
Envisio and Tyler Technologies Announce Strategic Partnership to Transform Local Government Budgeting and Drive Community Outcomes

Envisio and Tyler Technologies Announce Strategic Partnership to Transform Local Government Budgeting and Drive Community Outcomes

PR Newswire ·  09/10 21:17

Collaboration brings together tools and services for priority-based budgeting, strategic planning and performance management, in line with Rethinking Budgeting guidelines


VANCOUVER, BC, Sept. 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Envisio, a strategy and performance management software company, and Tyler Technologies, Inc. (NYSE: TYL), a leading provider of integrated software and technology services for the public sector, today announced a strategic partnership to rethink local government budgeting and improve community outcomes by embedding strategic priorities into the budgeting process and tracking and reporting on priority-based budgeting (PBB) results.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華,2024 年 9 月 10 日 /PRNewswire/-- Envisio,一家戰略和績效管理軟件公司,以及 泰勒科技公司 (紐約證券交易所股票代碼:TYL)是公共部門綜合軟件和技術服務的領先提供商,今天宣佈建立戰略合作伙伴關係,通過將戰略優先事項嵌入預算編制流程以及跟蹤和報告基於優先級的預算(PBB)結果,重新考慮地方政府的預算並改善社區成果。

Both Envisio and Tyler are committed to advancing the Rethinking Budgeting initiative put forward by the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA), and created in partnership with the International City/County Management Association (ICMA) and the National League of Cities (NLC). Envisio and Tyler team members have been key contributors to the Rethinking Budgeting recommendations, helping to shape the improved budgeting "operating system" for local government, now formally adopted by GFOA. In collaboration with GFOA, they helped to develop a readiness assessment to support local governments in understanding and initiating steps to rethink their budgets.

Envisio 和 Tyler 都致力於推進 重新思考預算倡議 由政府財政官員協會(GFOA)提出,與國際城市/縣管理協會(ICMA)和全國城市聯盟(NLC)合作創建。Envisio和Tyler團隊成員一直是重新思考預算建議的主要貢獻者,他們幫助爲地方政府塑造了經過改進的預算 「操作系統」,該系統現已由GFOA正式通過。他們與GFOA合作,幫助制定了準備情況評估,以支持地方政府了解並啓動重新考慮預算的措施。

Local governments increasingly recognize the need to modernize decades-old, line-item budget processes.


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This partnership enables Tyler to act as a reseller of Envisio in combination with Tyler's Priority Based Budgeting solution furthering its commitment to improving local government budgeting.


Local governments increasingly recognize the need to modernize decades-old, line-item budget processes to increase responsiveness to changing community needs. PBB, budget transparency, and alignment with strategic plans are core to budget transformation.


PBB encourages government organizations to look at their resource flow and align budgets with goals, ultimately supporting better outcomes and increasing public understanding of how taxpayer dollars are spent. But progress against goals must be measured and managed to ensure outcomes are achieved and results are visible to residents and local government leaders.

pbB 鼓勵政府組織審視其資源流動,使預算與目標保持一致,最終支持更好的結果並提高公衆對納稅人資金使用方式的理解。但是,必須衡量和管理實現目標的進展情況,以確保取得成果,居民和地方政府領導人都能看到成果。

"At the heart of Rethinking Budgeting is the ability for local governments to reallocate resources based on strategic priorities, tie those budget allocations to an actionable plan, measure results, and then adjust where necessary," said Stefan Baerg, Chief Revenue Officer at Envisio. "Envisio provides a powerful framework for organizations to execute their outcomes-focused budgets and a platform to share their results with residents to foster engagement and trust."


By connecting Tyler's priority-based budgeting program and allocation data with Envisio's strategic plan and performance management tools and services, local governments can now align their resources with strategic priorities, drive results, and grow transparency with staff, elected officials, and residents.


"Everything leads back to the budget—it's the foundation for a community's ability to enhance its outcomes," said Chris Fabian, Tyler's senior director of product strategy for ERP Budgeting. "Priority Based Budgeting complements Envisio by embedding strategic priorities into the budgeting process, while Envisio amplifies the impact of priority-based budgeting by managing, tracking and showcasing the results. This partnership offers a complete, end-to-end solution for local governments committed to driving meaningful, measurable change."


About Envisio
Envisio is the most widely used strategic planning and performance management solution in local government. Cities, counties, school districts, and public sector organizations use Envisio to execute plans, measure and report on performance, make evidence-based decisions, and build trust and transparency with their communities. More information on Envisio can be found at

關於 Envisio
Envisio 是地方政府中使用最廣泛的戰略規劃和績效管理解決方案。市、縣、學區和公共部門組織使用 Envisio 來執行計劃、衡量和報告績效、做出基於證據的決策,並與社區建立信任和透明度。有關 Envisio 的更多信息,請訪問

About Tyler Technologies, Inc.
Tyler Technologies (NYSE: TYL) is a leading provider of integrated software and technology services for the public sector. Tyler's end-to-end solutions empower local, state, and federal government entities to operate efficiently and transparently with residents and each other. By connecting data and processes across disparate systems, Tyler's solutions transform how clients turn actionable insights into opportunities and solutions for their communities. Tyler has more than 44,000 successful installations across 13,000 locations, with clients in all 50 states, Canada, the Caribbean, Australia, and other international locations. Tyler has been recognized numerous times for growth and innovation, including on Government Technology's GovTech 100 list. More information about Tyler Technologies, an S&P 500 company headquartered in Plano, Texas, can be found at

泰勒科技(紐約證券交易所代碼:TYL)是公共部門綜合軟件和技術服務的領先提供商。泰勒的端到端解決方案使地方、州和聯邦政府實體能夠高效、透明地與居民和彼此合作。通過連接不同系統之間的數據和流程,泰勒的解決方案改變了客戶將切實可行的見解轉化爲社區的機會和解決方案的方式。Tyler 在 13,000 個地點成功安裝了 44,000 多套設備,客戶遍佈全部 50 個州、加拿大、加勒比地區、澳大利亞和其他國際地區。泰勒因增長和創新多次獲得認可,包括入選政府科技的GovTech 100榜單。有關總部位於德克薩斯州普萊諾的標普500指數公司泰勒科技的更多信息,請訪問

CONTACT: Stacey Hartmann, [email protected]

聯繫人:史黛西·哈特曼,[email protected]

SOURCE Envisio

來源 Envisio

