
Nvidia Shares Riding On Huge AI Tailwind, Says Portfolio Strategist: Why Expert Says Stock Will Stay On An Upward Path For Next 2-3 Years

Nvidia Shares Riding On Huge AI Tailwind, Says Portfolio Strategist: Why Expert Says Stock Will Stay On An Upward Path For Next 2-3 Years

英偉達股票受到巨大的人工智能風潮推動,投資組合策略師表示: 專家稱股票將在接下來的2-3年保持上升路徑
Benzinga ·  09/10 16:48

Nvidia Corp. (NASDAQ:NVDA) shares came back up on Monday following the 14% decline they clocked in the week ended Sept. 6. An equity market strategist weighed in on the stock trajectory and the artificial intelligence stalwart's valuation.


Reasonable Valuation: Nvidia shares are trading at a 26 times multiple, in line with Coca-Cola and Procter & Gamble but are poised to grow revenue by 30% in 2025 and by 20% the year after, said Chris Grisanti, chief equity strategist and portfolio manager at Mai Capital Management, in a CNBC interview. The valuation is fairly reasonable, he said. "So that's what makes us interested and that's what checks our boxes and it's also called Nvidia," he added.

合理估值:英偉達股票的市盈率爲26倍,與可口可樂和寶潔相當,但克里斯·格里桑蒂(Chris Grisanti)在CNBC的一次採訪中指出,英偉達有望在2025年實現30%的營業收入增長,之後一年增長20%。他說估值是相當合理的。他說:「這就是使我們感興趣,並且也符合我們的標準,這也被稱爲英偉達。」

The strategist also said he wasn't worried about the impact of a potential economic slowdown or inventory digestion by customers. "I'm not so afraid of that because they're not selling to consumers.....they're selling to Microsoft and Amazon AWS because these are businesses that are building out AI infrastructure," he said.

該策略師還表示,他並不擔心潛在的經濟放緩或客戶的庫存消化對其影響。「對此我並不擔心,因爲他們並不是在銷售給消費者...... 他們是在向微軟和亞馬遜AWS出售,因爲這些企業正在構建人工智能基礎設施,」他說。

Grisanti said these hyperscalers are stockpiling but they can afford it even if the economy goes south since they have long-term plans and they have cash to continue to fund it.


Imminent Risks: Grisanti said he was worried about possible competitors. "But we really don't see that yet," he added. He also expressed worries about antitrust concerns, which recently drove down the stock.


The portfolio manager delved into valuation (based on forward price-earnings), which comes off as fairly inexpensive. "The market has a somewhat antiquated view of the semiconductor business," he said, adding that semiconductors are to the 21st century what oil was to the 20th century.


A thriving economy can't be had without semiconductors and these stocks have become less cyclical now than they were 10 to 15 years ago, Grisanti said. "AI is just this huge tailwind that can certainly get Nvidia through the next two to three years," he added.


In premarket trading on Tuesday, Nvidia shares rose 0.24% to $106.73, according to Benzinga Pro data. The iShares Semiconductor ETF (NASDAQ:SOXX) edged down 0.17% to $207.61.

根據彭博智商(Benzinga Pro)數據,在週二盤前交易中,英偉達股票上漲了0.24%,至106.73美元。石油基金iShares半導體ETF(納斯達克:SOXX)下跌了0.17%,至207.61美元。

  • Nvidia Down 14% Last Week – No Problem, Says Portfolio Manager, As He Sees Revenue And Stock Doubling Over In Next Several Years

  • 上週英偉達股票下跌14%,但投資組合經理表示並無問題,他認爲在接下來的幾年內,營業收入和股價將翻倍。

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