
Memfault Joins STMicroelectronics Partner Program to Accelerate Customer Time-to-Market and Enhance Product Quality

Memfault Joins STMicroelectronics Partner Program to Accelerate Customer Time-to-Market and Enhance Product Quality

Accesswire ·  09/10 21:00

Provides observability and over-the-air update capabilities to improve the management, deployment, and monitoring of ST customers' connected products, technologies, and solutions


SAN FRANCISCO, CA / ACCESSWIRE / September 10, 2024 / Memfault, provider of the first embedded device observability and over-the-air (OTA) platform, today announced that it has joined the ST Partner Program, allowing STMicroelectronics' customers that develop embedded IoT devices to gain visibility into device performance and reliability, proactively identify issues, and quickly push targeted fixes out to devices.

加利福尼亞州舊金山/ACCESSWIRE/2024 年 9 月 10 日/ 我的錯誤作爲首個嵌入式設備可觀測性和空中(OTA)平台的提供商,今天宣佈已加入意法半導體合作伙伴計劃,這使意法半導體開發嵌入式物聯網設備的客戶能夠了解設備性能和可靠性,主動發現問題,並快速向設備推出有針對性的解決方案。

Memfault equips engineering and product teams with critical insights into real-world product performance, such as firmware stability, battery life, and connectivity. Its automatic diagnostic data extraction, aggregation, analysis, and notification capabilities improves issue detection and shortens resolution time from days to minutes. This significantly shortens development time and reduces engineering and support overhead. With its out-of-the-box capabilities, teams can achieve faster and more efficient embedded development and management.

Memfault 爲工程和產品團隊提供了對實際產品性能的關鍵見解,例如固件穩定性、電池壽命和連接。其自動診斷數據提取、聚合、分析和通知功能可改善問題檢測,並將解決時間從幾天縮短到幾分鐘。這顯著縮短了開發時間,減少了工程和支持開銷。憑藉其開箱即用的功能,團隊可以實現更快、更高效的嵌入式開發和管理。

"Memfault's extensive experience and specialized tools uniquely position us to support STMicroelectronics' customers right from the start. Our solution supports embedded engineers and developers in remotely debugging issues, deploying OTA firmware updates, and continuously monitoring fleets of connected devices at scale, enabling them to make better products faster. This capability extends throughout the entire product lifecycle, from initial development to deployment," said François Baldassari, CEO of Memfault.

「Memfault的豐富經驗和專業工具使我們能夠從一開始就爲意法半導體的客戶提供支持。我們的解決方案支持嵌入式工程師和開發人員遠程調試問題、部署 OTA 固件更新,並持續大規模監控聯網設備群,使他們能夠更快地製造更好的產品。這種能力貫穿從初始開發到部署的整個產品生命週期。」 Memfault首席執行官弗朗索瓦·巴爾達薩里說。

Memfault works closely with multiple ST customers and can support any IoT device configuration. Memfault has a well-established integration with STM32 chips that is currently being used by many customers around the world.
"For connected IoT devices, pairing the STM32 chip with Memfault's monitoring and debugging capabilities is something I would recommend to any engineering leader. With ST and Memfault, we are able to monitor key metrics like connectivity, battery health, and stability, which allows Siana Systems to shorten development time and build more reliable connected devices," said Sylvain Bernard, Founder of Siana Systems, another ST Authorized Partner.

Memfault 與多個 St 客戶密切合作,可以支持任何物聯網設備配置。Memfault 與 STM32 芯片建立了良好的集成,目前全球許多客戶都在使用該芯片。
「對於聯網的物聯網設備,我會向任何工程領導者推薦 STM32 芯片與 Memfault 的監控和調試功能配對。藉助ST和Memfault,我們能夠監控連接性、電池健康狀況和穩定性等關鍵指標,這使Siana Systems能夠縮短開發時間並製造更可靠的聯網設備。」 Siana Systems的另一位授權合作伙伴Siana Systems的創始人西爾萬·伯納德說。

"Memfault's knowledge of the ST portfolio and key expertise can help customers meet design challenges and shorten development time," said Alessandro Maloberti, Partner Ecosystem Director, STMicroelectronics. "ST's review and vetting of ST Authorized Partners has enabled us to build a strong ecosystem of qualified and skilled partners who can enhance customers' developments with advanced technologies and multiple services to accelerate the design of their projects and solutions."


About STMicroelectronics


STMicroelectronics, a global semiconductor leader serving customers across the spectrum of electronics applications created the ST Partner Program to speed customer development efforts by identifying and highlighting to them companies with complementary products and services. Moreover, the program's certification process assures that all partners are periodically vetted for quality and competence. For more information, please visit


About Memfault

關於 Memfault

Memfault is a leading embedded device observability platform that empowers teams to build better IoT products, faster. Its off-the-shelf solution is specifically designed for bandwidth-constrained devices, offering device performance and product analytics, debugging, and over-the-air update capabilities. Trusted by leading brands such as Bose, Lyft, Logitech, Panasonic, and Augury, Memfault improves the reliability of devices across consumer electronics and mission-critical industries such as access control, point of sale, energy, and healthcare. To learn more, visit

Memfault 是領先的嵌入式設備可觀察性平台,它使團隊能夠更快地構建更好的物聯網產品。其現成解決方案專爲帶寬受限的設備而設計,提供設備性能和產品分析、調試和空中更新功能。Memfault 深受 Bose、Lyft、羅技、松下和 Augury 等領先品牌的信賴,提高了消費電子和訪問控制、銷售點、能源和醫療保健等關鍵任務行業設備的可靠性。要了解更多信息,請訪問。

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SOURCE: Memfault


