
Evolution Petroleum Reports Fourth Quarter and Full Year Fiscal 2024 Results and Declares Quarterly Cash Dividend for the Fiscal 2025 First Quarter

Evolution Petroleum Reports Fourth Quarter and Full Year Fiscal 2024 Results and Declares Quarterly Cash Dividend for the Fiscal 2025 First Quarter

evolution petroleum報告2024財年第四季度和全年業績,並宣佈2025財年第一季度的季度現金股息。
Evolution Petroleum ·  09/10 12:00

- Fiscal Q4 Revenues Up 17% Y/Y to $21.2 Million -
- Fiscal Q4 Net Income Increases to $1.2 Million; Adjusted EBITDA up 72% Y/Y to $8.0 Million -


HOUSTON, Sept. 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Evolution Petroleum Corporation (NYSE American: EPM) ("Evolution" or the "Company") today announced its financial and operating results for its fiscal fourth quarter and full year ended June 30, 2024. Evolution also declared a quarterly cash dividend of $0.12 per common share for the fiscal 2025 first quarter.

休斯頓,2024年9月10日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——進化石油公司(紐約證券交易所美國股票代碼:EPM)(「Evolution」 或 「公司」)今天公佈了截至2024年6月30日的第四財季和全年財務和經營業績。Evolution還宣佈,2025財年第一季度的季度現金分紅爲每股普通股0.12美元。

Financial & Operational Highlights ($ in thousands)


Q4 2024 Q4 2023 Q3 2024 % Change
% Change
Average BOEPD 7,2096,484 7,209 11% —%
Revenues $21,227$18,174 $23,025 17% (8)%
Net Income $1,235$166 $289 644% 327%
Adjusted Net Income(1) $1,093$166 $978 558% 12%
Adjusted EBITDA(2) $8,037$4,672 $8,476 72% (5)%
Cash Flow from Operations $7,987$(447) 3,364 NA 137%
2024 年第四季度 2023 年第四季度 2024 年第三季度 % 變化
% 變化
第 4 季度/第 3 季度
BOEPD 平均值 7,2096,484 7,209 11% —%
收入 21,227 美元 18,174 美元 23,025 美元 17% (8)%
淨收入 1,235$166 289 美元 644% 327%
調整後淨收益 (1) 1,093$166 978 美元 558% 12%
調整後的息稅折舊攤銷前利潤 (2) 8,037 美元 4,672 美元 8,476 美元 72% (5)%
運營現金流 7,987美元 (447) 3,364 NA 137%

(1) Adjusted Net Income is a non-GAAP financial measure; see the "Non-GAAP Information" section later in this release for more information, including reconciliations to the most comparable GAAP measures.

(1) 調整後淨收益是一項非公認會計准則財務指標;有關更多信息,包括與最具可比性的GAAP指標的對賬,請參閱本新聞稿後面的 「非公認會計准則信息」 部分。

(2) Adjusted EBITDA is Adjusted Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization and is a non-GAAP financial measure; see the "Non-GAAP Information" section later in this release for more information, including reconciliations to the most comparable GAAP measures.

(2) 調整後的息稅折舊攤銷前利潤是扣除利息、稅項、折舊和攤銷前的調整後收益,是一項非公認會計准則財務指標;有關更多信息,包括與最具可比性的GAAP指標的對賬,請參閱本新聞稿後面的 「非公認會計准則信息」 部分。

  • Participated in 3 new producing wells during the fiscal fourth quarter and 27 in fiscal 2024; 10 wells in progress subsequent to fiscal year-end.
  • Returned $4.0 million to shareholders in the form of cash dividends during the fiscal fourth quarter of 2024 and $16.0 million for fiscal year 2024. The Company also declared its 44th consecutive quarterly dividend of $0.12 per common share, payable September 30th.
  • Generated record oil revenues in fiscal year 2024.
  • Generated record liquids (oil + NGLs1) revenue and production in fiscal year 2024.
  • Proved oil reserves increased by 20% fiscal year-over-year.
  • 在第四財季參與了3口新生產油井,2024財年參與了27口油井;10口油井在建中,截至財年年底。
  • 在2024財年第四季度以現金分紅的形式向股東返還了400萬美元,在2024財年向股東返還了1,600萬美元。該公司還宣佈其連續第44個季度股息爲每股普通股0.12美元,將於9月30日支付。
  • 在2024財年創造了創紀錄的石油收入。
  • 在 2024 財年創造了創紀錄的液體(石油 + NGLs1)收入和產量。
  • 探明石油儲量同比增長20%。

Kelly Loyd, President and Chief Executive Officer, commented, "Following our record year of natural gas production and revenue in fiscal 2023, this fiscal year we recognized the importance of balancing our portfolio. This helped reduce exposure to natural gas price volatility while increasing our ability to participate in organic growth of reserves and production. As a result, we generated record liquids revenues and production for the year and completed two transformative transactions that added 6.6 MMBOE of proved reserves, with the majority of the locations yet to be booked. We expect these acquisitions to meaningfully contribute to cash flow and further support our dividend-focused policy over the next ten years.


"In Fiscal 2024, we added 300+ drilling locations in the SCOOP/STACK and 80+ drilling locations at Chaveroo, fundamentally strengthening and diversifying our organic growth portfolio. We participated in 22 SCOOP/STACK wells that, on average, are performing well above our original type curve projections. In Chaveroo, we partnered on our first 3 horizontal San Andres wells with early results exceeding our estimates. At Delhi, we worked with ExxonMobil to begin development of Test Site V with the first of 3 initial wells scheduled to be drilled by calendar year-end. This development drilling activity combined with the acquisition of SCOOP/STACK producing reserves enabled us to more than replace production despite the adverse impact of lower natural gas prices during the year."




1) Natural Gas Liquids.

1) 液化天然氣。

Mr. Loyd concluded, "Looking ahead, we plan to continue executing our plans to deliver long-term shareholder value. We have diversified our asset base of long-lived, low-decline properties through acquisitions of proved developed reserves, bolstered with additional drilling locations, at attractive costs that were designed to support our dividend program, we expect, well into the future."


Fiscal Fourth Quarter 2024 Financial Results

2024 財年第四季度財務業績

Total revenues increased 17% to $21.2 million compared to $18.2 million in the year-ago period. The improvement was driven by an increase in oil and NGL revenue, partially offset by lower natural gas revenue.


Lease operating costs ("LOE") decreased to $11.4 million compared to $11.8 million in the year-ago period. On a per unit basis, total LOE decreased 13% to $17.39 per BOE compared to $20.02 per BOE last year. The decrease was driven by suspended CO2 purchases for the quarter due to maintenance on the pipeline that began in February 2024. CO2 purchases are expected to restart in the early second quarter of fiscal 2025.

