
Infosys and Proximus Group Strengthen Their Strategic Collaboration

Infosys and Proximus Group Strengthen Their Strategic Collaboration

PR Newswire ·  09/10 13:52

To unlock new business opportunities and enhance customer experience, this collaboration will leverage Proximus Group's DI and CPaaS solutions.

爲了解鎖新的商機並增強客戶體驗,此次合作將利用Proximus Group的DI和CPaaS解決方案。

BRUSSELS and BENGALURU, India, Sept. 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Infosys (NSE: INFY) (BSE: INFY) (NYSE: INFY), a global leader in next-generation digital services and consulting, and Proximus Group, Belgium's leading digital services and communication solutions provider, today announced a strategic collaboration to help unlock new business opportunities.

布魯塞爾和印度班加羅爾,2024年9月10日 /PRNewswire/ — 下一代數字服務和諮詢領域的全球領導者Infosys(NSE:INFY)(BSE:INFY)(紐約證券交易所代碼:INFY)和比利時領先的數字服務和通信解決方案提供商Proximus集團今天宣佈了一項戰略合作,以幫助解鎖新的商機。

The new strategic collaboration will focus on a joint go-to-market approach that will use best-in-class products of Proximus' International affiliates, including Route Mobile's Communications Platform as a Service (CPaaS) and Telesign's Digital Identity (DI) solutions. This combined with Infosys digital services will drive innovation in omnichannel customer engagement and AI-driven digital assistants for their customers. The collaboration will enhance digital security by providing robust DI and fraud protection solutions, ensuring trusted communication online.

新的戰略合作將側重於聯合進入市場的方法,該方法將使用Proximus國際子公司的一流產品,包括Route Mobile的通信平台即服務(CPaaS)和Telesign的數字身份(DI)解決方案。這與Infosys數字服務相結合,將推動全渠道客戶互動的創新,併爲其客戶提供人工智能驅動的數字助理。此次合作將通過提供強大的 DI 和欺詐保護解決方案來增強數字安全,確保在線可信通信。

Antonietta Mastroianni, Chief Digital & IT Officer at Proximus, said, "We are delighted to strengthen our long-standing collaboration with Infosys. By leveraging Infosys' global reach and our expertise in CPaaS and DI Solutions, the collaboration will drive innovation and deliver superior customer experiences for our joint customers. We are confident that our mutual deep expertise and proven track record will be instrumental in this two-way partnership."


Rajdip Gupta, Route Mobile CEO, said, "I'm enthusiastic about this partnership. Combining Route Mobile's product leadership in CPaaS with Infosys' excellence in digital services, is bound to make a difference for customers. It also proves that Proximus Group is on track to realize its international growth ambition and is unlocking significant synergies through collaboration of its international affiliates BICS, Telesign and Route Mobile."

Route Mobile首席執行官拉傑迪普·古普塔表示:「我對這種合作充滿熱情。將Route Mobile在CPaaS領域的產品領先地位與Infosys在數字服務方面的卓越表現相結合,必將爲客戶帶來改變。這也證明,Proximus Group有望實現其國際增長目標,並正在通過其國際子公司BICS、Telesign和Route Mobile的合作釋放顯著的協同效應。」

Christophe Van de Weyer, Telesign CEO, said, "We all know digital fraud is on the rise. This partnership with Infosys will make it easier for enterprises to integrate our digital identity portfolio into their fraud prevention and engagement platforms to deliver the highest levels of trust to their end users. It supports Proximus Group's ambition to become the worldwide leader in digital communications by enabling trustworthy engagements globally."

Telesign首席執行官克里斯托夫·範德韋耶說:「我們都知道數字欺詐呈上升趨勢。與Infosys的這種合作將使企業更容易將我們的數字身份產品組合集成到其防欺詐和參與平台中,從而爲最終用戶提供最高水平的信任。通過在全球範圍內實現值得信賴的互動,它支持了Proximus Group成爲數字通信領域的全球領導者的雄心。」

Upendra Kohli, Executive Vice President – Communication, Media and Technology (Americas & Europe) at Infosys, said, "We are excited to build upon our long-standing relationship with Proximus through this expanded collaboration. Infosys' strong capabilities in digital services combined with Proximus Group's expertise in CPaaS and DI solutions will redefine omnichannel customer engagement and AI-driven digital assistants for the industry."

