
Valvoline Global Operations Announces Major Commitment to The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society to Power Better Treatments for Kids With Blood Cancer Worldwide

Valvoline Global Operations Announces Major Commitment to The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society to Power Better Treatments for Kids With Blood Cancer Worldwide

PR Newswire ·  09/11 21:00

LEXINGTON, Ky. and RYE BROOK, N.Y., Sept. 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Valvoline Global Operations, a worldwide leader in automotive and industrial solutions creating future-ready products and best-in-class solutions for partners around the globe, is investing in building brighter futures for children with blood cancer.

肯塔基州列剋星敦和紐約州萊伊布魯克,2024年9月11日 /PRNewswire/ — Valvoline Global Operations是汽車和工業解決方案領域的全球領導者,爲全球合作伙伴提供面向未來的產品和一流的解決方案,正在投資爲血癌兒童建設更光明的未來。

Valvoline Global Operations partners with The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) to support the Dare To Dream Project, which is transforming treatment and care for children with blood cancer worldwide. Hear from Jamal Muashsher, President and CEO of Valvoline Global, and E. Anders Kolb, MD, President and CEO of LLS, as they discuss the importance of this partnership and the Dare To Dream Project.
Valvoline全球運營與白血病和淋巴瘤協會(LLS)合作,支持 「敢於夢想項目」,該項目正在改變全球血液癌兒童的治療和護理。聆聽Valvoline Global總裁兼首席執行官賈馬爾·穆什舍爾和LLS總裁兼首席執行官E.安德斯·科爾布總裁兼首席執行官安德斯·科爾布討論這種夥伴關係和敢於夢想項目的重要性的話。
The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS
白血病和淋巴瘤協會 (LLS)
Valvoline Global Operations
Valvoline 全球運營

Today, Valvoline Global announced a $1-million commitment to The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS), over the next five years. The significant multi-year investment will be dedicated to the organization's global Dare to Dream Project, which aims to transform treatment and care for pediatric blood cancer patients worldwide.

今天,Valvoline Global宣佈承諾在未來五年內向白血病和淋巴瘤協會(LLS)提供100萬美元。這筆爲期多年的巨額投資將專門用於該組織的全球Dare to Dream項目,該項目旨在改變全球兒科血液癌患者的治療和護理。

"At Valvoline Global, our purpose is to inspire and enable what – and who – move the world forward. That means teaming up with organizations like LLS to drive important causes forward and to create new solutions for a better tomorrow," said Jamal Muashsher, President and CEO, Valvoline Global. "Cancer does not discriminate. It affects us all, in every corner of the world. With Valvoline Global's presence in over 140 countries, the Dare to Dream Project is especially important to us as it strives to impact lives worldwide. We are honored to join LLS in this essential global effort."

「在Valvoline Global,我們的目標是激勵和支持推動世界向前發展的事物和人物。這意味着與LLS等組織合作,推動重要事業向前發展,爲更美好的明天創造新的解決方案。」 Valvoline Global總裁兼首席執行官賈馬爾·穆什舍爾說。「癌症不分青紅皁白。它影響着我們所有人,遍佈世界的每個角落。由於Valvoline Global的業務遍及140多個國家,「敢於夢想」 項目對我們來說尤其重要,因爲它正在努力影響全球的生活。我們很榮幸能加入LLS參與這項重要的全球努力。」

Only five percent of cancer drugs have been approved for first-time use in children, while 80 percent of childhood cancer survivors develop chronic health issues from their treatment. Through Dare to Dream, LLS is responding to the urgent need for safer pediatric cancer treatments and better access to free support and resources for patients and their families.

只有百分之五的抗癌藥物獲准首次用於兒童,而80%的兒童癌症倖存者在治療後會出現慢性健康問題。通過Dare to Dream,LLS正在應對更安全的兒科癌症治療以及爲患者及其家人提供更多免費支持和資源的迫切需求。

For Ashley Havera, mother of 11-year old Maddie, who was diagnosed at age two with acute myeloid leukemia, the cause is personal. "We're grateful to LLS for the work they are doing to support families like mine and childhood cancer patients," she said. "When your child is diagnosed with cancer, it can be isolating. LLS was there throughout our journey, connecting us to resources and information we never would have discovered on our own, including treatment options. I am thrilled to see their work expanding further through the Dare to Dream Project to give more kids a greater chance to live fuller, healthier lives beyond cancer."

對於11歲的麥迪的母親阿什利·哈維拉來說,病因是個人原因,她在兩歲時被診斷出患有急性髓系白血病。她說:「我們感謝LLS爲支持像我這樣的家庭和兒童癌症患者所做的工作。」「當你的孩子被診斷出患有癌症時,可以進行隔離。LLS 在整個旅程中都在那裏,爲我們提供了我們自己從未發現的資源和信息,包括治療方案。我很高興看到他們通過 「敢於夢想項目」 進一步擴大工作範圍,讓更多的孩子有更多機會在癌症之外過上更充實、更健康的生活。」

Through Dare to Dream, LLS is leading international collaboration, convening some of the best minds in cancer research and treatment to fund the first-ever pediatric AML Data Commons, a platform that ensures consistency in global data reporting and launch the first-ever global pediatric acute leukemia Master Clinical Trial, LLS PedAL. Currently, there are 175 sites open across North America, Australia and New Zealand and 74 sites open in 17 countries for the therapeutic sub-study – bringing the dream of safer, more effective pediatric acute leukemia treatments closer to home for more people.

