
Solaris Identifies Additional Veins as Celestina Epithermal Target Takes Shape; Reports 16,019 G/t Silver and 25.3 G/t Gold in Follow-Up Sampling

Solaris Identifies Additional Veins as Celestina Epithermal Target Takes Shape; Reports 16,019 G/t Silver and 25.3 G/t Gold in Follow-Up Sampling

Solaris Resources Inc ·  09/10 12:00

Solaris Identifies Additional Veins as Celestina Epithermal Target Takes Shape;  Reports 16,019 g/t Silver and 25.3 g/t Gold in Follow-Up Sampling

隨着 Celestina 超熱目標的形成,Solaris 發現了更多礦脈;後續採樣中報告了 16,019 g/t 銀和 25.3 g/t 金

September 10, 2024 – Quito, Ecuador – Solaris Resources Inc. (TSX: SLS; NYSE: SLSR) ("Solaris" or the "Company") is pleased to provide an update on recent results from the Celestina target area as part of its continuing district exploration program. Celestina lies within the search domain for epithermal deposits east of the Warintza porphyry cluster and is defined by a 4.5km by 3km area of hydrothermal alteration and elevated zinc, lead, arsenic and mercury values in soil.

2024年9月10日——厄瓜多爾基多——作爲其持續區域勘探計劃的一部分,Solaris資源公司(TSX:SLS;紐約證券交易所代碼:SLSR)(「Solaris」 或 「公司」)很高興提供塞萊斯蒂納目標區域的最新業績。Celestina位於Warintza斑岩群以東的超熱液沉積物搜索範圍內,其定義是4.5千米乘3千米的水熱蝕變區域以及土壤中鋅、鉛、砷和汞含量升高。

Additional prospecting in an overburden-covered area outside of these anomalies has identified three parallel vein exposures in creek beds within 100m either side of the original breccia outcrop (see press release dated June 25, 2024). Follow-up rock chip sampling has returned high values of 16,019 g/t silver and 25.3 g/t gold, with other samples supporting the presence of an underlying silver-gold-base metals vein system.


The exposures that have been identified to date are located in a soft and chemically-reactive mudstone unit that may have acted as a caprock to the hydrothermal system. The conceptual exploration target at Celestina therefore lies in the underlying volcanic rocks that had full exposure to the hydrothermal cell while also having the properties to support robust vein and fracture formation.


Ongoing field work is now focused on locating additional exposures that provide further views to the underlying vein system while expanding coverage to define its areal extent. More detailed mapping, sampling and alteration studies are aiming to better define zonation while nearby geotechnical drilling this month is expected to confirm the stratigraphic sequence. Together these efforts will aid in establishing vectors to support site selection for initial reconnaissance drilling.


District exploration efforts in other target areas continue to progress with recent geotechnical drilling in the Caya-Mateo target area encountering epithermal clay alteration beneath overburden in a sandstone unit and high-temperature alteration in the underlying volcanics. Geotechnical drilling in the Mateo area encountered the same high-temperature alteration in volcanics with follow-up mapping and sampling programs planned to extend coverage further southeast toward its interpreted core.


Figure 1 – Maps of Soil and Alteration Anomalies

圖 1 — 土壤和蝕變異常地圖

Figure 1: Left - map showing zinc and lead soil anomalies that are thought to reflect zonation within the Celestina hydrothermal system together with arsenic and mercury epithermal pathfinder elements. Right - hydrothermal clay alteration anomalies provide additional information to establish zonation.

圖 1:左-顯示鋅和鉛土壤異常的地圖,這些異常被認爲反映了 Celestina 熱液系統內的分區以及砷和汞超熱探路者元素。右-熱液粘土蝕變異常爲建立分區提供了額外的信息。

Figure 2 – Cross-Section of Conceptual Exploration Target

圖 2 — 概念探索目標的橫截面

Figure 2: Conceptual cross-section showing mudstone unit hosting surface exposures stratigraphically above the exploration target in competent volcanic rocks capable of supporting robust vein development. Specimens from three quartz-carbonate veins displaying semi-massive sulphides. Lines in the scale bar in the photographs are at mm intervals.

