
Trina Solar Secures €150 Million Credit Facility to Support IPP Transition

Trina Solar Secures €150 Million Credit Facility to Support IPP Transition

PR Newswire ·  09/11 11:42

CHANGZHOU, China, Sept. 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Trina Solar (Luxembourg) Holdings S.A.R.L., a subsidiary of Trina Solar Co., Ltd., has secured a €150 million revolving credit facility from Banco Santander to accelerate the growth of its downstream division, Trinasolar International System Business Unit ('ISBU') focusing on the development of utility-scale solar power and battery storage projects. The financing will support ISBU's transition to an Independent Power Producer (IPP).

中國常州,2024年9月10日 /PRNewswire/--天合光能有限公司的子公司天合光能(盧森堡)控股有限公司已從桑坦德銀行獲得1.5萬歐元的循環信貸額度,以加速其下游部門天合光能國際系統業務部(「ISBU」)的增長,該部門專注於公用事業規模的太陽能和電池的開發存儲項目。這筆融資將支持ISBU向獨立電力生產商(IPP)的過渡。

The facility is structured in two revolving tranches: a "non-recourse" tranche for assets under construction, and a "guaranteed" tranche for assets under development and acquisitions. It will primarily fund projects in Italy, Spain, the UK, France, and Germany.

該融資機制分爲兩個循環部分:針對在建資產的 「無追索權」 部分和用於開發和收購資產的 「擔保」 部分。它將主要爲意大利、西班牙、英國、法國和德國的項目提供資金。

Leonardo Lotti, Head of EMEA of ISBU, commented: "Historically, our focus has been developing, constructing, and selling the assets. Moving forward, we are expanding further into PPA organization, and asset operations, therefore enhancing value generation across the entire value chain."


Linhui Sui, President of ISBU, commented: "This credit facility marks a pivotal first step in our strategic transition from a project developer to an IPP. This shift not only accelerates our growth but also positions us as a long-term, strategic player."


Bart White, Head of Energy EMEA, Structured Finance at Santander commented: "We are delighted to support Trina Solar with this revolving financing that will boost their growth in Europe. Trina's sizeable renewable pipeline will make a meaningful contribution to energy transition targets in Europe, while also supporting Trinasolar ISBU's transformation into an IPP. This transaction is another step in Santander's global commitment to facilitate €220 billion euros in green financing until 2030"


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About Trinasolar ISBU

關於 Trinasolar ISBU

Trinasolar ISBU is the downstream project development arm of Trina Solar. It operates across 15 countries worldwide and focuses on solar power and battery energy storage systems, with expertise in project development, EPC, finance, and asset management.


SOURCE Trina Solar Co., Ltd

來源 Trina Solar 有限公司

