
Hiking Highs and Muddy Lows

Hiking Highs and Muddy Lows

Metropolitan Bank ·  09/09 12:00

Metro Bank Asset Finance Team Raises Over £800 for Mental Health


The UK's community bank, Metro Bank, gives every colleague a Day to Amaze – essentially a paid day off to support a local charity or good cause. This past weekend, colleagues from Metro Bank's Asset Finance team laced up their boots and embarked on a challenging 25km hike through the picturesque (and surprisingly muddy) Surrey Hills, for Beyond, a youth mental health charity supporting individuals by providing resources, education, and advocacy to improve mental health services and awareness across the country.

英國社區銀行Metro Bank爲每位同事提供一天的 「Amaze日」 ——本質上是帶薪休假,以支持當地的慈善機構或公益事業。上週末,大都會銀行資產融資團隊的同事們繫好靴子,踏上了艱難的25公里徒步之旅,穿越風景如畫(而且出人意料的泥濘)薩里山。Beyond是一家青年心理健康慈善機構,通過提供資源、教育和宣傳來支持個人,以改善全國各地的心理健康服務和意識。


Despite the sizzling temperatures, the team's spirits remained high as they climbed hills, waded through a flooded path in makeshift wellies, and even enjoyed a sing along. The hike, which saw the team battling the elements and turning puddles into pools of laughter raised over £800 to help the charity continue its vital work in supporting mental health.


"It's not every day you see a group of finance professionals singing their way through a muddy flood in the middle of Surrey," said Metro Bank's Director of Asset Finance, Nova Everidge. "But when it's for a cause as important as mental health, every step, every splash, and every song was worth it. Well done to our team for their generosity and efforts in raising funds for such a deserving charity."

大都會銀行資產融資董事Nova Everidge表示:「並不是每天都能看到一群金融專業人士在薩里中部的泥濘洪水中唱歌。」「但是,當是爲了像心理健康這樣重要的事業時,每一個步驟、每一次花費和每首歌都是值得的。我們的團隊爲這樣一個當之無愧的慈善機構籌集資金所做的慷慨和努力,幹得好。」

Beyond's CEO, Louisa Rose said "Beyond are so grateful to Metro Bank for raising these funds via their sponsored walk. This money is crucial in getting our support into schools to help with the mental health crisis affecting young people. Beyond are doing all we can to make sure every child has access to the right mental health support at the right moment."

Beyond的首席執行官路易莎·羅斯說:「Beyond非常感謝大都會銀行通過贊助的徒步活動籌集了這些資金。這筆錢對於爲學校提供支持以幫助應對影響年輕人的心理健康危機至關重要。Beyond 正在盡一切努力確保每個孩子在正確的時機獲得正確的心理健康支持。」

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