
Taylor Morrison and Extreme Makeover: Home Edition to Film in Phoenix and Support Local, Deserving Families and Cancer Patients

Taylor Morrison and Extreme Makeover: Home Edition to Film in Phoenix and Support Local, Deserving Families and Cancer Patients

PR Newswire ·  09/09 19:03

ABC's reboot of the award-winning show culminates with two uniquely different projects in the greater Phoenix metro


SCOTTSDALE, Ariz., Sept. 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The ABC reboot of the award-winning show Extreme Makeover: Home Edition is coming to Phoenix this September to film two uniquely different construction projects alongside the show's first-ever exclusive homebuilder, Taylor Morrison.

亞利桑那州斯科茨代爾,2024年9月9日/美通社/-- ABC重啓屢獲殊榮的節目《翻新大作戰:家居版》將於9月來到鳳凰城拍攝兩個獨特的建築項目,與該節目首次合作的獨家房屋建築商泰勒·莫里森共同完成。

Taylor Morrison team members filming an episode of ABC's Extreme Makeover: Home Edition in Houston, TX.

Taylor Morrison will build a brand-new home in its La Mira community in Mesa, Ariz., for a local deserving family and add an approximately 2,000 sq. ft. community center to the recently built community of homes in Gilbert, Ariz., where Banner MD Anderson Cancer Center patients and their care partners stay free of charge during the course of their treatment.

泰勒·莫里森將在亞利桑那州梅薩的拉米拉社區爲當地值得的家庭建造一座全新的住宅,並在吉爾伯特的最近建造的住房社區中增加一座約2,000平方英尺的社區中心,供Banner MD Anderson癌症中心的患者和他們的照顧夥伴免費住宿治療期間使用。

To sign-up to volunteer or donate, visit:

Volunteers must be 18 years or older as of Sept. 11, 2024.



"The heart of Taylor Morrison lies in our unwavering commitment to better the local community in any way that we can," said Brad Schoenberg, Phoenix Division President at Taylor Morrison. "Being a homebuilder headquartered in Arizona, our Phoenix division feels especially charged to leave a positive mark, and the opportunity to work with such a recognizable franchise is a great way to do so."

泰勒·莫里森鳳凰城區總裁Brad Schoenberg表示:「泰勒·莫里森的核心在於我們始終致力於以任何方式改善當地社區。作爲總部位於亞利桑那的房屋建築商,我們的鳳凰城區感到特別有責任留下積極的印記,與如此知名的特許經營權合作的機會是一個很好的方式。」

Extreme Makeover: Home Edition takes the biggest home renovation show to ever exist, adds hosts Clea Shearer and Joanna Teplin of The Home Edit and their world-renowned organizational expertise, and creates the ultimate home makeover experience. Like the original, the upcoming series will showcase heartwarming stories and mind-blowing builds for families who give back to their communities.

《翻新大作戰:家居版》是有史以來最大規模的家庭裝修節目,加入了《居家整理》的主持人Clea Shearer和Joanna Teplin以及她們世界聞名的組織技巧,打造了終極裝修體驗。與原版一樣,即將上映的系列將展示溫馨的故事和令人驚歎的家庭建築,這些家庭都在回饋社區。

The show's finale will feature construction of a community center located in the heart of the community of homes built and donated by Taylor Morrison earlier this year in support of the Banner Health Foundation's Home Away From Home program. The 1,000 sq. ft, fully furnished homes equipped with private backyards are within walking distance of Banner MD Anderson Cancer Center at Banner Gateway Medical Center, eliminating the financial burden of travel and hotel stays for approximately 80 patients and their families each year so they can focus on recovery in a comfortable environment.

這檔節目的大結局將展示一座社區中心的施工,該社區中心位於泰勒莫里森(Taylor Morrison)今年早些時候捐建並位於社區中心的心臟地帶,以支持Banner Health Foundation的「遠離家園」項目。這些1000平方英尺、設備齊全、帶有私人後院的設施步行距離內就能抵達Banner MD Anderson癌症中心,位於Banner Gateway醫療中心內,每年爲大約80名患者及其家人提供住宿,免除了旅行和住宿費用的經濟負擔,以便他們能夠在舒適的環境中專注於康復。

"The community center will serve as a space where patients and caregivers can come together and connect with those who understand how heavy it can feel to go through cancer treatment," said Sheryl Palmer, Taylor Morrison Chairman and CEO. "Caregivers are truly the backbone of the cancer treatment process, and we hope that they can lean on one another in their relaxing and thoughtfully designed community center, complete with the Extreme Makeover: Home Edition's magic touch."

「社區中心將成爲患者和照顧者可以共同前來與其他人聯繫的地方,他們理解癌症治療過程中可能感覺沉重的人群,」泰勒莫里森(Taylor Morrison)董事長兼首席執行官謝瑞爾·帕爾默(Sheryl Palmer)表示。「照顧者真正是癌症治療過程的支柱,我們希望他們能借助彼此在輕鬆和體貼設計的社區中心相互依靠,該中心融入了《家居大改造》的魔幻元素。」

The Phoenix episodes will be filmed on Wednesday, Sept. 11, through Friday, Sept. 20, where Taylor Morrison, the homebuilder's local and national trade partners, and 2,000 volunteers will be involved in an around-the-clock operation to build the new home and community center. The public is invited to attend the grand reveal at La Mira and help welcome the deserving family into their new home during the show's iconic 'Move That Bus!' moment. For details on how to attend the reveal, click here.

