
Stoke Therapeutics Presents Zorevunersen Data Showing Substantial Reductions in Seizures and Improvements in Multiple Measures of Cognition and Behavior That Support the Potential for Disease Modification in Dravet Syndrome

Stoke Therapeutics Presents Zorevunersen Data Showing Substantial Reductions in Seizures and Improvements in Multiple Measures of Cognition and Behavior That Support the Potential for Disease Modification in Dravet Syndrome

stoke therapeutics發佈Zorevunersen數據,顯示癲癇發作大大減少,並且認知和行爲多項指標均有改善,這有助於支持在Dravet綜合症中可能實現疾病修改。
Stoke Therapeutics ·  09/10 12:00

– New data showed improvements in cognition and behavior during the first year of treatment with additional increases demonstrated as treatment continued –

— 新數據顯示,在治療的第一年中,認知和行爲有所改善,隨着治療的繼續,認知和行爲也有所改善 —

– Clinical effects observed across the Phase 1/2a and open-label extension studies (OLEs) of zorevunersen are a first in the treatment of Dravet syndrome and support plans for the Company's Phase 3 registrational study –

— 在zorevunersen的1/2a期和開放標籤擴展研究(OLE)中觀察到的臨床效果是Dravet綜合徵治療的首例,也是該公司3期註冊研究的支持計劃—

– Zorevunersen generally well-tolerated across the studies –

— Zorevunersen 在整個研究中普遍耐受性良好 —

– Data presented for the first time at the 15th European Epilepsy Congress (EEC) –

— 在第十五屆歐洲癲癇大會(EEC)上首次公佈的數據 —

BEDFORD, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Sep. 10, 2024--Stoke Therapeutics, Inc. (Nasdaq: STOK), a biotechnology company dedicated to restoring protein expression by harnessing the body's potential with RNA medicine, today announced highlights from presentations at the 15th European Epilepsy Congress (EEC) related to the Company's work to develop the first disease-modifying medicine for Dravet syndrome. Zorevunersen (STK-001) data showing substantial and sustained reductions in seizures and meaningful improvements in multiple measures of cognition and behavior were presented for the first time in a scientific forum. New data from an analysis of patients treated in the Phase 1/2a ADMIRAL study showed improvements in cognition and behavior during the first year of treatment with additional increases demonstrated as treatment continued. In addition, data from a two-year natural history study presented at the meeting showed that despite treatment with standard-of-care antiseizure medications, patients with Dravet syndrome continued to have high seizure rates and plateaued in their neurodevelopment, resulting in a widening gap in development compared to their neurotypical peers.

馬薩諸塞州貝德福德--(美國商業資訊)--2024年9月10日--致力於通過利用人體核糖核酸藥物來恢復蛋白質表達的生物技術公司Stoke Therapeutics, Inc.(納斯達克股票代碼:STOK)今天公佈了第15屆歐洲癲癇大會 (EEC) 上與該公司開發第一種治療德拉維特綜合徵疾病的藥物有關的演講要點。Zorevunersen(STK-001)的數據首次在科學論壇上公佈,該數據顯示發作量大幅持續減少,多種認知和行爲指標都有顯著改善。對在1/2a期ADMIRAL研究中接受治療的患者進行分析的新數據顯示,在治療的第一年,認知和行爲有所改善,隨着治療的繼續,認知和行爲也有所改善。此外,會上公佈的一項爲期兩年的自然史研究數據顯示,儘管使用了標準護理的抗癲癇藥物進行治療,但德拉維特綜合徵患者的癲癇發作率仍然很高,神經發育停滯不前,這導致與神經型同齡人相比發育差距擴大。

Dravet syndrome is a severe and progressive genetic epilepsy characterized by frequent, prolonged and refractory seizures beginning within the first year of life. The disease is classified as a developmental and epileptic encephalopathy due to the developmental delays and cognitive impairment associated with the disease. There are no approved disease-modifying therapies for people living with Dravet syndrome, which occurs in one out of 16,000 babies.

