
Sonoma Pharmaceuticals and EMC Pharma Announce Collaboration to Co-market an Expanded Eye Care Product Line

Sonoma Pharmaceuticals and EMC Pharma Announce Collaboration to Co-market an Expanded Eye Care Product Line

Sonoma Pharmaceuticals和EMC Pharma宣佈合作,共同營銷擴展眼部護理產品線
Accesswire ·  09/11 20:30

BOULDER, CO / ACCESSWIRE / September 11, 2024 / Sonoma Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ:SNOA), a global healthcare leader developing and producing patented Microcyn technology based stabilized hypochlorous acid (HOCl) products for a wide range of applications, including wound care, eye, oral and nasal care, dermatological conditions, podiatry, and animal health care, in partnership with EMC Pharma, LLC, today announced they have entered into a co-marketing agreement to launch and sell an expanded prescription and OTC eye care product line. The new eye care line will also feature refreshed design and improved packaging for Ocucyn Eyelid & Eyelash Cleanser. The full line will be introduced at the American Academy of Ophthalmology's annual meeting in Chicago, October 18-21, 2024.

科羅拉多州博爾德/ACCESSWIRE/2024年9月11日/全球醫療保健領導者索諾瑪製藥公司(納斯達克股票代碼:SNOA)與EMC Pharma, LLC合作開發和生產基於Microcyn技術的專利穩定次氯酸(HOCl)產品,其應用範圍廣泛,包括傷口護理、眼部、口腔和鼻腔護理、皮膚病、足病和動物保健,今天宣佈已簽訂聯合營銷協議,以推出和銷售擴大的處方和非處方眼部護理產品系列。新的眼部護理系列還將採用Ocucyn眼皮和睫毛清潔劑的全新設計和改進的包裝。全系列產品將在2024年10月18日至21日在芝加哥舉行的美國眼科學會年會上推出。

Sonoma and EMC Pharma entered into a distribution agreement in 2021, granting EMC Pharma the exclusive right to manage, market and distribute Sonoma's HOCl-based prescription dermatology and eye care products in the United States. Pursuant to an addendum to this agreement, EMC Pharma will now additionally have the right to sell over-the-counter Ocucyn, and Sonoma will have the right to sell Acuicyn Eyelid & Eyelash Cleanser, a prescription product marketed to ophthalmologists.

索諾瑪和EMC Pharma於2021年簽訂了分銷協議,授予EMC Pharma在美國管理、營銷和分銷索諾瑪基於HOCL的處方皮膚科和眼部護理產品的獨家權利。根據該協議的附錄,EMC 製藥公司現在還將有權出售非處方藥Ocucyn,索諾瑪將有權出售向眼科醫生銷售的處方產品Acuicyn眼皮和睫毛清潔劑。

In addition, Sonoma is introducing a new design and consumer-friendly packaging for Ocucyn, featuring a one-piece dispense mechanism, which allows for more convenient use.


Ocucyn and Acuicyn are hypochlorous acid-based solutions designed to gently cleanse the area surrounding the eye, removing dirt, oil and debris along with microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi and viruses, using the power of Microcyn technology. The over-the-counter formulation of Ocucyn is ideal for daily eye hygiene and to relieve itch and irritation. Ocucyn is also used by ophthalmologists before and after eye exams, treatments or operations, or by skin care professionals following medspa treatments or any cosmetic procedure around the eyes. Acuicyn provides a prescription strength formula that ophthalmologists can utilize in their practice or prescribe to their patients to manage symptoms of chronic eye conditions such as dry eye, contact lens intolerance, blepharitis and meibomian gland dysfunction.

Ocucyn 和 Acuicyn 是次氯酸基溶液,旨在利用 Microcyn 技術的力量溫和地清潔眼睛周圍區域,去除污垢、油脂和碎屑以及細菌、真菌和病毒等微生物。Ocucyn 的非處方配方非常適合日常眼部衛生以及緩解瘙癢和刺激。眼科醫生在眼科檢查、治療或手術之前和之後也使用Ocucyn,或者皮膚護理專業人員在進行medspa治療或眼部周圍的任何美容手術後也使用Ocucyn。Acuicyn 提供一種處方強度配方,眼科醫生可以在實踐中使用該配方或給患者開處方,以控制慢性眼病的症狀,例如干眼症、隱形眼鏡不耐受、瞼炎和瞼板腺功能障礙。

The co-marketing of these products will allow Sonoma and EMC Pharma to provide their customers with additional options for eye care and expand the market reach for each product. Acuicyn and the newly redesigned Ocuyn will be presented by Sonoma and EMC Pharma at the American Academy of Ophthalmology's annual meeting in Chicago, October 18-21, 2024.

