
World Stroke Organization and Philips Call for Action to Expand Access to Life-saving Stroke Care

World Stroke Organization and Philips Call for Action to Expand Access to Life-saving Stroke Care

GlobeNewswire ·  09/10 21:00

Philips stroke solution


Philips stroke solution

September 10, 2024


  • Joint policy paper provides recommendations for effective policymaking and investments in stroke centers with specialized treatments to improve health outcomes and reduce costs
  • Timely access to mechanical thrombectomy – a proven minimally invasive therapy to remove the blood clot that caused the stroke – has the potential to revolutionize treatment for major ischemic strokes, but the procedure remains the exception rather than the norm
  • 聯合政策文件爲有效決策和投資提供專業治療的中風中心提供了建議,以改善健康狀況和降低成本
  • 及時接受機械血栓切除術(一種行之有效的微創療法,可去除導致中風的血塊)有可能徹底改變嚴重缺血性中風的治療方法,但該手術仍然是例外而不是常態

Amsterdam, the Netherlands – Royal Philips (NYSE: PHG, AEX: PHIA), a global leader in health technology, and the World Stroke Organization (WSO), the world's only global non-governmental organization focused on stroke, today published a policy paper calling for a revolution in stroke care to make a real difference to the lives of millions and bring significant economic benefits worldwide.

荷蘭阿姆斯特丹 — 皇家飛利浦 (紐約證券交易所股票代碼:PHG,AEX:PHIA),健康科技領域的全球領導者,以及 世界中風組織 (WSO)是世界上唯一專注於中風的全球性非政府組織,今天發佈了一份報告 政策文件 呼籲一場中風護理革命,真正改變數百萬人的生活,爲全球帶來顯著的經濟利益。

A stroke is typically an acute event, mostly caused by a blockage in a blood vessel in the brain that prevents adequate blood supply to brain tissue and leads to permanent loss of brain cells. It is a leading cause of disability and death worldwide, affecting an estimated 12 million people globally every year, including an increasing number of young people. The direct and indirect costs are conservatively estimated to be around USD 900 billion annually and are expected to almost double over the next 25 years.

中風通常是急性事件,主要由大腦血管阻塞引起,阻塞導致腦組織血液供應不足,導致腦細胞永久流失。它是全球殘疾和死亡的主要原因,據估計 1200萬人 全球每年,包括越來越多的 年輕人。保守地估計,直接和間接成本約爲 9000 美元 每年,預計在未來25年內將翻一番。

Thanks to new technologies, procedures and clinical insights, stroke may be prevented, treated and even reversed if treatment is initiated rapidly. However, despite a strong evidence base, there is insufficient focus on healthcare expenditure and research funding to advance stroke care. As a result, access to timely treatment remains limited and huge disparities in stroke care persist.


The joint WSO-Philips policy paper, which is accompanied by an editorial in The Lancet Neurology and aligned with recent World Health Organization (WHO) guidance, proposes six policy interventions to improve outcomes, and reduce direct costs with substantial potential savings, releasing essential resources for other priorities across struggling healthcare systems:

WSO-Philips聯合政策文件,隨附一份 社論 在《柳葉刀神經病學》中,與最近的世界衛生組織(WHO)保持一致 指導,提出了六項政策干預措施,以改善結果,降低直接成本,並有可能節省大量資金,爲陷入困境的醫療保健系統的其他優先事項騰出必要資源:

1. Set targets and quality indicators, assess current gaps and prioritize stroke care in global, national, and regional health plans.
2. Expand and invest in infrastructures for essential stroke services, including stroke units and intravenous thrombolysis.*
3. Expand and invest in (capital) infrastructures for advanced stroke services: mechanical thrombectomy.**
4. Increase the necessary skills in the health workforce.
5. Make sure that payment models provide adequate reimbursement of essential and advanced stroke care.
6. Build a strategy to actualize the potential savings of essential and advanced acute stroke care.


The joint WSO-Philips policy paper entitled 'Time for a revolution in stroke care' can be downloaded here.

可以下載WSO-Philips聯合政策文件,題爲 「中風護理革命的時機」 這裏

'Time is brain' is the mantra in stroke care, because every minute saved when treating a major stroke results in millions of saved brain cells. Investing in stroke centers and WHO recommended treatments including mechanical thrombectomy, a minimally invasive technique for removing the blood clot from the brain artery that caused the stroke, has the potential to improve hundreds of thousands of lives. Clinical trials show that mechanical thrombectomy is a highly effective treatment for the most debilitating strokes, and if treated in time, the impact is such that major strokes have become 'curable'.

「時間就是大腦」 是中風護理的口頭禪,因爲在治療嚴重中風時節省的每一分鐘都會拯救數百萬個腦細胞。投資中風中心和 世衛組織推薦的治療方法 包括機械血栓切除術,這是一種從引起中風的腦動脈中切除血塊的微創技術,有可能改善成千上萬人的生活。 臨床試驗 表明機械血栓切除術是治療最使人衰弱的中風的一種非常有效的方法,如果及時治療,其影響將使重中風變得 「可治癒」。

Yet, access to thrombectomy remains the exception rather than the norm in global stroke care. For example, an average of around 7% of all ischemic stroke patients in the Europe region received this treatment in 2019. Policymakers have a crucial opportunity to accelerate the rollout of this essential, advanced stroke care alongside the necessary associated infrastructure and policy to support.

