
Canada's Largest Cannabis Retailer High Tide Partners To Bring Marijuana Offerings To Events

Canada's Largest Cannabis Retailer High Tide Partners To Bring Marijuana Offerings To Events

加拿大最大的大麻股零售商High Tide合作伙伴將大麻產品引入活動中
Benzinga ·  09/12 02:31

Canadian cannabis retailer High Tide Inc. (NASDAQ:HITI) (TSXV:HITI) (FSE: 2LYA) entered into a joint venture with Positive Intent Events (PIE) to position itself in Canada's nascent cannabis hospitality sector. The announcement follows Alberta's decision to allow licensed cannabis pop-up stores at adults-only festivals and events.

加拿大大麻零售商High Tide Inc.(納斯達克股票代碼:HITI)(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:HITI)(FSE:2LYA)與積極意圖事件(PIE)成立了一家合資企業,以在加拿大新興的大麻酒店業中佔據一席之地。該公告是在艾伯塔省決定允許在僅限成人的節日和活動中開設持牌大麻快閃店之後發佈的。

The biggest marijuana retail chain in Canada aims to expand its offerings to events and while working with PIE to create additional opportunities for cannabis pop-ups across the country.


"As Canada's largest retail cannabis chain, we intend to bring the power of our innovative and disruptive discount club model that has helped us achieve almost 11% market share in the Canadian provinces where we operate, into the nascent world of cannabis sales at adults-only events, such as music festivals, comedy shows, and business conferences," stated Raj Grover, founder and chief executive officer of High Tide. "The opportunities keep getting bigger and better for High Tide."

High Tide創始人兼首席執行官拉吉·格羅弗表示:「作爲加拿大最大的零售大麻連鎖店,我們打算將我們創新和顛覆性的折扣俱樂部模式的力量帶入音樂節、喜劇節目和商務會議等僅限成人的活動的大麻銷售的新興世界,這種模式幫助我們在我們經營的加拿大各省獲得了近11%的市場份額。」「High Tide的機會越來越大,越來越好。」

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The joint-venture comes on the heels of the company's relaunch of the website for its flagship Canadian brick-and-mortar retail brand, Canna Cabana. The new website features the latest tech, resulting in an enhanced user interface and overall improved customer experience.

該合資企業是在該公司重新推出其加拿大旗艦實體零售品牌Canna Cabana的網站之後成立的。新網站採用了最新技術,從而增強了用戶界面並改善了整體客戶體驗。

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"Our success has always been grounded in bringing an unbeatable selection of the highest quality products to our customers at the lowest price in the most convenient way possible," Grover said. "That's why I am thrilled to announce that we are bringing the Cabana experience directly to events where our customers are already socializing. In PIE we have found an event partner that has the regulatory and event planning expertise to support us in executing this vision."


Daffyd Roderick, managing partner, Positive Intent Events, added, "Partnering with High Tide allows us to seamlessly grow across Canada as regulations make space for cannabis to be included as part of hospitality and tourism. The positive reception we received at the Edmonton International Fringe Theatre Festival confirmed that the public is very ready to embrace cannabis and make it a responsible part of their entertainment experiences."

Positive Intent Events管理合夥人達菲德·羅德里克補充說:「隨着法規爲將大麻納入酒店和旅遊業提供了空間,與High Tide合作使我們能夠在加拿大各地無縫發展。我們在埃德蒙頓國際藝穗戲劇節上受到的積極歡迎證實,公衆已經做好了接受大麻的準備,並使其成爲他們娛樂體驗中負責任的一部分。」

Price Action


High Tide shares closed Tuesday's market session 3.30% higher at $2.19 per share.

High Tide股價在週二的市場交易時段收盤上漲3.30%,至每股2.19美元。

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