這些產品的聯合營銷將使Sonoma和EMC Pharma能夠爲其客戶提供更多的眼部護理選擇,並擴大每種產品的市場覆蓋範圍。Acuicyn和新設計的Ocuyn將由索諾瑪和EMC Pharma於2024年10月18日至21日在芝加哥舉行的美國眼科學會年會上展出。

"Eye care has been an area of growth for EMC and we are pleased to expand our partnership with Sonoma, and to expand our product offerings," said Eric Bailey, Chief Executive Officer of EMC Pharma. "Ocucyn will provide an over-the-counter option for our existing customers in addition to attracting new eye care customers in our distribution channels which include many government entities."

EMC 製藥公司首席執行官埃裏克·貝利表示:「眼部護理一直是 EMC 的增長領域,我們很高興擴大與 Sonoma 的合作伙伴關係,並擴展我們的產品供應。」「除了在我們的分銷渠道(包括許多政府機構)中吸引新的眼科護理客戶外,Ocucyn還將爲我們的現有客戶提供非處方藥選擇。」

"Our partnership with EMC Pharma has been a success for both companies, and we are excited to open up new channels for both Sonoma and EMC with this co-marketing agreement. Both companies have invested in marketing eye care products and by coordinating our efforts, we expect to increase sales of both OTC and prescription eye care," commented Amy Trombly, CEO of Sonoma. "We look forward to presenting this expanded product line at the AAO conference in October."

「我們與 EMC Pharma 的合作對兩家公司來說都取得了成功,我們很高興通過這份聯合營銷協議爲 Sonoma 和 EMC 開闢新的渠道。兩家公司都投資於眼部護理產品的營銷,通過協調我們的努力,我們預計將增加非處方眼保健和處方眼保健品的銷售額。」 索諾瑪首席執行官艾米·特隆布利評論道。「我們期待在10月的AAO會議上展示這一擴大的產品線。」

Ocucyn is available to consumers through our website and on Amazon. Products with new packaging can be ordered now for October delivery. For more information or to order Ocucyn Eyelid & Eyelash Cleanser, visit our website at or contact our customer service department at 720-452-9690 or

消費者可通過我們的網站和亞馬遜購買 Ocucyn。現在可以訂購帶有新包裝的產品,以便在 10 月發貨。欲了解更多信息或訂購 Ocucyn 眼皮和睫毛清潔劑,請訪問我們的網站或致電 720-452-9690 或 聯繫我們的客戶服務部門。

About EMC Pharma, LLC

關於 EMC 製藥有限責任公司

EMC Pharma is a pharmaceutical manufacturing and distribution company focused on sales, marketing and distribution of prescription pharmaceuticals within a full spectrum of therapeutic areas and dosage forms, and is committed to bringing innovative, cost-effective medications to its stakeholders. EMC Pharma leverages its global network of developers and manufacturing partners to create an expanding portfolio of pharmaceutical products commercialized for the US market. Further information about EMC Pharma can be found at .

EMC Pharma 是一家制藥和分銷公司,專注於各種治療領域和劑型的處方藥的銷售、營銷和分銷,並致力於爲其利益相關者提供具有成本效益的創新藥物。EMC Pharma 利用其全球開發人員和製造合作伙伴網絡來創建不斷擴大的面向美國市場商業化的藥品產品組合。有關 EMC 製藥公司的更多信息,請訪問。

About Sonoma Pharmaceuticals, Inc.


