
Matter Brands Unveils New Sustainable iPhone 16 Accessories From Gadget Guard and Atom Studios

Matter Brands Unveils New Sustainable iPhone 16 Accessories From Gadget Guard and Atom Studios

Matter Brands推出了Gadget Guard和Atom Studios的新iPhone 16可持續配件
PR Newswire ·  09/10 20:34

New iPhone 16 compatible products leverage science to bring innovative solutions to the community of tech health fans

兼容 iPhone 16 的新產品利用科學爲科技健康愛好者社區帶來創新的解決方案

SALT LAKE CITY, Sept. 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Matter Brands, the premium tech accessories company with the mission to protect people, their devices and the planet without compromise, today announced new iPhone16 compatible products from its Gadget Guard and Atom Studios brands. Gadget Guard unveiled a new line of products for outdoor enthusiasts that feature G-Form impact absorbing technology. Atom Studios, known for their innovation in sustainable materialization, introduced a new range of products featuring a modern design philosophy that works seamlessly to protect and enhance today's smartphones. They also announced new products featuring recycled aluminum and wood fiber, luxury cactus leather and a collaboration with Alara Tech that protects the user from EMF radiation.

鹽湖城,2024年9月10日 /PRNewswire/ — 以毫不妥協地保護人類、他們的設備和地球爲使命的高端科技配件公司Matter Brands今天宣佈推出其Gadget Guard和Atom Studios品牌的新款兼容iPhone16的產品。Gadget Guard爲戶外運動愛好者推出了一系列採用G-Form衝擊吸收技術的新產品。Atom Studios以其在可持續物化方面的創新而聞名,推出了一系列具有現代設計理念的新產品,可以無縫地保護和增強當今的智能手機。他們還宣佈了採用再生鋁和木纖維、奢華仙人掌皮革以及與Alara Tech合作開發的新產品,以保護用戶免受電磁輻射。

Gadget Guard and G-Form Cases
Gadget Guard 和 G 型手機殼
Atom Studios Snap Leather
Atom Studios

"With the launch of the new iPhone 16 device line-up, we at Matter Brands are excited to unveil two new mobile accessory portfolios that offer the best in protection, design innovation and sustainability," said Jason Ellis, CEO of Matter Brands, LLC. "Our commitment to innovation with purpose is brought to life through thoughtful design, cutting edge materialization and technology partnerships with Alara Technologies, G-Form and EyeSafe. These new accessories fully embody Matter Brands' mission of harmonizing technology with people and the planet."

Matter Brands, LLC首席執行官傑森·埃利斯表示:「隨着新款iPhone 16設備系列的推出,我們Matter Brands很高興推出兩款新的手機配件產品組合,它們在保護、設計創新和可持續發展方面都表現出色。」「通過周到的設計、尖端的實現以及與Alara Technologies、G-Form和EyeSafe的技術合作,我們對有目的的創新的承諾得以實現。這些新配件充分體現了 Matter Brands 的使命,即協調技術與人類和地球。」

"Matter Brands' authenticity comes from its Utah mountain-town heritage. We trace our roots back to 2009 when the brand was created to serve the needs of adventurous tech users that often exceeded the limits of traditional accessories. All our products are thoughtfully designed here in our Salt Lake City headquarters where we draw inspiration from one of the most beautiful places on earth. It's a daily reminder of our mission to protect the people and places we love," said Dave Raffone, President & CMO of Matter Brands, LLC.

「Matter Brands的真實性來自其猶他州山城遺產。我們的歷史可以追溯到 2009 年,當時該品牌的創建旨在滿足喜歡冒險的科技用戶的需求,而這些需求往往超出了傳統配飾的極限。我們所有的產品都是在鹽湖城總部精心設計的,我們從地球上最美麗的地方之一中汲取靈感。這每天都在提醒我們,我們的使命是保護我們所愛的人和地方。」 Matter Brands, LLC總裁兼首席營銷官戴夫·拉豐說。

Gadget Guard Reflector and Trek Cases; Glass Pro Screen Protection
Gadget Guard's iPhone 16 accessory lineup combines the brand's industry leading screen protection technology with G-Form's high-performance Smartflex non-Newtonian material—trusted by elite athletes. Gadget Guard and G-form are pushing the boundaries of device protection by proving that extreme protection cases don't have to be bulky.

