
Update From Aspen Investments LP With Respect to Equity Interest Purchase Agreement With TC Energy Corporation

Update From Aspen Investments LP With Respect to Equity Interest Purchase Agreement With TC Energy Corporation

關於aspen投資有限合夥公司與tc energy有限公司的股權購買協議的更新
newsfile ·  09/12 05:37

Calgary, Alberta--(Newsfile Corp. - September 11, 2024) - Further to the press release of TC Energy Corporation issued on September 10, 2024, Aspen Investments Limited Partnership ("Aspen Investments LP"), an Indigenous-owned investment partnership, would like to provide an update on the equity interest purchase transaction (the "Transaction") between Aspen Investments LP and an affiliate of TC Energy Corporation, pursuant to which Aspen Investments LP is to acquire a minority equity interest of 5.34% in the NGTL System and the Foothills Pipeline assets for a gross purchase price of $1 billion.

艾伯塔省卡爾加里--(Newsfile Corp.,2024年9月11日)——繼TC能源公司於2024年9月10日發佈的新聞稿之後,土著人擁有的投資合夥企業阿斯彭投資有限合夥企業(「Aspen Investments LP」)想提供Aspen Investments LP與TC Energy Corporation子公司之間的股權購買交易(「交易」)的最新情況,Aspen Investments LP將根據該交易進行收購在NGTL系統和Foothills Pipeline資產中持有5.34%的少數股權總收購價爲10億美元。

Aspen Investments LP was prepared and in a position to close the Transaction, including completion of the bond financing in connection with the Transaction, on September 9, 2024. On September 9, 2024, Aspen Investments LP was informed by TC Energy Corporation that TC Energy Corporation was not in a position to proceed with the closing either the Transaction or the related bond financing, as scheduled. It was further noted in a press release of TC Energy Corporation on September 10, 2024 that TC Energy Corporation has identified what it describes as a Transaction structuring issue within the NGTL partnership and which resulted in its decision to delay closing of the Transaction. Aspen Investments LP is seeking further information and explanations from TC Energy Corporation.

Aspen Investments LP已做好準備,並有望在2024年9月9日完成交易,包括完成與交易相關的債券融資。2024年9月9日,TC能源公司告知Aspen Investments LP,TC能源公司無法按計劃完成交易或相關債券融資。TC能源公司在2024年9月10日發佈的新聞稿中進一步指出,TC能源公司已在NGTL合作伙伴關係中確定了其所謂的交易結構問題,因此決定推遲交易的完成。Aspen Investments LP正在向TC能源公司尋求更多的信息和解釋。

Aspen Investments LP is committed to seeing the Transaction completed and will provide an update on next steps when further information is provided by TC Energy Corporation.

Aspen Investments LP承諾完成交易,並將在TC Energy Corporation提供進一步信息後提供下一步措施的最新情況。

Further Information


Chief Isaac Twinn, President and Director of Aspen Investments LP
Phone: 780-691-8075

首席執行官 Isac Twinn,Aspen Investments LP 總裁兼董事

Robert Metcs, Director of Aspen Investments LP
Phone: 403-830-8289

Robert Metcs,Aspen Investments LP 董事長

