
Houston Texans' Jalen Pitre Returns for 2nd Annual Feed 5 More Fundraising Campaign for Kids' Meals, Inc.

Houston Texans' Jalen Pitre Returns for 2nd Annual Feed 5 More Fundraising Campaign for Kids' Meals, Inc.

休斯頓德州人隊的Jalen Pitre參加第二屆Feed 5 More爲Kids' Meals,Inc.舉辦的籌款活動。
PR Newswire ·  09/06 20:45

Group 1 Automotive to Match Pitre's Fundraising as the Two Tackle Houston-Area Food Insecurity During the 2024 Football Season

Group 1 Automotive將與Pitre的籌款相匹配,兩者將在2024年足球賽季期間解決休斯頓地區的食品不安全問題

HOUSTON, Sept. 6, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Kids' Meals Inc., a Houston nonprofit that delivers free, healthy meals to preschool-aged children, is thrilled to announce the second season of the Feed 5 More fundraising campaign with Houston Texans player Jalen Pitre and Group 1 Automotive, Inc., an international Fortune 300 automotive retailer headquartered in Houston, to combat childhood hunger.

休斯頓,2024年9月6日 /新華社/ -- 兒童餐救濟協會是一家位於休斯頓的非營利組織,向學齡前兒童免費提供健康餐食。該組織非常高興地宣佈與休斯頓德州人隊球員Jalen Pitre以及總部位於休斯頓的國際財富300強汽車零售商Group 1 Automotive, Inc.共同發起第二季度的Feed 5 More籌款活動,以解決兒童飢餓問題。

The Feed 5 More campaign raises money through donations as little as $10 to provide meals to children facing food insecurity. For every $10 raised, Kids' Meals can provide five meals to children who need them the most. This year, Pitre aims to surpass last year's total with the goal of raising enough money to feed 55,555 children by the end of the 2024 football season. Group 1 Automotive will match every dollar raised, up to $250,000. Last year, the campaign successfully raised nearly $110,00.

Feed 5 More活動通過最低10美元的捐款籌集資金,爲面臨食品不安全問題的兒童提供餐食。每籌集10美元,兒童餐救濟協會可以爲最需要的兒童提供五頓餐食。今年,Pitre的目標是超越去年的總數,以籌集足夠的資金,在2024年足球賽季結束時爲55,555名兒童提供飲食。Group 1 Automotive將與捐款相匹配,最高達25萬美元。去年,該活動成功籌集了近11萬美元。

"I am very excited to kick off the second year of the 'Feed 5 More' campaign," said Jalen Pitre, safety, Houston Texans. "I am proud of the community's support we received last year and the impact we were able to make. This year, we are aiming to raise even more to help kids in my hometown."

休斯頓德州人隊的安全員Jalen Pitre表示:「我非常高興發起'Feed 5 More'活動的第二年。我爲去年社區的支持感到驕傲,以及我們所能產生的影響。今年,我們的目標是籌集更多的資金,幫助我的家鄉的孩子們。」

Every day, thousands of preschool-aged children in the Greater Houston Area face food insecurity. Kids' Meals provides that peace of mind to families in 56 zip codes across Harris and Montgomery Counties with the unique approach of delivering every meal to the doorsteps of hungry preschool-aged children – totaling 2.7 million meals in 2024.


"We are thrilled to see the Feed 5 More campaign return for a second year," said Beth Harp, CEO, Kids' Meals. "The success we achieved last year was phenomenal, and it showed us the power of community support. We are determined to raise even more money this year to reach 55,555 meals for children in need. The commitment from Jalen and Group 1 Automotive is truly inspiring."

兒童餐救濟協會首席執行官貝絲·哈普表示:「我們很高興看到Feed 5 More籌款活動第二年回歸。去年我們取得的成功讓我們深感震撼,也展示了社區支持的力量。我們決心在今年籌集更多的資金,爲需要援助的孩子提供55,555份餐食。賈倫和汽車一組的承諾真正令人鼓舞。」

Pitre and Group 1 will lead crowd-sourced fundraising to support the campaign. Those interested in donating can visit this page to support. With contributions as small as $10, individuals can play a pivotal role in transforming the Houston community.


"The success of last year's campaign demonstrated what we can achieve when we come together for a cause," said Pete DeLongchamps, senior vice president, Group 1 Automotive. "This year, we are excited to build on that success and make an even greater impact on the lives of Houston's children. Together with Jalen and the community, we are ready to drive change and support Kids' Meals in their mission."

「去年活動的成功證明了我們爲一個事業齊心協力所能取得的成就,」汽車一組的高級副總裁彼特·德隆香普斯表示。「今年,我們很興奮能夠在這個成功的基礎上繼續發展,並對休斯頓的兒童生活產生更大的影響。與賈倫和社區一起,我們準備推動變革並支持Kids' Meals的使命。」

For more information about the Feed 5 More campaign, visit:

欲了解更多關於Feed 5 More運動的信息,請訪問

Group 1 owns and operates 260 automotive dealerships, 337 franchises, and 45 collision centers in the United States and the United Kingdom that offer 35 brands of automobiles. Through its dealerships and omni-channel platform, the Company sells new and used cars and light trucks; arranges related vehicle financing; sells service and insurance contracts; provides automotive maintenance and repair services; and sells vehicle parts.

關於Group 1 Automotive,Inc.

In 2024, Kids' Meals will deliver more than 2.7 million free, healthy meals to the homes of preschool-aged children who face debilitating hunger due to extreme poverty. Since 2006, Kids' Meals has delivered more than 14 million meals and connected families to vital wraparound resources to help end the cycle of poverty. Kids' Meals is the only program of its kind in the nation delivering almost 9,000 free, healthy meals every weekday to preschool-aged children in 56 Houston-area zip codes. Visit , or follow us on Facebook, Instagram and X.

關於Kids' Meals:
到2024年,Kids' Meals將向面臨極端貧困的學齡前兒童家庭免費提供超過270萬份健康餐食。自2006年以來,Kids' Meals已經提供了超過1400萬份餐食,並幫助家庭接觸到重要的周邊資源,幫助終結貧困循環。Kids' Meals是全美唯一一個在休斯頓地區56個郵政編碼的學齡前兒童中工作日每天提供近9000份免費健康餐食的項目。訪問,或在Facebook、Instagram和X上關注我們。

Krystal Patout
Pierpont Communications
[email protected]

Krystal Patout
[email protected]



Pete DeLongchamps
Senior Vice President, Manufacturer Relations, Financial Services and Public Affairs
Group 1 Automotive, Inc.
[email protected]

Pete DeLongchamps
Group 1 Automotive公司。
[email protected]



Beth Braniff Harp
Kids' Meals
[email protected]

Beth Braniff Harp
[email protected]

SOURCE Kids' Meals Inc.

SOURCE Kids' Meals Inc.