圖 2:概念橫截面顯示,在能夠支持穩健礦脈發育的合格火山岩中,泥岩單元的地層暴露在勘探目標上方。來自三條石英碳酸鹽礦脈的標本顯示出半塊狀硫化物。照片中比例尺中的線條間隔爲毫米。

Figure 3 – Vein Specimen Closeup

圖 3 — 靜脈標本特寫

Figure 3: Specimen from quartz-carbonate vein which assayed 0.09 g/t Au, 21 g/t Ag, 42 ppm As, 11 ppm Sb. Lines in the scale bar in the photograph are at mm intervals.

圖 3:石英碳酸鹽礦脈樣本,測定了 0.09 g/t Ag、21 g/t Ag、42 ppm As、11 ppm Sb。照片中比例尺中的線條間隔爲 mm。

Technical Information and Quality Control & Quality Assurance


Soil and rock sample assay results have been independently monitored through a quality control/quality assurance ("QA/QC") program that includes the insertion of blind certified reference materials (standards), blanks and field duplicate samples. Logging and sampling are completed at a secured Company facility located on site. Sample pulps are sent to ALS Labs in Lima, Peru and Vancouver, Canada for analysis. Total copper and silver contents are determined by four-acid digestion with AAS finish. Gold is determined by fire assay of a 30-gram charge. In addition, selected pulp check samples are sent to Bureau Veritas lab in Lima, Peru. Both ALS Labs and Bureau Veritas lab are independent of Solaris. Solaris is not aware of any drilling, sampling, recovery or other factors that could materially affect the accuracy or reliability of the data referred to herein. The technical data has been verified by Jorge Fierro, M.Sc., DIC, PG, using data validation and quality assurance procedures under high industry standards. The verification activities included a search for factual errors, completeness of the lithological and assay data, and suitability of the primary data. As part of the database verification activities, the assay information and certificates obtained directly from the analytical laboratory have been examined as well.

土壤和岩石樣本分析結果已通過質量控制/質量保證(「QA/QC」)計劃進行了獨立監測,該計劃包括插入盲目認證參考材料(標準)、空白樣本和現場重複樣本。記錄和採樣在位於現場的公司安全設施中完成。樣本紙漿被送往秘魯利馬和加拿大溫哥華的ALS實驗室進行分析。銅和銀的總含量是通過四酸消化和 AAS 處理來確定的。黃金是通過對30克電荷進行火化驗來確定的。此外,選定的紙漿檢查樣本被送往秘魯利馬的必維實驗室。ALS 實驗室和必維實驗室都獨立於 Solaris。Solaris沒有發現任何可能對本文所述數據的準確性或可靠性產生重大影響的鑽探、取樣、回收或其他因素。技術數據已由豪爾赫·菲爾羅萬.Sc.、DIC、PG在高行業標準下使用數據驗證和質量保證程序進行了驗證。覈查活動包括尋找事實錯誤、巖性學和化驗數據的完整性以及原始數據的適用性。作爲數據庫覈查活動的一部分,還檢查了直接從分析實驗室獲得的化驗信息和證書。

Qualified Person


The scientific and technical content of this press release has been reviewed and approved by Jorge Fierro, M.Sc., DIC, PG, Vice President Exploration of Solaris who is a "Qualified Person" as defined in National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.  Jorge Fierro is a Registered Professional Geologist through the SME (registered member #4279075).

本新聞稿的科學和技術內容已經過Solaris勘探副總裁Jorge Fierrowan.Sc.、DIC、PG的審查和批准,他是《國家儀器43-101礦業項目披露標準》中定義的 「合格人員」。豪爾赫·菲耶羅是中小企業註冊的專業地質學家(註冊會員 #4279075)。

On behalf of the Board of Solaris Resources Inc.

代表 Solaris Resources Inc. 董事會

"Daniel Earle"
President & CEO, Director


For Further Information


Jacqueline Wagenaar, VP Investor Relations
Direct: 416-366-5678 Ext. 203

直線:416-366-5678 分機 203

About Solaris Resources Inc.

關於 Solaris 資源公司

Solaris is advancing a portfolio of copper and gold assets in the Americas, which includes a world class copper resource with expansion and discovery potential at its Warintza Project in Ecuador; a series of grass roots exploration projects with discovery potential in Peru and Chile; and significant leverage to increasing copper prices through its 60% interest in the La Verde joint-venture project with a subsidiary of Teck Resources in Mexico.