租賃運營成本(「LOE」)從去年同期的1180萬美元降至1140萬美元。按單位計算,英國央行的總LOE下降了13%,至17.39美元,而去年每英國央行爲20.02美元。下降是由於 2024 年 2 月開始管道維護而暫停本季度二氧化碳購買所致。預計將在2025財年第二季度初重啓二氧化碳採購。

Depletion, depreciation, and accretion expense was $5.3 million compared to $3.8 million in the year-ago period. On a per BOE basis, the Company's current quarter depletion rate increased to $7.51 per BOE compared to $6.01 per BOE in the year-ago period due to an increase in depletable base related to the Company's SCOOP/STACK acquisitions and capital development expenditures since the prior fiscal year, partially offset by an increase in proved reserves.


General and administrative ("G&A") expenses decreased to $2.1 million compared to $2.3 million in the year-ago period. On a per BOE basis, G&A expenses were $3.22 compared to $3.84 in the year-ago period. The decrease was primarily due to a reduction in third-party consulting fees.


Net income increased 644% to $1.2 million or $0.04 per diluted share, compared to $0.2 million or $0.00 per diluted share in the year-ago period.


Adjusted EBITDA increased 72% to $8.0 million compared to $4.7 million in the year-ago period. The increase was primarily due to increased revenue and reduced operating costs from the year-ago period.


Production & Pricing


Total production for the fourth quarter of fiscal 2024 increased 11% to 7,209 net BOEPD compared to 6,484 net BOEPD in the year-ago period. Total production for the fourth quarter of fiscal 2024 was comprised of 2,088 barrels per day ("BOPD") of crude oil, 3,945 BOEPD of natural gas, and 1,176 BOEPD of NGLs. The increase in total production was driven by the closing of the Company's SCOOP/STACK acquisitions in February 2024 and production from an initial three wells in the Chaveroo oilfield in February 2024.


Average realized commodity price (excluding the impact of derivative contracts) increased 5% to approximately $32.36 per BOE compared to $30.80 per BOE in the year-ago period. Realized oil and NGL prices increased approximately 10% and 20%, respectively, over the prior year period. These increases were partially offset by a decrease of approximately 32% in realized natural gas prices compared to the year-ago period.


Operations Update


During the quarter, the Company's operators turned-in-line 3 gross wells in the SCOOP/STACK with 10 additional gross wells in progress, and as of today, 7 of these 10 wells are currently producing. Additionally, Evolution has agreed to participate in 3 gross new horizontal wells across the acreage. Since the effective date of the acquisitions, 22 gross wells have been converted to Proved Developed Producing.


In the Chaveroo oilfield, Evolution plans to participate in fiscal 2025 for its full 50% working interest in four horizontal wells in Drilling Block 2. These operations are expected to begin in fiscal Q2 2025. The Company has preliminarily agreed to six additional horizontal wells in Drilling Block 3 that are estimated to begin in fiscal Q4 2025. The Company also purchased acreage in advance for Drilling Blocks 4 and 5, bringing the total number of Proved Undeveloped locations to 18, and expects to systematically participate in future development blocks. Future acreage costs are fixed at $36,000 per additional net horizontal well, spaced at approximately 160 gross acres per well.


Williston Basin production increased during the fiscal quarter due to a full quarter of natural gas and NGL sales from the ONEOK Grassland System, which came back online during the prior quarter.


At Delhi, production was affected during the quarter by field-wide power outages for 7 days combined with downtime from one of the CO2 recycle compressors, reducing CO2 injection volumes for most of the quarter. The compressor was replaced, and full CO2 recycling resumed in July 2024. The CO2 purchase pipeline was taken offline for preventative maintenance at the end of February 2024 and remained down through this quarter. The operator anticipates resuming CO2 purchases in the early second quarter of fiscal 2025.

德里在本季度的生產受到全場停電7天的影響,加上其中一臺二氧化碳回收壓縮機的停機,減少了該季度大部分時間的二氧化碳噴射量。壓縮機已更換,2024 年 7 月恢復了全面的二氧化碳回收利用。二氧化碳購買管道於 2024 年 2 月底下線進行預防性維護,並一直持續到本季度。該運營商預計將在2025財年第二季度初恢復二氧化碳採購。

Balance Sheet, Liquidity, and Capital Spending


On June 30, 2024, cash and cash equivalents totaled $6.4 million and working capital was $5.9 million. Evolution had $39.5 million of borrowings outstanding under its revolving credit facility, which was used to fund the acquisitions of SCOOP/STACK, and total liquidity of $16.9 million, including cash and cash equivalents. In fiscal Q4, Evolution paid $4.0 million in common stock dividends, repaid $3.0 million of borrowings under its revolving credit facility, and paid $2.5 million in capital expenditures.


During the quarter, the Company received cash payments totaling $5.0 million related to purchase price reductions from the SCOOP/STACK properties for net cash flows received during the period between the effective date of November 1, 2023, and the closing date.


Evolution believes its near-term capital spending requirements will be funded from cash flows from operations, current working capital, and borrowings as needed under its revolving credit facility.


Cash Dividend on Common Stock


On September 9, 2024, Evolution's Board of Directors declared a cash dividend of $0.12 per share of common stock, which will be paid on September 30, 2024, to common stockholders of record on September 20, 2024. This will be the 44th consecutive quarterly cash dividend on the Company's common stock since December 31, 2013. To date, Evolution has returned approximately $118.4 million, or $3.57 per share, back to stockholders in common stock dividends.

2024 年 9 月 9 日,Evolution 董事會宣佈向普通股每股 0.12 美元的現金股息,該股息將於 2024 年 9 月 30 日支付給 2024 年 9 月 20 日登記在冊的普通股股東。這將是公司自2013年12月31日以來連續第44個季度普通股的現金分紅。迄今爲止,Evolution已向股東返還了約1.184億美元,合每股3.57美元的普通股股息。

Conference Call


As previously announced, Evolution Petroleum will host a conference call on Wednesday, September 11, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. Central Time to review its fiscal year-end 2024 financial and operating results. To join by phone, please dial (844) 481-2813 (Toll-free) or (412) 317-0677 (International) and ask to join the Evolution Petroleum Corporation call. To join online, click the following link: . A webcast replay will be available through September 11, 2025, via the webcast link above and on Evolution's website at .

