
JU Alumnus Joe Nackashi Earns International Business Achievement Award

JU Alumnus Joe Nackashi Earns International Business Achievement Award

JU校友Joe Nackashi榮獲國際業務成就獎
PR Newswire ·  09/10 23:15

JACKSONVILLE, Fla., Sept. 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The international honor society Beta Gamma Sigma has recognized Joseph Nackashi, vice chair of ICE Mortgage Technology Intercontinental Exchange Inc., as a Beta Gamma Sigma 2024 Business Achievement Award winner.

佛羅里達州傑克遜維爾,2024年9月10日 /PRNewswire/ — 國際榮譽協會Beta Gamma Sigma已將ICE抵押貸款技術洲際交易所副主席約瑟夫·納卡希評爲2024年Beta Gamma Sigma商業成就獎得主。

Joe Nackashi is a Jacksonville University alumnus and vice chair of ICE Mortgage Technology Intercontinental Exchange Inc.

"Joe Nackashi embodies the pinnacle of ethical leadership and dedication to service, reflecting the values we strive to instill in our students at Jacksonville University," said Tim Cost, president at Jacksonville University. "His remarkable achievements bring pride to our institution and help inspire future generations of business leaders. We congratulate Joe on this well-deserved recognition and remain grateful for his continued support and contributions to our university and community."


Some of the past recipients include Christopher Gheysens, CEO, Wawa, Inc. and Michael Neidorff, chairman and CEO, Centene Corporation. Beneficiaries of the Business Achievement Award are selected for significant accomplishments that have advanced the field of business, a community and/or humankind and for acting as exemplars of ethical business leadership and values, including honor and integrity as well as the pursuit of wisdom, earnestness and service.

過去的一些獲獎者包括Wawa, Inc.首席執行官克里斯托弗·蓋森斯和Centene公司董事長兼首席執行官邁克爾·內多夫。商業成就獎的受益者是根據在推動商業領域、社區和/或人類發展方面取得的重大成就以及樹立合乎道德的商業領導力和價值觀的典範,包括榮譽和誠信以及對智慧、認真和服務的追求而選出的。

"There is no finer role model for our students in the Davis College of Business & Technology than Joe Nackashi," said Davis College Dean Dr. Barbara Ritter. We're proud that he is an alumnus and grateful he continues to share his wisdom with Jacksonville University and the Davis College."


Nackashi, a Davis College of Business and Technology Executive Advisory Board member, was nominated by the Jacksonville University Beta Gamma Sigma Chapter.

戴維斯商業與技術學院執行顧問委員會成員納卡希由傑克遜維爾大學Beta Gamma Sigma分會提名。

"I'm honored and grateful to Beta Gamma Sigma for this tremendous honor," Nackashi said. "I have lived the American dream. I've been blessed to spend my entire career helping to build an end-to-end mortgage ecosystem that would simplify and accelerate the dream of homeownership for others. None of us succeeds alone. I'd like to thank my family, my colleagues at Intercontinental Exchange and, of course, my wonderful friends at Jacksonville University, for nominating me."

納卡希說:「我很榮幸也很感激Beta Gamma Sigma獲得這一巨大榮譽。」「我實現了美國夢。我很幸運能在我的整個職業生涯中幫助建立一個端到端的抵押貸款生態系統,這將簡化和加速他人擁有房屋的夢想。我們當中沒有一個人能獨自成功。我要感謝我的家人、洲際交易所的同事,當然還有我在傑克遜維爾大學的好朋友提名我。」

Nackashi began his career with a predecessor company to Black Knight, where he spent over 30 years. He progressed through the ranks to be president and then Black Knight Inc. CEO. In 2015, Joe and three fellow Dolphin alumni Bryan Hipsher, Tom Peterson and Shelley Leonard were instrumental in Black Knight's initial public offering on the New York Stock Exchange.


Nackashi credits JU's Executive MBA program and the lasting connections he made during the program for his climb to the top of one of the country's largest fintech companies. He currently serves on the Executive Advisory Board for JU's Davis College of Business & Technology. Nackashi has been instrumental in generating community support for the college's Executive MBA program. As of 2023, he also serves on the Jacksonville University Board of Trustees.


Under Nackashi's leadership, Black Knight's commitment to sustainability is organized around supporting people, minimizing environmental impact, protecting privacy and enhancing oversight. Establishing a diverse and inclusive workplace focused on employee development is key to their commitment. The success of promoting these values was seen in recognition as a "Best Place to Work" for disability inclusion and LGBTQ equality.

在納卡希的領導下,黑騎士對可持續發展的承諾圍繞着爲人們提供支持、最大限度地減少環境影響、保護隱私和加強監督。建立一個以員工發展爲重點的多元化和包容性工作場所是他們承諾的關鍵。成功宣傳這些價值觀被視爲殘疾人包容和LGBTQ平等的 「最佳工作場所」。

Today, Nackashi is the vice chair of ICE Mortgage Technology, where he oversees the company's overall vision and direction. As their leader, he has a laser focus on ensuring the company continues to provide innovative software, data and analytics services to drive efficiencies in the mortgage lending and servicing and real estate industries, as well as the capital and secondary markets.


Founded in 1913, Beta Gamma Sigma is the international business honor society for schools accredited by AACSB. Inducted as students, BGS members go on to serve in critical leadership roles in corporate, entrepreneurial, government, nonprofit and academic sectors. Notable members include Nobel Prize winners, Olympians, inventors, CEOs of major global companies and nonprofit organizations, deans of leading business schools, and others who are making the world a better place at all levels of contribution through social enterprise, service, and leadership.

Beta Gamma Sigma成立於1913年,是國際商業榮譽協會,面向獲得AacsB認可的學校提供服務。BGS成員以學生身份入選,繼續在企業、創業、政府、非營利組織和學術領域擔任關鍵領導職務。著名成員包括諾貝爾獎獲得者、奧林匹克運動員、發明家、大型跨國公司和非營利組織的首席執行官、領先的商學院院長,以及其他通過社會企業、服務和領導力通過各級貢獻讓世界變得更美好的人。

The JU Davis College of Business & Technology is the only triple-accredited private college in all of North Florida and South Georgia, with AACSB, ABET and AABI accredited programs. Its mission is to empower students to achieve sustainable career success with a high quality, relevant and applied educational experience that is delivered by faculty committed to advancing the individual development of each student.

JU Davis商業與技術學院是北佛羅里達州和南喬治亞州唯一一所獲得三重認證的私立學院,擁有AacsB、aBet和AABI認證的課程。其使命是通過致力於促進每位學生個人發展的教師提供的高質量、相關和應用性的教育體驗,使學生能夠在職業生涯中取得可持續的成功。

Media Contact:


Joanna Norris, PR/Marketing Director


(904) 534-6926

(904) 534-6926

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SOURCE Jacksonville University


