
DuPont Announces 2024 Lavoisier Medal and Pedersen Award Recipients

DuPont Announces 2024 Lavoisier Medal and Pedersen Award Recipients

PR Newswire ·  09/10 22:00

Company proudly honors four scientists whose innovations have made a significant impact for customers, industries and the world.


WILMINGTON, Del., Sept. 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- DuPont (NYSE:DD) has named the recipient of the 2024 Lavoisier Medal for Lifetime Technical Achievement and three recipients of the prestigious Pedersen Award.

特拉華州威爾明頓,2024年9月10日 /PRNewswire/ — 杜邦(紐約證券交易所代碼:DD)已經任命了2024年拉瓦錫終身技術成就獎的獲得者和久負盛名的佩德森獎的三位獲得者。

At a ceremony this November, the 2024 Lavoisier Medal will be conferred on Brad Taylor, Ph.D., Technical Laureate, Printing & Packaging. The Lavoisier Medal for Lifetime Technical Achievement recognizes scientists and engineers who have demonstrated a career of creative technical contributions with significant business impact. It's named in honor of the 18th century French chemist, Antoine Laurent Lavoisier, considered the father of modern chemistry.


Three Pedersen Award recipients will be recognized at that same ceremony: Yi Guo, Ph.D., Principal Scientist, Advanced Cleans & Slurry Technologies; Martin Heijnen, PES Ultrafiltration R&D Leader, Water Solutions; and Mansour Mirdamadi, Technical Laureate, Auto Adhesives. The Pedersen Award is chosen by a select team of Laureates, a group of DuPont's highest technical professionals. This year's recipients' deep technical knowledge, skill, achievements, and commitment in their respective areas have resulted in important new products and other advances for DuPont customers. The Pedersen Award is named in honor of DuPont's Nobel Laureate, Charles J. Pedersen, who received the 1987 Nobel Prize for his discovery of a novel class of chemical compounds called macrocyclic polyethers, which he dubbed the "crown" ethers because of their molecular shape.

三位佩德森獎獲得者將在同一個頒獎典禮上獲得表彰:郭毅博士,高級清潔和泥漿技術首席科學家;水解決方案PES超濾研發負責人馬丁·海寧;以及汽車膠粘劑技術獎得主曼蘇爾·米爾達馬迪。Pedersen獎由獲獎者組成的精選團隊選出,該團隊由杜邦的最高技術專業人員組成。今年的獲獎者在各自領域的深厚技術知識、技能、成就和承諾爲杜邦客戶帶來了重要的新產品和其他進步。佩德森獎是爲了紀念杜邦的諾貝爾獎獲得者查爾斯·J·佩德森而命名的。他因發現了一類名爲大環聚醚的新型化合物而獲得1987年諾貝爾獎,由於其分子形狀,他稱之爲 「皇冠」 醚。

The commitment these medalists have displayed throughout their careers—and the innovations they've developed—have resulted in significant value for DuPont customers and other stakeholders. They've shaped industries and, in doing so, helped solve some of the world's most pressing challenges.


"It's a privilege to acknowledge and celebrate the accomplishments of Brad, Yi, Martin, and Mansour, and an honor to call them colleagues," said Alexa Dembek, DuPont Chief Technology and Sustainability Officer. "The dedication these award winners have shown in bringing innovations to life has led to transformative outcomes not just for our company, but also for our customers and the world at large. They truly embody our purpose of empowering the world with the essential innovations to thrive."

杜邦首席技術和可持續發展官Alexa Dembek表示:「能夠表彰和慶祝布拉德、易、馬丁和曼蘇爾取得的成就是一種榮幸,能稱他們爲同事也是一種榮幸。」「這些獲獎者在將創新變爲現實方面表現出的奉獻精神不僅爲我們的公司帶來了變革性的成果,也爲我們的客戶和整個世界帶來了變革性的成果。它們真正體現了我們的宗旨,即通過必要的創新爲世界賦能,從而蓬勃發展。」

Learn more about DuPont's 2024 Lavoisier Medalist and Pedersen Awardees:

了解有關杜邦 2024 年 Lavoisier 獎章得主和 Pedersen 獎得主的更多信息:

Lavoisier Medalist

Lavoisier 獎牌得主

Brad Taylor, Ph.D., Technical Laureate, Printing & Packaging; Wilmington, DE. Brad has been instrumental in key technical transformations that have enabled advancements in the flexographic printing industry, having led the development of the first Cyrel Digital Imager and accompanying Cyrel digital plates. Over his more than 30-year DuPont career, he's advanced digital flexography through the FAST thermal technology which delivers sustainability and productivity benefits. Brad also pioneered new printing form concepts like Cyrel Round and new screening technologies such as Cyrel EASY BRITE screens. Through his unique combination of technical expertise, market understanding, and leadership, Brad has earned the respect of the industry. He's delivered groundbreaking developments that have changed the course of the industry and accelerated adoption by educating our customers through trainings, panel discussions, and articles. Today, more than 90 percent of the Cyrel portfolio benefits from Brad's innovations.