Infosys通信、媒體和技術(美洲和歐洲)執行副總裁Upendra Kohli表示:「我們很高興通過這種擴大合作,在與Proximus的長期關係基礎上再接再厲。Infosys在數字服務方面的強大能力與Proximus Group在CPaaS和DI解決方案方面的專業知識相結合,將重新定義該行業的全渠道客戶互動和人工智能驅動的數字助理。」

The collaboration between Infosys and Proximus allows both companies to strengthen their leadership in digital offering and accelerate their innovative solutions to business and residential customers in Belgium and abroad. Both companies are excited about the opportunities ahead and are confident that their mutual expertise will unlock significant synergies and benefits.


About Proximus

關於 Proximus

Proximus Group (Euronext Brussels: PROX), headquartered in Brussels, is a provider of future-proof connectivity, IT and digital services, operating in the Benelux and global markets. The Group is actively engaged in building a connected world and in ensuring the trustworthiness, security and sovereignty of digital services, to the benefit of society.

Proximus 集團(布魯塞爾泛歐交易所:PROX)總部位於布魯塞爾,是一家面向未來的連接、信息技術和數字服務提供商,在比荷盧經濟聯盟和全球市場開展業務。集團積極參與建設互聯世界,確保數字服務的可信度、安全性和主權,造福社會。

Proximus has the ambition to build the #1 gigabit network for Belgium and plays a central role in creating inspiring digital ecosystems, while fostering an engaging culture and empowering ways of working. Building upon these strengths, Proximus aims to contribute to an inclusive and sustainable digital society, delight customers with an unrivalled experience and achieve profitable growth both locally and internationally to deliver long-term value for stakeholders.

Proximus 的目標是爲比利時建立 #1 千兆網絡,並在創建鼓舞人心的數字生態系統、培養引人入勝的文化和增強工作方式方面發揮着核心作用。基於這些優勢,Proximus旨在爲包容性和可持續的數字社會做出貢獻,爲客戶提供無與倫比的體驗,並在本地和國際上實現盈利增長,爲利益相關者創造長期價值。

In Belgium, Proximus' core products and services are offered under the Proximus, Mobile Vikings, Scarlet and Proximus NXT brands. The Group is also active in Luxembourg (Tango and Telindus Luxembourg) and in the Netherlands (Telindus Netherlands). The Group's international carrier activities are managed by BICS, a leading international communications enabler, one of the key global voice carriers and the leading provider of mobile data services worldwide. With Telesign and Route Mobile, the Group also encompasses fast-growing leaders in digital communications and digital identity, serving the world's largest internet brands, digital champions and cloud native businesses.

在比利時,Proximus的核心產品和服務以Proximus、Mobile Vikings、Scarlet和Proximus nXt品牌提供。該小組還活躍於盧森堡(Tango和Telindus盧森堡)和荷蘭(荷蘭Telindus)。集團的國際運營商活動由BICS管理,BICS是領先的國際通信推動者,主要的全球語音運營商之一,也是全球領先的移動數據服務提供商。憑藉Telesign和Route Mobile,該集團還包括數字通信和數字身份領域快速增長的領導者,爲全球最大的互聯網品牌、數字冠軍和雲原生企業提供服務。

With 11,654 employees, imbued with Proximus' Think Possible mindset and all engaged to offer a superior customer experience, the Group realized an underlying Group revenue of EUR 6,042 million end-2023.