正如先前宣佈的那樣,Evolution Petroleum將於中部時間2024年9月11日星期三上午10點舉行電話會議,審查其2024財年年終財務和經營業績。要通過電話加入,請撥打(844)481-2813(免費電話)或(412)317-0677(國際),要求加入進化石油公司的電話會議。要在線加入,請點擊以下鏈接: 。網絡直播重播將持續到2025年9月11日,可通過上方的網絡直播鏈接和Evolution的網站上播出。

About Evolution Petroleum


Evolution Petroleum Corporation is an independent energy company focused on maximizing total shareholder returns through the ownership of and investment in onshore oil and natural gas properties in the U.S. The Company aims to build and maintain a diversified portfolio of long-life oil and natural gas properties through acquisitions, selective development opportunities, production enhancements, and other exploitation efforts. Properties include non-operated interests in the following areas: the SCOOP/STACK plays of the Anadarko Basin in Oklahoma; the Chaveroo Oilfield located in Chaves and Roosevelt Counties, New Mexico; the Jonah Field in Sublette County, Wyoming; the Williston Basin in North Dakota; the Barnett Shale located in North Texas; the Hamilton Dome Field located in Hot Springs County, Wyoming; the Delhi Holt-Bryant Unit in the Delhi Field in Northeast Louisiana; as well as small overriding royalty interests in four onshore Texas wells. Visit for more information.

Evolution Petroleum Corporation是一家獨立的能源公司,專注於通過擁有和投資美國陸上石油和天然氣資產來實現股東總回報最大化。該公司的目標是通過收購、選擇性開發機會、提高產量和其他開採工作,建立和維持多元化的長期石油和天然氣資產組合。房地產包括以下領域的非運營權益:俄克拉荷馬州阿納達科盆地的Scoop/Stack油田;位於新墨西哥州查韋斯縣和羅斯福縣的查韋魯油田;懷俄明州蘇布萊特縣的喬納油田;北達科他州的威利斯頓盆地;位於北德克薩斯州的巴尼特頁岩;位於懷俄明州溫泉縣的漢密爾頓圓頂油田;位於懷俄明州溫泉縣的德里霍爾特-布萊恩特油田路易斯安那州東北部的德里油田;以及德克薩斯州四口陸上油井的壓倒一切的小額特許權使用費權益。請訪問以獲取更多信息。

Cautionary Statement


All forward-looking statements contained in this press release regarding the Company's current expectations, potential results, and future plans and objectives involve a wide range of risks and uncertainties. Statements herein using words such as "believe," "expect," "plans," "outlook," "should," "will," and words of similar meaning are forward-looking statements. Although the Company's expectations are based on business, engineering, geological, financial, and operating assumptions that it believes to be reasonable, many factors could cause actual results to differ materially from its expectations. The Company gives no assurance that its goals will be achieved. These factors and others are detailed under the heading "Risk Factors" and elsewhere in our periodic reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"). The Company undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statement.

本新聞稿中包含的有關公司當前預期、潛在業績以及未來計劃和目標的所有前瞻性陳述都涉及廣泛的風險和不確定性。此處使用 「相信」、「期望」、「計劃」、「展望」、「應該」、「將」 等詞語的陳述以及意思相似的詞語均爲前瞻性陳述。儘管公司的預期基於其認爲合理的業務、工程、地質、財務和運營假設,但許多因素可能導致實際業績與其預期存在重大差異。該公司不保證其目標會實現。這些因素和其他因素在 「風險因素」 標題下以及我們向美國證券交易委員會(「SEC」)提交的定期報告的其他地方進行了詳細介紹。公司沒有義務更新任何前瞻性陳述。

Our proved reserves as of June 30, 2024, were estimated by Netherland, Sewell & Associates, Inc., DeGolyer & MacNaughton, and Cawley, Gillespie and Associates, Inc., all worldwide petroleum consultants. All reserve estimates are continually subject to revisions based on production history, results of additional exploration and development, price changes, and other factors. Drilling locations are based on the Company's internal estimates, which may prove incorrect, and actual locations drilled and quantities that may be ultimately recovered may differ substantially from these estimates. Factors affecting the scope of our drilling program will be directly affected by the decisions of the operators of our properties, availability of capital, drilling and production costs, availability of drilling and completion services and equipment, drilling results, agreement terminations, regulatory approvals and actual drilling results, including geological and mechanical factors affecting recovery rates. Estimates of reserves may change significantly as development of our oil and gas properties provides additional data.

截至2024年6月30日,我們的探明儲量是由荷蘭公司、Sewell & Associates, Inc.、DeGolyer & MacNaughton和Cawley、Gillespie and Associates, Inc.估算的,他們都是全球石油顧問。根據生產歷史、額外勘探和開發的結果、價格變動和其他因素,所有儲量估算值都會不斷進行修訂。鑽探地點基於公司的內部估計,該估計可能不正確,實際鑽探地點和最終可能回收的數量可能與這些估計有很大差異。影響我們鑽探計劃範圍的因素將直接受到我們物業運營商的決策、資本可用性、鑽探和生產成本、鑽探和完井服務和設備的可用性、鑽探結果、協議終止、監管機構的批准和實際鑽探結果,包括影響開採率的地質和機械因素的影響。隨着我們石油和天然氣資產的開發提供更多數據,儲量估計值可能會發生重大變化。

Investor Relations
(713) 935-0122

(713) 935-0122

Evolution Petroleum Corporation
Proved Reserves as of June 30, 2024

截至 2024 年 6 月 30 日的探明儲量

Our proved reserves as of June 30, 2024, were estimated by our independent reservoir engineers, Netherland, Sewell & Associates, Inc., DeGolyer and MacNaughton and Cawley, Gillespie and Associates, Inc., all worldwide petroleum consultants.

截至2024年6月30日,我們的探明儲量是由我們的獨立儲層工程師Netherland、Sewell & Associates, Inc.、deGolyer和MacNaughton以及Cawley、Gillespie and Associates, Inc.估算的,他們都是全球石油顧問。

The SEC sets rules related to reserve estimation and disclosure requirements for oil and natural gas companies. These rules require disclosure of oil and natural gas proved reserves by significant geographic area, using the trailing 12-month average price, calculated as the unweighted arithmetic average of the first-day-of-the-month price for each month within the 12-month period prior to the end of the reporting period, rather than year-end prices, and allows the use of new technologies in the determination of proved reserves if those technologies have been demonstrated empirically to lead to reliable conclusions about reserve volumes. Subject to limited exceptions, the rules also require that proved undeveloped reserves may only be classified as such if a development plan has been adopted indicating that they are scheduled to be drilled within five years.


