
ZEISS to License CREAL's Technology to Create a Digital Vision Care Platform

ZEISS to License CREAL's Technology to Create a Digital Vision Care Platform

PR Newswire ·  09/10 20:01

In an industry first, CREAL will integrate its light field display technology into Zeiss' vision care devices, greatly simplifying vision tests, and thereby enhancing the patient and eye-care practitioner user experience.


LAUSANNE, Switzerland and AALEN, Germany, Sept. 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- CREAL today announces a license agreement with ZEISS with the aim to create a digitized vision care platform that hopes to revolutionize the current vision diagnostic and treatment procedures. By leveraging CREAL's light field display technology, ZEISS will bring to market devices that allow for the digital examination of eye conditions as well as virtual simulation of classic ophthalmic lenses, contact lenses, and the like. Ultimately, the partnership should help bring century-old vision test procedures into the 21st century, finally enabling fast, cost-effective and above all user-friendly diagnostic procedures.

瑞士洛桑和德國阿倫,2024年9月10日 /PRNewswire/ — CREAL今天宣佈與蔡司簽訂許可協議,旨在創建一個數字化視力保健平台,希望徹底改變當前的視力診斷和治療程序。通過利用CREAL的光場顯示技術,蔡司將向市場推出可以對眼部狀況進行數字檢查以及虛擬模擬經典眼科眼鏡、隱形眼鏡等的設備。最終,該夥伴關係將有助於將已有百年曆史的視力測試程序帶入21世紀,最終實現快速、經濟實惠且最重要的是用戶友好的診斷程序。

Current refraction method vs. digitized refraction method

Many of today's refraction tests are time-consuming, costly and can even seem intimidating. Manual and lens-based, they rely on outdated technology. As well as all eye care practitioners, these constraints affect a great part of the population. For instance, more than two-thirds of the population in the US wear glasses or contacts[1], while myopia is constantly growing and is expected to affect 50% of the global population by 2050[2]. The need for intuitive, accurate, effective, and cost-efficient vision tests and diagnosis is therefore only to become even more crucial.

當今的許多折射測試既耗時又昂貴,甚至可能顯得令人生畏。它們以手動和鏡頭爲基礎,依賴於過時的技術。與所有眼科護理從業者一樣,這些限制因素影響着很大一部分人口。例如,美國三分之二以上的人口戴眼鏡或隱形眼鏡 [1],而近視持續增長,預計到2050年將影響全球50%的人口 [2]。因此,對直觀、準確、有效和具有成本效益的視力測試和診斷的需求變得更加重要。

Through the integration of CREAL's light field display into vision test devices, ZEISS expects to introduce a groundbreaking solution allowing for precise digital diagnosis of eye defects. By replicating real-world light to provide digital imagery with genuine depth, CREAL's true 3D display will enable the digital replication of any physical or theoretical lens, allow test procedures to be tailored to any age group/customer segment, as well as enable the projection of automated content, limiting the need for clinical resources overall.


"As the pioneer of scientific optics, ZEISS' mission has always been to challenge the limits of human imagination," says Antia Alonso Ph.D., Vice President of Zeiss Vision Technology Solutions. "We see our collaboration with CREAL and the consequent development and rollout of our digitized vision care platform as a way to revolutionize the prescription eyewear customer buying experience, elements of which still rely on antiquated technology, developed over a century ago."


Looking ahead, the synergy between ZEISS' expertise in vision care and eyewear, and CREAL's cutting-edge advancements in display technology could help accelerate the development of vision-health and vision enhancement enterprise in all its forms, both real and virtual.


[1] "The Consumer inSights Q1 2002 report", The Vision Council's
[2] Padmaja Sankaridurg, et al, "Impact of Myopia," ARVO Journals, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, Vol.62, 2, April 2021

[1] 「2002年第一季度消費者洞察報告」,願景委員會的
[2] Padmaja Sankaridurg 等人,「近視的影響」,ARVO 期刊,《眼科調查與視覺科學》,第 62 卷,2,2021 年 4 月



CREAL is a display technology startup based in Switzerland, with a technical team drawn from cutting-edge projects at Intel, Magic Leap, EPFL and CERN. CREAL has developed a patented light field micro-display technology stack, uniquely projecting images with true-to-life depth. While serving vision care applications, CREAL naturally expands its mission toward Augmented Reality hardware. With the same business model and partners among the market leaders in the vision care/eyewear industry, CREAL ultimately enables a much-needed natural and healthy visual experience of digital content. To know more, please visit .

CREAL是一家總部位於瑞士的顯示技術初創公司,其技術團隊來自英特爾、Magic Leap、洛桑聯邦理工學院和歐洲核子研究組織的尖端項目。CREAL 開發了獲得專利的光場微顯示器技術堆棧,以獨特的方式投射出具有逼真深度的圖像。在提供視力保健應用程序時,CREAL自然將其使命擴展到增強現實硬件。憑藉相同的商業模式和視力保健/眼鏡行業市場領導者的合作伙伴,CREAL最終實現了急需的自然健康的數字內容視覺體驗。要了解更多信息,請訪問。

About ZEISS Vision Care


ZEISS Vision Care is one of the world's leading manufacturers of eyeglass lenses and ophthalmic instruments. The unit is allocated to the Consumer Markets segment and develops and produces offerings for the entire eyeglass value chain that are distributed globally under the ZEISS brand. Further information at