Dravet 綜合徵是一種嚴重的進行性遺傳性癲癇,其特徵是在出生後的第一年內發作頻繁、長期和難治性發作。由於與該疾病相關的發育遲緩和認知障礙,該疾病被歸類爲發育和癲癇性腦病。目前尚無經批准的針對Dravet綜合徵患者的疾病改善療法,每16,000名嬰兒中就有一人患有Dravet綜合症。

"The profound reductions in seizures and improvements in cognition and behavior seen in these studies open the door to a new era in the treatment of Dravet syndrome and provide convincing evidence of the potential for zorevunersen as the first disease-modifying medicine," said Helen Cross, MB ChB, Ph.D., Professor, The Prince of Wales's Chair of Childhood Epilepsy and Director of University College London Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health, Honorary Consultant in Paediatric Neurology, and the ADMIRAL study lead investigator. "We are very encouraged by the data from the Phase 1/2a ADMIRAL study that showed substantial reductions in seizures and meaningful improvements in cognition and behavior within the first year of treatment. As patients continue treatment in the open-label extension study we see even greater improvements in their cognition and behavior, which is remarkable."

威爾士親王兒童癲癇系主任、倫敦大學學院大奧蒙德街兒童健康研究所所長海倫·克羅斯博士說:「在這些研究中,癲癇發作大幅減少以及認知和行爲的改善爲Dravet綜合徵治療的新時代打開了大門,併爲zorevunersen有可能成爲第一種改善疾病的藥物提供了令人信服的證據。」 兒科神經病學顧問,ADMIRAL研究首席研究員。「1/2a期ADMIRAL研究的數據使我們感到非常鼓舞,該研究顯示,在治療的第一年內,癲癇發作大幅減少,認知和行爲有了顯著改善。隨着患者在開放標籤延期研究中繼續接受治療,我們看到他們的認知和行爲有了更大的改善,這非常了不起。」

"The two-year natural history data provide clear evidence that current anti-seizure medicines are insufficient because even with the best available medicines patients still suffer from continued high rates of seizures and, as these children age, their development falls further behind their neurotypical peers," said Barry Ticho, M.D., Ph.D., Chief Medical Officer of Stoke Therapeutics. "Data from our clinical studies of zorevunersen provide a glimpse into the future of treatment for patients with Dravet syndrome. The data from our studies suggest that by restoring protein expression with zorevunersen, we may be able to substantially reduce seizures beyond any benefit patients are currently receiving from anti-seizure medicines. Even more promising is the potential to improve cognition and behavior, which has never before been demonstrated in a clinical study of Dravet syndrome. These data provide confidence in our plans for a Phase 3 registrational study, including the dose regimen and clinical endpoints."

Stoke Therapeutics首席醫學官巴里·蒂喬萬博士說:「兩年的自然史數據提供了明確的證據,表明目前的抗癲癇藥物還不夠,因爲即使有最好的藥物,患者的癲癇發作率仍然居高不下,而且隨着這些孩子年齡的增長,他們的發育進一步落後於神經型同齡人。」「我們對zorevunersen的臨床研究數據讓人們一窺德拉維特綜合徵患者的治療未來。我們的研究數據表明,通過使用zorevunersen恢復蛋白表達,除了患者目前從抗癲癇藥物中獲得的任何益處外,我們可能能夠顯著減少癲癇發作。更有希望的是改善認知和行爲的潛力,這在德拉維特綜合徵的臨床研究中從未得到證實。這些數據爲我們的3期註冊研究計劃(包括劑量方案和臨床終點)提供了信心。」

Highlights from the Company's presentations at the meeting include:


