
Matrix Service Company (MTRX) Q4 2024 Earnings Call Transcript Summary

Matrix Service Company (MTRX) Q4 2024 Earnings Call Transcript Summary

matrix service公司(MTRX) 2024年第四季度業績會交流總結
富途資訊 ·  09/11 01:39  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the Matrix Service Company (MTRX) Q4 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:


Financial Performance:


  • Matrix Service reported Q4 revenue increased to $189 million, a 14% increase from the previous quarter.

  • The company experienced a net loss of $4.4 million, or $0.16 per fully diluted share.

  • Gross margin reported was 6.6%, influenced by underrecovered construction overheads.

  • Matrix Service報告稱,第四季度收入增至1.89億美元,比上一季度增長14%。

  • 該公司淨虧損440萬美元,攤薄後每股虧損0.16美元。

  • 受建築管理費用回收不足的影響,報告的毛利率爲6.6%。

Business Progress:


  • Successfully completed a large renewable diesel project and progressed on multiple large storage and infrastructure projects.

  • Added $176 million in new project awards in Q4, with total awards for the year reaching $1.1 billion and a book-to-bill ratio of 1.5.

  • Backlog has increased by over 30% on a year-over-year basis, with a total backlog of $1.4 billion as the company enters fiscal 2025.

  • 成功完成了一個大型可再生柴油項目,並在多個大型存儲和基礎設施項目上取得了進展。

  • 第四季度增加了1.76億美元的新項目獎勵,該年度的獎勵總額達到11億美元,賬面賬單比率爲1.5。

  • 隨着公司進入2025財年,待辦事項同比增長了30%以上,積壓的總額爲14億美元。



  • Significant strength in the opportunity pipeline, particularly in storage and related facilities, expected to continue adding to backlog.

  • Matrix is actively pursuing a $6.1 billion opportunity pipeline across various sectors including LNG, NGLs, ammonia, hydrogen, utility generation, and electrical infrastructure.

  • 待處理機會的強勁勢頭,尤其是在倉儲和相關設施方面,預計將繼續增加待辦事項。

  • Matrix正在積極尋求一條價值61億美元的機會管道,涵蓋液化天然氣、液化天然氣、氨氣、氫氣、公用事業發電和電力基礎設施。



  • Revenue growth and project progression are dependent on market fundamentals, client decision-making, and the regulatory environment which can affect the timing of project awards and starts.

  • Gross margins are currently below target due to underrecovered construction overheads, which might impact short-term profitability if not addressed.

  • 收入增長和項目進展取決於市場基本面、客戶決策和監管環境,這可能會影響項目授予和啓動的時機。

  • 由於建築管理費用回收不足,毛利率目前低於目標,如果不加以解決,可能會影響短期盈利能力。

Tips: For more comprehensive details, please refer to the IR website. The article is only for investors' reference without any guidance or recommendation suggestions.