Solaris正在推進美洲的銅和黃金資產組合,其中包括其位於厄瓜多爾的Warintza項目具有擴張和發現潛力的世界級銅資源;秘魯和智利的一系列具有發現潛力的基層勘探項目;以及通過其與墨西哥泰克資源子公司在La Verde合資項目中佔60%的權益,爲提高銅價提供了重大槓桿作用。

Cautionary Notes and Forward-looking Statements


This document contains certain forward-looking information and forward-looking statements within the meaning of applicable securities legislation (collectively "forward-looking statements"). The use of the words "will" and "expected" and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. These statements include statements that other samples support the presence of an underlying silver-gold-base metals vein system, the mudstone unit may have acted as a caprock to the hydrothermal system, the conceptual exploration target at Celestina therefore lies in the underlying volcanic rocks that had full exposure to the hydrothermal cell while also having the properties to support robust vein and fracture formation, ongoing field work is now focused on locating additional exposures that provide further views to the underlying vein system while expanding coverage to define its areal extent, more detailed mapping, sampling and alteration studies are aiming to better define zonation while nearby geotechnical drilling this month is expected to confirm the stratigraphic sequence, together these efforts will aid in establishing vectors to support site selection for initial reconnaissance drilling, district exploration efforts in other target areas continue to progress with recent geotechnical drilling in the Caya-Mateo target area encountering epithermal clay alteration beneath overburden in a sandstone unit and high-temperature alteration in the underlying volcanics, geotechnical drilling in the Mateo area encountered the same high-temperature alteration in volcanics with follow-up mapping and sampling programs planned to extend coverage further southeast toward its interpreted core. Although Solaris believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements and/or information are reasonable, readers are cautioned that actual results may vary from the forward-looking statements. The Company has based these forward-looking statements and information on the Company's current expectations and assumptions about future events including assumptions regarding the exploration and regional programs. These statements also involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results or events to differ materially from those anticipated in such forward-looking statements, including the risks, uncertainties and other factors identified in the Solaris Management's Discussion and Analysis, for the year ended December 31, 2023 available at . Furthermore, the forward-looking statements contained in this news release are made as at the date of this news release and Solaris does not undertake any obligation to publicly update or revise any of these forward-looking statements except as may be required by applicable securities laws.

本文件包含適用證券立法所指的某些前瞻性信息和前瞻性陳述(統稱爲 「前瞻性陳述」)。使用 「將」 和 「預期」 這兩個詞以及類似的表述旨在識別前瞻性陳述。這些陳述包括其他樣本支持底層銀-金基金屬礦脈系統的陳述,泥岩單元可能充當了熱液系統的蓋板,因此,塞萊斯蒂納的概念勘探目標位於底層火山岩中,這些火山岩充分暴露於熱液電池中,同時還具有支持堅固礦脈和裂縫形成的特性,正在進行的實地工作現在的重點是尋找額外的暴露點,爲底層礦脈提供進一步的視圖系統正在擴展覆蓋範圍以確定其面積範圍,更詳細的測繪、取樣和變更研究旨在更好地定義分區,而本月附近的岩土工程鑽探預計將確認地層序列,這些努力共同將有助於建立向量以支持初步偵察鑽探的地點選擇,其他目標區域的區域勘探工作繼續取得進展,最近在Caya-Mateo目標區域進行的岩土工程鑽探在沙子覆蓋層下遇到了超熱粘土變化石頭單位和高頻單元地下火山的溫度變化,馬特奧地區的岩土工程鑽探在火山岩中遇到了同樣的高溫變化,後續測繪和採樣計劃計劃將覆蓋範圍向東南延伸至其解釋的岩心。儘管Solaris認爲此類前瞻性陳述和/或信息中反映的預期是合理的,但請讀者注意,實際業績可能與前瞻性陳述有所不同。公司的這些前瞻性陳述和信息基於公司當前對未來事件的預期和假設,包括對勘探和區域計劃的假設。這些陳述還涉及已知和未知的風險、不確定性和其他因素,這些因素可能導致實際業績或事件與此類前瞻性陳述中的預期存在重大差異,包括截至2023年12月31日止年度的Solaris管理層討論與分析中確定的風險、不確定性和其他因素,可在以下網址查閱。此外,本新聞稿中包含的前瞻性陳述是截至本新聞稿發佈之日作出的,除非適用的證券法有要求,否則Solaris不承擔任何義務公開更新或修改任何前瞻性陳述。