Sonoma Pharmaceuticals is a global healthcare leader for developing and producing stabilized hypochlorous acid (HOCl) products for a wide range of applications, including wound, eye, oral and nasal care, dermatological conditions, podiatry, animal health care and non-toxic disinfectants. Sonoma's products are clinically proven to reduce itch, pain, scarring, and irritation safely and without damaging healthy tissue. In-vitro and clinical studies of HOCl show it to safely manage skin abrasions, lacerations, minor irritations, cuts, and intact skin. Sonoma's products are sold either directly or via partners in 55 countries worldwide and the company actively seeks new distribution partners. The company's principal office is in Boulder, Colorado, with manufacturing operations in Guadalajara, Mexico. European marketing and sales are headquartered in Roermond, Netherlands. More information can be found at . For partnership opportunities, please contact

索諾瑪製藥是全球醫療保健領導者,開發和生產穩定的次氯酸(HOCl)產品,其應用範圍廣泛,包括傷口、眼睛、口腔和鼻腔護理、皮膚病、足病學、動物保健和無毒消毒劑。經臨床證明,索諾瑪的產品可以安全地減輕瘙癢、疼痛、疤痕和刺激,不會損壞健康組織。HOCl 的體外和臨床研究表明,它可以安全地管理皮膚擦傷、割傷、輕微刺激、割傷和皮膚完好無損。索諾瑪的產品直接或通過合作伙伴在全球55個國家銷售,該公司積極尋找新的分銷合作伙伴。該公司的總部位於科羅拉多州的博爾德,製造業務位於墨西哥瓜達拉哈拉。歐洲的營銷和銷售總部位於荷蘭魯爾蒙德。更多信息可以在以下網址找到。如需合作機會,請聯繫。

Forward-Looking Statements


Except for historical information herein, matters set forth in this press release are forward-looking within the meaning of the "safe harbor" provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including statements about the commercial and technology progress and future financial performance of Sonoma Pharmaceuticals, Inc. and its subsidiaries (the "company"). These forward-looking statements are identified by the use of words such as "continue," "develop," "anticipate," "expect" and "expand," among others. Forward-looking statements in this press release are subject to certain risks and uncertainties inherent in the company's business that could cause actual results to vary, including such risks that regulatory clinical and guideline developments may change, scientific data may not be sufficient to meet regulatory standards or receipt of required regulatory clearances or approvals, clinical results may not be replicated in actual patient settings, protection offered by the company's patents and patent applications may be challenged, invalidated or circumvented by its competitors, the available market for the company's products will not be as large as expected, the company's products will not be able to penetrate one or more targeted markets, revenues will not be sufficient to meet the company's cash needs, fund further development, as well as uncertainties relative to the COVID-19 pandemic and economic development, varying product formulations and a multitude of diverse regulatory and marketing requirements in different countries and municipalities, and other risks detailed from time to time in the company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The company disclaims any obligation to update these forward-looking statements, except as required by law.

除此處的歷史信息外,根據1995年《私人證券訴訟改革法》的 「安全港」 條款,包括有關索諾瑪製藥公司及其子公司(「公司」)商業和技術進步以及未來財務業績的陳述,本新聞稿中列出的事項均具有前瞻性。這些前瞻性陳述是通過使用 「繼續」、「發展」、「預測」、「期望」 和 「擴大」 等詞語來識別的。本新聞稿中的前瞻性陳述受公司業務固有的某些風險和不確定性的影響,這些風險和不確定性可能導致實際業績發生變化,包括監管臨床和指南的制定可能發生變化、科學數據可能不足以滿足監管標準或無法獲得所需的監管許可或批准、臨床結果可能無法在實際患者環境中複製、公司專利和專利申請提供的保護可能會受到質疑、失效或規避的風險其競爭對手,公司產品的可用市場將不會像預期的那麼大,公司的產品將無法滲透到一個或多個目標市場,收入將不足以滿足公司的現金需求,爲進一步發展提供資金,以及與 COVID-19 疫情和經濟發展相關的不確定性,不同的產品配方以及不同國家和城市的多種不同的監管和營銷要求以及不時詳述的其他風險公司向其提交的文件證券交易委員會。除非法律要求,否則公司不承擔任何更新這些前瞻性陳述的義務。

Sonoma Pharmaceuticals, Microcyn, Ocucyn and Acuicyn are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sonoma Pharmaceuticals, Inc. All other trademarks and service marks are the property of their respective owners.


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