
What's Going On With Mullen Automotive Stock Today?

What's Going On With Mullen Automotive Stock Today?

Mullen Automotive股票今天有什麼動向?
Benzinga ·  09/12 00:24

Mullen Automotive, Inc. (NASDAQ:MULN) shares are trading higher on Wednesday.


The company announced that its unit, Bollinger Motors, has appointed Affinity Truck Center as an official dealer.

該公司宣佈,其子公司布林格汽車已指定Affinity Truck Center爲官方經銷商。

Affinity operates sales locations in Bakersfield and Fresno, California, and service centers in Paso Robles and Salinas, California. Affinity Truck Center is certified under the California Hybrid and Zero-Emission Truck and Bus Voucher Incentive Project.

Affinity 在加利福尼亞州的貝克斯菲爾德和弗雷斯諾設有銷售地點,並在加利福尼亞州的帕索羅布斯和薩利納斯設有服務中心。Affinity Truck Center 已通過加州混合動力和零排放卡車和客車代金券激勵項目認證。

The Bollinger B4 chassis cab is a newly designed, all-electric Class 4 commercial truck developed with extensive input from fleets and upfitters.

Bollinger B4 底盤駕駛室是一款全新設計的全電動 4 級商用卡車,在車隊和裝配商的廣泛參與下開發而成。

Serial production of the B4 starts on September 16, 2024, with deliveries to customers beginning in October 2024.

B4 於 2024 年 9 月 16 日開始批量生產,並於 2024 年 10 月開始向客戶交付。

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"The addition of Affinity Truck Center gives Bollinger Motors a strong foothold in California's Central Valley," said Jim Connelly, chief revenue officer for Bollinger Motors. "Affinity has a rich history providing a variety of transportation options and is well positioned to help our team bring electrification and customer support to this critical market."

布林格汽車首席營收官吉姆·康納利表示:「Affinity Truck Center的加入使布林格汽車在加利福尼亞中央山谷站穩了腳跟。」「Affinity在提供各種交通選擇方面有着悠久的歷史,完全有能力幫助我們的團隊爲這個關鍵市場帶來電氣化和客戶支持。」

The addition of Affinity Truck Center is part of a series of recent milestones for Bollinger Motors, including new dealer and service center partnerships with TEC Equipment, Nacarato Truck Centers, Nuss Truck & Equipment, and LaFontaine Automotive Group.

Affinity Truck Center的加入是布林格汽車最近一系列里程碑的一部分,包括與TEC設備、納卡拉託卡車中心、努斯卡車和設備公司以及LaFontaine汽車集團建立新的經銷商和服務中心合作伙伴關係。

Recent achievements also include full warranty coverage for the B4 chassis cab, an EPA Certificate of Conformity, a 145-vehicle sale to Momentum Group, a 70-vehicle sale to Doering Fleet Management, a 50-vehicle sale to EnviroCharge, a partnership with Our Next Energy in Novi, Michigan for battery packs, and the engagement of Amerit Fleet Solutions as a mobile service provider.

最近取得的成就還包括B4底盤駕駛室的全額保修、美國環保局合格證書、向Momentum Group出售145輛汽車、向Doering車隊管理出售70輛汽車、向EnviroCharge出售50輛汽車、與位於密歇根州諾維的Our Next Energy合作購買電池組,以及聘請Amerit Fleet Solutions作爲移動服務提供商。

Price Action: MULN shares are trading higher by 16% to $0.1637 at last check Wednesday.


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Disclaimer: This content was partially produced with the help of AI tools and was reviewed and published by Benzinga editors.


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