鳳凰城的劇集將於9月11日星期三拍攝,持續到9月20日星期五。屆時,泰勒莫里森(Taylor Morrison)、這家建築商的當地和全國貿易伙伴以及2000名志願者將全天候參與建造新家和社區中心的工作。公衆被邀請參加在拉米拉(La Mira)舉辦的盛大揭示活動,並在節目標誌性的「挪開那輛巴士!」時刻迎接這個值得的家庭入住他們的新家。有關參加揭示活動的詳細信息,請點擊這裏。

"As we approach the season finale's filming, we can't help but reflect on what a wonderful experience it's been to support deserving families, work with volunteers and production, and share the journey with Taylor Morrison as the exclusive homebuilder," said Clea Shearer and Joanna Teplin of The Home Edit.

「隨着我們接近本季終局的拍攝,我們不禁回想起支持值得的家庭、與志願者和製作團隊合作以及與泰勒莫里森(Taylor Morrison)作爲獨家建築商分享旅程的美好經歷,」家居整理專家克莉亞·謝爾和喬安娜·泰普林(Clea Shearer and Joanna Teplin)表示。

Upon completion, the deserving families will be welcomed into thoughtfully designed homes and spaces built by Taylor Morrison, finished with organized spaces complimentary of The Home Edit, creating stress-free and memorable move-ins.

完成後,值得的家庭將被歡迎進入由泰勒莫里森(Taylor Morrison)精心設計、The Home Edit整理的空間,並創造無壓力和難忘的搬家體驗。

Taylor Morrison has an existing partnership with The Home Edit, a part of Hello Sunshine, which is a division of Candle Media, that began in 2023 when the homebuilder and home-organization company teamed up to reduce the stress known for accompanying a move, all while adding some fun and function into the process. Curated organization tips centered around a move are featured in the New Home, New Zones video series, and extensions of the partnership are underway to bring The Home Edit's organizational products and services directly into Taylor Morrison homes.

Taylor Morrison已與The Home Edit建立了現有的合作伙伴關係,後者是Candle Media旗下的Hello Sunshine部門,這一合作始於2023年,當時這家房屋建築商和家庭組織公司聯手減輕了搬家伴隨的壓力,同時增加了一些樂趣和功能。精選的圍繞搬家的組織技巧在新家、新區系列視頻中展示,並且正在擴大合作以將The Home Edit的組織產品和服務直接引入Taylor Morrison的住宅中。

Extreme Makeover: Home Edition returns to ABC in 2025, and episodes will stream next day on Hulu.


About Taylor Morrison
Headquartered in Scottsdale, Arizona, Taylor Morrison is one of the nation's leading homebuilders and developers. We serve a wide array of consumers from coast to coast, including first-time, move-up, luxury and resort lifestyle homebuyers and renters under our family of brands—including Taylor Morrison, Esplanade, Darling Homes Collection by Taylor Morrison and Yardly. From 2016-2024, Taylor Morrison has been recognized as America's Most Trusted Builder by Lifestory Research. Our strong commitment to sustainability, our communities and our team is highlighted in our latest annual Sustainability and Belonging Report. For more information about Taylor Morrison, please visit .

關於泰勒·莫里森(Taylor Morrison)

About The Home Edit
The Home Edit was founded in 2015 by Clea Shearer and Joanna Teplin with the goal of reinventing traditional organizing and merging it with design. Since then, it has grown into a global media and organization company with a social following of over 7 million people and organizing teams in cities across the country. The Home Edit has become a household name thanks to two New York Times' bestselling books, an Emmy-nominated Netflix show, "Get Organized with the Home Edit," and a successful line of organizational products sold in stores in over 27 countries, including at its most recent retail partner, Walmart. In 2022, The Home Edit was acquired by Hello Sunshine/Candle Media.

The Home Edit簡介 The Home Edit成立於2015年,由Clea Shearer和Joanna Teplin創立,旨在重塑傳統組織方式並將其與設計相結合。此後,它已成爲一個全球化的媒體和組織公司,擁有超過900萬的社交媒體關注者和位於全美7個城市的組織團隊。The Home Edit已成爲一個家喻戶曉的名字,擁有三本《紐約時報》暢銷書、一部獲得艾美獎提名的Netflix節目「與Home Edit一起組織」以及在31個國家的商店銷售的成功組織產品線。2022年,Candle Media的Hello Sunshine部門收購了The Home Edit。
The Home Edit由Clea Shearer和Joanna Teplin於2015年創立,旨在重新發明傳統的組織方法並將其與設計融合在一起。從那時起,它已經成長爲一個全球化的媒體和組織公司,在全國各地的城市擁有700萬人的社交媒體追隨者和組織團隊。憑藉兩本《紐約時報》暢銷書、一部入圍艾美獎的Netflix節目《與家庭編輯一起組織》,以及在27個國家的店鋪銷售的成功組織產品——包括最近與沃爾瑪的零售合作伙伴關係——The Home Edit已成爲家喻戶曉的名字。2022年,Hello Sunshine/Candle Media收購了The Home Edit。

