
All-Civilian Polaris Dawn Crew Travels Farthest From Earth In Over 50 Years, Since NASA's Apollo Program

All-Civilian Polaris Dawn Crew Travels Farthest From Earth In Over 50 Years, Since NASA's Apollo Program

Benzinga ·  09/11 14:35

Elon Musk's spacecraft manufacturing company SpaceX said on Tuesday that the all-civilian Polaris Dawn mission has touched its maximum target altitude of 870 miles, marking the farthest humans have ventured from Earth in over 50 years.


What Happened: "Achievement unlocked – apogee 1,400.7 km," SpaceX said in a post on social media platform X, formerly Twitter.

發生了什麼:「成就已解鎖——最高點爲1400.7千米,」 SpaceX在社交媒體平台X(前身爲Twitter)上的一篇文章中說。

Achievement unlocked – apogee 1,400.7 km
Forward bulkhead Draco firing during burn

— SpaceX (@SpaceX) September 11, 2024

成就已解鎖 — 最高點 1,400.7 km

— SpaceX (@SpaceX) 2024 年 9 月 11 日

The International Space Station (ISS), in comparison, travels to a maximum altitude of only about 286 miles.


Touching the altitude of 870 miles was one of the key objectives of the Polaris Dawn mission. It is the furthest humans have traveled in space since the completion of NASA's Apollo program in 1972.

觸摸 870 英里的高度是 Polaris Dawn 任務的關鍵目標之一。這是自1972年美國宇航局阿波羅計劃完成以來人類在太空中旅行的最遠距離。

Days Ahead: Now that the company has cleared its altitude milestone, it is now looking to conduct the first-ever private spacewalk. The spacewalk is scheduled for Thursday nearly 435 miles above the Earth.


While space agency NASA routinely conducts extravehicular activities, no private player has attempted it before, making this a landmark mission for SpaceX and commercial spaceflight companies.


The crew will also conduct several research and science experiments on the mission.


Why It Matters: Polaris Dawn is the first of up to three human spaceflight missions planned under the Polaris program founded by Shift4 Payments CEO Jared Isaacman.

爲何重要:北極星黎明是Shift4 Payments首席執行官賈裏德·艾薩克曼創立的北極星計劃下計劃的多達三次載人太空飛行任務中的第一個。

SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket launched the mission to space from NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida at around 5:23 a.m. ET on Tuesday.

美國東部時間週二凌晨 5:23 左右,SpaceX的獵鷹9號火箭從佛羅里達州的美國宇航局肯尼迪航天中心發射了太空任務。

SpaceX's Dragon spacecraft and the all-civilian Polaris Crew composed of four including its mission commander Isaacman, Kidd Poteet, Sarah Gillis, and Anna Menon will spend up to five days in orbit before returning to Earth. While Isaacman and Poteet worked together at Shift4, Gillis and Menon are SpaceX engineers.


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Photo courtesy: Polaris Dawn

照片由 Polaris Dawn 提供