  • MONARCH and ADMIRAL Phase 1/2a studies [Paediatric Epileptology Session: Tuesday, September 10 at 12:22PM CEST]: Single and multiple doses of zorevunersen up to 70mg were generally well tolerated. Patients treated with 2 or 3 doses of 70mg of zorevunersen experienced median seizure reductions of 85% (n=10) at 3 months and 74% (n=9) at 6 months after the last dose, compared to baseline. Multiple doses of zorevunersen (30mg, 45mg, or 70mg) led to meaningful improvements in multiple measures of cognition and behavior within the first year of treatment, including receptive communication, interpersonal relationships and gross motor skills.
  • MONARCH 和 ADMIRAL 1/2a 期研究 [小兒癲癇學會議:歐洲中部標準時間9月10日星期二下午 12:22]:單劑量和多劑量不超過 70 毫克的 zorevunersen 的耐受性通常良好。與基線相比,接受2或3劑70mg的zorevunersen治療的患者在3個月時發作中位數減少了85%(n=10),在最後一次給藥後的6個月中位發作減少74%(n=9)。在治療的第一年內,多劑量的zorevunersen(30mg、45mg或70mg)使多種認知和行爲指標得到有意義的改善,包括接受性溝通、人際關係和大肌肉運動技能。
  • SWALLOWTAIL and LONGWING open label extension (OLE) studies [Poster: P875]: Safety findings among patients who continued treatment were consistent with the findings from the Phase 1/2a studies, except for a greater incidence of cerebrospinal fluid protein elevation. Durable reductions in convulsive seizure frequency were observed throughout the course of treatment. In addition, data indicated meaningful improvements in multiple measures of cognition and behavior over the first year of continued dosing of zorevunersen.
  • SWALLOWTAIL和LONGWING開放標籤延期(OLE)研究 [海報:P875]:除了腦脊液蛋白升高的發生率更高外,繼續治療的患者的安全性發現與1/2a期研究的結果一致。在整個治療過程中,觀察到驚厥發作頻率持續下降。此外,數據表明,在持續服用zorevunersen的第一年中,多種認知和行爲指標都有顯著改善。
  • BUTTERFLY (natural history study) [Poster: P788]: Compared to their neurotypical peers, adaptive functioning and neurodevelopment in patients with Dravet syndrome generally plateaued, resulting in a widening developmental gap over time. Seizure rates remained high over 24 months despite treatment with standard-of-care antiseizure medications.
  • BUTTERFLY(自然史研究)[海報:P788]:與神經型同齡人相比,德拉維特綜合徵患者的適應功能和神經發育普遍停滯不前,導致發育差距隨着時間的推移而擴大。儘管使用了標準護理抗癲癇藥物進行治療,但發作率在24個月內仍居高不下。

All presentations are available for download on the Stoke Therapeutics website under the Investors & News tab.

所有演示文稿均可在Stoke Therapeutics網站上的 「投資者與新聞」 選項卡下下載。

About Dravet Syndrome


Dravet syndrome is a severe and progressive genetic epilepsy characterized by frequent, prolonged and refractory seizures, beginning within the first year of life. Dravet syndrome is difficult to treat and has a poor long-term prognosis. Complications of the disease often contribute to a poor quality of life for patients and their caregivers. The effects of the disease go beyond seizures and often include intellectual disability, developmental delays, movement and balance issues, language and speech disturbances, growth defects, sleep abnormalities, disruptions of the autonomic nervous system and mood disorders. The disease is classified as a developmental and epileptic encephalopathy due to the developmental delays and cognitive impairment associated with the disease. Compared with the general epilepsy population, people living with Dravet syndrome have a higher risk of sudden unexpected death in epilepsy, or SUDEP. There are no approved disease-modifying therapies for people living with Dravet syndrome. One out of 16,000 babies are born with Dravet syndrome, which is not concentrated in a particular geographic area or ethnic group.

Dravet 綜合徵是一種嚴重的進行性遺傳性癲癇,其特徵是發作頻繁、長時間和難治性發作,發作始於出生後的第一年。Dravet 綜合徵難以治療,長期預後也很差。該疾病的併發症通常導致患者及其護理人員的生活質量差。這種疾病的影響不僅限於癲癇發作,通常還包括智力障礙、發育遲緩、運動和平衡問題、語言和言語障礙、生長缺陷、睡眠異常、自主神經系統中斷和情緒障礙。由於與該疾病相關的發育遲緩和認知障礙,該疾病被歸類爲發育和癲癇性腦病。與一般癲癇人群相比,Dravet綜合徵患者在癲癇(SUDEP)中突然死亡的風險更高。尚無經批准的針對德拉維特綜合徵患者的疾病改善療法。每16,000名嬰兒中就有一名出生時患有德拉維特綜合症,這種綜合徵並不集中在特定的地理區域或族裔群體。

About Zorevunersen (STK-001)

關於 Zorevunersen (stK-001)