About Hello Sunshine
Founded by Reese Witherspoon, Hello Sunshine puts women at the center of every story it creates, celebrates and discovers. Hello Sunshine tells stories across all platforms – from scripted and unscripted television, feature films, podcasts, audio storytelling, and digital series – all shining a light on where women are now and helping them chart a new path forward. Hello Sunshine is also home to Reese's Book Club. Fast growing in reach and influence, this community is propelled by meaningful connections with stories, authors and fellow members.

關於Hello Sunshine
Hello Sunshine由Reese Witherspoon創立,將女性置於其所創造、慶祝和發現的每個故事的中心。Hello Sunshine在所有平台上講述故事——從編劇和非編劇電視、特色影片、播客、音頻敘事和數字系列——都是爲了照亮女性所處的現狀,幫助她們爲未來謀劃新道路。Hello Sunshine還是Reese's Book Club的家。這個社區正在快速增長,其推動力源於與故事、作者和其他成員之間的有意義聯繫。

Hello Sunshine is part of Candle Media, an independent, creator-friendly home for cutting-edge, high-quality, category-defining brands and franchises. By bringing together elite talent operating at the intersection of content, community, and commerce, it helps to position leading entertainment businesses for accelerated, sustainable growth in the current market and beyond. Candle is run by its Co-Chairmen and Co-CEOs, leading entertainment executives Kevin Mayer and Tom Staggs, and backed by investment capital from funds managed by Blackstone's flagship private equity business.

Hello Sunshine是Candle Media的一部分,Candle Media是一個獨立的、創作者友好的創新品牌和特許經營品牌的家園。通過彙集在內容、社區和商業交叉口運作的精英人才,它幫助領先娛樂企業在當前和未來的市場中獲得加速、可持續的增長。Candle的聯席主席和聯席首席執行官是領先娛樂行業的行業領袖凱文·邁耶和湯姆·斯塔格斯,資金來自由Blackstone領先的股權投資業務管理的基金。

About Endemol Shine North America
Endemol Shine North America delivers world-class content and compelling storytelling to multiple platforms in the U.S. and across the globe. A division of Banijay Americas, home to some of the biggest brands in television in the United States and Latin America, Endemol Shine North America is behind hit series Deal or No Deal Island (NBC), LEGO Masters (FOX), MasterChef (FOX), MasterChef Junior (FOX), Ripley (Netflix), and Wipeout (TBS), along with the upcoming drama Como Agua Para Chocolate (Max), action-adventure reality competition series The Summit (CBS), and a reimagined Extreme Makeover: Home Edition (ABC).

Endemol Shine North America向美國和全球多個平台發佈世界一流的內容和引人入勝的故事。作爲Banijay Americas的一個部門,Banijay Americas是美國和拉丁美洲的一些最大電視品牌的所在地。Endemol Shine North America負責平台上的熱門系列Deal or No Deal Island (NBC)、LEGO Masters (FOX)、MasterChef (FOX)、MasterChef Junior (FOX)、Ripley (Netflix)和Wipeout (TBS),以及即將到來的劇情片Como Agua Para Chocolate (Max)、動作冒險現實競爭系列The Summit (CBS)和重啓版的Extreme Makeover: Home Edition (ABC)。

About Banner Health Foundation
Established in 2001, the Banner Health Foundation engages the community and stewards charitable gifts to advance Banner Health's nonprofit mission of making health care easier so life can be better. Contributions are invested locally to support patient care programs and services operated by Banner's many hospitals and health care facilities in Arizona and Wyoming. For more information, please visit .


About Banner MD Anderson Cancer Center
Banner MD Anderson Cancer Center delivers cancer care to patients through the partnership of Banner Health and MD Anderson Cancer Center. Banner MD Anderson offers focused disease-specific expertise in the medical, radiation and surgical management of the cancer patient; an evidence-based, multidisciplinary approach to patient care; access to clinical trials and new investigative therapies; state-of-the-art technology for the diagnosis, staging and treatment of all types of cancer; oncology expertise in supportive care services. For more information, visit .

關於Banner MD安德森癌症中心
Banner MD安德森癌症中心通過Banner Health和MD安德森癌症中心的合作爲患者提供癌症護理。 Banner MD安德森提供醫療、放射和手術管理方面的疾病專業知識;基於證據的多學科對患者護理的方法;可參與臨床試驗和新的探索性療法;用於診斷、分期和治療各類癌症的最新技術;在支持性護理服務方面的腫瘤學專業知識。 欲了解更多信息,請訪問。

Tara Shultz
(480) 466-3339
[email protected]

Tara Shultz (480) 466-3339
(480) 466-3339
[email protected]

SOURCE Taylor Morrison


