those discussed in any forward-looking statement. Accordingly, forward-looking statements should not be relied upon as a predictor of actual results. Readers are urged to carefully review and consider the various disclosures made in this news release and in our filings with the SEC, including our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, under Part II, Item 1A - "Risk Factors" in our Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 2024, and in our filings with the SEC that attempt to advise interested parties of the risks and factors that may affect our business. We do not undertake to update our forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances that may arise after the date of this news release, except as required by law.

提醒讀者不要過分依賴這些前瞻性陳述,這些陳述僅在本新聞發佈之日適用。這些因素可能不構成可能導致實際業績與任何前瞻性陳述中討論的結果不同的所有因素。因此,不應將前瞻性陳述作爲實際業績的預測指標。我們敦促讀者仔細審查和考慮本新聞稿和我們向美國證券交易委員會提交的文件中披露的各種信息,包括我們截至2023年12月31日止年度的10-k表年度報告,第二部分第1A項—— 「風險因素」,以及截至2024年6月30日的季度10-Q表季度報告以及我們向美國證券交易委員會提交的試圖向利益相關方通報可能影響我們業務的風險和因素的文件。除非法律要求,否則我們不承諾更新我們的前瞻性陳述以反映本新聞發佈之日之後可能發生的事件或情況。

Investors: Dan Leistikow at
Media: Lindsey Geisler at


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SOURCE  Centrus Energy Corp.

來源 Centrus Energy 公司