該集團擁有11,654名員工,充滿了Proximus的 「Think Possible」 思維模式,所有員工都致力於提供卓越的客戶體驗,該集團在2023年底實現了604200萬歐元的基礎收入。

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About Infosys

關於 Infosys

Infosys is a global leader in next-generation digital services and consulting. Over 300,000 of our people work to amplify human potential and create the next opportunity for people, businesses and communities. We enable clients in more than 56 countries to navigate their digital transformation. With over four decades of experience in managing the systems and workings of global enterprises, we expertly steer clients, as they navigate their digital transformation powered by cloud and AI. We enable them with an AI-first core, empower the business with agile digital at scale and drive continuous improvement with always-on learning through the transfer of digital skills, expertise, and ideas from our innovation ecosystem. We are deeply committed to being a well-governed, environmentally sustainable organization where diverse talent thrives in an inclusive workplace.

Infosys是下一代數字服務和諮詢領域的全球領導者。我們有超過 300,000 名員工緻力於擴大人類潛力,爲個人、企業和社區創造下一個機會。我們使超過 56 個國家的客戶能夠駕馭數字化轉型。我們在管理全球企業的系統和運作方面擁有超過四十年的經驗,能夠專業地指導客戶在雲和人工智能的支持下實現數字化轉型。我們爲他們提供人工智能優先的核心,通過大規模的敏捷數字化爲業務提供支持,並通過從我們的創新生態系統中轉移數字技能、專業知識和想法,通過永遠在線的學習來推動持續改進。我們堅定地致力於成爲一個治理良好、環境可持續的組織,讓多元化的人才在包容的工作場所蓬勃發展。

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Safe Harbor


Certain statements in this release concerning our future growth prospects, or our future financial or operating performance, are forward-looking statements intended to qualify for the 'safe harbor' under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, which involve a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results or outcomes to differ materially from those in such forward-looking statements. The risks and uncertainties relating to these statements include, but are not limited to, risks and uncertainties regarding the execution of our business strategy, increased competition for talent, our ability to attract and retain personnel, increase in wages, investments to reskill our employees, our ability to effectively implement a hybrid work model, economic uncertainties and geo-political situations, technological disruptions and innovations such as Generative AI, the complex and evolving regulatory landscape including immigration regulation changes, our ESG vision, our capital allocation policy and expectations concerning our market position, future operations, margins, profitability, liquidity, capital resources, our corporate actions including acquisitions, and cybersecurity matters. Important factors that may cause actual results or outcomes to differ from those implied by the forward-looking statements are discussed in more detail in our US Securities and Exchange Commission filings including our Annual Report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024. These filings are available at Infosys may, from time to time, make additional written and oral forward-looking statements, including statements contained in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission and our reports to shareholders. The Company does not undertake to update any forward-looking statements that may be made from time to time by or on behalf of the Company unless it is required by law.

本新聞稿中有關我們未來增長前景或未來財務或經營業績的某些陳述是前瞻性陳述,旨在根據1995年《私人證券訴訟改革法》獲得 「安全港」 資格,這些陳述涉及許多風險和不確定性,可能導致實際業績或結果與此類前瞻性陳述中的業績或結果存在重大差異。與這些聲明相關的風險和不確定性包括但不限於與執行業務戰略有關的風險和不確定性、人才競爭加劇、我們吸引和留住人員的能力、工資增加、員工再培訓的投資、我們有效實施混合工作模式的能力、經濟不確定性和地緣政治局勢、Generative AI等技術顛覆和創新、包括移民監管變化在內的複雜而不斷變化的監管格局、我們的ESG 願景、我們的資本配置政策以及對我們的市場地位、未來運營、利潤率、盈利能力、流動性、資本資源、包括收購在內的公司行動以及網絡安全事務的預期。我們在美國證券交易委員會提交的文件中詳細討論了可能導致實際業績或結果與前瞻性陳述所暗示的結果不同的重要因素,包括截至2024年3月31日財年的20-F表年度報告。這些文件可在www.sec.gov上查閱。Infosys可能會不時發表額外的書面和口頭前瞻性陳述,包括公司向美國證券交易委員會提交的文件和我們向股東提交的報告中包含的陳述。除非法律要求,否則公司不承諾更新可能由公司或代表公司不時發表的任何前瞻性陳述。



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