
Cyngn Expanding DriveMod Capabilities to Outdoor Operations In Response to Increased Demand

Cyngn Expanding DriveMod Capabilities to Outdoor Operations In Response to Increased Demand

PR Newswire ·  09/10 19:05

MENLO PARK, Calif., Sept. 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Cyngn Inc. (the "Company" or "Cyngn") (Nasdaq: CYN) today announced that its AI-powered autonomous driving solution, DriveMod, will be able to operate in outdoor environments. Organizations will be able to send the DriveMod Tugger on missions that go indoors and outdoors, giving facility managers even more opportunity to automate repetitive workflows and shift employees over to more interesting, higher-value tasks.

加利福尼亞州門洛公園,2024年9月10日 /PRNewswire/ — Cyngn Inc.(「公司」 或 「Cyngn」)(納斯達克股票代碼:CYN)今天宣佈,其人工智能驅動的自動駕駛解決方案DriveMod將能夠在戶外環境中運行。各組織將能夠派遣DriveMod Tugger執行室內和室外任務,從而使設施經理有更多機會自動化重複的工作流程,將員工轉移到更有趣、更高價值的任務上。

Expanding DriveMod Capabilities to Outdoor Operations
將 DriveMod 功能擴展到戶外作業

As modern warehouses and manufacturing complexes grow ever larger—many surpassing 200,000 square feet and spanning multiple buildings—the challenge of efficiently moving materials from point A to point B becomes increasingly complex. By extending DriveMod's capabilities outdoors, Cyngn provides organizations with a solution that eliminates bottlenecks in material movement, from transporting goods between outdoor storage areas to facilitating smoother transitions across multi-building facilities.


"One of the biggest pain points businesses face is the wasted time and resources involved in transporting materials between buildings," said Sean Stetson, Cyngn's VP of Engineering. "This time-consuming task ties up equipment and pulls workers away from where they're most needed, resulting in expensive lost productivity. By automating these tasks, companies can eliminate these inefficiencies, shifting workers to other responsibilities."


Given the costly challenge of moving materials between buildings in a large site, several companies have engaged Cyngn to automate outdoor operations. By integrating customer feedback into our roadmap, Cyngn will address the complex challenge of efficient outdoor material movement, unlocking significant operational potential and cost savings for organizations looking to improve resource utilization and maximize productivity.


The ability to operate outdoors opens new doors for DriveMod users. It empowers facility managers to automate the movement of goods in previously manual outdoor workflows, creating a fully connected system between indoor and outdoor operations. This capability has the potential to unlock cost savings and increase operational efficiency across industries like logistics, manufacturing, and distribution.


"Businesses are asking for more than just indoor efficiency. As a result, this marks a major milestone in broadening our reach and catering to the diverse needs of customers," said Cyngn Chief Executive Officer, Lior Tal. "The future of automation isn't just about optimizing indoor spaces; it's about creating smarter, more flexible solutions that cater to the full spectrum of operational environments."

「企業要求的不僅僅是室內效率。因此,這標誌着擴大我們的業務範圍和滿足客戶多樣化需求方面的一個重要里程碑。」 Cyngn首席執行官Lior Tal說。「自動化的未來不僅僅是優化室內空間;還在於創建更智能、更靈活的解決方案,以滿足各種運營環境。」

About Cyngn

關於 Cyngn

Cyngn develops and deploys scalable, differentiated autonomous vehicle technology for industrial organizations. Cyngn's self-driving solutions allow existing workforces to increase productivity and efficiency. The Company addresses significant challenges facing industrial organizations today, such as labor shortages, costly safety incidents, and increased consumer demand for eCommerce.

Cyngn 爲工業組織開發和部署可擴展的差異化自動駕駛汽車技術。Cyngn 的自動駕駛解決方案使現有員工能夠提高生產力和效率。該公司解決了當今工業組織面臨的重大挑戰,例如勞動力短缺、代價高昂的安全事故以及消費者對電子商務的需求增加。

Cyngn's DriveMod Kit can be installed on new industrial vehicles at end of line or via retrofit, empowering customers to seamlessly adopt self-driving technology into their operations without high upfront costs or the need to completely replace existing vehicle investments.

Cyngn的DriveMod Kit可以在生產線末端或通過改造安裝在新工業車輛上,使客戶能夠在運營中無縫採用自動駕駛技術,而無需高昂的前期成本或完全更換現有車輛投資。

Cyngn's flagship product, its Enterprise Autonomy Suite, includes DriveMod (autonomous vehicle system), Cyngn Insight (customer-facing suite of AV fleet management, teleoperation, and analytics tools), and Cyngn Evolve (internal toolkit that enables Cyngn to leverage data from the field for artificial intelligence, simulation, and modeling).

Cyngn的旗艦產品Enterprise Autonomy Suite包括DriveMod(自動駕駛汽車系統)、Cyngn Insight(面向客戶的自動駕駛車隊管理、遠程操作和分析工具套件)和Cyngn Evolve(使Cyngn能夠利用現場數據進行人工智能、仿真和建模的內部工具包)。

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Investor Contact:
Don Alvarez
[email protected]


Media Contact:
Luke Renner
[email protected]


Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Any statement that is not historical in nature is a forward-looking statement and may be identified by the use of words and phrases such as "expects," "anticipates," "believes," "will," "will likely result," "will continue," "plans to," "potential," "promising," and similar expressions. These statements are based on management's current expectations and beliefs and are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties and assumptions that could cause actual results to differ materially from those described in the forward-looking statements, including the risk factors described from time to time in the Company's reports to the SEC, including, without limitation the risk factors discussed in the Company's annual report on Form 10-K filed with the SEC on March 7, 2024. Readers are cautioned that it is not possible to predict or identify all the risks, uncertainties and other factors that may affect future results No forward-looking statement can be guaranteed, and actual results may differ materially from those projected. Cyngn undertakes no obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise.

本新聞稿包含1995年《私人證券訴訟改革法》、經修訂的1933年《證券法》第27A條和經修訂的1934年《證券交易法》第21E條所指的前瞻性陳述。任何非歷史性陳述都是前瞻性陳述,可以通過使用 「期望」、「預期」、「相信」、「將」、「可能的結果」、「將繼續」、「計劃」、「潛力」、「有希望」 等詞語和短語來識別。這些陳述基於管理層當前的預期和信念,受許多風險、不確定性和假設的影響,這些風險、不確定性和假設可能導致實際業績與前瞻性陳述中描述的結果存在重大差異,包括公司在向美國證券交易委員會提交的報告中不時描述的風險因素,包括但不限於公司於2024年3月7日向美國證券交易委員會提交的10-K表年度報告中討論的風險因素。讀者請注意,無法預測或確定可能影響未來業績的所有風險、不確定性和其他因素。任何前瞻性陳述都無法保證,實際業績可能與預期結果存在重大差異。Cyngn沒有義務公開更新任何前瞻性陳述,無論是由於新信息、未來事件還是其他原因。


來源 Cyngn