Oil Natural Gas NGLs Total Proved Reserves
Reserve Category (MBbls) (MMcf) (MBbls) (MBOE)
Proved Developed Producing 7,746 66,627 5,065 23,917
Proved Non-Producing 108 33 9 123
Proved Undeveloped 3,956 11,249 1,914 7,745
Total Proved 11,810 77,909 6,988 31,785
石油 天然氣 液化天然氣 探明儲量總量
儲備類別 (mbbls) (mmcf) (mbbls) (MBOE)
久經考驗的開發產品 7,746 66,627 5,065 23,917
已證明不生產 108 33 9 123
事實證明未開發 3,956 11,249 1,914 7,745
已證明的總數 11,810 77,909 6,988 31,785
Oil Natural Gas NGLs Total Proved Reserves
Asset (MBbls) (MMcf) (MBbls) (MBOE)
SCOOP/STACK 1,277 12,314 787 4,116
Chaveroo Field 2,218 636 137 2,461
Jonah Field 239 25,113 318 4,744
Williston Basin 2,798 7,135 1,653 5,640
Barnett Shale 78 32,711 2,452 7,983
Hamilton Dome Field 2,182 2,182
Delhi Field 3,018 1,641 4,659
Total Proved 11,810 77,909 6,988 31,785
石油 天然氣 液化天然氣 探明儲量總量
資產 (mbbls) (mmcf) (mbbls) (MBOE)
SCOOP/STACK 1,277 12,314 787 4,116
查韋魯球場 2,218 636 137 2,461
喬納·菲爾德 239 25,113 318 4,744
威利斯頓盆地 2798 7,135 1,653 5,640
巴尼特頁岩 78 32,711 2,452 7,983
漢密爾頓圓頂場 2,182 2,182
德里球場 3,018 1,641 4,659
已證明的總數 11,810 77,909 6,988 31,785
Evolution Petroleum Corporation
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations (Unaudited)
(In thousands, except per share amounts)
Three Months Ended Years Ended
June 30, March 31, June 30,
Crude oil $ 14,533 $ 10,982 $ 14,538 $ 53,446 $ 51,044
Natural gas 3,582 4,984 5,860 21,525 63,800
Natural gas liquids 3,112 2,208 2,627 10,906 13,670
Total revenues 21,227 18,174 23,025 85,877 128,514
Operating costs
Lease operating costs 11,408 11,818 12,624 48,273 59,545
Depletion, depreciation, and accretion 5,302 3,834 5,900 20,062 14,273
General and administrative expenses 2,114 2,263 2,417 9,636 9,583
Total operating costs 18,824 17,915 20,941 77,971 83,401
Income (loss) from operations 2,403 259 2,084 7,906 45,113
Other income (expense)
Net gain (loss) on derivative contracts (109) (1,183) (1,292) 513
Interest and other income 59 95 63 342 121
Interest expense (875) (54) (518) (1,459) (458)
Income (loss) before income taxes 1,478 300 446 5,497 45,289
Income tax (expense) benefit (243) (134) (157) (1,417) (10,072)
Net income (loss) $ 1,235 $ 166 $ 289 $ 4,080 $ 35,217
Net income (loss) per common share:
Basic $ 0.04 $ $ 0.01 $ 0.12 $ 1.05
Diluted $ 0.04 $ $ 0.01 $ 0.12 $ 1.04
Weighted average number of common shares outstanding:
Basic 32,679 32,618 32,702 32,691 32,985
Diluted 32,835 32,891 32,854 32,901 33,190
三個月已結束 年份已結束
6月30日 三月三十一日 6月30日
原油 $ 14,533 $ 10,982 $ 14,538 $ 53,446 $ 51,044
天然氣 3,582 4,984 5,860 21,525 63,800
液化天然氣 3,112 2,208 2,627 10,906 13,670
總收入 21,227 18,174 23,025 85,877 128,514
租賃運營成本 11,408 11,818 12,624 48,273 59,545
損耗、折舊和增加 5,302 3,834 5,900 20,062 14,273
一般和管理費用 2,114 2,263 2,417 9,636 9,583
總運營成本 18,824 17,915 20,941 77,971 83,401
運營收入(虧損) 2,403 259 2,084 7,906 45,113
衍生品合約的淨收益(虧損) (109) (1,183) (1,292) 513
利息和其他收入 59 95 63 342 121
利息支出 (875) (54) (518) (1,459) (458)
所得稅前收入(虧損) 1,478 300 446 5,497 45,289
所得稅(費用)補助 (243) (134) (157) (1,417) (10,072)
淨收益(虧損) $ 1,235 $ 166 $ 289 $ 4,080 $ 35,217
基本 $ 0.04 $ $ 0.01 $ 0.12 $ 1.05
稀釋 $ 0.04 $ $ 0.01 $ 0.12 $ 1.04
基本 32,679 32,618 32,702 32,691 32,985
稀釋 32,835 32,891 32,854 32,901 33,190
Evolution Petroleum Corporation
Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets (Unaudited)
(In thousands, except share and per share amounts)
June 30, 2024 June 30, 2023
Current assets
Cash and cash equivalents $ 6,446 $ 11,034
Receivables from crude oil, natural gas, and natural gas liquids revenues 10,826 7,884
Derivative contract assets 596
Prepaid expenses and other current assets 3,855 2,277
Total current assets 21,723 21,195
Property and equipment, net of depletion, depreciation, and impairment
Oil and natural gas properties, net—full-cost method of accounting, of
which none were excluded from amortization 139,685 105,781
Other noncurrent assets
Derivative contract assets 171
Other assets 1,298 1,341
Total assets $ 162,877 $ 128,317
Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity
Current liabilities
Accounts payable $ 8,308 $ 5,891
Accrued liabilities and other 6,239 6,027
Derivative contract liabilities 1,192
State and federal taxes payable 74 365
Total current liabilities 15,813 12,283
Long term liabilities
Senior secured credit facility 39,500
Deferred income taxes 6,702 6,803
Asset retirement obligations 19,209 17,012
Derivative contract liabilities 468
Operating lease liability 58 125
Total liabilities 81,750 36,223
Commitments and contingencies
Stockholders' equity
Common stock; par value $0.001; 100,000,000 shares authorized: issued and
outstanding 33,339,535 and 33,247,523 shares as of June 30, 2024
and 2023, respectively 33 33
Additional paid-in capital 41,091 40,098
Retained earnings 40,003 51,963
Total stockholders' equity 81,127 92,094
Total liabilities and stockholders' equity $ 162,877 $ 128,317
2024年6月30日 2023年6月30日
現金和現金等價物 $ 6,446 $ 11,034
來自原油、天然氣和液化天然氣收入的應收賬款 10,826 7,884
衍生合約資產 596
預付費用和其他流動資產 3,855 2,277
流動資產總額 21,723 21,195
其中沒有一個不包括在攤銷範圍內 139,685 105,781
衍生合約資產 171
其他資產 1,298 1,341
總資產 $ 162,877 $ 128,317
應付賬款 $ 8,308 $ 5,891
應計負債和其他 6,239 6,027
衍生合約負債 1,192
應付州和聯邦稅 74 365
流動負債總額 15,813 12,283
高級擔保信貸額度 39,500
遞延所得稅 6,702 6,803
資產報廢債務 19,209 17,012
衍生合約負債 468
經營租賃責任 58 125
負債總額 81,750 36,223
分別是 2023 年和 33 33
額外的實收資本 41,091 40,098
留存收益 40,003 51,963
股東權益總額 81,127 92,094
負債和股東權益總額 $ 162,877 $ 128,317
Evolution Petroleum Corporation
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows (Unaudited)
(In thousands)
Three Months Ended Years Ended
June 30, March 31, June 30,
Cash flows from operating activities:
Net income (loss) $ 1,235 $ 166 $ 289 $ 4,080 $ 35,217
Adjustments to reconcile net income (loss) to net cash provided by operating activities:
Depletion, depreciation, and accretion 5,302 3,834 5,900 20,062 14,273
Stock-based compensation 552 484 549 2,137 1,639
Settlement of asset retirement obligations (1) (55) (19) (20) (174)
Deferred income taxes (225) (196) 766 (101) (296)
Unrealized (gain) loss on derivative contracts (170) 1,063 893 (1,994)
Accrued settlements on derivative contracts (27) 211 94 67 (919)
Other (1) (3) (4)
Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
Receivables from crude oil, natural gas, and natural gas liquids revenues 1,824 1,958 (2,495) (2,910) 18,441
Prepaid expenses and other current assets (137) 288 (1,151) (1,562) (692)
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities and other (440) (5,343) (1,629) 374 (13,489)
State and federal taxes payable 74 (1,793) (291) (730)
Net cash provided by operating activities 7,987 (447) 3,364 22,729 51,272
Cash flows from investing activities:
Acquisition of oil and natural gas properties 5,054 (43,788) (38,734) (31)
Capital expenditures for oil and natural gas properties (2,546) (2,727) (2,648) (10,899) (6,961)
Net cash used in investing activities 2,508 (2,727) (46,436) (49,633) (6,992)
Cash flows from financing activities:
Common stock dividends paid (4,003) (3,992) (4,003) (16,040) (16,106)
Common stock repurchases, including stock surrendered for tax withholding (113) (187) (818) (1,144) (4,170)
Borrowings under senior secured credit facility 42,500 42,500
Repayments of senior secured credit facility (3,000) (3,000) (21,250)
Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities (7,116) (4,179) 37,679 22,316 (41,526)
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 3,379 (7,353) (5,393) (4,588) 2,754
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period 3,067 18,387 8,460 11,034 8,280
Cash and cash equivalents, end of period $ 6,446 $ 11,034 $ 3,067 $ 6,446 $ 11,034
三個月已結束 年份已結束
6月30日 三月三十一日 6月30日
淨收益(虧損) $ 1,235 $ 166 $ 289 $ 4,080 $ 35,217
損耗、折舊和增加 5,302 3,834 5,900 20,062 14,273
基於股票的薪酬 552 484 549 2,137 1,639
資產報廢債務的結算 (1) (55) (19) (20) (174)
遞延所得稅 (225) (196) 766 (101) (296)
衍生合約的未實現(收益)虧損 (170) 1,063 893 (1,994)
衍生合約的應計結算 (27) 211 94 67 (919)
其他 (1) (3) (4)
來自原油、天然氣和液化天然氣收入的應收賬款 1,824 1,958 (2,495) (2,910) 18,441
預付費用和其他流動資產 (137) 288 (1,151) (1,562) (692)
應付賬款和應計負債及其他 (440) (5,343) (1,629) 374 (13,489)
應付州和聯邦稅 74 (1,793) (291) (730)
經營活動提供的淨現金 7,987 (447) 3,364 22,729 51,272
收購石油和天然氣資產 5,054 (43,788) (38,734) (31)
石油和天然氣物業的資本支出 (2,546) (2,727) (2,648) (10,899) (6,961)
用於投資活動的淨現金 2,508 (2,727) (46,436) (49,633) (6,992)
已支付的普通股股息 (4,003) (3,992) (4,003) (16,040) (16,106)
普通股回購,包括因預扣稅而退還的股票 (113) (187) (818) (1,144) (4,170)
優先擔保信貸額度下的借款 42,500 42,500
償還優先擔保信貸額度 (3,000) (3,000) (21,250)
由(用於)融資活動提供的淨現金 (7,116) (4,179) 37,679 22,316 (41,526)
現金和現金等價物的淨增加(減少) 3,379 (7,353) (5,393) (4,588) 2,754
現金和現金等價物,期初 3,067 18,387 8,460 11,034 8,280
現金和現金等價物,期末 $ 6,446 $ 11,034 $ 3,067 $ 6,446 $ 11,034