通過Dare to Dream,LLS領導了國際合作,召集了癌症研究和治療領域的一些最優秀人才,爲有史以來第一個兒科反洗錢數據共享平台提供資金,該平台可確保全球數據報告的一致性,並啓動了有史以來第一個全球兒科急性白血病大師臨床試驗——LLS peDAL。目前,該治療子研究共在北美、澳大利亞和新西蘭開設了175個研究點,在17個國家開設了74個研究點,這使更多人更安全、更有效的兒科急性白血病治療的夢想離家更近。

"We are grateful to Valvoline Global for their commitment to transforming treatment and care for kids with blood cancer," said E. Anders Kolb, MD, President and Chief Executive Officer at LLS. "Through their generous support of Dare to Dream, LLS will be able to reach and support many more of the children and families who need us."

LLS總裁兼首席執行官安德斯·科爾布醫學博士表示:「我們感謝Valvoline Global致力於改變血液癌兒童的治療和護理方式。」「通過對Dare to Dream的慷慨支持,LLS將能夠接觸和支持更多需要我們的兒童和家庭。」

To learn more about LLS's Dare to Dream Project, please visit: .

要了解有關LLS的 「敢於夢想項目」 的更多信息, 請訪問:.

About Valvoline Global Operations
Valvoline Global is a worldwide leader in automotive and industrial solutions, creating future-ready products and best-in-class services for partners around the globe. Established in 1866, the company introduced the world's first branded motor oil and developed strong brand recognition and customer satisfaction ratings across multiple product channels. With sales in more than 140 countries and territories, Valvoline Global's solutions are available for every engine and drivetrain, including high-mileage and heavy-duty vehicles, offered at more than 80,000 locations. Valvoline Global is powering the future of mobility through innovative solutions for vehicles with electric, hybrid and internal combustion powertrains – and the company will continue to solve for global automotive and industrial challenges as it moves forward. To learn more, visit

關於 Valvoline 全球運營
Valvoline Global是汽車和工業解決方案領域的全球領導者,爲全球合作伙伴創造面向未來的產品和一流的服務。該公司成立於 1866 年,推出了世界上第一款品牌機油,並在多個產品渠道中建立了良好的品牌知名度和客戶滿意度評級。Valvoline Global的銷售遍及140多個國家和地區,適用於在80,000多個地點提供的每種發動機和傳動系統,包括高里程和重型車輛。Valvoline Global通過爲配備電動、混合動力和內燃機動力系統的車輛提供創新解決方案,爲未來的出行提供動力——該公司將繼續在向前邁進的過程中解決全球汽車和工業挑戰。要了解更多信息,請訪問。

Trademark, Valvoline Global or its subsidiaries, registered in various countries.

商標,即Valvoline Global或其子公司,在多個國家註冊。

About The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) is the global leader in the fight against blood cancer. The LLS mission: Cure leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease, and myeloma, and improve the quality of life of patients and their families. LLS funds lifesaving blood cancer research around the world, provides free information and support services, and is the voice for all blood cancer patients seeking access to quality, affordable, coordinated care.


Founded in 1949 and headquartered in Rye Brook, NY, LLS has regions throughout the United States and Canada. To learn more, visit . Patients should contact the Information Resource Center at (800) 955-4572, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. ET.

LLS 成立於 1949 年,總部位於紐約州拉伊布魯克,其地區遍及美國和加拿大。要了解更多信息,請訪問。患者應在週一至週五美國東部時間上午9點至晚上9點致電(800)955-4572與信息資源中心聯繫。

For additional information, visit Follow us on Facebook, X, Instagram, LinkedIn and TikTok.


About The LLS Dare To Dream Project
The Dare to Dream Project is a bold and urgent $175 million campaign that is funding and accelerating groundbreaking, global, collaborative pediatric blood cancer research; driving advocacy and pediatric healthcare policy changes; and expanding our wide variety of free education, resources, and support services for kids with blood cancer and their families. Since its launch, The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society has been transforming treatment and care for kids with blood cancer, making much needed progress.

關於 LLS Dare To Dream 項目
Dare to Dream Project是一項耗資1.75億美元的大膽而緊迫的活動,旨在資助和加快開創性的全球合作性兒科血液癌研究;推動宣傳和兒科醫療保健政策的變革;並擴大我們爲血癌兒童及其家庭提供的各種免費教育、資源和支持服務。自成立以來,白血病和淋巴瘤協會一直在改變血液癌兒童的治療和護理,取得了急需的進展。

Learn more at .


Media Contacts:
Katie Hurst, Valvoline Global
[email protected]

凱蒂·赫斯特,Valvoline Global

Melissa Valentino, The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
[email protected]


SOURCE The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society; Valvoline Global Operations

來源:白血病和淋巴瘤協會;Valvoline 全球運營


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