
Paramount To Be Controlled By World's Sixth-Richest Man Larry Ellison: How Helping His Son Landed A Media Stake

Paramount To Be Controlled By World's Sixth-Richest Man Larry Ellison: How Helping His Son Landed A Media Stake

Benzinga ·  09/07 02:06

Billionaire Larry Ellison will own a controlling interest in Paramount Global (NASDAQ:PARA)(NASDAQ:PARAA) once the merger with Skydance Media finalizes in 2025.

億萬富翁拉里·埃裏森將在2025年與Skydance Media完成合並後,擁有對Paramount Global(納斯達克:PARA)(納斯達克:PARAA)的控股權。

What Happened: Ellison, one of the world's richest people, will be the majority shareholder of National Amusements, the company that has controlling ownership of Paramount Global.

據報道,埃裏森將成爲擁有對Paramount Global的控制權的National Amusements的主要股東,埃裏森是世界最富有的人之一。

As reported by Variety, Ellison will own 77.5% of National Amusements, the company that controls Paramount. The ownership comes with Ellison helping to finance a merger between Paramount and Skydance Media, a company led by his son David Ellison.

根據《綜藝》報道,埃裏森將擁有National Amusements 77.5%的所有權,National Amusements公司控制着Paramount。這一所有權是埃裏森幫助Paramount和他兒子David Ellison領導的Skydance Media公司進行合併,並提供融資的結果。

RedBird Capital Partners founder Gerry Cardinale will own the remaining 22.5% of National Amusements, according to the report. Larry Ellison and RedBird have agreed to loan up to $277 million to National Amusements prior to the closing of the merger according to a filing.

據該報道,RedBird Capital Partners創始人Gerry Cardinale將擁有National Amusements剩餘的22.5%股權。根據文件,拉里·埃裏森和RedBird已同意在合併結束前向National Amusements貸款總額高達27700萬美元。

The elder Ellison is helping his son get control of Paramount to merge Skydance with Paramount. David Ellison founded Skydance Media in 2006. The 41-year-old will be the CEO of the new combined company.

埃裏森長輩正在幫助他的兒子控制Paramount,以實現Skydance與Paramount的合併。David Ellison於2006年創辦了Skydance Media,現年41歲的他將擔任新合併公司的CEO。

Skydance Media has an existing deal to co-produce and co-finance films with Paramount.

Skydance Media已與Paramount達成合作共制和聯合融資電影的協議。

Larry Ellison co-founded Oracle Corporation (NYSE:ORCL) and currently serves as the chairman and chief technology officer. His stake in the company helped him become one of the richest people in the world.

拉里·埃裏森是Oracle Corporation(紐交所:ORCL)的聯合創始人,現任主席兼首席技術官。他在該公司的股份幫助他成爲世界上最富有的人之一。

He also owns a stake in Tesla, a company where he previously served on the board of directors.


The elder Ellison is currently worth $157 billion, rankings sixth in the world by Bloomberg.


Ellison will now have control of the new media company run by his son, which could make for some interesting family conversations in the future.


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Why It's Important: The merger will see Skydance buy Shari Redstone's National Amusement to gain control of Paramount Global. The combined entity will form a new media company.

這次合併將使Skydance公司收購Shari Redstone的National Amusement,以控制Paramount Global。合併實體將形成一個新的媒體公司。

An injection of cash and an improved balance sheet is expected to "deliver significant public interest benefits" for the new Paramoun, according to the filing.


The deal from Skydance was announced in July and came after months of reports of a potential merger. A last-minute rival bid from Edgar Bronfman Jr. during Paramount's go-shop period put the potential Skydance merger in doubt.

Skydance的交易是在七月宣佈的,並且此前有數月的潛在合併報道。在Paramount的商店期間,埃德加·布隆夫曼(Edgar Bronfman Jr.)最後一分鐘提出了競購,使得Skydance公司的潛在合併變得不確定。

Bronfman eventually exited the negotiation process.


PARA Price Action: Paramount shares are down 2% to $10.22 on Friday versus a 52-week trading range of $9.54 to $17.50. Paramount stock is down 29% year-to-date in 2024.


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