Evolution Petroleum Corporation
Non-GAAP Reconciliation – Adjusted EBITDA (Unaudited)
(In thousands)


Adjusted EBITDA and Net income (loss) and earnings per share excluding selected items are non-GAAP financial measures that are used as supplemental financial measures by our management and by external users of our financial statements, such as investors, commercial banks, and others, to assess our operating performance as compared to that of other companies in our industry, without regard to financing methods, capital structure, or historical costs basis. We use these measures to assess our ability to incur and service debt and fund capital expenditures. Our Adjusted EBITDA and Net income (loss) and earnings per share, excluding selected items, should not be considered alternatives to net income (loss), operating income (loss), cash flows provided by (used in) operating activities, or any other measure of financial performance or liquidity presented in accordance with U.S. GAAP. Our Adjusted EBITDA and Net income (loss) and earnings per share excluding selected items may not be comparable to similarly titled measures of another company because all companies may not calculate Adjusted EBITDA and Net income (loss) and earnings per share excluding selected items in the same manner.


We define Adjusted EBITDA as net income (loss) plus interest expense, income tax expense (benefit), depreciation, depletion, and accretion (DD&A), stock-based compensation, ceiling test impairment, and other impairments, unrealized loss (gain) on change in fair value of derivatives, and other non-recurring or non-cash expense (income) items.


