
3 Promising AI Stocks Cheaper Than NVIDIA

3 Promising AI Stocks Cheaper Than NVIDIA

The Motley Fool ·  09/11 04:40

American tech firm NVIDIA is the global leader in artificial intelligence (AI) computing. The graphics processing unit (GPU) manufacturer continues to dazzle investors due to the AI hype, except that it remains pricey after the stock split in June 2024.

美國科技公司英偉達是人工智能(AI)計算的全球領先者。 圖形處理單元(gpu芯片-雲計算)製造商繼續因人工智能的炒作而使投資者大爲讚歎,但2024年6月股票分拆後股價仍然昂貴。

Fortunately for Canadians, there are cheaper options on the TSX. Descartes Systems Group (TSX:DSG), Docebo (TSX:DCBO), and Exco Technologies Limited (TSX:XTC) are promising AI stocks that could deliver hefty gains like the AI king.

對於加拿大人來說,tsx上有更便宜的選擇。 Descartes Systems Group(TSX:DSG),Docebo(TSX:DCBO)和Exco Technologies Limited(TSX:XTC)都是有前途的人工智能股票,可以帶來可觀的收益。

Perfect extensions


Descartes benefits from the AI hype and is up nearly 20% year to date. The tech stock trades at $133.37 per share compared to US$106.21 for NVIDIA on the Nasdaq Composite. This $11.4 billion Waterloo-based firm provides cloud-based logistics and supply chain solutions.


In October 2021, Descartes unveiled its AI- and machine learning (ML)-based enhancements through the Routine, Mobile, and Telematics suite, one of seven solutions offerings. The enhancements enable customers to achieve outstanding optimization results while learning from real-world outcomes to maximize fleet performance.


Descartes takes pride in its global logistics network, which helps shippers, carriers and logistics services providers navigate an increasingly complex global trade landscape. However, Executive Vice President Ken Wood said, "AI and ML are perfect extensions to our advanced route optimization and execution capabilities."

Descartes以其全球物流網絡引以爲豪,該網絡幫助承運人、運輸商和物流服務提供商在日益複雜的全球貿易環境中導航。然而,執行副總裁Ken Wood表示:「AI和ML是我們先進路線優化和執行能力的完美延伸。」

Wood added that Descartes uses AI and ML to improve its ability to deliver the next level of fleet performance for customers.


AI foundation and innovation


Docebo specializes in learning management systems (LMS), and its learning platform is powered by artificial intelligence with several AI features. The $1.74 billion software company aims to enhance the deployment and management of learning programs. Customers can deliver automated and personalized learning at scale.


The AI stock trades at a slight discount (-10.17% year to date), and the share price of $57.48 is a good entry owing to the vast addressable LMS market. Because of the demand for interactive and smart learning platforms, projects the market to grow from US$23.35 billion in 2024 to US$82 billion by 2032.


Its interim chief executive officer (CEO), Alessio Artuffo, said the effective use of AI continues to set Docebo apart from legacy competitors. In Q2 2024, total revenue and subscription revenue rose 22% year over year to $53.1 million and $49.8 million, respectively. Docebo incurred a net loss of $5.7 million a year ago but reported a $4.7 million profit in the three quarters ending June 30, 2024.

Docebo的臨時首席執行官Alessio Artuffo表示,人工智能的有效使用使Docebo與傳統競爭對手有所區別。2024年Q2,總營收和訂閱收入分別同比增長22%,分別達到5310萬美元和4980萬美元。Docebo在一年前錄得570萬美元的淨虧損,但截至2024年6月30日的三個季度實現了470萬美元的利潤。

Enhancing productivity and efficiency


Exco Technologies seems out of place in the AI universe because it operates in the auto parts industry, but it isn't. The $316.7 million company derives revenue from two principal business segments: Casting & Extrusion and Automotive Solutions.

Exco Technologies在人工智能領域顯得格格不入,因爲它經營着汽車零件行業,但實際並非如此。該公司的營業收入主要來自兩個業務板塊:鑄造和擠壓以及汽車解決方案。

In the first three quarters of fiscal 2024 (nine months ending June 30, 2024), sales and net income increased 5.1% and 28.2% year over year to $482.3 million and $21.88 million. In the third quarter (Q3) of fiscal 2024, Exco's earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization and EPS (earnings per share) increased for the seventh consecutive quarter.


Its president and CEO, Darren Kirk, said Exco leverages advanced engineering, AI, and ML to stay ahead of global competition and significantly enhance productivity and efficiency. At $8.20 per share (+6.98% year to date), you can partake in the 5.12% dividend.


Pay foreign withholding tax


Canadians can purchase Descartes, Docebo, and Exco Technologies shares without hassle. However, Canadian investors must only hold foreign stocks like NVDA in a Registered Retirement Savings Plan to avoid paying U.S. income tax.

加拿大人可以毫無困擾地購買Descartes、docebo和Exco Technologies的股票。然而,加拿大投資者只能在註冊的養老儲蓄計劃中持有外國股票,如NVDA,以避免支付美國所得稅。

