
Job Market In Malaysia Enters 'Steady State'

Job Market In Malaysia Enters 'Steady State'

Business Today ·  09/10 13:43

Unemployment rate was unchanged at 3.3% in Jul 2024 for the ninth month in line with stable employment (Jul 2024: +1.8% YoY; Jun 2024: +1.8% YoY) and labour force (Jul 2024: +1.7% YoY; Jun 2024: +1.7% YoY) growth. Maybank says it expects 2024 unemployment rate to average 3.3% (7M 2024: 3.3%; 2023: 3.4%) and certain segments of workforce will enjoy higher income e.g. civil service pay rise on 1 Dec 2024; minimum wage hike in 2025 (MYR1,500 currently).


Overall unemployment rate steady at 3.3%
Unemployment rate held steady at 3.3% since Nov 2023 though the number of unemployment fell -2.7% YoY and -0.3% MoM (Jul 2024: 563.7k; Jun 2024: 565.3k) while labour force (Jul 2024: +1.7% YoY; Jun 2024: +1.7% YoY) and employment (Jul 2024: +1.8% YoY; Jun 2024: +1.8% YoY) growth were sustained.


Based on the Department of Statistics, jobs growth in the Services sector, especially Food & Beverage, Wholesale & Retail Trade, and Transportation & Storage plus employment in Manufacturing, Construction, Mining & Quarrying and Agriculture sectors increased further for the month. Workers' retrenchment in Aug 2024 moderated by +9.1% YoY and declined by -4.1% MoM to 4,974 (Jul 2024: +21.0% YoY and +48.9% MoM to 5,184).


Retrenchments in 8M 2024 rose +19% to 35,954 (8M 2023: +32.3% to 30,214; 2023: +45.6% to 49,982). The sustained trend of low and stable monthly jobless rate as well as decline in the numbers of unemployed suggest the retrenched workers were able to find new jobs or have left the labour force altogether by not actively seeking to be re-employed.

2024年800萬的裁員人數增長了19%,至35,954人(800萬 2023:+32.3%,至30,214;2023年:+45.6%,至49,982)。月失業率持續保持低而穩定的趨勢,以及失業人數的下降,這表明被裁減的工人能夠找到新的工作,或者由於沒有積極尋求再就業而完全離開了勞動力隊伍。

Youth unemployment rate still sticky, while informal jobs continued its record-breaking climb. Youth unemployment remained at 10.5% for the third consecutive month (Jun 2024: 10.5%), leaving the 10.6%-10.8% range since Aug 2023 – Apr 2024, but still above the pre-pandemic low of 9.9% in Dec 2019.


A significant segment of informal jobs/workers in the economy i.e. "Own Account Workers" (i.e. daily income earners working as petty traders, hawkers, food stalls operators as well as smallholders, self-employed and gig workers) has increased continuously since Jan 2021 (2.39m) and hit a new high of 3.07m in Jul 2024 (Jun 2024: 3.06m) as its growth (Jul 2024:
+3.7%) outpaced total employment growth (Jul 2024: +1.8% YoY).

經濟中的很大一部分非正規工作/工人,即 「自營員工」(即從事小販、小販、食品攤位經營者的日收入者以及小農、自僱人士和零工人)自2021年1月以來持續增加(239萬),並隨着增長(2024年7月:306萬)在2024年7月創下307萬的新高(2024年6月:306萬):

After moderating to 3.4% last year from 3.8% in 2022, Maybank said it expects full-year unemployment rate to average 3.3% in 2024. As job market settles into a "steady state" from the perspectives of unemployment rate as well as employment and labour force growth, the key developments are more on workers' income as certain segments of workforce will see higher wages and salaries e.g. civil service pay rise of 15%-42.7% (Phase 1 on 1 Dec 2024; Phase 2 on 1 Jan 2026); prospect of minimum wage hike in 2025 vs MYR1,500 currently where the house said it understands the proposed review will be presented by the Ministry of Human Resources to the Cabinet next month.

馬來亞銀行表示,預計2024年的全年失業率將從2022年的3.8%降至去年的3.4%。從失業率以及就業和勞動力增長的角度來看,隨着就業市場進入一個 「穩定狀態」,關鍵的事態發展更多地取決於工人的收入,因爲某些勞動力群體的工資和薪水將增加 15%-42.7%,例如公務員薪資增長15%-42.7%(第一階段於2024年12月1日;第二階段於2026年1月1日);2025年最低工資將從衆議院表示理解擬議審查的1,500令吉上調的前景將在下個月由人力資源部提交給內閣。