Three Months Ended Years Ended
June 30, March 31, June 30,
2023 2024 2024 2023
Net income (loss) $ 1,235 $ 166 $ 289 $ 4,080 $ 35,217
Adjusted by:
Interest expense 875 54 518 1,459 458
Income tax expense (benefit) 243 134 157 1,417 10,072
Depletion, depreciation, and accretion 5,302 3,834 5,900 20,062 14,273
Stock-based compensation 552 484 549 2,137 1,639
Unrealized loss (gain) on derivative contracts (170) 1,063 893 (1,994)
Severance 74
Transaction costs 345
Adjusted EBITDA $ 8,037 $ 4,672 $ 8,476 $ 30,048 $ 60,084
三個月已結束 年份已結束
6月30日 三月三十一日 6月30日
2023 2024 2024 2023
淨收益(虧損) $ 1,235 $ 166 $ 289 $ 4,080 $ 35,217
利息支出 875 54 518 1,459 458
所得稅支出(福利) 243 134 157 1,417 10,072
損耗、折舊和增加 5,302 3,834 5,900 20,062 14,273
基於股票的薪酬 552 484 549 2,137 1,639
衍生品合約的未實現虧損(收益) (170) 1,063 893 (1,994)
遣散費 74
交易成本 345
調整後 EBITDA $ 8,037 $ 4,672 $ 8,476 $ 30,048 $ 60,084
Evolution Petroleum Corporation
Non-GAAP Reconciliation – Adjusted Net Income (Unaudited)
(In thousands, except per share amounts)
Three Months Ended Years Ended
June 30, March 31, June 30,
As Reported:
Net income (loss), as reported $ 1,235 $ 166 $ 289 $ 4,080 $ 35,217
Impact of Selected Items:
Unrealized loss (gain) on commodity contracts (170) 1,063 893 (1,994)
Severance 74
Transaction costs 345
Selected items, before income taxes $ (170) $ $ 1,063 $ 893 $ (1,575)
Income tax effect of selected items(1) (28) 374 230 (350)
Selected items, net of tax $ (142) $ $ 689 $ 663 $ (1,225)
As Adjusted:
Net income (loss), excluding selected items(2) $ 1,093 $ 166 $ 978 $ 4,743 $ 33,992
Undistributed earnings allocated to unvested restricted stock (22) (3) (21) (96) (540)
Net income (loss), excluding selected items for earnings per share calculation $ 1,071 $ 163 $ 957 $ 4,647 $ 33,452
Net income (loss) per common share — Basic, as reported $ 0.04 $ $ 0.01 $ 0.12 $ 1.05
Impact of selected items (0.01) 0.02 0.02 (0.04)
Net income (loss) per common share — Basic, excluding selected items(2) $ 0.03 $ $ 0.03 $ 0.14 $ 1.01
Net income (loss) per common share — Diluted, as reported $ 0.04 $ $ 0.01 $ 0.12 $ 1.04
Impact of selected items (0.01) 0.02 0.02 (0.03)
Net income (loss) per common share — Diluted, excluding selected items(2)(3) $ 0.03 $ $ 0.03 $ 0.14 $ 1.01
三個月已結束 年份已結束
6月30日 三月三十一日 6月30日
報告的淨收益(虧損) $ 1,235 $ 166 $ 289 $ 4,080 $ 35,217
大宗商品合約的未實現虧損(收益) (170) 1,063 893 (1,994)
遣散費 74
交易成本 345
所得稅前的精選項目 $ (170) $ $ 1,063 $ 893 $ (1,575)
所選項目的所得稅影響 (1) (28) 374 230 (350)
已選項目,不含稅 $ (142) $ $ 689 $ 663 $ (1,225)
淨收益(虧損),不包括選定項目 (2) $ 1,093 $ 166 $ 978 $ 4,743 $ 33,992
分配給未歸屬限制性股票的未分配收益 (22) (3) (21) (96) (540)
淨收益(虧損),不包括計算每股收益的選定項目 $ 1,071 $ 163 $ 957 $ 4,647 $ 33,452
普通股每股淨收益(虧損)——基本收益,如報告所示 $ 0.04 $ $ 0.01 $ 0.12 $ 1.05
所選項目的影響 (0.01) 0.02 0.02 (0.04)
普通股每股淨收益(虧損)——基本收益,不包括選定項目 (2) $ 0.03 $ $ 0.03 $ 0.14 $ 1.01
普通股每股淨收益(虧損)——攤薄,如報告所示 $ 0.04 $ $ 0.01 $ 0.12 $ 1.04
所選項目的影響 (0.01) 0.02 0.02 (0.03)
普通股每股淨收益(虧損)——攤薄,不包括選定項目 (2) (3) $ 0.03 $ $ 0.03 $ 0.14 $ 1.01



(1) The tax impact for the three months ended June 30, 2024 and March 31, 2024, is represented using estimated tax rates of 16.4% and 35.2%, respectively. The tax impact for years ended June 30, 2024, and 2023, is represented using estimated tax rates of 25.8% and 22.2%, respectively.
(2) Net income (loss) and earnings per share excluding selected items are non-GAAP financial measures presented as supplemental financial measures to enable a user of the financial information to understand the impact of these items on reported results. These financial measures should not be considered an alternative to net income (loss), operating income (loss), cash flows provided by (used in) operating activities, or any other measure of financial performance or liquidity presented in accordance with U.S. GAAP. Our Adjusted Net Income (Loss) and earnings per share may not be comparable to similarly titled measures of another company because all companies may not calculate Adjusted Net Income (Loss) and earnings per share in the same manner.
(3) The impact of selected items for the three months ended June 30, 2024, and 2023 was calculated based upon weighted average diluted shares of 32.8 million and 32.9 million, respectively, due to the net income (loss), excluding selected items. The impact of selected items for the three months ended March 31, 2024, was calculated based upon weighted average diluted shares of 32.9 million due to the net income (loss), excluding selected items. The impact of selected items for the years ended June 30, 2024, and 2023 was calculated based upon weighted average diluted shares of 32.9 million and 33.2 million, respectively, due to the net income (loss), excluding selected items.

(1) 截至2024年6月30日和2024年3月31日的三個月,稅收影響分別使用16.4%和35.2%的估計稅率來表示。截至2024年6月30日和2023年6月30日的年度的稅收影響分別使用25.8%和22.2%的估計稅率來表示。
(2) 淨收益(虧損)和不包括選定項目的每股收益是作爲補充財務指標列報的非公認會計准則財務指標,旨在使財務信息的用戶能夠了解這些項目對報告業績的影響。不應將這些財務指標視爲淨收益(虧損)、營業收入(虧損)、(用於)經營活動提供的現金流或根據美國公認會計原則列報的任何其他財務業績或流動性衡量標準的替代方案。我們的調整後淨收益(虧損)和每股收益可能無法與其他公司的類似標題的指標相提並論,因爲所有公司可能無法以相同的方式計算調整後淨收益(虧損)和每股收益。