Zorevunersen is an investigational new medicine for the treatment of Dravet syndrome currently being evaluated in ongoing clinical trials. Stoke believes that zorevunersen, a proprietary antisense oligonucleotide (ASO), has the potential to be the first disease-modifying therapy to address the genetic cause of Dravet syndrome. Zorevunersen is designed to upregulate NaV1.1 protein expression by leveraging the non-mutant (wild-type) copy of the SCN1A gene to restore physiological NaV1.1 levels, thereby reducing both occurrence of seizures and significant non-seizure comorbidities. Zorevunersen has been granted orphan drug designation by the FDA and the EMA, and rare pediatric disease designation by the FDA as a potential new treatment for Dravet syndrome.

Zorevunersen是一種治療德拉維特綜合徵的研究性新藥,目前正在進行的臨床試驗中進行評估。斯托克認爲,專有的反義寡核苷酸(ASO)zorevunersen有可能成爲第一種針對德拉維特綜合徵遺傳原因的疾病改善療法。Zorevunersen 旨在利用 SCN1A 基因的非突變體(野生型)拷貝來恢復生理 Nav1.1 水平,從而減少癲癇發作和嚴重的非癲癇發作合併症的發生,從而上調 Nav1.1 蛋白的表達。Zorevunersen已被美國食品藥品管理局和歐洲藥品管理局授予孤兒藥稱號,並被美國食品藥品管理局認定爲德拉維特綜合徵的潛在新療法。

About the U.S. Studies: MONARCH (Phase 1/2a) and SWALLOWTAIL (OLE)


The MONARCH study was a Phase 1/2a open-label study of children and adolescents ages 2 to 18 who have an established diagnosis of Dravet syndrome and have evidence of a genetic mutation in the SCN1A gene. The primary objectives for the study were to assess the safety and tolerability of zorevunersen (STK-001), as well as to determine the pharmacokinetics in plasma and exposure in cerebrospinal fluid. A secondary objective was to assess the efficacy as an adjunctive antiepileptic treatment with respect to the percentage change from baseline in convulsive seizure frequency.

MONARCH 研究是一項 1/2a 期開放標籤研究,針對 2 至 18 歲的兒童和青少年,他們已確診爲 Dravet 綜合徵,並有 SCN1A 基因存在基因突變的證據。該研究的主要目標是評估zorevunersen(stK-001)的安全性和耐受性,以及確定血漿中的藥代動力學和腦脊液暴露。次要目標是根據驚厥發作頻率與基線相比的百分比變化,評估作爲輔助抗癲癇治療的療效。

Following completion of MONARCH, patients who met study entry criteria were eligible to continue treatment in SWALLOWTAIL, an open-label extension (OLE) study designed to evaluate the long-term safety and tolerability of repeat doses of zorevunersen. The study is also evaluating the long-term effects of zorevunersen on convulsive seizure frequency and on behavior, cognition and overall quality of life. Dosing in SWALLOWTAIL is ongoing.

MONARCH完成後,符合研究進入標準的患者有資格繼續接受SWALLOWTAIL的治療。SWALLOWTAIL是一項開放標籤延期(OLE)研究,旨在評估重複服用zorevunersen的長期安全性和耐受性。該研究還評估了zorevunersen對驚厥發作頻率以及行爲、認知和整體生活質量的長期影響。SWALLOWTAIL 的劑量仍在進行中。

About the UK Studies: ADMIRAL (Phase 1/2a) and LONGWING (OLE)

英國研究簡介:ADMIRAL(第 1/2a 階段)和 LONGWING(OLE)

The ADMIRAL study was a Phase 1/2a open-label study of children and adolescents ages 2 to <18 who have an established diagnosis of Dravet syndrome and have evidence of a genetic mutation in the SCN1A gene. The primary objectives for the study were to assess the safety and tolerability of multiple doses of zorevunersen (STK-001), as well as to determine the pharmacokinetics in plasma and exposure in cerebrospinal fluid. A secondary objective was to assess the effect of multiple doses of zorevunersen as an adjunctive antiepileptic treatment with respect to the percentage change from baseline in convulsive seizure frequency. Overall clinical status and quality of life were secondary endpoints of ADMIRAL.