布拉德·泰勒博士,印刷與包裝技術獎得主;特拉華州威爾明頓Brad 在推動柔版印刷行業進步的關鍵技術變革中發揮了重要作用,他領導了第一臺 Cyrel Digital Imager 及隨附的 Cyrel 數碼印版的開發。在杜邦30多年的職業生涯中,他通過Fast熱敏技術推動了數字柔版印刷的發展,該技術帶來了可持續性和生產率方面的好處。布拉德還開創了新的印刷表單概念,例如Cyrel Round,以及新的篩選技術,例如Cyrel EASY BRITE屏幕。憑藉其獨特的技術專長、市場理解和領導力組合,Brad 贏得了業界的尊重。他通過培訓、小組討論和文章對我們的客戶進行教育,取得了開創性的進展,改變了行業發展方向,加速了客戶的採用。如今,超過90%的賽瑞爾產品組合受益於布拉德的創新。

Pedersen Award Recipients


Yi Guo, Ph.D., Principal Scientist, Advanced Cleans & Slurry Technologies; Newark, DE. Yi has contributed to innovation and business growth in multiple slurry families for chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) in semiconductor fabrication. Yi's expertise in particle technology, colloidal science, interfacial chemistry, and commercialization skills has led to many key formulation breakthroughs, product innovations, and industry advancements. His most noteworthy invention was the formulation chemistry for Klebosol 1730 alkaline slurry for polishing silicon oxide substrates, as well as next-generation product extensions. Beyond his scientific expertise, Yi's commitment to the commercial success of products has made him a key asset for troubleshooting issues and helping customers overcome challenges in new-product introductions. Yi's passion for product development has motivated others into becoming successful formulation scientists.

郭毅博士,高級清潔與泥漿技術首席科學家;特拉華州紐瓦克Yi爲半導體制造中用於化學機械拋光(CMP)的多種漿料系列的創新和業務增長做出了貢獻。Yi 在顆粒技術、膠體科學、界面化學和商業化技能方面的專業知識帶來了許多關鍵的配方突破、產品創新和行業進步。他最值得注意的發明是用於拋光氧化硅基材的Klebosol 1730鹼性漿料的配方化學成分,以及下一代產品擴展。除了他的科學專業知識外,Yi對產品商業成功的承諾使他成爲解決問題和幫助客戶克服新產品推出挑戰的關鍵資產。Yi 對產品開發的熱情激發了其他人成爲成功的配方科學家。

Martin Heijnen, PES Ultrafiltration R&D Leader, Water Solutions; Greifenberg, Germany. Martin supports advancements in ultrafiltration (UF) membranes for water filtration, with a primary focus on membrane development. Martin's key impact has been the development of the legacy DuPont Multibore UF products and the solvent recovery system associated with the production to reduce emissions and enable capacity increases. The innovation reduced NMP and glycerin emissions by 3.5 million kg and 2.0 million kg, respectively, since 2017. His leadership in developing and launching a new membrane in 2023—DuPont Multibore PRO—is a critical pillar for growth for the PES (Polyethersulfone) UF portfolio used in desalination, municipal drinking water, or industrial water applications. Martin has also brought his expertise to sales activities, application technology, and manufacturing technology while maintaining a focus on sustainability, and is known as a strong leader in embracing change and challenges.

Martin Heijnen,PES 超濾研發負責人,水解決方案;德國格賴芬堡。Martin 支持用於水過濾的超濾 (UF) 膜的進步,主要側重於膜開發。Martin的關鍵影響是開發了傳統的杜邦多孔超濾產品以及與生產相關的溶劑回收系統,以減少排放和提高產能。自2017年以來,該創新使NMP和甘油的排放量分別減少了350萬千克和200萬千克。他在2023年開發和推出新膜——杜邦多孔Pro——方面的領導作用是用於海水淡化、市政飲用水或工業用水應用的PES(聚醚碸)超濾產品組合增長的關鍵支柱。Martin 還將自己的專業知識帶到了銷售活動、應用技術和製造技術中,同時一直專注於可持續發展,被譽爲迎接變革和挑戰的強大領導者。

Mansour Mirdamadi, Technical Laureate, Auto Adhesives; Auburn Hills, MI. Mansour has successfully combined his expertise in material science, applied engineering mechanics and virtual modeling to create novel solutions for automotive customers. Leading a multi-disciplinary team, Mansour has been instrumental in applying advanced engineering methodologies to determine effective and efficient DuPont adhesive technologies suited for vehicle body substrates and electric-vehicle battery assemblies. Leveraging such an approach has enabled the automotive engineering community to design and engineer using DuPont's adhesive product portfolio with a higher degree of confidence while satisfying component, sub-system, and system level safety, NVH (noise, vibration and harshness) and durability requirements. Widely regarded as an industry expert, Mansour's multiple patents, awards, and demonstrated results have consistently confirmed his outstanding technical leadership.


View the digital version of this announcement and see previous award recipients here.

查看本公告的數字版本並查看之前的獲獎者 這裏

About DuPont
DuPont (NYSE: DD) is a global innovation leader with technology-based materials and solutions that help transform industries and everyday life. Our employees apply diverse science and expertise to help customers advance their best ideas and deliver essential innovations in key markets including electronics, transportation, construction, water, healthcare and worker safety. More information about the company, its businesses and solutions can be found at . Investors can access information included on the Investor Relations section of the website at


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除非另有說明,否則杜邦、杜邦橢圓形徽標以及所有以、SM 表示的商標和服務商標均歸杜邦德內穆爾公司的關聯公司所有。

Klebosol is a registered trademark of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany or its affiliates.

Klebosol 是德國達姆施塔特的默沙東 KGaA 或其附屬公司的註冊商標。