Evolution Petroleum Corporation
Supplemental Information on Oil and Natural Gas Operations (Unaudited)
(In thousands, except per unit and per BOE amounts)
Three Months Ended Years Ended
June 30, March 31, June 30,
2024 2023 2024 2024 2023
Crude oil $ 14,533 $ 10,982 $ 14,538 $ 53,446 $ 51,044
Natural gas 3,582 4,984 5,860 21,525 63,800
Natural gas liquids 3,112 2,208 2,627 10,906 13,670
Total revenues $ 21,227 $ 18,174 $ 23,025 $ 85,877 $ 128,514
Lease operating costs:
CO2costs $ 1 $ 1,348 $ 1,035 $ 4,242 $ 7,375
Ad valorem and production taxes 1,273 1,158 1,458 5,281 8,158
Other lease operating costs 10,134 9,312 10,131 38,750 44,012
Total lease operating costs $ 11,408 $ 11,818 $ 12,624 $ 48,273 $ 59,545
Depletion of full cost proved oil and natural gas properties $ 4,925 $ 3,544 $ 5,532 $ 18,605 $ 13,142
Crude oil (MBBL) 190 158 199 709 659
Natural gas (MMCF) 2,152 2,044 2,115 8,243 9,109
Natural gas liquids (MBBL) 107 91 104 402 416
Equivalent (MBOE)(1) 656 590 656 2,485 2,593
Average daily production (BOEPD)(1) 7,209 6,484 7,209 6,790 7,104
Average price per unit(2):
Crude oil (BBL) $ 76.49 $ 69.51 $ 73.06 $ 75.38 $ 77.46
Natural gas (MCF) 1.66 2.44 2.77 2.61 7.00
Natural Gas Liquids (BBL) 29.08 24.26 25.26 27.13 32.86
Equivalent (BOE)(1) $ 32.36 $ 30.80 $ 35.10 $ 34.56 $ 49.56
Average cost per unit:
CO2costs $ $ 2.28 $ 1.58 $ 1.71 $ 2.84
Ad valorem and production taxes 1.94 1.96 2.22 2.13 3.15
Other lease operating costs 15.45 15.78 15.44 15.59 16.97
Total lease operating costs $ 17.39 $ 20.02 $ 19.24 $ 19.43 $ 22.96
Depletion of full cost proved oil and natural gas properties $ 7.51 $ 6.01 $ 8.43 $ 7.49 $ 5.07
CO2costs per MCF $ 0.87 $ 0.91 $ 0.92 $ 0.97 $ 0.99
CO2volumes (MMCF per day, gross) 0.1 68.2 52.1 50.3 85.2
三個月已結束 年份已結束
6月30日 三月三十一日 6月30日
2024 2023 2024 2024 2023
原油 $ 14,533 $ 10,982 $ 14,538 $ 53,446 $ 51,044
天然氣 3,582 4,984 5,860 21,525 63,800
液化天然氣 3,112 2,208 2,627 10,906 13,670
總收入 $ 21,227 $ 18,174 $ 23,025 $ 85,877 $ 128,514
二氧化碳成本 $ 1 $ 1,348 $ 1,035 $ 4,242 $ 7,375
從價稅和生產稅 1,273 1,158 1,458 5,281 8,158
其他租賃運營成本 10,134 9,312 10,131 38,750 44,012
租賃運營成本總額 $ 11,408 $ 11,818 $ 12,624 $ 48,273 $ 59,545
全部成本已探明的石油和天然氣資產枯竭 $ 4,925 $ 3544 $ 5,532 $ 18,605 $ 13,142
原油 (MBBL) 190 158 199 709 659
天然氣 (MMCF) 2,152 2,044 2,115 8,243 9,109
液化天然氣 (MBBL) 107 91 104 402 416
等效 (MBOE) (1) 656 590 656 2,485 2,593
平均日產量 (BOEPD) (1) 7,209 6,484 7,209 6,790 7,104
每單位平均價格 (2):
原油 (BBL) $ 76.49 $ 69.51 $ 73.06 $ 75.38 $ 77.46
天然氣 (MCF) 1.66 2.44 2.77 2.61 7.00
液化天然氣 (BBL) 29.08 24.26 25.26 27.13 32.86
等價物 (BOE) (1) $ 32.36 $ 30.80 $ 35.10 $ 34.56 $ 49.56
二氧化碳成本 $ $ 2.28 $ 1.58 $ 1.71 $ 2.84
從價稅和生產稅 1.94 1.96 2.22 2.13 3.15
其他租賃運營成本 15.45 15.78 15.44 15.59 16.97
租賃運營成本總額 $ 17.39 $ 20.02 $ 19.24 $ 19.43 $ 22.96
全部成本已探明的石油和天然氣資產枯竭 $ 7.51 $ 6.01 $ 8.43 $ 7.49 $ 5.07
每立方英尺的二氧化碳成本 $ 0.87 $ 0.91 $ 0.92 $ 0.97 $ 0.99
二氧化碳交易量(每天 MMCF,總量) 0.1 68.2 52.1 50.3 85.2



(1) Equivalent oil reserves are defined as six MCF of natural gas and 42 gallons of NGLs to one barrel of oil conversion ratio which reflects energy equivalence and not price equivalence. Natural gas prices per MCF and NGL prices per barrel often differ significantly from the equivalent amount of oil.
(2) Amounts exclude the impact of cash paid or received on the settlement of derivative contracts since we did not elect to apply hedge accounting.

(1) 等效石油儲量定義爲六立方英尺的天然氣和42加侖的液化天然氣與一桶石油的換算率,該比率反映的是能量等效性,而不是價格等效性。每立方英尺的天然氣價格和每桶液化天然氣的價格通常與等量的石油有很大差異。
(2) 金額不包括支付或收到的現金對衍生合約結算的影響,因爲我們沒有選擇應用套期保值會計。