Following completion of ADMIRAL, patients who met study entry criteria were eligible to continue treatment in LONGWING, an open-label extension (OLE) study designed to evaluate the long-term safety and tolerability of repeat doses of zorevunersen. The study is also evaluating the long-term effects of zorevunersen on convulsive seizure frequency and on behavior, cognition and overall quality of life. Dosing in LONGWING is ongoing.

ADMIRAL完成後,符合研究入學標準的患者有資格繼續接受LONGWING的治療。LONGWING是一項開放標籤延期(OLE)研究,旨在評估重複服用zorevunersen的長期安全性和耐受性。該研究還評估了zorevunersen對驚厥發作頻率以及行爲、認知和整體生活質量的長期影響。LONGWING 的劑量仍在進行中。

About the BUTTERFLY Observational Study


The BUTTERFLY study was a multicenter, longitudinal, prospective, observational study of children and adolescents ages 2 to 18 who have been diagnosed with Dravet syndrome as a result of an SCN1A gene mutation. This study was designed to evaluate neurodevelopmental status and change from baseline to 24 months. Secondary and exploratory endpoints in the study evaluated changes in other disease measures, including seizures and additional non-seizure comorbidities. No investigational medications or other treatments were provided. Participants continued to receive their usual care, including anti-seizure medications, and were observed for up to two years. The study was conducted at approximately 20 sites in the United States. Two-year results were presented at the American Epilepsy Society Annual Meeting in December 2023 and showed that, on average, patients experienced no meaningful improvement in convulsive seizure frequency and exhibited widening gaps in cognition and behavior compared to neurotypical peers, despite treatment with the best available anti-seizure medicines.

BUTTERFLY 研究是一項多中心、縱向、前瞻性的觀察性研究,針對因 SCN1A 基因突變而被診斷出患有 Dravet 綜合徵的 2 至 18 歲兒童和青少年。這項研究旨在評估神經發育狀態以及從基線到24個月的變化。該研究的次要和探索性終點評估了其他疾病衡量標準的變化,包括癲癇發作和其他非發作合併症。沒有提供研究藥物或其他治療方法。參與者繼續接受常規護理,包括抗癲癇藥物,並接受長達兩年的觀察。該研究是在美國大約20個地點進行的。在2023年12月的美國癲癇協會年會上公佈了爲期兩年的結果,結果顯示,儘管使用了現有最好的抗癲癇藥物進行治療,但平均而言,與神經型同齡人相比,患者的驚厥發作頻率沒有顯著改善,認知和行爲差距越來越大。

About Stoke Therapeutics


Stoke Therapeutics (Nasdaq: STOK), is a biotechnology company dedicated to restoring protein expression by harnessing the body's potential with RNA medicine. Using Stoke's proprietary TANGO (Targeted Augmentation of Nuclear Gene Output) approach, Stoke is developing antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs) to selectively restore protein levels. Stoke's first compound, zorevunersen (STK-001), is in clinical testing for the treatment of Dravet syndrome, a severe and progressive genetic epilepsy. Dravet syndrome is one of many diseases caused by a haploinsufficiency, in which a loss of ~50% of normal protein levels leads to disease. Stoke is pursuing the development of STK-002 for the treatment of autosomal dominant optic atrophy (ADOA), the most common inherited optic nerve disorder. Stoke's initial focus is haploinsufficiencies and diseases of the central nervous system and the eye, although proof of concept has been demonstrated in other organs, tissues, and systems, supporting its belief in the broad potential for its proprietary approach. Stoke is headquartered in Bedford, Massachusetts with offices in Cambridge, Massachusetts. For more information, visit .

Stoke Therapeutics(納斯達克股票代碼:STOK)是一家生物技術公司,致力於通過利用RNA藥物利用人體的潛力來恢復蛋白質表達。斯托克正在使用斯托克專有的TANGO(靶向增強核基因輸出)方法,開發反義寡核苷酸(ASO),以選擇性地恢復蛋白質水平。斯托克的第一個化合物zorevunersen(stK-001)正在臨床測試中,用於治療Dravet綜合徵,這是一種嚴重的進行性遺傳性癲癇。德拉維特綜合徵是單倍體功能不全引起的衆多疾病之一,在這種疾病中,正常蛋白質水平的損失約50%會導致疾病。斯托克正在開發用於治療常染色體顯性視神經萎縮(ADOA)的stK-002,這是最常見的遺傳性視神經疾病。斯托克最初的重點是單倍體功能不全以及中樞神經系統和眼睛的疾病,儘管概念驗證已在其他器官、組織和系統中得到證實,這支持了其相信其專有方法具有廣泛潛力的信念。斯托克總部位於馬薩諸塞州貝德福德,在馬薩諸塞州劍橋設有辦事處。欲了解更多信息,請訪問。

