Everlight Solar Named "Madison.com People's Choice Favorite"
Everlight Solar Named "Madison.com People's Choice Favorite"
VERONA, Wis. , Sept. 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- This year, Everlight Solar has been recognized as Madison's People's Choice Favorite in the distinguished Solar Company category. This recognition reflects the trust and support of the community, highlighting Everlight Solar's dedication to providing clean, reliable energy solutions.
威斯康星州維羅納,2024年9月10日 /PRNewswire/ — 今年,Everlight Solar在傑出太陽能公司類別中被評爲麥迪遜的 「人民選擇最愛」。這一認可反映了社區的信任和支持,凸顯了Everlight Solar致力於提供清潔、可靠的能源解決方案的決心。
The Madison People's Choice Awards honor businesses and organizations surpassing expectations, highlighting creativity, perseverance, and diligence. Nominees are evaluated based on criteria such as their impact on families, contributions to the community, and individual achievements.
"We are truly grateful to everyone who voted for us and continues to believe in our mission of creating a sustainable future," said William Creech, President and CEO of Everlight Solar. "The support we've received fuels our commitment to delivering top-tier solar solutions in Madison, and we look forward to continuing to work toward a brighter future together."
Everlight Solar總裁兼首席執行官William Creech表示:「我們衷心感謝所有爲我們投票並繼續相信我們創造可持續未來的使命的人。」「我們獲得的支持推動了我們在麥迪遜提供頂級太陽能解決方案的承諾,我們期待繼續共同努力創造更光明的未來。」
This award celebrates Everlight Solar's consistent focus on quality and customer satisfaction. As a leading provider of solar energy solutions, the company remains dedicated to making clean energy accessible and helping to create a sustainable future for the Madison community.
該獎項旨在表彰Everlight Solar對質量和客戶滿意度的持續關注。作爲太陽能解決方案的領先提供商,該公司仍然致力於提供清潔能源,並幫助麥迪遜社區創造可持續的未來。
Learn more about previous Everlight Solar awards here.
在此處了解有關之前的 Everlight Solar 獎項的更多信息。
About Everlight Solar
Everlight Solar is the fastest-growing solar company in the Midwest, with operations in Wisconsin, Minnesota, Idaho, Nebraska, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, and Wyoming. Everlight Solar earned a spot on both the 2023 Inc. 5000 and 2024 Inc. 5000 lists in their first two years of eligibility. To learn more about open jobs or about going solar for your own home, visit .
Everlight Solar是中西部增長最快的太陽能公司,業務遍及威斯康星州、明尼蘇達州、愛達荷州、內布拉斯加州、內華達州、俄勒岡州、猶他州和懷俄明州。在獲得資格的頭兩年中,Everlight Solar在2023 Inc. 5000和2024 Inc. 5000榜單上均獲得了一席之地。要了解有關空缺職位或在家中使用太陽能的更多信息,請訪問。
SOURCE Everlight Solar
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