然而,在全球中風護理中,血栓切除術仍然是例外,而不是常態。例如,平均值爲 大約 7% 歐洲地區所有缺血性中風患者在2019年接受了這種治療。決策者有一個關鍵的機會來加速推出這種基本的、先進的中風護理以及必要的相關基礎設施和政策以提供支持。

Professor Sheila Martins, President of the World Stroke Organization, said: "The impact of thrombolysis and thrombectomy on stroke patient outcomes has been established for more than a decade. More recent research has also demonstrated the cost-effectiveness of these treatments in low-income, middle-income and high-income countries. Investing in acute stroke care provides governments with an unmissable opportunity to reduce the burden of stroke to individuals and society and to deliver on their UN SDG3 commitment. The time to act is now."

教授 希拉·馬丁斯,世界中風組織主席說:「溶栓和血栓切除術對中風患者預後的影響已經確定了十多年。最近的研究還表明,這些治療在低收入、中等收入和高收入國傢俱有成本效益。投資急性中風護理爲政府提供了一個不可錯過的機會,可以減輕中風對個人和社會的負擔,兌現其對聯合國可持續發展目標3的承諾。現在是採取行動的時候了。」

Carla Goulart Peron, Philips' Chief Medical Officer, said: "Stroke is a leading cause of death and disability worldwide. The burden of stroke on patients, their families, the healthcare system, and society, is huge. The time is now for a coordinated approach to revolutionize stroke care, bringing together investment in care and treatment, infrastructure, awareness and a focus on effective policymaking. The benefits are significant, both for healthcare systems and societies, and most importantly in delivering better care for millions of patients worldwide."


Philips and the WSO signed a two-year partnership in October 2023 focused on advocacy, education, and raising awareness of stroke as a global healthcare challenge. In May of this year, Philips supported the WSO side-event at the 77th World Health Assembly (WHA) entitled United in Action to Transform Stroke Care, which was the first ever WHA satellite session dedicated specifically to stroke.

飛利浦和 WSO 簽署了爲期兩年的協議 夥伴關係 2023 年 10 月,重點是宣傳、教育和提高人們對中風作爲一項全球醫療挑戰的認識。今年5月,飛利浦在第77屆世界衛生大會(WHA)上支持了WSO會外活動,該活動名爲 聯合行動改變中風護理,這是WHA有史以來第一次專門針對中風的衛星會議。

* In an essential stroke center, acute stroke care is provided by a multidisciplinary team working according to acute stroke care protocols. This includes intravenous thrombolysis, the injection of medication to dissolve the blood clot that caused the stroke. This is the current most common acute stroke treatment.
** An advanced stroke center offers all the services provided at essential stroke centers plus mechanical thrombectomy, a minimally invasive therapy for removing the blood clot that caused the stroke.

* 在一個 必不可少的 中風中心,急性中風護理由多學科團隊根據急性中風護理方案提供。這包括靜脈溶栓,注射藥物以溶解導致中風的血塊。這是目前最常見的急性中風治療方法。
** 一個 高級 中風中心 提供基本中風中心提供的所有服務,外加機械血栓切除術,這是一種用於去除導致中風的血塊的微創療法。

For further information, please contact:


Joost Maltha
Philips External Relations
Tel: +31 6 10558116

Joost Maltha
電話:+31 6 10558116

About Royal Philips


Royal Philips (NYSE: PHG, AEX: PHIA) is a leading health technology company focused on improving people's health and well-being through meaningful innovation. Philips' patient- and people-centric innovation leverages advanced technology and deep clinical and consumer insights to deliver personal health solutions for consumers and professional health solutions for healthcare providers and their patients in the hospital and the home. Headquartered in the Netherlands, the company is a leader in diagnostic imaging, ultrasound, image-guided therapy, monitoring and enterprise informatics, as well as in personal health. Philips generated 2023 sales of EUR 18.2 billion and employs approximately 68,700 employees with sales and services in more than 100 countries. News about Philips can be found at .

皇家飛利浦(紐約證券交易所代碼:PHG,AEX:PHIA)是一家領先的健康科技公司,致力於通過有意義的創新改善人們的健康和福祉。飛利浦以患者和人爲中心的創新利用先進技術和深入的臨床和消費者洞察力,爲消費者提供個人健康解決方案,爲醫療保健提供者及其在醫院和家庭中的患者提供專業的健康解決方案。該公司總部位於荷蘭,是診斷成像、超聲波、圖像引導治療、監測和企業信息學以及個人健康領域的領導者。飛利浦在2023年創造了182歐元的銷售額,擁有約68,700名員工,在100多個國家提供銷售和服務。有關飛利浦的新聞可以在以下網址找到 。

About the World Stroke Organization
The World Stroke Organization (WSO) is the world's only global NGO with a sole focus on stroke. It is committed to reducing the global burden of stroke through advancing access to effective prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, and support. WSO is a membership organization and represents over 50,000 stroke experts in every global region. WSO's 100 Society Members represent international, regional and national scientific, medical and survivor organizations. WSO has United Nations ECOSOC accreditation and is in official relations with the World Health Organization (WHO). WSO works with its members and stakeholders to reduce the global burden of stroke, providing technical support and driving engagement of key decision-makers to advance implementation of effective systems of care.




  • Philips stroke solution
  • 飛利浦中風解決方案