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements


This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the "safe harbor" provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including, but not limited to: the ability of zorevunersen to treat the underlying causes of Dravet syndrome and reduce seizures or show improvements in non-seizure comorbidities and the timing and expected progress of clinical trials, regulatory meetings and regulatory decisions. Statements including words such as "expect," "plan," "will," "continue," or "ongoing" and statements in the future tense are forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties, as well as assumptions, which, if they prove incorrect or do not fully materialize, could cause our results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements, including, but not limited to, risks and uncertainties related to: the Company's ability to advance, obtain regulatory approval of, and ultimately commercialize its product candidates, including zorevunersen; the timing of data readouts and interim and final results of preclinical and clinical trials; the receipt and timing of potential regulatory decisions; positive results in a clinical trial may not be replicated in subsequent trials or successes in early stage clinical trials may not be predictive of results in later stage trials; the Company's ability to fund development activities and achieve development goals; the Company's ability to protect its intellectual property; the direct or indirect impact of global business, political and macroeconomic conditions, including inflation, interest rate volatility, cybersecurity events, uncertainty with respect to the federal budget, instability in the global banking system and volatile market conditions, and global events, including public health crises, and ongoing geopolitical conflicts, such as the conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East; and other risks and uncertainties described under the heading "Risk Factors" in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, its quarterly reports on Form 10-Q, and the other documents it files from time to time with the Securities and Exchange Commission. These forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of this press release, and the Company undertakes no obligation to revise or update any forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date hereof.

本新聞稿包含1995年《私人證券訴訟改革法》「安全港」 條款所指的前瞻性陳述,包括但不限於:zorevunersen治療德拉維特綜合徵根本原因和減少癲癇發作或顯示非發作合併症改善的能力,以及臨床試驗、監管會議和監管決策的時間和預期進展。包含 「期望」、「計劃」、「將」、「繼續」 或 「持續」 等詞語的陳述以及未來時態的陳述均爲前瞻性陳述。這些前瞻性陳述涉及風險和不確定性以及假設,如果事實證明不正確或未完全實現,則可能導致我們的業績與此類前瞻性陳述所表達或暗示的業績存在重大差異,包括但不限於以下方面的風險和不確定性:公司推進、獲得監管部門批准並最終將其包括zorevunersen在內的候選產品商業化的能力;數據讀取的時間以及中期和最終業績臨床前和臨床試驗;潛在監管決策的接收和時間;臨床試驗的積極結果可能無法在隨後的試驗中複製,或者早期臨床試驗的成功可能無法預測後期試驗的結果;公司爲發展活動提供資金和實現發展目標的能力;公司保護其知識產權的能力;全球商業、政治和宏觀經濟條件的直接或間接影響,包括通貨膨脹、利率波動、網絡安全事件、與之相關的不確定性聯邦預算、全球銀行系統的不穩定和動盪的市場狀況、全球事件,包括公共衛生危機和持續的地緣政治衝突,例如烏克蘭和中東的衝突;以及公司截至2023年12月31日的10-k表年度報告、其10-Q表季度報告及其不時向美國證券交易所提交的其他文件中 「風險因素」 標題下描述的其他風險和不確定性佣金。這些前瞻性陳述僅代表截至本新聞稿發佈之日,公司沒有義務修改或更新任何前瞻性陳述以反映本新聞稿發佈之日之後的事件或情況。

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Stoke Media & Investor Contacts:
Dawn Kalmar
Chief Communications Officer

Stoke 媒體與投資者聯繫人:

Doug Snow
Director, Communications & Investor Relations


Source: Stoke Therapeutics, Inc.

來源:Stoke Therapeutics, Inc

