
Ericsson Gears up for InnoTrans 2024 With Mission-critical Solutions for Railways

Ericsson Gears up for InnoTrans 2024 With Mission-critical Solutions for Railways

愛立信爲InnoTrans 2024做好準備,爲鐵路提供關鍵任務解決方案。
愛立信 ·  09/11 12:00

InnoTrans, organized by Messe Berlin, features five segments: Railway Technology, Railway Infrastructure, Public Transport, Interiors and Tunnel Construction. Ericsson is participating in the Railway Technology segment under the theme "5G for rail communications". The company will showcase its latest Mission Critical Communications solutions, with a strong focus on 5G Corridors and Future Railway Mobile Communication System (FRMCS), aimed at enhancing passenger and freight rail safety and efficiency.

InnoTrans由柏林展覽公司主辦,分爲五個部分:鐵路技術、鐵路基礎設施、公共交通、室內設計和隧道施工。愛立信正在參與主題爲 「鐵路通信的5G」 的鐵路技術板塊。該公司將展示其最新的關鍵任務通信解決方案,重點關注5G走廊和未來鐵路移動通信系統(FRMCS),旨在提高客運和貨運鐵路的安全和效率。

5G Corridors along railway lines allow passengers to enjoy Gigabit speeds for working, streaming, and making calls during their trips. Rail companies can offer infotainment services, real-time travel updates, and enhanced communication throughout the journey.

鐵路沿線的 5G 走廊讓乘客在旅途中享受工作、直播和撥打電話的千兆速度。鐵路公司可以在整個旅程中提供信息娛樂服務、實時旅行更新和加強溝通。

FRMCS is an innovative mobile communication system for railways that allows real-time data exchange between trains, crucial for safe and efficient railway operations. The project, led by Ericsson and the International Union of Railways (UIC), with support from other railway companies, will replace the old GSM-R system with LTE and 5G technologies.


"We believe that 5G and FRMCS technologies will drive rail communication into a new era, improving safety, efficiency, and the passenger experience," says Magnus Packendorff, Head of Mission Critical at Ericsson. "As a trusted partner and technology leader, Ericsson is committed to collaborating with railways and mobile operators in offering high-performing, resilient and secure connectivity essential for passengers and freight services."


Packendorff notes that the latest developments in FRMCS offer railways the opportunity to adopt new technologies that boost routine railway operations and emergency response capabilities. "Our commitment is to support railways and mobile operators in evolving their services from GSM-R to FRMCS," he says. "Collaboratively we can embrace advanced technologies that benefit the railway industry and its customers."


The InnoTrans event will feature more than 2,700 international exhibitors, with significant presence from German companies, unveiling their newest products and services. More than 130,000 visitors from over 130 countries are expected to attend and explore the latest innovations and trends in the transport sector.


"InnoTrans is the most significant event in the rail and transport industry calendar. We are therefore thrilled to be here this year with Ericsson as a leading mobile network supplier and to have the opportunity to demonstrate our current FRMCS and 5G Corridors solutions to the industry experts", says Daniel Leimbach, Head of Customer Unit Western Europe, Ericsson. "We are looking forward to four days of discussions, product demonstrations and interactions about the future of this industry."

「InnoTrans是鐵路和運輸行業日曆中最重要的活動。因此,我們很高興今年能與愛立信一起作爲領先的移動網絡供應商來到這裏,並有機會向行業專家展示我們當前的FRMCS和5G走廊解決方案。」 愛立信西歐客戶部主管丹尼爾·萊姆巴赫說。「我們期待就該行業的未來進行爲期四天的討論、產品演示和互動。」

InnoTrans stands out for its outdoor and track display area where various vehicles from tank wagons to high-speed trains are displayed across 3.5 kilometers of track. Moreover, the InnoTrans Convention, a high-profile event, will run alongside the trade fair with live streaming available. Katrin Bachert, a key account manager for service providers, will represent Ericsson in a panel discussion on Germany's Gigabit Innovation Track (GINT) project.


Learn more about Ericsson at the event by visiting Hall 4.1, Booth 710 at the Messe Berlin expo center. Experience the demos, engage with experts, and discover how Ericsson is driving innovation and promoting sustainability in the railway industry.


