
Eversendai Lands RM1.1 Billion In Contracts Including For New F1 Track

Eversendai Lands RM1.1 Billion In Contracts Including For New F1 Track

Business Today ·  09/09 13:11

Eversendai Corporation Berhad announced that it has been awarded RM1.1 billion worth of new contracts for projects in Chennai, Mumbai, Singapore and Saudi Arabia.

Eversendai Corporation Berhad宣佈,它已獲得金奈、孟買、新加坡和沙特阿拉伯項目價值11英鎊的新合同。

The steel construction company said it had secured the composite structural steel and civil works project for the DLF Downtown Taramani Block 4 & 5, the single largest contract win in the history in India. The 27-floor and 32-floor building development, with a total built-up area of 4.4million sq. ft., is said to redefine Chennai's IT corridor as its vibrant new epicentre with state-of-the-art office spaces offering unparalleled amenities. The scope of this project includes engineering, connection design, shop drawings, steel material supply, fabrication, delivery, erection of structural steel works and civil works.

這家鋼鐵建築公司表示,它已經獲得了DLF Downtown Taramani4號和5號區塊的複合結構鋼和土木工程項目,這是印度歷史上最大的一筆合同。這座27層和32層的建築開發項目總建築面積爲440萬平方英尺,據說將欽奈的It走廊重新定義爲其充滿活力的新震中,其最先進的辦公空間提供無與倫比的便利設施。該項目的範圍包括工程、連接設計、施工圖、鋼材供應、製造、交付、安裝鋼結構工程和土木工程。

In Mumbai, it secured the C65 commercial tower project, a 19-floor composite structure building and the 30 Little Gibbs, a high-rise composite structure residential building in Malabar Hills, Mumbai. As in Singapore, Eversendai secured the Founder's Memorial project. The scope of all these projects includes connection design, engineering & preparation of shop drawings, steel material supply, fabrication, delivery and erection of structural steel works.


For Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the group is to work on the Speed Park Track, Primary Pit and Motorsports Experience Centre. The Speed Park Track is a new Qiddiya racetrack located near the heart of Riyadh that is set to host the biggest international motorsport championships in the world. With this development, Qiddiya will be taking the spot as the hub of F1 races. Fans will have multiple vantage points to watch the races as the Tuwaiq Mountains of Qiddiya City overlooks the Speed Park Track.

對於沙特阿拉伯王國來說,該小組將建造極速公園賽道、主維修站和賽車運動體驗中心。Speed Park Track是一座新的奇迪亞賽馬場,位於利雅得市中心附近,將舉辦世界上最大的國際賽車錦標賽。隨着這一發展,Qiddiya將成爲F1比賽的中心。當奇迪亞市的圖瓦伊克山脈俯瞰極速公園賽道時,球迷們將有多個有利位置觀看比賽。

The Group said it foresees progressive optimal utilisation of all its fabrication facilities with the current outstanding order book as the project momentum increases. Its Ijarah facility drawn down for the first lift boat Vahana Aryan has been fully settled by Vahana Offshore (M) Sdn Bhd. Its total borrowings has reduced by 26% from RM1,052 million to RM778 million and is working towards reducing the borrowings further in the next few years.

該集團表示,隨着項目勢頭的增強,預計其所有制造設施將逐步實現最佳利用,目前的未完成訂單量。Vahana Offshore (M) Sdn Bhd已完全解決其爲第一艘Vahana Aryan升降船建造的伊賈拉設施。其借款總額從105200萬令吉減少了26%,降至77800萬令吉,並正在努力在未來幾年內進一步減少借款。