Gadget Guard 反射鏡和 Trek 手機殼;Glass Pro
Gadget Guard 的 iPhone 16 配件系列將該品牌行業領先的屏幕保護技術與 G-Form 的高性能 Smartflex 非牛頓材料相結合,深受精英運動員的信賴。Gadget Guard 和 G-form 證明極端保護殼不必過於笨重,從而突破了設備保護的界限。

The brand-new Glass Pro screen protector is 10X stronger than standard glass with a 6.5ft drop protection. Blue light filtering technology from Eyesafe provides a Radiance Protection Factor of RPF 60, while anti-reflective material preserves the true screen color.

全新 Glass Pro 屏幕保護膜比標準玻璃強 10 倍,具有 6.5 英尺的防墜落保護。Eyesafe 的藍光過濾技術提供了 RPF 60 的輻射保護係數,而抗反射材料可保持屏幕的真實色彩。

The new Reflector and Trek cases from Gadget Guard are ideal for outdoor adventures and the daily hustle of life. Reflector's unique reflective panel is designed to be seen even when your workouts are before dawn or after dark. Trek features an etched topographical design inspired by your next outdoor adventure. Both cases are made with G-Form Smartflex technology, offering class leading drop protection. Reflector and Trek are MagSafe compatible, made with 100% GRS Certified Recycled Plastic and a lifetime warranty.

Gadget Guard 的新款 Reflector 和 Trek 手機殼非常適合戶外探險和日常生活。Reflector 獨特的反光面板經過精心設計,即使在黎明前或天黑後鍛鍊時也能看見。Trek 採用蝕刻的地形設計,靈感來自您的下一次戶外探險。兩款手機殼均採用 G-Form Smartflex 技術製成,提供一流的跌落保護。Reflector 和 Trek 兼容 MagSafe,採用 100% 經過 GRS 認證的再生塑料製成,終身保修。

Atom Studios Split Case and Soft Snap Products
Atom Studios delivers the best in sustainability, design, and performance with their latest line-up of cases for the new iPhone 16 devices. The Split case offers a distinctive eco-friendly dual material design. Its slim profile, made from wood fiber and recycled aluminum is MagSafe compatible and available in two on trend color options, Natural and Olive Green. And the latest Soft Snap line comes in a variety of new options including a vegan agave leather version and one with Alara Technology for EMF radiation reduction.

Atom Studios 分體保護殼和軟扣產品
Atom Studios爲新款iPhone 16設備推出了最新的手機殼系列,在可持續性、設計和性能方面都表現出色。分體式手機殼採用獨特的環保雙材料設計。其纖細的外形由木纖維和再生鋁製成,兼容 MagSafe,有兩種流行顏色可供選擇,自然色和橄欖綠。最新的Soft Snap系列有多種新選擇,包括純素龍舌蘭皮革版本和採用Alara技術減少電磁輻射的版本。

"I'm thrilled to use our Agave Cactus Leather Snap with the new iPhone 16. We've achieved a very sophisticated look with a minimal design. It's responsible luxury," said Chris Robinson, Chief Product Officer, Matter Brands LLC. "The cactus leather is elegant, highly sustainable, and extremely resistant to abrasion, rubbing, and tearing. The microfiber backing is soft against your phone. Plus, you get a satisfying snap when it attaches to the back of your phone."