Evolution Petroleum Corporation
Summary of Production Volumes, Average Sales Price, and Average Production Costs (Unaudited)
Three Months Ended
June 30, March 31,
2024 2023 2024
Volume Price Volume Price Volume Price
Crude oil (MBBL)
SCOOP/STACK 41 $ 80.55 $ 30 $ 78.71
Chaveroo Field 12 79.82 15 76.39
Jonah Field 8 72.14 9 77.87 8 72.25
Williston Basin 35 74.20 34 70.31 35 70.29
Barnett Shale 2 75.70 3 69.37 3 73.05
Hamilton Dome Field 35 67.85 37 60.53 35 61.21
Delhi Field 57 80.46 74 73.01 73 77.08
Other 1 75.07
Total 190 $ 76.49 158 $ 69.51 199 $ 73.06
Natural gas (MMCF)
SCOOP/STACK 319 $ 2.70 $ 214 $ 2.11
Chaveroo Field 5 2.02 7 2.29
Jonah Field 818 1.59 881 3.16 843 3.94
Williston Basin 31 1.65 23 2.99 20 1.36
Barnett Shale 979 1.39 1,140 1.87 1,031 1.98
Total 2,152 $ 1.66 2,044 $ 2.44 2,115 $ 2.77
Natural gas liquids (MBBL)
SCOOP/STACK 20 $ 22.16 $ 10 $ 25.14
Chaveroo Field 1 22.86
Jonah Field 8 30.35 9 25.80 9 31.93
Williston Basin 8 23.94 5 15.00 4 23.96
Barnett Shale 54 31.29 61 24.52 59 22.85
Delhi Field 17 31.83 16 24.65 20 30.48
Other 1 25.87
Total 107 $ 29.08 91 $ 24.26 104 $ 25.26
Equivalent (MBOE)(1)
SCOOP/STACK 115 $ 40.29 $ 76 $ 40.56
Chaveroo Field 13 77.49 17 68.40
Jonah Field 152 13.98 165 22.60 158 26.72
Williston Basin 48 59.33 43 59.57 42 61.15
Barnett Shale 219 14.86 254 15.15 234 15.41
Hamilton Dome Field 35 67.85 37 60.53 35 61.21
Delhi Field 74 69.34 90 64.69 93 67.21
Other 1 75.07 1 25.87
Total 656 $ 32.36 590 $ 30.80 656 $ 35.10
Average daily production (BOEPD)(1)
SCOOP/STACK 1,264 835
Chaveroo Field 143 187
Jonah Field 1,670 1,813 1,736
Williston Basin 527 473 462
Barnett Shale 2,407 2,791 2,571
Hamilton Dome Field 385 407 385
Delhi Field 813 989 1,022
Other 11 11
Total 7,209 6,484 7,209
6月30日 三月三十一日
2024 2023 2024
音量 價格 音量 價格 音量 價格
原油 (MBBL)
SCOOP/STACK 41 $ 80.55 $ 30 $ 78.71
查韋魯球場 12 79.82 15 76.39
喬納·菲爾德 8 72.14 9 77.87 8 72.25
威利斯頓盆地 35 74.20 34 70.31 35 70.29
巴尼特頁岩 2 75.70 3 69.37 3 73.05
漢密爾頓圓頂場 35 67.85 37 60.53 35 61.21
德里球場 57 80.46 74 73.01 73 77.08
其他 1 75.07
總計 190 $ 76.49 158 $ 69.51 199 $ 73.06
天然氣 (MMCF)
SCOOP/STACK 319 $ 2.70 $ 214 $ 2.11
查韋魯球場 5 2.02 7 2.29
喬納·菲爾德 818 1.59 881 3.16 843 3.94
威利斯頓盆地 31 1.65 23 2.99 20 1.36
巴尼特頁岩 979 1.39 1,140 1.87 1,031 1.98
總計 2,152 $ 1.66 2,044 $ 2.44 2,115 $ 2.77
液化天然氣 (MBBL)
SCOOP/STACK 20 $ 22.16 $ 10 $ 25.14
查韋魯球場 1 22.86
喬納·菲爾德 8 30.35 9 25.80 9 31.93
威利斯頓盆地 8 23.94 5 15.00 4 23.96
巴尼特頁岩 54 31.29 61 24.52 59 22.85
德里球場 17 31.83 16 24.65 20 30.48
其他 1 25.87
總計 107 $ 29.08 91 $ 24.26 104 $ 25.26
等效 (MBOE) (1)
SCOOP/STACK 115 $ 40.29 $ 76 $ 40.56
查韋魯球場 13 77.49 17 68.40
喬納·菲爾德 152 13.98 165 22.60 158 26.72
威利斯頓盆地 48 59.33 43 59.57 42 61.15
巴尼特頁岩 219 14.86 254 15.15 234 15.41
漢密爾頓圓頂場 35 67.85 37 60.53 35 61.21
德里球場 74 69.34 90 64.69 93 67.21
其他 1 75.07 1 25.87
總計 656 $ 32.36 590 $ 30.80 656 $ 35.10
平均日產量 (BOEPD) (1)
SCOOP/STACK 1,264 835
查韋魯球場 143 187
喬納·菲爾德 1,670 1,813 1,736
威利斯頓盆地 527 473 462
巴尼特頁岩 2,407 2791 2,571
漢密爾頓圓頂場 385 407 385
德里球場 813 989 1,022
其他 11 11
總計 7,209 6,484 7,209



(1) Equivalent oil reserves are defined as six MCF of natural gas and 42 gallons of NGLs to one barrel of oil conversion ratio which reflects energy equivalence and not price equivalence. Natural gas prices per MCF and NGL prices per barrel often differ significantly from the equivalent amount of oil.

(1) 等效石油儲量定義爲六立方英尺的天然氣和42加侖的液化天然氣與一桶石油的換算率,該比率反映的是能量等效性,而不是價格等效性。每立方英尺的天然氣價格和每桶液化天然氣的價格通常與等量的石油有很大差異。

Evolution Petroleum Corporation
Summary of Average Production Costs (Unaudited)
Three Months Ended
June 30, March 31,
Production costs (in thousands, except per BOE): 2024 2023 2024
Lease operating costs Amount per BOE Amount per BOE Amount per BOE
SCOOP/STACK $ 1,028 $ 9.06 $ $ $ 619 $ 8.18
Chaveroo Field 301 24.42 161 9.12
Jonah Field 1,834 11.99 2,218 13.45 2,313 14.63
Williston Basin 1,227 25.53 1,149 26.83 1,413 33.69
Barnett Shale 3,853 17.47 3,902 15.28 3,767 16.07
Hamilton Dome Field 1,415 40.40 1,417 38.76 1,566 45.34
Delhi Field 1,750 23.96 3,132 35.06 2,785 30.19
Total $ 11,408 $ 17.39 $ 11,818 $ 20.02 $ 12,624 $ 19.24
6月30日 3月31日
生產成本(以千計,每個英國央行除外): 2024 2023 2024
租賃運營成本 金額 根據英國央行 金額 根據英國央行 金額 根據英國央行
SCOOP/STACK $ 1,028 $ 9.06 $ $ $ 619 $ 8.18
查韋魯球場 301 24.42 161 9.12
喬納·菲爾德 1,834 11.99 2,218 13.45 2,313 14.63
威利斯頓盆地 1,227 25.53 1,149 26.83 1,413 33.69
巴尼特頁岩 3,853 17.47 3,902 15.28 3,767 16.07
漢密爾頓圓頂場 1,415 40.40 1,417 38.76 1,566 45.34
德里球場 1,750 23.96 3,132 35.06 2,785 30.19
總計 $ 11,408 $ 17.39 $ 11,818 $ 20.02 $ 12,624 $ 19.24

This press release was published by a CLEAR Verified individual.