「我很高興在新款 iPhone 16 上使用我們的 Agave Cactus Leather Snap。我們用極簡的設計實現了非常精緻的外觀。這是負責任的奢侈品,」 Matter Brands LLC首席產品官克里斯·羅賓遜說。「仙人掌皮革優雅,高度可持續,並且非常耐磨、耐摩擦和抗撕裂。超細纖維背襯對您的手機非常柔軟。另外,當它連接到手機背面時,你會得到令人滿意的快照。」

Gadget Guard Reflector and Trek cases are available for purchase for $49.99 at and Verizon locations nationwide. Gadget Guard Glass Pro is available for $59.99 (*Guard Plus $69.99) on and in select retailers. Atom Studio Soft Snap products priced at $39.99 are available for purchase at Both the Soft Snap agave leather skin and Split case priced at $49.99 are available at Verizon locations nationwide. All Matter Brands iPhone 16 products listed above are available for purchase now. Soft Snap with Alara Technology priced at $59.99 will be available later in the Fall. Media Kit is available HERE.

Gadget Guard Reflector和Trek手機殼可在全國各地的gadgetguard.com和Verizon分店以49.99美元的價格購買。Gadget Guard Glass Pro在gadgetguard.com和部分零售商的售價爲59.99美元(*Guard Plus 69.99美元)。定價爲39.99美元的Atom Studio Soft Snap產品可在atomstudios.com上購買。售價爲49.99美元的Soft Snap龍舌蘭皮革皮革和Split手機殼均在全國的Verizon分店有售。上面列出的所有 Matter Brands iPhone 16 產品現已可供購買。採用阿拉拉技術的Soft Snap售價爲59.99美元,將於秋季晚些時候上市。媒體套件可在此處獲得。

About Matter Brands
Matter is a portfolio of premium tech accessories designed to improve the relationship between humans and their tech. The company is focused on protecting devices from their people, people from their devices and protecting the world from our waste. Our products marry consumer needs with science-based solutions, made from innovative materials and feature cutting edge design. Our portfolio is comprised of authentic and purpose driven brands. We believe in trusted relationships with our consumers, retailers, and distributors and we focus on top tier operations as well as excellence across our digital experiences. Our brands include Alara Tech, Atom Studios, CLCKR, Gadget Guard and Planet Buddies.

關於 Matter 品牌
Matter 是一系列優質科技配件,旨在改善人類與其技術之間的關係。該公司致力於保護設備免受人員侵害,保護人們免受設備侵害,並保護世界免受我們的廢物侵害。我們的產品將消費者的需求與基於科學的解決方案相結合,這些解決方案由創新材料製成,採用尖端設計。我們的產品組合由真實和以目標爲導向的品牌組成。我們相信與消費者、零售商和分銷商之間的信任關係,我們專注於頂級運營以及卓越的數字體驗。我們的品牌包括阿拉拉科技、Atom Studios、CLCKR、Gadget Guard 和 Planet Buddies。

About G-Form
G-Form is a technology-driven protective solutions provider, pioneering the advancement of impact protection. Offering premium products that combine protection, comfort, style, and freedom of motion, G-Form has become a chosen protection brand for athletes looking to level up across various categories including bike, baseball, fastpitch, soccer and lacrosse. Learn more at .

關於 G-Form
G-Form 是一家以技術爲導向的防護解決方案提供商,開創了衝擊保護的進步。G-Form 提供集保護、舒適度、時尚和活動自由於一體的優質產品,已成爲希望在自行車、棒球、快球、足球和曲棍球等各個類別中提升等級的運動員的首選防護品牌。要了解更多,請訪問。

About Eyesafe
Eyesafe is the world leader in blue light management, including technology, standards and certification solutions for displays and accessories. With an expansive portfolio of intellectual property, the company employs a world-class team of eye doctors, engineers, and scientists with decades of experience in electronics, display materials, light management, optometry, and ophthalmology. Learn more at

關於 Eyesafe
Eyesafe 是藍光管理領域的全球領導者,包括顯示器和配件的技術、標準和認證解決方案。憑藉廣泛的知識產權組合,該公司僱用了一支由眼科醫生、工程師和科學家組成的世界一流團隊,他們在電子、顯示材料、照明管理、驗光和眼科領域擁有數十年的經驗。在 上了解更多信息

Media Contact:
Monica Rohleder
[email protected]


SOURCE Matter Brands

來源 Matter 品牌


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